Who would be your dream dm/gm?
Mine has to be pic related
Who would be your dream dm/gm?
Your dream DM/GM is black?
I imagine this post would be more meaningful if I had any idea who what is.
I won't be original, but...
I'm all into modern horror at the moment, but give me this guy with a game from 1rst to 4th Age, I'm in. Best story teller ever. It would feel like living a legend.
It's the RZA you dorks
He must keep the pipe at all times when story telling
Thank you for being knowledgeable
Also I think the story teller would be awesome to have also his dog must help at all times
Howard Chaykin
Fighting fascism and fucking bitches in stockings and garter belts all day, every day
>It's the RZA you dorks
You say that like it's supposed to mean something to me.
>The RZA.
The what.
What the fuck does he have to do with RPGs? Do you expect him to rap everything? Do you think his weird religious beliefs will make for a better story
>>The RZA.
>The what.
It's the hot new drug all the kids are doing. Just turn down the lights, pop a few milligrams of RZA, throw some downtempo on the stereo, lie back in your chair and relax.
It's weird how people go through the trouble of typing up a post to let everyone know that they're too dumb to google the text they don't understand, as if they expect any reply besides "wow ur dum try google next time".
>What the fuck does he have to do with RPGs? Do you expect him to rap everything? Do you think his weird religious beliefs will make for a better story
I'm not the OP.
Man, I need to finish this. I think I only got four issues in before real life intruded.
Not OP, but RZA's into wuxia, comic books and old school anime. I'd be an entertaining story to be sure
It's actually the only major Chaykin work I haven't started yet, but it looks great. I have most of it digitally but I kinda want to wait and buy the 1st volume TPB to support the guy
Well, the first four issues have been superb.
>It's weird how people go through the trouble of typing up a post to let everyone know that they're too dumb to google the text they don't understand
You misunderstand the purpose of my post. It wasn't to elicit information.
Your post really got me thinking.
...I wonder how a game ran by a dragon would look like.
Good to know, I look forward to it
Murder Gent.
>I'm not the OP
Oh, that's awfully convenient ◔__◔
Ever since I saw the pasta I've wanted a game with Dicebeard (though odds are strong he's not real).
something uncanny about that face
I was going to go with Gaiman, but then I realized I can never get behind how none of his characters seem to have more than a mild "oh, that's odd I guess" reaction to anything crazy
At least with him it would all be more fun
>none of his characters seem to have more than a mild "oh, that's odd I guess" reaction
He's British, it's genetic.
You misunderstand the purpose of my post. It was to insult you for thinking anyone on Veeky Forums would be impressed that you don't know who the RZA is.
>Oh, that's awfully convenient ◔__◔
It's really not. If I was the OP, maybe I could give you whatever type of validation you're seeking. As it is, I'm just the user that you mistook for the OP. No worries.
I was wondering about that, actually
Is that really a brit thing? Not reacting to shit? I've read a few british authors and somehow that just seems to be recurring, the characters just end up making conversation or saying some half hearted surprise line after, fuck I don't know, a house falling on their heads or the zombie of their dead wife walking in
Where does that come from?
>Where does that come from?
stiff upper lip.
So....It's just a way to demonstrate determination in a character?
Makes sense I guess but it still bothers me when reading. Oh well.
It's a very repressed culture, you're not really supposed to make a fuss or cause a scene about anything.
Add to that their naturally dry humor, where under-reacting to something dramatic is low-key hilarious, and, well. There you have it.
Perfect blend of crazy and coherent storytelling, while encouraging over-the-top shenanigans. Perfect Anima GM.
Paul Latza
>You misunderstand the purpose of my post. It was to insult you for thinking anyone on Veeky Forums would be impressed that you don't know who the RZA is.
You misunderstand the purpose of my post. It was to insult you for thinking everyone on Veeky Forums should be impressed enough with the RZA to give a shit who he is.
This guys gets it
Lol ok
Hey this is OP can I just say I'm so happy that I made a thread with actual arguing! I love u guys! But seriously I don't care if u know him I just think his ideas would be awesome. But ya thnx guys this pleeb is out!
He turns your back away from you while DMing and mumbles. There is also year break in between each session because his world is divinely inspired and he need it to be perfect
>his back away from you
Superb taste. Would give a hell of a lot for one last taste of Discworld.
Donald J. Trump
Would make down time in towns super interesting.
His acting in The Man With the Iron Fists was lackluster, but as a directoral debut is was gold. The entire thing just oozed style.