How should you run away from a Basilisk? On other news Delicious in Dungeon is now officially out for Global Audiences so remember to buy that either in your LCS, your Bookstore, or even just Comixology.
How should you run away from a Basilisk...
I'm gonna get so irritated by the casuals talking about with no idea of what's next in it.
it really is a fun title, are there other Wizardry inspired manga where a party dungeon crawls? There's Goblin Slayer but from what I heard later on it just devolves into a Circle Jerk Harem Manga
Sorry user, I'm still thinking about the casuals that will talk about this, the hot takes, the controversy fags, the shitty Western webcomics trying to irritate it... It's over, I must clothe myself in hate now. I hate Dungeon Meshi now. I hate Dungeon Meshi.
Goblin Slayer was bad from the start.
Also nobody is going to get it goes full tilt into character drama because they're going to have the first volume only and ah why why couldn't it have been perfect and for me forever.
With the latest chapter, can we agree that she's going to be the final boss? There's no way a fantasy setting would have ancient forbidden magic that lets the user tap into a dark dimension containing infinite power and not have that turn the user evil.
The dark sorcerer is already evil, there you have your final boss. As far as she explained it there is no real reason why it would turn her evil, I don't even think it was a "dark" dimension, just another dimension.
The whole series is about forbidden knowledge when you get down to it. Marcille will probably tap infinite magical power to fuel a BBQ grill.
A spooky dimension.
I think you're supposed to psych it out like with the cockatrice from the latest chapter.
>Dungeon meshi english release
sold. I hate the idea of owning a hard copy of something I can't actually read because I'm a monolinguistic pleb, but I love this fucking manga. Now we need wizard's soul to finish getting translated and make the jump.
>I'm a weeaboo
>I know 5 languages
>7 if you count the ones I can sort-of read
>none of them are Japanese
>I'm too lazy to learn a new language now
It kinda feels like I've failed at being a failure and I'm an even bigger failure for it.
That's quite the humblebrag
God damn, and here I thought Marcille was the cutest Elf.
I'll buy the french ones but i'm kinda mad about the translation. The french title is Gloutons et Dragons. (Gluttons and Dragons)
It sucks so much, just because they HAD to obviously reference dnd because normies wouldn't be interested in anything that isn't a parody or full of pop culture references.
I hope the rest isn't too shitty.
Is that really a basilisk? It looks like a cockatrice.
I purchased the entire run of Tonari no Seki-Kun because of the Veeky Forums threads, and I'll do the same with Dungeon Meshi.
When do they come out in English? The International District is just a bus ride away.
Nah not really. I'm Dutch, most people here learn at least 4 languages in high school here because fucking nobody speaks Dutch. We all learn Dutch, English, French and German, though most only learn the basics of the latter two and then drop them. I just went a bit further and also learned Spanish, and a little bit of Latin and Greek because muh classical languages (which actually helps, because knowing Latin makes a lot of other languages easier to understand).
>Wizard Soul
>Finish getting translated
Surely you jest. Wizard's Soul Translation will never be finished.
THIS is a cockatrice in Dungeon Meshi.
That looks like exactly the same creature...
Did anyone already grab a copy? How is the translation, how is the print? I remember /a/ having a little meltdown after they heard that Yen Press got the licence, because they don't always deliver quality.
It's true.
Thankfully, this doesn't stop this manga from being great.
Getting flashbacks to my Red/Green bigass beast deck getting wrecked to my little brothers Red/Black suicide first strike goblin deck.
At least it wasn't some dickass blue/white deck.
Your little bro uses Red/Black too?
In Spanish it is "Glotones y Mazmorras" that translates to the same and sounds a lot like "Dragones y Mazmorras" (DnD in Spanish)
The other day some friend start asking if a new it and how it is the new hot thing and until they described the characters I didn't know what they were talking about.
I couldn't even get a hit in... by the time I got my trample beasts in my hand it was already game over...
>The other day some friend start asking if a new it and how it is the new hot thing and until they described the characters I didn't know what they were talking about.
Wait until you soul dies as you see the the dozens of ham-planets dressed up as Marcille at conventions.
Joke's on you, I don't go to cons.
You will be sure to see the photos of them on Veeky Forums anyway.
There is no escape.
You evil son of a bitch.
I'm not worried. It's too boring and plain for the attention whores.
The only really distinguishing feature is the staff.
Ones bigger, meaner, and a higher level. Remember, this is a Japanese thing. In EVERY JRPG they have the same creatures in different areas, with different colors to indicate it's stronger.
Because of perspective it's hard to notice, but the cockatrice is way bigger.
>implying her big floppy ears wouldn't stand out
I would notice.
He's saying they wouldn't bother because she doesn't have an edgy costume.
Also the wattle and comb look less like that of a rooster.
Ears that are, if they try to make a version for cosplay, entirely interchangeable with any Warcraft or Japanese elf?
They aren't going to blunt them, no one makes blunt rubber elf ears.
Some people put some effort into their cosplay. Some people get paid to put some effort into, though this is probably not the manga for this.
>How should you run away from a Basilisk?
Strafe. If you're with a friend, split up and go around the fucker.
They should just use what the Manga has.
>tfw chapter 11 got translated, and then the translator's note said it was specifically a one-shot he wouldn't do any more of
No. There may or may not be a chapter where she learns that forbidden magic is forbidden for a reason, but Marcille doesn't have the kind of inner drama that's needed to fuel a good villain.
Nah the author seems to be the "good necromancers if they use the bad for the good" kinda player.
Emu's and ostritches look slightly the same but one is a rather cowardly bird and the other just gets so mad that your best bet is just to get away from there.
And lets not begin with cassowarys.
Well really, JRPGs (which Meshi takes inspiration from) don't really do the whole "this specific type of magic is bad and only bad people use it" thing as often as western games do.
You toss a flash grenade and then burn it with a flamer.
Wizardry is not a jrpg.
Best orcs and really decent dog people (I refuse to call them kobolds)
so... how do the horns occur?
My guess is they get little bits of horn from their kills, carve it into the right shape, and then make an incision and slide it in.
Kinda like real life horn implants.
I would imagine an irregular keratin buildup, possibly as part of sexual dimorphism, as it only seems to occur in older males. The ones on the guy's shoulders seem to preclude them being actual bone spurs
It says they don't occur naturally.
The fun thing is knowing this manga we'll probably get a detail look at the process at some point.
Rui's anatomy game is on-point.
Skin lumps?
Hair growth like normal horns?
Check the image, they're not natural.