Imagine a world populated by millions of tiny city-states.
Imagine a world populated by millions of tiny city-states
I can't help but imagine some type of Civil War scenario.
So Africa?
Even if every state has automated nuclear deterrence?
A Civil Cold War, punctuated by the occasional nuclear holocaust.
I'm ok with this
Okay, I've imagined it. Now what?
I see someone is a fan of donut blocks.
When I play The Sims, I like to pretend that it's set up like Mega-City One, where every donut block is its own hab.
Done that in Paranoia
All sector's declare war on each other after Friend Computer declared Football Rivalries mandatory without clarifying what Football was.
What city is this? Tineye gave no results.
Italy is a classic historical example of city states, by that yardstick you would need more room than the Earth has.
If they are like contemporary Vatican City, there is plenty of room.
You need a reason why the tougher ones don't gobble up the little ones.
So 50 years later you go back to having regular countries and federations?
The only universal human right in this world is the right to migration.
You can ALWAYS opt out of the city-state you were born in and go live in any city-state of like-minded people that will take you. Every ideology imaginable has a home.
it's Barcelona
>mfw there is a city-state filled solely with people who hate city-states.
>You need a reason why the tougher ones don't gobble up the little ones.
Every city has a nuke?
I just came all over myself, this city planning satisfy my autism
Why are you answering your own thread this way?
Ugh, it's so... geometric and orderly
WTF Barca?
>being new
That's the "expanded" part of Barcelona, it's basically what separated old Barcelona from its neighbor towns and cities, and when this close neighbors were assimilated the space was filled in a rational way.
The old city districts are nothing like that.
Also the abbreviation is Barna, Barça is the football (soccer) team.
Fully agree, it just looks so boring and soulless. How would you walk anywhere in that city, when every building is on an island?
That's a cool idea.
I like this.
Ah, I didn't know the football team's nickname didn't carry for the city
I think in Spain almost none of the cities do this. But I'm not a big fan of football myself.
What do you mean?
That's what I meant by the old city districts
I'm guessing he meant as in "traffic island" - there's no long streets, it's all in blocks with large-ish roads
I just figured club and city have the same name, so they'd likely have similar contractions
>If they are like contemporary Vatican City, there is plenty of room.
Vatican City isn't self-sufficient though. Traditional Italian city states included both the city and the countrysides that fed them.
>How would you walk anywhere in that city, when every building is on an island?
Next it will be said that GTA's island cities are impractical.
i believe that's called america.
ain't that basically what the block wars in the megacities were?
I did something kind of like this when I was younger, imagining floor tiles were each their own city and the lines between were streets. They weren't at war though they were all part of the same large structure.
oly fuck, I thought it's CG
You mean any pan-American city?
Living there I can ensure you the ones that are closed have their own small nation-kinda thing, at least they did before it got filled up with 'groids and muzzies and charnegosubhumans.
t. Catalan
>Living there I can ensure you the ones that are closed have their own small nation-kinda thing, at least they did before it got filled up with 'groids and muzzies and charnegosubhumans.
How are you posting from the year 500 AD
Cerda being a cryptojew into the Illuminati bullshit and knowing years before cars popular that people would use cars everywhere so he made everything square.
Same happened in Buenos Aires Argentina.
Grid plans were used as far as Ancient Greece though. There's more to it than ease of use for cars.
As a political science major that sounds optimistic as hell desu.
Individual people have the most agency in systems no larger than 10-15 thousand people; and polities seem to work best at the 10-15 million mark.
With so many places, it would be easy to experiment and find what works. Commies, capitalists, and dictators could all do their own thing and compete to see who wants to immigrate to and stay in their zones.
He used a scrying pool to look into the future, saw this thread, and then fired up his delayed post machine to post whatever he wanted 1500 years into the future. He is already dead now, but at least he has been heard and will be until all he has had to say has been said.
Of course it's a bit of a paradox because he already saw his own posts before he posted them, so it's difficult to tell if he was simply obeying fate or not.
So how did that work prior to the invention of nuclear weapons? Why did states fracture into city-states after the development of nuclear weapons?
Are you saying that each city state should be in the 10-15 thousand range to maximize agency, or that they should be in the 10-15 million range to function most effectively? What factors do population effect that make polities work better?
>Of course it's a bit of a paradox because he already saw his own posts before he posted them, so it's difficult to tell if he was simply obeying fate or not.
So, like suburban britain, only literally?
An englishman's home is his castle. He defends it, he maintains it, he only reluctantly lets others work on it. He lavishes attention on the lawn and garden to show up the neighbours. If your tree puts a branch over his property, that branch is his property now.
He will take you to court over a few square inches.
Relations with neighbouring castles are awkward, mostly conducted with nods and talk about the weather. Advice is offered with a raised voice from the edge of your property, and you do NOT enter another's property unless invited. Even the path to their front door is guarded.
>How would you walk anywhere in that city, when every building is on an island?
Venice manages.
As for london in , you take the tube and walk from there.
Christopher Wren tried that shit in London after the great fire. He had a big plan for block-layout streets and straight lines and roomy streets.
Then people got impatient and just rebuilt wherever the fuck they wanted, and then someone ran ring-roads and motorways and railways through it, dug tunnels, built huge stations, and put in a flood defence. And now it's an unholy clusterfuck of wide streets, fast roads that shouldn't be fast, twisty roads, and roads that should be fast but are crammed with cars.
I'm suprised no one has posted any Ancap memes yet.
Have you considered an ethical and promising career at Vault Tech?
Also for Wren's plans a shit-ton of people would have to sell their property - hence most things were built exactly where they were before.
Also I understand that Wren, like a lot of visionaries, was a bit difficult to work with, and hence he got shitcanned
This but communist-era Eastern Bloc.
>I'm suprised no one has posted any Ancap memes yet.
Luckily, most of the faggots on Veeky Forums are the good kind, so we might go the whole thread without any /pol/ garbage.
A traffic island, like
said, where you'd have to cross dual lane motorways to get anywhere. The worst parts of Dublin are the areas where you have to wait a half hour to cross because of traffic on a dual lane road, but the majority of the city centre is crossed by alleys or pedestrian streets, making it really easy to walk from one end to the other.
Here's an interesting bit of history: back when Detroit was a new city it had a massive amount of planning going into it with a crazy cool design. Part of the original design was followed up to a point in the formative years and then eventually people said "eh fuck it":
Then the brown people arrived...
But there can only be one nuclear holocaust, thats the point of nuclear holocausts.
Pretty cool, shame it never got more than a few blocks of streets by the looks of it
So what if, in a theoretical world of micro-states or arcologies or what-have-you in extremely close proximity, each block or unit or whatever had some kind of master control computer that would nuke the place if the population ever fell below a certain level? I feel like that could set up a lot of really interesting conflicts.
i hate this. please tell me this isn't a real place.
It's not like that. Most streets are just one way, and traffic lights work in such a way that at normal walking speed you usually just wait a couple of minutes for the first one.
What stops a few city-states collecting together and strong-arming nearby city-states? Won't they just inevitably form alliances and coalitions for aggression/protection?
That's actually quite pretty.
hook me harder daddy oooh
Of course it's a real place, it's Malé, the capital city of the Maldives.
That's great
Shit, he ain't even lying. Noice.
I think it's worth knowing, that's only the 18th most densely populated city in the world (the actual population is tiny though, for a capital)
Better. Looks comfy af.
Well it's an island, and a shallow one at that, you can only put so much buildings until it's not safe to do so anymore.
Plus it looks quite decent for a crammed island, some green places, not every building is a massive flat, etc, it looks vastly better than some massive sprawling cities on land desu (hope it won't desu-it).
There's a guy who knows what's up.
It desu-ed desu.
Would tall buildings really be an issue on an island?
I get that it's not going to be super-solid unless it's a volcano or something, but I can't see all that much reason not to build hueg other than funds
Nah brah you're confusing "holocaust" with "apocalypse".
>ay to what block you on
>the DotA logo one
Lost Colony?
I was under the impression that straight up grid plans weren't that great with cars because of gridlocks.
Depends of the type of the island, Manhattan is seriously sinking because of the weight of its buildings but it's ok because of the nature of the ground and the wider margin. In the Maldives however, it's much weaker and they already have an extremely important problem with the rise of the oceans that might kill them in about a century or so. They really don't need big buildings that will sink them faster, considering their ground is much weaker than in Singapore, Hong Kong or Manhattan's for instance.
You people might be interested in history of Guelphs and Ghibellines in the city of San Gimignano. It's a town where at one point, virtually every second building was also a fortress because the families in the city were at constant war with each other. Quite an interesting piece of history that could make for some interesting Veeky Forums related settings if exaggerated and altered a bit.
I personally find something about people being effectively at war with each other all still living in the same bloody city, having fortresses literally cross the street of each other fascinating.
I had a vaguely similar idea, but with embassies and consulates
Essentially a district of the arbitrarily huge central city has a whole ton of embassies, each legally the territory of the country it represents. The rub is, that none of the countries they represent exist any more and some of them don't seem to have existed at all, making the embassies the only sovereign soil they have left.
They recruit from the same demographics as street gangs, and are only differentiated from the latter by their funny uniforms and the pretence of tactics.
They mostly fight each other in a confusing system of shifting alliances, trying to gain control of "strategic" locations, such as parks and water pumps.
Barcelona, you can tell from the mudwasp/xenomorph hive they're trying to pass off as a Cathederal.
So pre-unification italy?
Blame Cerdá
interestong, thanks user
Yeah, that doesn't look like a great place to be when sea levels rise
Is this from The Expanse?
>Literal concrete jungle
>welcome to Chantown, now get the fuck out
>this polis was never good
It's from FFG's Android setting
Specifically it's art from the big worldbook (which is scanned and in a mega link in the OP of the netrunner general)
Nothing in any of the Android games actually involves Boswash (a term from a futurist in the 60s), but it exists as a lore detail and may turn up later.
Worth noting, FFG hasn't made an RPG for the setting - it's currently Netrunner, a few board games (a murder mystery, a heist, a weird grid game and a city management negotiation game) and some fiction - it seems a great setting to have games in though
You can get gridlock wherever there are multiple intersections on the same street, and theoretically any four-way intersection. Grids are far more easy to navigate, idk if they technically have any traffic benefit. Also, I am pretty sure they are more space efficient.
So pretty much most of history then?
How do they fresh water?
Not really. Italy had city states but the major plahers were the Duchies and Republics fighting over those city states.
a logistical nightmare, but with equal access to resources and really good technology, this could be a futuristic utopia of democracy. this society would somehow have to not be dependent on natural resources whatsoever and would have to have a perfectly stable or declining population, otherwise resource wars would encourage large states or alliances, and certain city-states would have unequal power due to control of rare or valuable resources. But a post-scarcity society like this could be ideal for humanity, even better if the city states could maintain low population density and natural(ish) environments.
Already done OP
Kino's Journey
I live just in the center of this image. Posting from there right now, in fact.
M'omple de joia veure un altre patriota honorant a la terra.