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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion

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Previously, on /5eg/:
Do you DM adventures in non-european settings?

Other urls found in this thread:

astranauta.github.io/bestiary.html#Giant Skeleton

Should I let my players pick their own magic items?

Absolutely. My homebrew setting is currently centered around a semi-European setting (mishmash of Byzantine empire and Victorian England) but the players have visited not!Japandinavia.
Also, my Faerie lands aren't exactly Europe.

Nice bait

Though egyptians are pretty cool, I don't like seeing them used for bait like this




No. Not because you shouldn't trust them, but because it's the wrong attitude to have in 5e. Magic items aren't part of your "build" anymore.
At best, let each of them select a single non-very-rare, non-legendary magic item that does not give any + to hit or AC.

Here's an actual question: why does the Egyptian have a star of David on his forehead?

Mummy lord BBEG

The Mummy would make a sick D&D adventure.

Still are, mate.

Holy fuck hahaha

I actually do plan to run an Egyptian themed game, as soon as we get a Planeshift: Amonkhet I'll likely base it off that for the rough idea and steal names.

Anyone know any cool Egyptian themed adventures?

Is Maegara from SKT actually a pushover as far as high CRs are concerned?

Don't half-ass it, make a M:TG campaign, complete with five alignments.


Thinking about making a wild magic sorcerer, what are my chances of survival if my wild magic goes off every say, 3 or 4 spells?

The Mummy is a D&D adventure.

Pretty good. I have a level 6 wild magic sorcerer. My DM changed the rules around basically giving me a wild magic counter, that goes up by +1 every time I cast a spell or use one of my wild magic abilities, and then has me roll to see if the wild magic goes off every time I cast a spell 1st level or higher. I basically have a wild magic surge every encounter, sometimes twice. Overall pretty sweet, I've only allahu akbar'd once and the party was fine.

If I did that should there be any other homebrew rules? I have thought about it but would likely do Zendikar or Ravnica/

The other option's to do one plane for a few levels and then pull some bullshit that either makes them Planeswalkers or a way to travel through other planes.

Plan on using mass combat with my PC's this upcoming session. Everywhere I look I see that I should probably avoid the UA Mass Combat rules and use something else, but what else would I use? Anyone have any homebrew rules?

What if
Hear me out
What if Slaanesh lost his memory, woke up in an alternate dimension, and create a race of creatures out of his subconscious ideas about what people looked like?
And then they name him Corellon?

Depends on if you want Planeswalker characters or not. I say not. Just make them people in the plane, doing shit that people in that plane do. And if you do that, you don't really need too many more rules except maybe a couple races (see the Planeshift documents for examples).

At high levels wild magic can almost never kill you. 1-5 though it becomes a possibility every roll.

Go back to posting kweens in the OP.

I just roll a d10 for each side of the combat and that's how many shmucks die. The PC's wouldn't really be paying that much attention anyway since they have their own people to fight.

The new UA was pretty bad, but the old one was decent. I used it a few times.

I was thinking id give each PC their own unit and have the battle unfold that way, I just want 10-15 minutes of mass combat before I go back to the PC's, the way UA is written it seems like it will be over in one or two rolls from either side

From old thread: how brutal is Storm King's Thunder? Can I get by playing suboptimal or will I probably die?

What's the correct way to play a chaotic good OoV paladin? By which I mean, how does one play chaotic good specifically? Also I'm using a maul, should I take gwm or go with a more versatile feat like resilience (con)?

What if we spoke about D&D 5e? You fucking scumbag warhammer fag. You have a dozen warhammer threads to pick from, so take you and your shitty game back to them. Nobody cares that 8th sucks ass and GW rapes your wallet. Take it up with them rather than come shit up every thread because your game is so shit that you can't be bothered with it. Or go pretend you like painting and that's why you bought overly expensive toys, you screeching autistic retard. I hate you useless retards shitting up every thread. Nobody cares about Slaanesh and "le sex god XD". You know who my sex god is? Your fat assed whore of a mother; so fuck off and go kill yourself. Cunt.

Later chapters can be pretty unforgiving from my experience

Basically, this.

Corellon is a D&D god, and the Corellon/Slaanesh thing was brought up in /5eg/ two threads ago.
Other than that, your comment does not deserve a response.

Can a chromatic dragon be good? Or at least not evil?

youre a vengeance paladin. you can be the nicest person in the world but as soon as a true evil shows up, you unleash ALL the smites.

chaotic good is simple. be a decent person, who isnt afraid to bend or break the rules to do the right thing.

get gwm, grab a glaive, and grab pwm later on if you want maximum damage.

How does the counter help? My DM lets me use Tides of Chaos, then gives me a 50/50 chance after every spell to cause a surge and I still get ToC back. So I get a nice amount of surges and advantage often. Only level 2 right now so I'm excited to see how often it happens when I level.

Aye aye aye yo AYE YO HOLE UP! Hole up yo, imma like, yo imma gonna go head and make my full round cleaning off my J's yo. That ashy ass white bone nigga skeleton got dirt all up on dem. Hole up, let me take my 40 or cure wounds.

Everything is possible, but I would not advise putting it in your game. Just because it can be doesn't mean it should be.

They can be whatever you want them to bad user.
Follow your dreams.

Look at his alignments and actions. Nothing like Slaanesh. As I said, take your warhammer bullshit to another thread, you thirsty ovese autist.

I was just wondering how retarded it would be to have an ancient chromatic dragon that has mellowed out as the years pass by.

>this edition is rife with optimizers and tier lists now too

Why did I ever venture outside of OSR?

Are bone or skeletal golems a thing?

Depends on how you do it really.

Sounds reasonable, especially if the party are expecting different.

>Tier lists in 5e
That's new.

It was either last thread or the one before, also I've seen them pop up from time to time.

Tier lists are only spread across 3 levels. Powerful stuff, normal stuff and slightly weaker stuff.

Even then the gap between them is pretty small.

Wow that changes anything

Not yet, there's the bone collective but that's from Kobold Press and they are notoriously shit.

Otherwise there's the giant skeleton from Tales from the Yawning Portal.

So is Unearthed Arcana just a free monthly spaltbook? Das pretty sweet

This also shows how well designed 5e is.

>giant skeleton
That's perfect, I gotta look that up

not quite, it's free playtest material. Some of which may make it to a splatbook one day.

Very reasonable, really. As long as you remember that deep down they're probably still evil, just far less impulsive and psychotic and far more willing to compromise and collaborate.

The nice thing is that not everyone agrees on them, not by a long shot. We're still safe for the time being.

Sorta. It's not official, so you can't use it in organized play. But you're encouraged to use it and they always ask for feedback.

astranauta.github.io/bestiary.html#Giant Skeleton

It's free monthly playtest material. It could or could not appear in a book at a later date as is or with some changes.

That said, it is still pretty great usually, but a lot of them are kinda useless with rules for things that don't really need rules

Awesome, thanks for the help mang

No it's play test material that they put out and get feed back from the community on. Since it's play test it is recommended not to multiclass with and any DM can disallow all UA material, although the Revised Ranger is recommended to fix the PHB one.

Basically I have a separate D20 that I roll every time I cast a spell. And since the counter goes up the more whacky magical powers I use the more likely a wild magic surge will occur. Every time one does go off, I half the counter, and the counter also resets after a long rest. Basically instead of only rolling a 1 each time to try for a surge the range keeps getting bigger. I like the counter idea a lot because it still gives a feeling of randomness to the surges but after a while guarantees it will go off. Also helps with the flavor of my character since he has no idea what the fuck he is doing and is just trying to brute strength his way through casting spells, generally fucking everything up the more he uses magic.

One thing to remember about UA is that it's untested and often written by one guy.
In effect it's just homebrew with a lower chance of being shit.

Some top tier house rules right here


>tfw NPC rogue steals muh gold

How do I hide my gold while I'm sleeping?

Do you invent your own spells?
Be it for your players in form of items/spellscrolls or for NPCs

What is your best invention so far?

That's great, thanks
I needed a big skeleton thingy for my campaign

Put it in your underwear or up your ass.

How's the Monster Hunter Fighter?

You already know the answer, you just don't want to do it.

Eat the gold, they can't steal it then

Wizard. Ritual alarm.

No worries mang.

Is it just me or is Alchemist Artificer the best option in the game for diverse at-will options? Plus getting AoE's that powerful for free seems good.

It's just you.

I'm going to be running Storm Kings Thunder. What are some things I should know? I'm a new dm as well

Yeah it's just you m8

Don't be afraid to improvise if need be, don't shut down player ideas right away. If you're unsure of something let it happen but let that player know you might have a different verdict latter.

Follow the module and be prepared for players to potentially try and derail it. The easiest way to fix this is not panic but have all roads lead to Rome, if you catch my meaning.

Can't get your gold stolen if you don't have any.


Is it Shakespearean?

Because Jews are actually extradimensional humans from the future who were sent back to repeat the grade, so to speak, because they didn't master ascension the first time. They landed in Atlantis and palled around with the fourth- and fifth-dimensional humans there until we all lost our enlightenment after passing through the electromagnetic null zone when the poles reversed because we lacked the planet's protective merkaba due to Martian sabotage. Thoth managed to hide away with the Ascended Nacaals inside of a spaceship (which docks on the pyramids) and preserve their knowledge and enlightenment to help future Earth civilization; some Jews were among those protected people.

Not really it means it doesn't matter what way they run off, you just put where they need to go at the end of it.

Why the hell is a black guy dressed like an egyptian?
That is not right

>What is Curryman latherery-man was Slaanesh
How about no- you fucking 5eigger lore casual. The Chaos Gods already put their hands in D&D's cookie jar in Eberron, as the Lords of Dust (Literally) and there are reverberant memetic Tzeentch Qualities found in Mystra's Nagpa and how they come to be.

Oh right, Psionics handbook for a the Psion Houses mentioning a "Great Enemy" and that all modern Psions are descended from a race waaaaay out of the usual Cosmology (Gee fucking wiz I wonder who those interesting individuals could be).

>Black Humans don't have Egyptian Clothing proficiency
what kind of shit DM do you have

Was this after the Finno-Korean Hyper War?

That thing has always been cool. What would it be in 5e?

Before, obviously. There are very few spiritually awakened individuals currently capable of translating into the fourth dimension and none of them would bother being involved in a silly war like that.

So, what non-adventure books are there out for 5e as of yet?

Pretty sure Volo's and SCAG for that

Sadly, SCAG was very shit.

ZAG will solve everything.

Shit as it maybe it is what we got.

>Almost 3 years
>A few races and a few subclasses
How long are they planning to keep 5e going?

What's that?

Who knows they already have some planned releases, as tow hat those are is up for speculation.

Mainly Hasbro will keep it going to keep the rights to it and get some cash here and there.

To be fair, the adventure modules contain a lot of setting information and a small amount of PC options.


So somebody in the last thread mentioned going arcana cleric/twilight druid to do something cool and effective with magic missile, could anyone enlighten me as to how that works?

I was thinking about going twilight druid in my first 5e game (only played 4e and PF)

Have a random gnoll image I googled in exchange.

If you don't want to be called a powergaming munchkin, don't do it. Also, you shouldn't multiclass UA with other classes.

They're basically running on a shoestring budget as I understand.

You're talking about nuclear druid, which is a dumb gimmick based on a weird reading of the rules no sane DM would allow