Make a setting based on this.
What is the new drug?
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An inhibition removing drug without the effects of alcoholism.
Something, something, multiple civil wars are exterminated, communism holds a slender grasp on the world, everyone is happy because they live without regrets, etc.
It's better, cheaper meth except it also makes you infertile.
Got any spare soma Hux?
Cuz ya'll motherfuckers need to chill the fuck out.
Why our power, of course.
A new disease was ravaging the planet until a drug called Maikoq (after the inventor, Liq Maikoq) eradicated the disease and saved humanity.
A shadowy illuminati group is harvesting superpower juice from a dead space whale and are selling vials of the juice for their own n shadowy plot to control the world in preparation of fighting the dead space whale's husband.
Don't you just love those days when you wake up and go outside, and you can tell just by the way the air smells that summer is here?
Reverse, a drug that refreshes your genetic code in all of your cells. This cures most forms of cancer, and can lessen or cure many of tge physical symptoms of aging, leaving your skin and organs in prime condition so long as you didnt already have other serious tissue damage.
With enough of this drug, the very wealthy can almost live forever. People are understandably worried by the class implications of this, and the creation of a nigh immortal superelite.
The drug is not without downsides. Its very expensive, takes weeks to flush your system, and the proccess is very painful. On top of everything else, in order to 'refresh' you genetic code you have to introduce a signigicant physiological change. The simplest and most consistently successful is switching your biological sex, but other options become available as the drug gets more testing.
There. Thats a drug that has a lot of social, political, and economic impact. You can probably build a setting around that.
Take out the gender switch fetish and I'd play it.
Eh. Take out the transformation and now its just generic rejuvenation treatment. The sort of thing thats just a footnote in a setting to make the rich seem even more opulant.
With the transformation, now you have all sorts of extra material to work with. People seeking refresh not for age, but just for the side effect. Old people refusing refresh because they consider the change a dealbreaker, so its not a 100% pure positive procedure. Plot hooks like a wealthy and influential person having their identity stolen as they get replaced after a refresh by someone claiming to be the post-change version of them. The whole social and political shitstorm such a change inevitably brings into play.
There is a lot of meat on those bones.
It removes the need for sleep while also making you feel like you're well-rested and high-energy all the time.
The setting is a condomless world.
The spice must flow.
But that's not what soma is?
>It removes the need for sleep while also making you feel like you're well-rested and high-energy all the time.
The one thing I took away from the remake of The Fly was that it would be amazing to not have to sleep. I've been jealous of his character ever since I was a little kid.
Why Mr. bond, it's the cure to the flesh-obliterating nanomachine virus I released into the atmosphere, of course!
Only $10,000 a dose!
The best drug ever. A herbal supplement that makes you fresh, attentive, obidient, smarter, and happier! It's simply the greatest.
I think it'd be great. People would have a lot more time to be productive, they'd be more alert and cit down on accidents, and you'd have less people getting grumpy just because they're tired.
It's just like the old drug, but doesn't make me sick, makes me crash my car, or makes me feel three feet thick
Friend computer only wants the best for you.
Please take your mandatory happy happy pills at the start of each day cycle citizen.
Taking the happy pills makes me sad, friend computer.
I want to be happy, but the pills dont help.
What do I do?
>This cures most forms of cancer
A sidenote: There have been tests where the nucleus (the thing that holds the DNA of the cell) of cancerous and non-cancerous cells had been switched.
The result was.... interesting.
The non-cancerous cell reproduced into non-cancerous cells.
The cancer cells kept reproducing cancerously.
This pretty much means that cancer is not caused by damage to genes, or at least that it is a less important factor than... something else we don't know about.
Only newfellas believe in summer.
What was that part right before smarter?
Anti-autism pills. Now there's no more libtards.
Veeky Forums was never good.
Why does every post from a /pol/tard read like they're on the verge of crying?
Thats legitimately fascinating. Thanks.
Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You need*
Consult your nearest happiness officer immediately*
Please report to the confessional for mandatory assessment. It is clear to Friend Computer that your schedules of fun and satisfying duties as a Troubleshooter are not filled to capacity with joy. Failure to report to confessional is treason. Treason is punishable by death.
Friend computer only wants the best for you.
Have a good day cycle citizen.
Must be you, I always think they already dry.
Because /pol/ thrives on the delusion that they are being bullied by the big mean gay agenda or whatever, and they are the tragic hero fighting a losing war against the dark and omnipresent forces of evil. When in reality, they are just being kind of a dick and suffering the usual consequences of being treated like you are being a dick.
Either I'm not understanding you correctly or that doesn't sound too suprising
Are the cells with cancerous nuclei still being cancerous?
Okay, Friend Computer. I knew I could count on you.
Yes, but it creates healthy cells instead of cancer.
Acid that can be abused in large amounts without any risk of sanity slippage.
Alternatively, incredibly high quality weed that grows like fucking kudzu and engulfes the planet in a green skunky mess.
Other way around. Its the rest of the cell, not the nucleus, that apparent determines whether a cell is cancerous.
Which is the opposite of how we assumed this worked.
What this implies is that its not the breakdown of the blueprints that causes cancerous growth. Its something to do with the machinery of the cell OUTSIDE the nucleus.
It's probably those uppity Mitochondria again, always scheming to fuck things up.
Fairly priced GM products.
A drug that prevents all sickness and physical signs of aging, but you still die at a regular age.
You just look like you died at the age of 23 instead of 78.
You can spend your entire life glutting yourself and engaging in rampant hedonism, safe in the knowledge you're ensured a long healthy lifespan. If you get fat, the only ill effect is that most people don't like fatties.
What if 78 is considered dying young in my family
Drug that neutralizes the need of socializing
Then you just live for however long you'd normally live given ideal circumstances.
OK, cool.
Say goodbye to retirement, no sense in letting people not work while they're healthy
Okay, you convinced me. This is still kind of magical realmy, but very well thought out and interesting.
>letting people not work
It's called investing and saving, user. You retire because you have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working. It's not like "they" call you on your 65th birthday and tell you that you don't have to come in to work anymore.
If you're talking about pensions, you're probably right, but let's not oversimplify things. This is Veeky Forums, after all.
Didn't Huxley literaly deacribe soma as a drug with all the benefits of alcohol and religion with none of the downsides?
But if you're happy with your job, why would you want to retire?
Fair enough, definitely say goodbye to pension plans and I would only give it 50 years until there is a massive class conflict between the people who can retire and properly enjoy the hedonistic lifestyle guaranteed to all and those that need to keep the infrastructure running until they die at their desks
There are jobs people are happy with?
Fuck off
I mean, I'm pretty ok with mine. I work as a baker and I'm learning desserts at the place I work right now.
>There are jobs people are happy with?
Hippy faggot
Nice strawman you're beating.
it's a psychic enhancer that allows telepathy, in the simplest cases.
it saved humanity because now most nations are united in a hive mind
the plot twists come from who manipulate the truths the hive mind believes in and what happens to the poor guys that can't afford to be part of the hive mind
the drug can be refined further and may end up having more powerful effects on people with particular training/predisposition
Are you crying right now?
That does sound pretty nice, I'd like to pick up a trade where I am working with my hands
Less hippy faggot (though not too far from the mark random anonymous sphincter) more depressed wagecuck
this is the internet
we already have this, same plot twists and all
Man, things are so much better once you're on salary
Actually things are much better once you're on salary with the option to buy the company.
It's a placebo, ya whiney bastards.
In very small doses it can give you a 'simple' out of body experience. In high doses? Full astral projection.
A drug that is already a manifestation of a "drug" that exists, I call it "Pattern." It's source would be a mix of retro-cyberpunk/fantasy elements, but that's a side-note.
Pattern helps people realize their lost potential. An average person who takes Pattern will be slightly stronger, faster, smarter, more charismatic, and generally more pleasant to be around, as most people's aspirations just involve life being marginally better for them in relatively simple ways.
But whenever exceptional or particularly self-aggrandizing individuals take Pattern, their egotistical daydreams start becoming real. The student-athlete who wants to go pro suddenly has Herculean strength and speed. The online Fascist or Communist politico who was never really as smart as they tried to sound in their posts suddenly debates on the level of Plato or Aristotle. The town beauty queen is no longer just pretty, she actually possesses a holy radiance, almost hypnotic... But keep in mind this group would be somewhere in the ballpark of 1% or less of the population, very rare.
Red Pills
>What is the new drug?
Anti-Aids drug of course.
100% failproof cure of aids that that would be harder to deny it don't work than denying that earth is a oblate spheroid, would fix the world
>people who self-aggrandize are rare, 1% of the population
What paradise do you live in? How do I get there?
>I'm being ridiculed.
>Must be a strawman.
From the people who brought you crack, its:
>New coke!
The same great powder, but now with a whole new kick! Energizing, euphoric and classy!!! Its so good we promise you'll be back for more. Speak to your local drug dealer today about new coke.
I like this. This is my kind of jam. I will make a note of it.
A mass-marketed suicide drug.
Wait, fuck, this is just from Children of Men
>New Coke is bad on purpose to make cocaine seem like a classic, nostalgia-inspiring institution
You can be free, and you can be safe, but you can't be entirely free and entirely safe. I personally believe the strongest and most fit should survive, but not everyone subscribes to that ideology. However, arguing that one side is entirely right or wrong is retarded.
A advanced rapid healing drug that will repair any tissue damage within hours with miniscule scarring.
Abdominal bullet wounds in the morning? Able to do perfect crunches by noon time.
Along side with the increased apatite to fuel the cell division, there is a side effect where gradual violent insanity will set in several years after the first dose, at which point the rapid healing becomes a mainstay of the subjects biology while motor functions are unimpaired.
Further doses accelerates neurological decay and mutations occur from rampant cell division.
> I personally believe the strongest and most fit should survive
I certainly don't want them NOT to survive, but I don't subscribe to the mode of thought that allows such rhetoric to excuse exerting dominance over whoever it is you have convinced yourself doesn't meet that criteria. We have long since passed the point where strength alone significantly contributes to survival and success. In the modern age, you can be one of the most physically adept motherfuckers on the planet, but unless you can leverage that into some kind of celebrity status all that makes you is the guy who doesn't need a forklift to keep the warehouse stocked. Social guile, prudent planning, and intelligence impact your individual success much more than anything that survival of the fittest normally covers, and is far hard to explicitly show for an individual.
Because these are largely mental traits, they depend heavily on the chance to foster them to their full potential with education. This mans that opportunity forms a bottleneck separating people who could have been successful if they had been given the chance, and the people who got that chance.
Its to the benefit of the group to have as many successful people as possible. Successful people expand the group, maintain its infrastructure, and generally contribute more than they take from the common pool (which creates a better net for people who fall below the average, which can and does include people who have been successful in the past/can be successful in the future). Therefore, the group thrives when you give as many people as possible as much of a chance as possible to succeed. That means making education as widely available as possible, preventing singular accidents from totally derailing a person, and preventing a shitty starting point like a low income family from tanking a kids success in life.
So it's joy? Boi miss me with that weak generic drug shit.
My idea, an injected substance with effects to the user similar to heroin but far more addictive. User loses control of their body and flies into a calculated killing rage. Basically, a hyper addictive drug that makes soldiers fight harder without them even realising they are fighting. Like handing your body off to a second person.
Well I mean people are trying to make their speech illegal and punishable by law, so I'd say they have a reason to think they're being oppressed.
>My idea, an injected substance with effects to the user similar to heroin but far more addictive. User loses control of their body and flies into a calculated killing rage. Basically, a hyper addictive drug that makes soldiers fight harder without them even realising they are fighting. Like handing your body off to a second person.
A drug that effects you before you consume it. You can have an overdose before even taking it.
It's called Takyon. OH SHIIT I'M FEELING IT
>Insta-loli pills
Consuming one turns you into a cute loli for 24 hours.
Antiaging drugs have fun unforeseen consequences.
A drug that awakes latent powers in the human genome to fight ancient alies who came to kill us because were're a failed experiment. They were also the ones who put the latent powers in our DNA.
Of course, humans will always have a psychological desire for rest, no matter how much you attempt to remove the physical need.
People who are overly dependent on the drug start feeling negative after effects, not to be blamed on the drug, but on the mental toll the constant wakefulness causes.
>all the drug actually does is make you 100% okay with your own dwindling mortality and how much life and the universe suck in general
>essentially the ultimate way to "control the herd"
>PCs are from all walks of life and each come to the realization separately, in different ways
>stumble upon or form a secret resistance
>predictable shenanigans ensue
I actually ran a similar game, and a couple players completely shocked us all when they legitimately decided to go all Cypher and voluntarily reenter the Matrix and help the authorities working against the rebels. Everyone was really mad by the end and a few friendships ended along with the game, but holy fucking shit was that the best story I've ever been a part of.
Fuck off back to /tv/ with your shitty franchise, Ridley.
Recycle: An anti-rejection cocktail that eliminates organ rejection without compromising the immune system, and if used on both donor and recipient can stabilize both bodies to allow successful brain transplants. Side effects are mixed, with signs of improved neurological longevity but with accelerated decrepitude of muscle and skin cells.
A key source material might possibly be the spinal fluid of adolescent humans.
Removing inhibition without removing the limiting effects of alcoholism sounds like a pretty nice recipe for disaster, specially when people over indulge (no side effects except going into a Crossed like euphoric state of madness).
Sounds like a great idea for a setting actually, you could either make it go terribly wrong or terribly right, both would be interestnig.
Terrible idea, you should be ashamed.
It should turn you into a cute loli forever
Just whatever you pick, make sure it isn't the plot of Equilibrium.
I would like to have access to Prozium.
>Parasite Eve intensifies