Crazy time-limited 50% 'Start-a-new-army' bundles for all factions, accompanying Infinity summer campaign!
I'll be getting YuJing to expand my current collection, but I'd love to get into Haqq or Space monkeys!
Crazy time-limited 50% 'Start-a-new-army' bundles for all factions, accompanying Infinity summer campaign!
I'll be getting YuJing to expand my current collection, but I'd love to get into Haqq or Space monkeys!
It feels like both Haqq and YJ are drastically less spotlighted than Aleph, Combined Army or Tohaa these days. I can't think of the last Haqq release I was excited for.
That said, from looking at these it looks like Haqq have one of the better bundles.
>actually good
Yu Jing
Combined Army
>Not OK
>Now someone will field the Squalo
Are you going for monetary, model, rule-value? I'd love me some Ariadna, and I wanted wolves, but the starter is just too dated.
Why morats just okay? Rules?
such naked advertising.
Also I'm pretty sure the only people in this thread are me and OP. He's hoping it'll take off, but the OP post is just a bit too lame. Anyone who likes Infinity already is in the Infinity General thread, and no one else is impressed or interested by the shillage.
>Are you going for monetary, model, rule-value?
Kinda a combination desu be honest.
The ALEPH one is straight up something you can play out of the box and it's pretty decent if not as fancy as the more recent Greek stuff. The Haqq (which is actually Qapu Khalqi) one is much the same and if you were making a sub there you'd maybe only want to lose one of the Hafza for something else, like another Odalisque.
Nomads (which is actually Corregidor) is maybe a little less what you see as the standard list but still seems completely playable. Same with Yu Jing (which is actually Imperial Service). I like all of these four because they have like, what you need even if it's just from the starter set and some fun stuff that is pretty good. Admittedly you're not going to run that Sun Tzu with the Boarding Shotgun most of the time.
I guess the Combined Army (which is actually Morats) is also this but IDK it's a bit shakier. I feel like an Oznat without Hungries is a sad Oznat? I'd suggest proxying that for a Zerat or something.
The others just seem way shakier as complete forces, the PanO one largely because of the TAG.
>>actually good
>no myrmidons
>no ekdromoi
IMO, really good is:
Like, name a bad ALEPH unit. Are Devas bad? No. Are Dakinis bad? No. Are Nagas or Dasyus bad? No. And ain't nobody saying the fucking Asura is bad.
The Garuda is the worst thing there and even it isn't bad. That set is Asura, Deva, 2 Deva w/ Devabot, Naga, Dasyu, 3 Dakinis, Garuda. What more do you actually need to deal with anything in the game there, apart from maybe some more orders?
>last Haqq release I was excited for
Not a fan of the Hassassin Ayyar? Or Al Fasid?
And Yu Jing definitely had a spotlight. They had back to back releases for nearly a year and two starters last year.
>It feels like both Haqq and YJ are drastically less spotlighted
Uh, did you miss this?
And the followup Dire Foes.
wish I could get into this game. The models are gorgeous and fun to paint but I can't get past the artwork.
>I can't get past the artwork
Of all the things? Not models, not rules, not local meta or lack of one? Just the art?
There's a couple pearls that look less-manga. Wish they would make more like these honestly
I just can't get into any of the factions. They all feel like variations on a theme of "15 minutes inna future sci fi". I like my plastic crack to be a little more stylized. Warmer isn't realistic, but fuck me if it isn't distinctive. And you can kinda get a feel for each army at a glance. These guys, if you showed them to me unpainted, i wouldn't know one from the next.
Fair enough senpai. There are differences (even the same weapons have a different model of look across factions) but it's more homogenous than 40k for sure.
That is true. I'm really into the game, but I can't deny this. They could work out the distinctions a bit more.
I assume someone on the forums or in the comments has probably drafted these into usable lists. Anyone got codes?
I want a Dilly Bar.
I should go to Dairy Queen after work today.
Why would I play Infinity when Shadow War exists? All I see are more expensive monopose models and gameplay that is somewhat improved by not using TLoS.
>Why would I play Infinity when Shadow War exists?
fucking lol
So there isn't a reason? That is too bad.
Because you'd like a well balanced game in which every shot doesn't mean a minimum of 5 rolls or so?
I've been reading through Shadow War rules a bit to use it as a gateway game... You've got To Hit roll, optional Ammo roll, To Wound roll, Saving throw and then rolling on the injury table twice per each shot if I understand correctly? Just how many rolls does a basic action need?
Also the requirement to attack the closest unit limits tactical thinking.
Infinity streamlines basic actions like attacks (there's no To Wound roll, just attack-save-morale if survived) and adds more interesting special rules instead. Remember Marbo's "pop in the middle of the table and throw a bomb" trick? It's so pedestrian in Infinity there's units that do that and/or counters to them in basic starters. There's some units, like Nomad Intruder, that do both.
Then there's the mecha, hacking, scenarios based about objectives other than killing the other dude or sitting on a specific spot (though there's those as well), Lieutenant and Camo shellgames, etc. And of course the Order Pool and ARO system that is the base of the game.
Maybe you should give both games a try.
Are these enough for full sized games? I wanted to play Tohaa, but I am not sure whether I am better off just buying that 300 point set they put out earlier.
>I've been reading through Shadow War rules a bit to use it as a gateway game... You've got To Hit roll, optional Ammo roll, To Wound roll, Saving throw and then rolling on the injury table twice per each shot if I understand correctly? Just how many rolls does a basic action need?
I think this is a terrible argument because most people won't care that much about rolling a lot of dice. But Shadow War is basically just an updated Necromunda, and Infinity is an entirely different game with a whole different basic system of working and as you point out masses more tactical complexity.
It's really fucking dumb to be like "hurr why would I play Infinity when Shadow War" exists because they aren't remotely similar as games. You could say why should I play NECROMUNDA when Shadow War exists, because those are close and the correct thing to do would be to hack Necromunda's more complex aspects onto Shadow War's chassis but even beginning to compare Shadow War and Infinity is tiresome. Play both, if you like, see which you prefer if you only have the budget for one.
Link to the previous Tohaa set?
300pts pack is good to go for a game. Those seem to be more of a "start collecting" thing and they don't seem to be adding up to a specific points value, e.g. Corregidor one seems to be 250pts or so (not enough for standard) while the NCA one is 400+ (way too much). Can't say about Tohaa as I don't play them and they are very gimmicky.
That's a much more well rounded force. The one here is like what you would get if you already had that and you wanted a discount on some stuff that you might add in. If it's either/or I would definitely recommend the 300pts one you've got there.
Thank you. I might just buy both as I like the monsters, but will start with the 300 pt one.
>I think this is a terrible argument because most people won't care that much about rolling a lot of dice.
I think you are outright wrong on this one. Rolling too many dice slows the game too much, makes it easier to forget something (like the ammo roll if you roll a six on hit) and makes the game seem a bit too luck-reliant. When you cut down on number of dice rolled, you go through the basic stuff quicker and focus more on other parts of the game.
>It's really fucking dumb to be like "hurr why would I play Infinity when Shadow War" exists because they aren't remotely similar as games
They are both sci-fi skirmish level games and thus they are in direct competition, even if they are nothing alike. And since starting a wargame is a significant both money and time investment, most people want a direct answer.
I'm gonna say: Shadow War only if you really want to play something 40k without spending an arm and a leg on the big game; otherwise Infinity every time. It's just a strictly better ruleset.
I don't know how familiar you are with the game/rules but what you get in this BoW is basically:
>a very solid group of elite infantry (the Rasail)
>a doctor and engineer support troop (Kumotail) + two very basic order generators/flamethrowers (the Chaksa)
>one special unit (the Kerail + monsters)
The Kerail comes with two bulky metal miniatures so it makes up a good % of the price of that pack, but functionally the unit is about equivalent to the Nikoul or Kotail in the one you linked: it's just one unit making up about a 1/10th of your overall force.
You couldn't run the BoW out of the box whereas your 300pts one is maybe a little bare bones or generic but it also absolutely is a complete playable army. I'd shoot for that and then look at getting blisters to customise it as you like. If you're sure you're going to use the stuff in this BoW one (and Rasail are good, Chaksa and Kumotails probably will appear in your list, you've mentioned you like the Kerail...) then getting it at a discount is good, but I would only commit if you are sure of that.
If someone wants to get into the game by getting one of these BoW packs I would go by . The Ariadna one is actually solid but the models in it are pretty old and uglier than the newer ones.
Right, this actually has my interest
What I want to know is; are these sets actually enough to play games with, points wise, and secondly - are any of these bundles shit in terms of the game and to be avoided?
Just from the look of the models I like PanO, and yu Jing but don't want to buy a pup
The game is somewhat sexist IMO. However I have heard rumblings of some people wanting to get back into Infinity, and I may just join them.
no infinity is a boring game
I wouldn't buy the PanO one. The YJ one looks OK but probably not what you'd run with free choice of units.
which is closest to a good choice of units then? or is there a simple substitution I could make for the yu jing list?
I just posted about them here:
You want to add to that 50% off set, or just a decent list to buy wherever? (if the latter, vanilla or ISS?)
I'm not sure why but something about infinitys designs just doesn't click with me. Even in your pic their is only about 2 models that I actually like.
blah, shipping charges to USA make these cheaper to buy piecemeal
I didn't realize that. Oh well, the new Aleph army box they are putting up doesn't look bad at least.
>15 minutes inna future sci fi
literally the timeline of the setting. It's humanity after some generations of wormholes
to add to that set I guess
>ariadna pack focuses on the damn furries and not the cooler looking space spetnaz, rangers, and Backcountry militia like that awesome firefighter/emt guy
why bother if you're not gonna include the stuff that makes the faction interesting. Would've bought it in a heartbeat otherwise
Go for the 300 pack if you want to get into them. The tohaa bundle here is more of a good add-on, but bad for a standalone start.
The PanO one is to be avoided, it's single -handedly the worst pack. YJ is very okay, with cool units in it. Check out other anons summaries.
god tier:haqq,yu jng
mid tier:nomads,aleph,combined army
shit tier:panO,ariadna,tohaa
Tohaa bundle is pretty much unplayable on itself, but yeah, a nice add on.
>NCA bundle
NCA is already a bloated starter that exceeds 200pts. Last thing you need when you get one would be another Aquila, let alone a TAG. You need at least two more boxes (Auxilia and Fusiliers) to make anything playable.
Dude, Red Veil.
Also the new Ayyar is maybe one of the best units in Haqq.
How much do these bundles cost?
I want to get involved in Infinity, I really do, but it's clear that its creators know next to nothing about Christian or Islamic theology, and it shows in their worldbuilding. My autism simply can't get past that.
Shadow War doesn't really have good rules and Infinity models are much better?
I'd only play Shadow War if I was so infatuated with GW fiction that I couldn't play games from other companies. The rules are sloppy and really not that great for a skirmish game, and if I'm only fielding 10-15 models, I want each one to be of high quality, and the unit profiles to be varied and full of interesting options. Ten scouts is frankly not something I'd ever be interested in playing with.
8th Ed is looking great, but playing a sloppy skirmish game slapped together out of 40K stuff in someone's lunch break is something I'd never consider.
50€. Which seems to be good. I added some bundles up to a price of 90€, so some seem to be actually less than 50% saving, but it's still a fat deal.
Lol if they offered 90% off I wouldn't buy Infinity.
But thanks anyways for posting it for the people who might think differently.
I came here to post something like this as well.
Which is weird for fucking Spaniards
A more likely scenario is that they do know, they just don't give a fuck.
Please tell us what exactly is rustling your autism engines.
This. CB do what they like, which happens to asspain virtue signalling faggots worldwide. Now only if they didnt take so many damn siestas.
I am intrigued by this.
I have wanted to get into infinity as it is pretty big locally.
I saw on the CB site that shipping is according to weight. How much do you think these will weigh? just to see if its better to get them from CB or slowly build up.
It seems that the Haqq pack is a good deal.
I'm not a good judge but it think 5-7 kilos maybe 10-15 pounds
>It seems that the Haqq pack is a good deal.
I'd consider pairing it up with nomads, (not this box because for some reason it doesn't have the bread and butter you can use with the Haqq sectorial for some reason)
I'm tempted to pick up haqq myself so i can just fuck around with that directorial
Probably the fact that the game portrays fundies able to cooperate even inside their own subset of desert scriptures.
What the hell are you smoking. The minis in the OP don't weight more than 0.5 - 1 kilo in total.
I am bad that these things my dude
You clearly have never had a metal mini in your hands. Do you even play wargames or just shitpost memes online?
The game is set like 1000 years in the future.
Consider how much Christianity has changed in the last millennia.
>You clearly have never had a metal mini in your hands. Do you even play wargames or just shitpost memes online?
nigger what
I own, my own nomads force, i have some old metal aramageddon, i play fins in flames of war and picked up some Vikings for saga
I just have a problem translating that to tangible weight number.
Just kidding, now excuse me while I go back to paint my YuJing.
I added the yu jing components individually to a cart on the CB store and shipping ended up being 21 euro. All totalled it was a $6 savings over gamenerdz prices.
Since when the fuck are Tohaa spotlighted? They've had some of the fewest releases of the past year despite having the smallest roster
Best deal is Yu Jing, its has the newest sculpts in it
Actually, it's only 175.
Shit, just did the same thing for the PanO one, and it was 39 euro to ship to the US. Squalor must be a heavy bitch
Seriously? I feel like tech has made a fucking considerable leap in that case.
not really, TO camo is kind of a thing already. So are HRMC's. Things like Plasma are stolen from aliens, regeneration is probably getting close since we'll be 3d printing organs soon. The only really tough stuff is FTL travel. Ariadna still uses AK's and nuggets
That bundle has me wanting to start Neoterran Capitaline. How is their play style? are the expensive units like Aquila guard and Swiss guard worth it?
It's really not that hard to believe. Look at how the world was 175 years before now in 1840-1850. And tech has only been growing exponentially in recent years. Nanobot medkits, powered armor, big robots, and TO camo aren't really that far-fetched. Their cyber-brain-equivalents might be a stretch, but as a whole it's just GITS tech plus FTL because mass effect relays/wormholes.
YuJing have some fucking great looking models, and a zord - that's me convinced
>are the expensive units like Aquila guard and Swiss guard worth it?
Yes, but you never want to run them all at once.
Swiss is one of the best HI units in the game, hard to kill, dead killy himself. Aquila's use is a little limited due to lack of Smoke in PanO (he's got Multispectral Visor level 3 and level 2 is enough to do the Smoke + MSV combo), but he's good at shutting it down and making Ariadna cry.
The problem with that pack is that it has all the expensive units, but none of the cheap ones to generate orders and act as specialists. What's more, 3 of them are TO Camo whom you want to keep hidden, so they don't generate Orders until they appear. It's kind of like a Magic deck in which the cheapest card is 3 mana and all lands are those that enter the game tapped and there's only 10 of them for the entire deck. So you need cheap guys like Auxilia, Fusiliers, Support Pack and Dronbot Remotes just to get things going.
Getting the generic PanO starter works for NCA: you can use Fusiliers and ORC (or use him to proxy Swiss hacker), convert Nisse into a sniper Black Friar and use the Akali as a Locust or a CSU (since it doesn't have a model yet). Or you could get the Dire Foes ones (Angus and Bipandra) and the Spec-Ops model to use as generic Combi Fusiliers in addition to the Fusilier SWC pack.
You'll hear a lot of shit about Bolts, but if you ever want to run them (good against Haqq and Tohaa), you'll want to build your list around them and take 5 in a link team. Same with using a TAG.
NCA is a pretty strong army... But as you can see, due to how the starter is constructed, it's a bit of a pain to get into if you're not also playing generic PanO.
More here:
Generally they are pretty cool with The big dudes like the aquila and swiss being very much playable (however no more than 1 of each in a normal game). If you are interested in them, start with the PanO starter, Aquila HMG blister, auxilias and the Fusilier special weapon box. You can use the ORC in the starter as a swiss guard hacker, and that gives you a solid rounded force off the bat.
To bring it up to a competitive level, throw in the support box (medic+engineer), and the remote box. That gives you enough flexibility to play at the most common point level with some good variety as well. It comes out to just over $150 if you look around ebay and miniature market for deals.
That was insightful, thanks.
I dunno man, the whole Resurrection thing and the creation of insane megastructures like the Circulars seems like stuff way, way, way beyond anything we'll achieve in the next 175 years.
IMO we'll be lucky if we have an orbital elevator up by then, let alone something like a Circular.
That's fair, like I said the whole cube/cyberbrain/resurrection mechanic is a stretch, as is the circulars which I compared to mass effect relays. Just depends on how far you stretch your suspension of disbelief.