The first character you ever made is now in the same setting as the last movie you saw, and the system you are going to use is the last rpg system you played in.
The first character you ever made is now in the same setting as the last movie you saw...
>Cleric of Pelor
>Kingdom of Heaven
I'm not one for deus vult memes, but GOD WILLS IT
>Hobbit Scout wandering though Megasphere.
Nothing happens and then he dies of old age.
> Khrone Heretek
> Logan
> 5E
Things are going to weird soon...
And very bloody.
My ranger will eat most of the cast of Sahara, the Netflix one with animals.
>Sunshine, Ceric of Gruumsh
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
>Pokemon Tabletop United
Sunshine captures evil death monsters while RIPPING and TEARING through the galaxy. This will be a glorious train wreck.
I'm sensing a theme here.
>Forest Outlaw
>The BFG
>AD&D 2e
This won't end well.
Wandering catfolk halberdier (GURPS)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Shadowrun 4A
Just another day in the neighborhood
>Ugly, stupid, but skilled midget swordsman.
>When Marnie was There
>Homebrew, skill based system
After failing to kill the ghost, Worthington completely and utterly fails to integrate into late 90's rural japan.
>Drunk dwarven barbarian who likes to piss on things
>What we do in the shadows
Vampire Hunter : Kiwi Murderhobo Simulator sounds like it'll be ok or terrible. Probably the second.
>NG Half-Elf Rogue
>documentary about the Trumpster
name your elf Seth Rich
When did Robbie Rotten from Lazytown become a meme?
When cancer struck.
He was a meme, then not a meme, then an ironic retro meme, and now a meme again. Please try to keep up.
>it's a one-dimensional tiefling druid in Redline setting that runs by 5e rules
I guess another freak won't get too much attention among all those aliens and gene-mods.
Few people know how accurate that statement is.
>Young Half Elf Musketeer
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
>The Dark Eye
Well... I guess, he would freak out, because, no magic, no gods, no empire, his title as noble is worthless and all the technology beyond renaissance. Then he would somehow try to live in peace, try to make him a noble or aristokrat on a planet. Or maybe get hired from a band of Ravengers that are not full murderhobo and try to avoid Space God Planets and Shit, while try to learning about all the fucking technology and start using Laser-Rapiers and Blasterpistols I guess. He would try to make the best out of his situation, but hey would cry in despair a lot, like the faggot he is, before doing so.If there is one person he would be friends with, it may would be Craglin.
>Paladin of lathander the morning lord.
>In Ms perrigrins home for peculiar children (babysitting my niecell and nephew)
>using Dark Heresy 2nd ed rules.
I'd actually be interested to see what happens here.
>Classic AD&D Monk
>in Guardians of the Galaxy
>using 'Mutant:Year Zero' rules.
Could be interdasting / could be fugly!
> Mikhail the Sun Cleric
> Centurion
> The Black Hack
A level 10 cleric probably wrecks the Pict army solo with earthquake and conjure elemental; the lost Roman legion never gets wiped out and the movie ends after half an hour.
>Dwarfy Dwarf fighter
>Godzilla 2014
Probably just gets himself killed trying to get Godzilla to arm wrest him
>Human Narwhal Druid
>Django Unchained
>Castle Falkenstein
I do not know how to make this work.
In the Moive Arrival
Those filthy xenos are sooooo going to die.
>dorky and socially awkward female druid who only wants to summon a T-Rex
>Sausage Party
>Everybody is John
This cannot end well.
>Insane self made dumpster cyborg
>The Red Turtle
If he's on the island he dies within a few weeks due to lack of spare parts for maintenance, and fuel/power. Same if he's on the mainland, since electricity hasn't been invented yet.
>Dwarven cleric of the god of fire
>A documentary about the Alamo
>Dark Heresy
I sense burning Mexicans
>Human Spellsword
>Iron Man 2
....He's fucked.
>AD&D Elf Druid
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
>D&D 5e
Whelp, I'm going to speak with plants with Groot, that is for fucking certain. And then I-
>Just remembered that I watched "the Christmas that Almost Wasn't" on the new MST3K last night.
FUCK! Now I have e to make toys! Boo!
>Sorcerer thats likes using lightning, and happens to be evil
>Alien: Covenant
Well this is going to go wonderfully
>DnD 1e Paladin
>Dark Heresy 2e
I honestly have no idea how that would turn out.
>Sunshine, Ceric of Gruumsh
Please, tell me more.
>exiled elf noble
>The Lobster
>Dungeon World
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
Human Barbarian Viking
Inglorious Bastards
Its gonna be interesting.
Lizard Man Cleric of Chauntea stuck in Ferris Bueller's Chicago, played in 5e.
Mage in DSA 3rd walks into Punisher II : Warzone with Vampire the Masquerade rules.
I think he will have some fun ...
>My Word Bearer Dark Apostle
>Blame! Movie on Netflix
>Black Crusade
I uh... Feel like I'll do just fine. Probably turn the villagers to worshipping Chaos, and then let's see how the robits do against InterDimensional Daemons.
>Knockoff Drizzt soul knife
>FFG Force and Destiny
This is probably gonna be a pile of shit and I'd expect nigh unplayable
Pic very related
>chaotic neutral cleric of ioun
>jackass 3
I think we got Oscar bait
A warforged paladin, in "Get Out." D&D... I have no idea.
>Alcoholic Gnome Illusionist
>The Babadook
shits gonna go down
Well, that will be clown shoes as fuck.
>>underhive Scum
>>Dr. Strange
Dirty hobo rogue following around a bunch of Mages and Monks? Things could certainly be worse.
>Evil paladin
>Alien: Covenant
>Everyone is John
This is just... going to be extremely weird.
>Malkavian Engineer
>The Secret Life of Pets
9/11 intensifies
Just read up on Everyone is John, sounds fun
>Human Barbarian of Kord with seven axes and a severe hatred of Horses, Spiders, Drow, Nobles, Wizards, or any combination thereof
>The Quick and the Dead
>Anima: Beyond Fantasy
Well, those cowpoke are sure gonna look silly hoofing it through the desert after he flat-out murders their horses for being evil sonofabitch servants of Lloth. Also, the eternal question of "can someone draw a gun quicker than he can whip a throwing axe at their head" will be answered.
He'd also probably wind up slapping the shit out of Leonardo DiCaprio's character for being such a braggart, followed by suplexing Gene Hackman's character for being a piece of shit.
He'd get along well with Russel Crowe's character, as he was redeemed from a life of banditry by a crazy high-elf War-Priestess who could drink like a dwarf and punch out half-giants.
>Martial artist solar exalt
>Doctor Strange (thus, MCU)
A level 20 monk covered in Legendary gear and blessed with every Epic Boon walks into the MCU... Guess he'd join the Avengers.
>Orginially-freeform character, basically physically weak and timid but a genius
>Inside Out
>Exalted 3e
I'm very curious as to how Inside Out logic would interact with intimacies. Could work.
>Ex metalworker for the British Army with a magical affinity for breathing fire and beating metal into weapons of war
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
>Fallout Tactics
I'm sure there is a beautiful idea here.
>Elven Ranger
>Perfect Blue
>D&D 5e
At least the system technically doesn't change, was 3.5 but we switched over to 5e midway through, so I have roughly equivalent statblocks for either system. As for what happens... he bums around 90's Japanese wilderness like an urban legend I guess?
>Wood Elven Monk of Amaunator
So basically it's "PC retires and works as a waiter in a shitty restaurant while occasionally showing his elf dick to his coworkers."
Sounds dumb.
Pretty much par for the course for Unknown Armies t b q h f a m s t h e t i c s
An autistic child willing to kill anything to save a bug's life and capable of pulling horrible abominations of biology out of the ground visits Palm Beach after a run-in with the kindly Weenie King, under homebrew rules.
>One armed cybernetics student
>Prince of Egypt
>Savage Worlds
dis gon be good
>halforc warlord
>DnD 5e
That's...well a thing. I don't know how that'd work
>Half orc paladin
>Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
I-I don't even know how this will work
>Half Elf Pyromaniac
>Vampire the Masquerade
Surely this is going to end in tears
>knock off Oliver Queen ranger
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
I can dig it
>Dwarf Cleric. Liked killing orcs with the Magic Stone spell.
>Speed Racer.
>Blades in the Dark
Well... that's a combination...
>Sniper with a heart
>Only War
Guess Sgt. Barnes is gonna get what he had comin'
>Gnoll Sorcerer 20, Demigod. (finished campaign)
>Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
His cameo I was going to put into my upcoming Starfinder campaign is now confirmed. In the MCU he's just another of a bunch of powerful weirdos who wander space protecting others.
>AD&D Magic User
>Kung Fu Hustle
Let's fucking do this!
>Ice mage elf
>Fire Walk With Me
It's going to be fine as long as he stays the fuck away from certain people and certain spirits
>CN insane undead kid with a penchant for mechanical engineering, guns and explosives
>Guardians of the Galaxy, vol 2
>'fly by the seat of our pants' tier homebrew
I guess Rocket finally meets someone who can operate on his level.
His actor contracted cancer so a bunch of fans started making remixes of one of his songs as a way to spread the word for his gofundme campaign.
Song was decently catchy so it caught on.
>ridiculously high charisma sorceror
I think I may end up being the goblin king
Honestly, I'm not only surprised that Lazy Town managed to spawn some memery, but that it managed to do so on several unrelated occasions.
>You are a Pirate
>Cooking by the Book
>We are Number One
>General Robbie Rotten/Sportacus memery
Hia cancer is back, just FYI
>Salamanders Deathwatch Terminator
>Guardians of the Galaxy V2
>Iron Kingdoms RPG
That's actually not that bad. Grimdark dude in a galaxy in need of saving with a combat heavy system.
IIRC it's not really one of the 'curable' forms of cancer. Pretty sure the treatment just keeps it in check.
Zarkov Zarkov, an assassin from Dark Heresy, in Wellington, hunting vampires, in the Paranoia system.
Well to be honest, the guy's kinda fun to watch. It's like Jim Carrey if he traded some of his comedic energy away to be less annoying.
Hell, he'd be a fun recurring character in a lighthearted game if the GM's got some theater skill under his belt.
>a very young, biologically immortal, fey arcane hirophant of indeterminate gender specialized in non-combat utility with stupidly high charisma; no conceptual understanding of evil; and a flying, half dragon cat.
>space jam
god, i can actual imagine that.
by the way, races of the wild supplement for 3.5 was really cool, that is where i got both race and class.
>Half-Orc Barbarian
>Monsters & Other Childish Things
Pirate renegade pure cyborg mechanicus full of archeo- and xeno-tech and a total narcissistic asshole is stranded in DA FUTURE WHERE AKU'S EVIL IS LAW, and I'm playing it with old World of Darkness rules?
Hell, I'm gonna need a cigarette after this
huh. A chaotic good skeleton fighter in a Japanese high school. IN ROGUE TRADER. This is going to be beautiful.
>Overly Edgy Half-Drow Evil Cleric from when I was 11
>Guardians of The Galaxy Vol2
>Dragonborn fighter
>Rogue One
>Dark Heresy
So nothing changes except he now has a blaster
Diablerist sorcerer.
American Gangster.
Fragged Empire.
I don't even... Yeah it just doesn't work.
>Evil Roman Sorcerer
>King Arthur Legend of the Sword
> L5R
Might actually work well, would certainly be interesting.
> Female norwegian X-COM sharpshooter
> Logan
> 5e
Huh... hope there are some cool firearms in 2029.
>DH Adept
>Guardians of the Galaxy
Ordos Radicalus
> DnD 5e Druid, Circle of the moon
> Alien Covenant
> Splittermond
He ded.
Obviously the nigger Orc is John G
>Mad Doctor
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
I'd be excited but medicine is useless in 5e so I guess I'm fucked?
>X-men: Apocalypse
Surprisingly appropiate
I had a wizard woman, that is now in Alien Covenant, while playing 5e.
>Dwarven mage who mostly studied fire
>Full metal jacket
>Pokémon tabletop united
I'm not sure dwarfs are allowed in the army so I'd probably skip most of the events of the movie. Since he's a mage I'll go for one of the supernatural classes in PTU. No point in picking training classes if the setting doesn't have pokémon.
>Gangrel Vampire
>Alien: Covenant
>Only War
WELP LADS. Vampires vs. Xenomorphs it is.
A cavalier would probably struggle against John Wick, but bounded accuracy might help him.
>half-elf bard
>Big Trouble in Little China
>All Flesh Must Be Eaten
This is going to be fucking amazing.
>Mr. Spade (2nd Ed Cleric)
>The Fifth Element
>7th Sea
I'd pay to see that. It's like a less dice-heavy Shadowrun, with chandeliers!
>Male Human Fighter
>The Harder They Fall
I am confused.
>Gnome barbarian
>Iron giant
>A horribly mangled hybrid of 3.5 and 5th
>16 yo 1990's School boy from a Silent Hill Horror game.
>The new King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Movie
>Last as a player: Call of Cthulu
>Last as a GM: Shadow of the Demon Lord
Either way things start up like one of those "modern man travels to the medieval ages and becomes knight or wizard due to his cellphone" movies that were popular back then. Shit get's pretty eldritch and deadly soon after.
>revenge driven musashi clone from Exalted 1e
>Jack Reacher
>Riddle of Steel system
I have no idea how this could turn out