Thoughts on pic related? Saw these chunky fuckers in a 5e expansion at my previous game, liked what I saw and am now thinking of making one my next character.
They're perfectly fine as a player character race. The trick is having a reason for them to be adventuring.
One of the players in my campaign is playing a Firbolg. His explanation for why he is adventuring is that he is on the Firbolg equivalent of rumspringa.
i don't really see the point of them from an objective standpoint, they just seem to be wood elves: troll edition
not to mention that they seem to be the least likely race that players can access to actually be adventurers... the only thing they got going for them in my opinion is that they seem to make a nice fit for the "gentle giant" type character
They're not broken or overpowered, per say, but goddamn are they superfluous snowflake shit... although that describes most non-PHB races and the people that feel the need to play them.
This, if you have to play some special-snowflake race to make your character interesting, your character probably sucks. Hell, there's already too much shit in the Player's Handbook as it is.
It's 'per se', but thanks for proving your retardation in more ways than one.
Seems more that user likes the race and wants more cause for trying it. Though looking at the fluff, I could see a case for a firbolg adventurer in one trying to make the area safer for their community and that of their neighbors.
Oh god that art, what did 5e do to Firbolgs?
I remember them from the old TSR novels. Good-Aligned Giant-Kin with a strong celtic theme, a talent for rune magic and a racial geas that prevented them from telling a lie without pain.
That guy looks like the town drunk of the firbolg.
>tumblr nose
d&d was a mistake
They're just going for the drunken Irish aesthetic.
They're pretty cool, nothing too crazy but it's nice to have a race that's not just human with pointy ears/other minimal physical trait, humanoid animal or someone who had a demon/angel/dragon as a grandfather.
They're decent, but 2e had better art.
but that literally is a human with pointy ears retard
When will we get Cessair, Partholón, Nemed, and the Tuatha Dé Danann?
I think I'd argue that not every player is a writer/regular reader of fiction, so they may not be able to create a compelling character to play as.
So you give them a really unique Race/Class so they aren't just a generic "Stout and Stubborn Dwarf Fighter" for the millionth time. There's not preconceived notion for how a Shardmind, Firbolg, or Tabaxi is supposed to be, so that player has to actually TRY now.
Jesus christ what is with retards and their special snowflake races?
Why not just play the main races that already exist and are already unnecessary? Why do you all gobble up donutsteel OC race like writing "not human" on your character sheet actually means anything for your charcter?
REEE bring back race as class.
Why would I want to play a human? They are just recoloured firbolgs with round ears!
Already exist
Settings already written with them existing
Open floodgates to supplement bullshit
Have to warp setting finding a place for them to exist that makes sense
Seems like every point against Firebolgs is only a personal issue. If your DM thinks they're bullshit, then they are. If not, then not. T
he only objective "issue" with them is that they are non-standard. i personally like the idea of speciation among the humanoids, but that just me. I actually think it has the effect of making humans feel less special in the world, and therefore a part of it instead of the kings of it.
2e also had better lore and stats for them.
But I'm just a bit bitter about that.
>liked what I saw
In my campaign we have a very irritating autist who is really overplaying their Firbolg snowflake character. He takes every opportunity to Disguise Self or Detect Magic in the most cringey Naruto-inspired ways.
Kill me.
They don't look at all like previous Firbolgs, not physically, not culturally.
>Have to warp setting finding a place for them to exist that makes sense
...but you are playing DnD, the setting already has them, i dont' see the problem
>...but you are playing DnD, the setting already has them,
>D&D is a setting in and of itself
It is, smart guy. Every edition has a default setting. 5e's is Forgotten Realms, and for whatever reason they've changed firbolgs from being giantkin scots that rebelled from the Ordning to reclusive forest dwelling gentle giants. If you're playing to the published material as is, they're in the setting.
There isn't anything wrong with using your own setting or modifying one, but that doesn't apply to the published canon.
>finding a place for them to exist that makes sense
The Feywild. Done.
>D&D is a setting in and of itself
It actually is...
If you're playing a particular setting the same problem you have with Firborgs could happen with any race ever, because it's a subjective matter
And I don't even like Firborgs, especially after what they did to them
This, I like this idea. Gonna have to steal it.
I adore these guys. Like, I wish they were made a core race. They check all of my boxes for a proper fantasy race I really wish there was more of in most your roleplaying. Trade the goddamn halflings for them.
Well, you don't have scale on that picture. She's supposedly significantly taller (though that won't explain why the bird is relatively the same size. Someone fucked up).
>Trade the goddamn halflings for them.
Don't know about the rest, but that I can agree on. Fat fucks have no business adventuring and are literally there for no reason whatsoever other than Tolkien Did It. Rename the firbolgs from Volo's Guide "trolls" and maybe give them a weakness to sunlight though and you basically got something more faithful to Norwegian mythology than anything else in D&D except the fensir, and that's a fine idea.
Not necessarily. Maybe her bird friend is a crow or something similar.
>Firbolg has high Wisdom and Strength
>Is the champion of his village but doesn't want to hurt anyone
>Gets cursed by a spirit of violence
>Wants to keep his village safe so he leaves it
>Barbarian Firbolg with nice attitude on adventure
I'd rather trade in the gnomes, but a'right.
5e firbolgs are literally gnomes but big.
Well then they aren't in the awkward spot of being in essentially the same situation as halflings anymore. Works great to me.
Pretty sure that bird is a raven, user. This is a raven with a human scale woman. Now look back at again and realize how big she is.
I love them.
I feel like they are inspired by Ogier from Wheel of Time. Way better than catwalk, or other furfag races. Stats are a cool blend of gnomish/wood elf while being on a powerful large frame like an orc or goliath
To all the faggots crying because they used to be boring suedo-celtic barbarian giants, I say just refluff goliath for that you babies
What's the difference between these Giants and other Giants?
>To all the faggots crying because they used to be boring suedo-celtic barbarian giants
How is being a tall gnome less boring than being the Wild Hunt?
Why name them Firborg then if you're going to change them anyway?
>All these people forgetting that firbolgs have been in D&D for 34 years
Not these Firbolgs though, these are totally new and original and interesting unlike old ones
Looks like a Celtic goliath,
Needed a setting neutral name & couldn't use Ogier?
>compelling characters
>in D&D
>a game about mindless dungeon-crawling and multi-hour combat encounters
>b-but what's your character's tax policy
Come on man, if you're here for faggy character shit go play storygames.
Playing one as a Oath of Ancients Pally, the racials and race background work for it.
So something like Prince Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke?
What makes elf or halfling less OC than Firbolgs?
I was thinking more of Barney the Dinosaur but with Hulk's powers.
'snowflake' is the cringiest insult.
its like you guys actually think most ice crystals are similar
I'm bothered that they along with Goliath didn't get the 5ft reach racial but Bugbear got it instead.