What's the weirdest fighting style you've seen a PC employ?
Bonus points; that actually worked
What's the weirdest fighting style you've seen a PC employ?
Fucking Keijo. Its a damn shame its been cancelled
In a rather silly IRL game, a friend played a character who paired drunken brawling with opera singing?
It's a bitch, yeah. I actually wrote rules for and ran a Kejio tournament arc in my Legends of the Wulin game, which was a rather funny diversion from the main plot.
Did you use (or write) the set of disciplines on that one fan wiki Satan?
The External style? That was a player of mine, the glorious bastard that he is. I just came up with a basic framework for the actual fights, with ring outs as a primary method of victory rather than going for a straight KO.
Dual wielding power axes while riding in wheelchair with a jetpack attached to it, because apparently the fact that bionics for his crippling injuries (which he suffered because he though grappling Tyrranid Warrior Prime is a great idea) are unfinished is not excuse to not participate in boarding actions. Fucking Khornates. Due to some ridiculous rolls he actually managed to do pretty great, and at one point managed to ramp a pile of burning enemy corpses to get over a barricade.
Teleporting a pirate ship out from under said pirates to a mile above them.
Almost didn't work. Almost.
The rogue tried to defeat a shambling mound with a bar of soap.
It helped slightly, but didn't work.
Why is her heart behind her left tit
Punching people really hard.
You know the dragon disciple prestige class in pathfinder? The PrC that you have to be a caster to enter, that costs you caster levels and gives you +strength?
A m80 made a boisterous rock'em sock'em dragongirl who was like, dual-blooded sorcerer (orc, dragon) human with sorcerer 3 or 4, Ranger 1, Monk 2, Dragon disciple 4?
The general scheme was a dash of arcane casting to increase lightning damage and direct damage (orc bloodline helped) provide self-buffs and entry into the DD PrC, then monk for unarmed strike etc, ranger for the 'natural' fighting style, and DD for MUH STRENGTH.
And so this "sorcerer" wearing spandex would cast bulls strength on herself, walk up to baddies and slug them for like 1d6+12 damage per hit.
I thought it was the most hilarious and janky-ass build to be surprisingly effective.
Wait, wait, I think I have it. Aasimar Sorcerer(dual bloodline orc/blue dragon) 1, monk 2, ranger 1, DD4 (she joined at level 8).
Aasimar because the SLA daylight let you qualify as 'high enough level caster' for DD. So, absolute mongrel mutt, angel-orc-human-dragon bloodline punchlady.
>Its a damn shame its been cancelled
The manga just updated the other day.
+15 Bluff
+14 Diplomacy
+12 Intimidate
+14 Sense Motive
+14 Perform (Oratory)
Why fight people when you can convince them to join your fight against the former owners of your independent colony?
Probably just the scans catching up to the jap releases.
The manga legit got cancelled.
This is not flavertown
Man what the hell? I just read chapter 151 the other day.
Then again, I guess it's good that it's ending now before it started to really get old.
Absolute madman throws his own fists at enemies; it works.
>Local man catches DES HANDS!
I have a lot of thrown weapon as a ranger. They are mostly though. Advantage for my three trident is the best and I don't have to do the math for recovering ammunition.
Probably my Solar Exalted thief who mostly ended up stealing things from people in mid flight with supernatural bullshit. I was stealing weapons, arrows, and even stole my unconscious Lunar bro when an enemy tried to run off with him.
It's a shame that campaign died early because he was fun as fuck to play. Favorite moment was using some combination of charms to look inside a dude's body and steal the poison out of him.
While being chased by griffons my character did some warcrime crafting on horseback going through the loot last night. My dirty Frenchman ranger cut open the cockatrice he was determined to find a way to cook, took a swig from a wine bottle, broke the bottle, shoved a bunch of glass in there, closed it up, and managed to calm it down a bit so I could pretend to be friendly. Then I offered it my prey, the cockatrice, and slowly backed away.
The genius act of fusing two of the worst classes in all of D&D 3.5:
>Soulknife base with Hidden Talent ACF and probably the Bonus Feats ACF, kalashtar race
>take Tashalatora feat: Your trash class now fully counts as MONK levels for giving you unarmed damage progression, AC bonus and Flurry of Blows
>Take Reshape Mind Blade and pick a UNARMED STRIKE as the form your Mind Blade takes from now on
Your fully-throwable Mind Blade now progresses in enhancement bonus, special enhancements, etc AND in damage die and FoB.
From there there are a bunch of other things you can do to abuse things that would boost one or the other.
>take Expansion as your HT power, which your Soulknife and kalashtar combination will give you both the Manifester Level and PP to augment yourself to Huge size eventually
>get an Ectoplasmic Fist, a kalashtar-only thing that increases the effective size of your unarmed damage by 1 stage
>get a Fanged Ring, granting you INA and another +size to your unarmed damage
>Monk's Belt and Superior Unarmed Strike, increase effective Monk level for unarmed damage by 5+4
>add extra enhancements with necklace of natural attacks (numbers don't stack with Mind Blade's, but special abilities can be added)
>generally just look up effective size increase handbooks because Colossal isn't even the limit you can achieve with unarmed damage
>Take Scorpion's Grasp feat and just throw your Mind Blade fists at people... Which somehow GRAPPLES them now
Everything about this is weird, technically works, and either absolutely stupid or a wonderfully flavorful use of special powers depending on who's at your table. Soulknife+Monk = something better than either at the very least.
I have two characters that I enjoy(ed) playing, and one's a human fighter, the other's a tiefling alchemist.
We were using dice-rolls for stats in a basic/early ed game for the Human Fighter, and so I ended up being saddled with someone who had no stats under 12, with the highest being 17, his strength. He pulled doors off of their hinges, he grabbed smaller monsters and hit the larger ones with them-- the latest game I played, he picked up a Kobold and killed it while using it as a club against one very big lizardfolk.
The Alchemist has fire resistance, and with some equipment, he has even higher fire resistance-- so he just smashes his own firebombs in his hands, standing next to the enemies. He takes nearly no damage, and the splash will always do some. He 1v1'd a miniboss meant for a full party because of this.
>mfw when nearly unscathed afterward
Also, I had a friend who played a cleric that had our party help him castrate a minotaur, so that he could then mount its dick on a stick, enchant it to keep it fresh and hard, and use it as a weapon. It had a chance to stun any sentient enemies due to shock from being hit with a man-bull dick.
>started simple enough
>human bard
>alert feat + warcaster feat since we run first level feats
>dual wielded shortswords
>generally went first more often than not thanks to Jack of All Trades affecting Initiative rolls
>used speed initiative bonus, magic, and paired shortswords to keep up with the fighter
>then he hit third level
>college of Lore
>still relatively normal
>parrying attacks with Bardic Dice
>4th level
>multiclasses into rogue
>grabs dual wielder feat
>generally lagging behind, pretty versatile though
>mega skill expert
>gets two weapon fighting style
>is at this point dual wielding rapiers
>6th level
>oh lord what
>Initiative is now +13 (+3 dex, +5 Alert, +4 cha, +1 JoAT)
>Cutting Words still verbally parrying a lot of attacks
>Rapiers attacks are +6 to hit and dealing 1d8+3 damage each
>plus his sneak attack as long as he picks his targets
>he got silver ones instead of magic ones for some reason
>he now dances through combat hitting two different enemies
>usually casts longstrider as his action and cunning action to dash or dodge for his first turn
>has free reign over the battlefield
I'm not even sure what the fuck happened, I feel like he must have planned and built this before the game started.
He's going to 4th level Bard for 7th level and he plans on continuing Bard progression after that.
>multiclasses at 4 and takes dual wielder
Does your group not know how multiclassing works or something? Or do you just do ASIs based on total level?
Because if you didnt know asis are based on class level.
Sorry we've done it like this for ages so I forgot that we houseruled that, along with 1st level feats.