Would you accept a satyr in your campaign?
Would you accept a satyr in your campaign?
Depends, what's he like?
Tits and wine mostly.
I'm currently getting into a game of Burning Wheel.
If you know what satyrs are like in that game, you'll know why I'd not allow that.
As long as he behaves and doesn`t do anything lewd.
Would you accept a satyr (female) in your campaign?
No. Also, I'd report them to the authorities.
I never let people play non-humans in my campaigns because most of them struggled to be human in real life.
Also, I don't write pages of cultural background just so players can ignore it and decide they want to run a non-gender binary cat person from teh gehy zone of High Faggotistan that's a dual-classed ass bandit \ semen wizard.
I wish I could say that the example given was 100% exaggeration. Pretty much why I stopped gaming.
> TFW another blatant bait thread
> TFW I can't post fluffy tail to keep the hate flowing
Fracture Hills, baby.
Only if it's the Warcraft kind of Satyr - IE, furry Tieflings.
you sound boring
Wait, iIt has tits that secrete wine? It's in.
Aren't they rapists?
christ you sound insufferable, hopefully your players went on to find a better DM and actually had fun with the hobby
Who hurt you
Not if the goats consent.
Says the person who can't get their mind around how fascinatingly diverse human cultures are.
Ran a steady, IRL campaign with 10 regulars for almost 16 years so I must have doing something right.
I get that you might think it's "insufferable". That's okay. My campaign wouldn't have worked for you.
If it had a decent back story and wasn't blatantly Over Powered
New players who showed-up to an established, long running campaign with literally volumes of racial/cultural background information who couldn't be pissed to read any of it because they wanted to play some kind of weird furry.
post a pic of your face with timestamp
Yes, in fact I just finished a campaign involving one.
I just sent the player a copy of Heroes of the Feywild and told them to read the bit on satyrs.
They played them well, definitely one of the more interesting characters we had that campaign.
WHFRP and not playing Chaos, so no.
>So a Satyr, a Succubus, an Orc and a Slime walk into a tavern...
It's magical realm so yeah he'd fit right in.
Are you honestly questioning my age and ability to run a long campaign based on my dislike of people running strange races in "my" campaign?
Ass Bandit and Semen Wizard sound like excessively narrow class concepts. I'm really struggling to come up with more than 3 unique abilities for each.
> Satyr
> Not magical realm
Oh, you poor, poor innocent thing. Have you not SEEN ancient greek art?
So you just like making a hobby borderline unbearable for some people? Are you the same *silly cow* who has been posting in every thread discussing non-human races?
I think he was saying that his campaign IS magical realm, so a Satyr is OK.
They're bards, only that they don't get laid and everybody thinks their huge, dangling dicks are hilarious.
No, based on the specific whining you you screeched.
Would you accept a rabbit-faun into your party?
Only if the players can pronounce Satyr properly.
No, of course I don't. The question asked was "would you allow. I wouldn't for the reasons I mentioned.
I run very human-centric campaigns where Elves and Dwarves and what-nots are few and far between and "magic swords" are usually all in the mind of the characters (not that they know that). I spent a lot of time creating a world where the fantastic is truly fantastic and what most people take for granted in is highly defined and it allows players to really understand why their "people" are the way they are.
Like I said, I've had players who didn't enjoy it and they stopped playing. I've also had players that thought they would hate it but really enjoyed the immersion once they realised that it was truly defining in a way that simply saying "I have pointy ears and am generally smarter than you and live for 5000 years" can never do.
I did allow a very long-term player to run an Elf once but he ended up retiring the character early on because he, knowing what he knew of the world and Elves in that world, couldn't justify why he would be doing what he was doing when he knew no Elf would. Not in that world, at least.
It's fine to disagree. The point of games is to have fun but games and game worlds also have rules. Ignoring them or just changing them willy-nilly doesn't do much for long-term stability unless the entire exercise was started with that in mind.
new guys, who by definition aren't invested yet, weren't interested in reading yo mountain of shit? and you're surprised?
maybe post some of it, could use a good laugh
Okay. Next time you run a game, I'll ask you what is and isn't allowed in your world and in your vision of how things happen there. Then, I'll do the complete opposite. When you say, "No", I'll call you a whiner and ask you hold still holding a timestamp card while I take a picture of your reaction.
I'll then hand said picture to you with the expectation that you post it to some random board as proof of how wrong you are for trying to deny me my right to run a cat with a penchant for buggery in your world.
Replace aforementioned cat character with whatever you would deny.
So what? Are you suggesting that someone wants to play Monopoly but refuses to read the rules should simply be allowed to do whatever they want?
As far as "having a good laugh" goes, with regard to my efforts to document my world, don't you think your making some really big assumptions? And making them solely based on my answer to the question "would you allow". See the "you" there? That's the operative part your disdain isn't addressing.
The rules are in the rule book. You've added a mountain of your own shit on top of that, which you described as literally volumes.
That you can't understand why someone isn't as in to your long running campaign as you/the people who have experienced it are, and how you're seemingly unwilling to work with them to get them integrated and interested, doesn't take all that much assuming.
You're an autistic asshat by all indicators. Now post some of your shit and prove me wrong, or fuck off.
>The rules are in the rule book. You've added a mountain of your own shit on top of that, which you described as literally volumes.
So what? I had house rules and a healthy amount of supporting background material. Why is that a problem for you? No is making anyone play a game here or anywhere.
>That you can't understand why someone isn't as in to your long running campaign as you/the people who have experienced it are, and how you're seemingly unwilling to work with them to get them integrated and interested, doesn't take all that much assuming.
Again with a the assumptions. I've said at least three times that some players enjoyed it and others didn't. It's okay to disagree. But, no, I'm not going to change my game world to incorporate something that is at odds with it. If you want to do that with yours, more power to you. Notice how I'm not telling you how to spend your leisure time? It's because I don't care. Enjoy what you enjoy.
I could care less if some one isn't interested in playing a game with me. Easily something that exists at the lowest level of my pyramid of needs.
>You're an autistic asshat by all indicators. Now post some of your shit and prove me wrong, or fuck off.
I'm having a hard time taking you seriously. You've really got your almonds activated over this. Look, go find a game where you can play a child-touching furry if it matters that much to you. Or a safe space. Or both. Whatever floats your boat. Or fucks your butt. But, either way, chill-out. It's okay to have different opinions. Or haven't you figured that out yet?
Nah. He probably couldn't sit at the same table as the other guys and smell badly.
Still, I dunno, I heard they have good booze.
Fucking told.