anyone else seriously considering killing themselves right now? i'm fucked. i've lost everything. I gambled and I lost.
Anyone else seriously considering killing themselves right now? i'm fucked. i've lost everything. I gambled and I lost
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Not suicidal i just wish i hadnt told people i was in crypto
Your way out is to gamble on BCH now.
Don't sell
do people not get that you havent lost till you cash out?
these threads are just for attention right?
can i get banned if i ask you to legit kys?
fucking this, i got some good gains and just couldn't keep my mouth shut. felt so good at the time when i was rubbing it in to all my wageslave friends, now they've gone and crashed the market, fucking normie scum ruin everything
what happened?
did you get rekt margin trading?
if you merely lost on paper because the whole market is down then fucking hold - you will be aight soon!
A 30% correction is everything?
And you can't cash out, so you never lose
Im already planning on cashing out what little money i have left to buy a shotgun. Goodbye biz. I almost made it. Losing 55k in 24 hours is just too much. Peace out.
Are you fucking stupid lmao?
Honestly anons please wake up, were you planning to cash out tomorrow? Do you need the cash right now? Do you need the money right now?
Fucking idiot just wait a few months. WAIT A FEW MONTHS
Every time you cash out from getting scared during a crash you WILL regret it, this NEVER fails to be the case. Do you even understand what is going on here?
Listen user HODL FOREVER
It's the time of year when investments are being sold to pay for xmas. When the new year starts, people will gamble. Wait six weeks.
it works until it doesn't u dumbass
people thought the same in late 2013...
have fun buying back in at 20k
>People thought the same in late 2013...
>BTC is still up 1,300% since the ATH of late 2013
Do you even invest user? Literally. Even if you went all in directly before the crash of 2013 you'd be up 1,300% right now. Stop being retarded.
The crash ONLY happened because the ONLY high volume exchange DIED. Has that happened now? No
What is the reason for this crash? Think rationally. Is there any actual reason? No. So HODL
You win some you lose some
There's always tomorrow
hey dont joke
the fact that btc is useless isn't enough reason!?!!
I was saving money to buy an apartment, and for the longest time wisely didn't allow myself to enter the bitcoin gamble.
I had accounts and everything set up, but I only put like $50 in it to mess around and participate in the memes.
However, my fear of missing out got the best of me, and after much convincing from Veeky Forums I entered at 18000, when everyone was claiming it will be 30000 for Christmas.
I put my $20000 that I had in the bank into bitcoin, and I convinced a friend to do something similar, we were both really hype.
I might end my life. My dad, his dad, and his dad, all died of stomach cancer in their 50s. I work a dead end job and have no girlfriend. Now this. My only friend hates me. All my savings gone. I will never have my own place. I think I'll evacuate. Been nice sailing with you, lads.
lol brainlet
I bet you think tx speed is most important
Gamble with us once more user.
get cucked u mongoloid
Nice, I got a sxp tactical pump 12ga. Super fun to take it out shooting. Not as much fun as my Springfield Saint, but still fun. Still get sore after a couple boxes of 00 shells though. I need to go more often
What are you planning on getting?
i'm unable to tell if people are being serious anymore.
u fucking retard. it's so easy. buy the dip, NOT the all time high. jesus christ when will u people learn
Someone has to hold those bags user...
Just tell him to hodl and it'll be $100k next year.
I'm still up 200% since I started investing.
What's wrong with you guys?
>investing more than what you can afford to lose
>just be clairvoyant lmao
>we all gambled, but i luckily won, thus you are all retarded :DD:D:D
israelkoin cripple is doing great while everything else is eating shit... i wonder who could be behind this...
My god...this is why you never convince people to invest if they are close to you. If they lose money they blame it all on you. Next time keep your mouth shut. And you should have invested in ether not shitcoin, Would you invest in an old dying dog or a new fresh puppy?
Just get drunk about it a few times. You'll be fine. Watch something funny.
You gonna choose to be weak? Or choose to be stronk? Don't be a bitch. There needs to be dark to have light. Be kinder to yourself as if you would be to your dearest friend if he was sad. Hodl. And grow some loveballs.
You didn't buy BZC yet user? Kek
You haven't lost anything yet dipshit unless you sell so just hold tight and weather the storm welcome to crypto this is baby's first dip.
It's just money. There's a million ways to make it. Chill out.
Fucking this. God damn.
I hate fucking losing. When I was a full autismo and going to /b/ in highschool in 06, I swore college would be different. I'd mimic the fucking normal kids and just do 100% of what they do.
I've been winning ever since 08 when my last acne cleared up and I lost my virginity.
It fucking hurts to go from 30k up to 400 down. I "know" this is temporary, but I can't sleep. Fuck me
Got into crypto one week before the China FUD in September. It felt pretty bad at the time, but if you started buying after that you would be fucking LAUGHING now. Just keep holding you utter poofter.
Shut up newfag. If you can't handle the dips go buy 3% yearly gain bonds
Sold everything 3 days ago. We've known for more than a week that there was a high chance of a crash coming before new year.
It's an extremely simple risk/reward scenario if you're not retarded or greedy.
>Risk +70% of entire stack by holding
>Cash out and wait 2 weeks for BTC to either shit the bed or stabilize
>Worst case scenario: miss 2 weeks of meager gains
Pajeet, stop copy and pasting this into every thread.
Here, brother.
I literally took out a $300k business credit line for this shit. Bought in at $19k and now I'm so fucking fucked.
My two business partners will beat the shit out of me when they find out. Oh, and we're having a shitty no growth year to begin with. I just fucked up about a dozen lives, mine included.
Kill me.
No, fucking KILL me!
Thinking about having a late drink and a final hard fap to interracial porn. Then I'll drive down to the shittiest part of the city at night, provoke a fight with some gangbangers, and let nature take its course.
Did you know Somalis burn people alive in Minneapolis when they get pissed? It's probably what I deserve for ruining the innocent with this stupid fucking Bitcoin thing.
Where do you think your gains would come from?
There will be no new BTC bubble in X years.
BTC is finished.
No use-case no adoption. Its dead. BCH and alts are taking over.
Crypto honeymoon phase is over.
>All my savings gone
>$20,000 in when it was $18,000
>BTC is now 14k
>23% loss
>$15,400 left = all savings gone
You don't make sense. Therefore, shut the fuck up you attention whoring 14 year old faggot on Christmas break.
can you not read? there's nothing clairvoyant about it. you don't even have to be able to do or listen to and understand TA. I can't. just buy the dip & hodl, this is the easiest game ever
Good troll, you should write a book.
Sell all your BTC for BCH, BCH will pump hard at some point, it's even likely it's gonna replace BTC, then once you break even sell it all and only buy back what you are comfortable with losing. Hang in there bro, you're gonna make it. Don't keep holding BTC, it will likely crash lower and lower
well your life doesn't sound great anyway so not a huge loss I guess.
I was in a similar situation at one point, I even had the same plan to buy my own apartment, I thought that's what people were supposed to do, that it was a nod towards accomplishment or something. instead, after about a year, it didn't matter, I could have been living anywhere, my own apartment, someone elses, a room in a basement, it didn't matter. buying your own place is just something to preoccupy you, to give you a reason to go to work, so you can feel like you're making progress towards a goal, except you'll eventually have the thing paid off when you're like 53 years old and probably still be pretty miserable and then it'll just be on to the next goal to try and take up time in your life and give you some near-insignificant reason for getting up in the morning.
actual worse case scenario: btc skyrockets to 50k overnight and ur dumb ass is left in the cold for being greedy and thinking ur not
When those were written bitcoin was still a usable currency in ecommerce. Bitcoin core made sure thats not the case anymore.
BTC will be a marketcap #4 or so coin soon. It will obviously not die for a long long time but it wont be the reservecrypto anymore
No way this is real
jesus christ somebody get this guy outta here
user you're falling for BCash propaganda. Lightning Network will make small transactions cheap as fuck and BTC is digital gold. Don't be naive, it has the blockchain with the most PoW, do not underestimate that.
>Normies buys in because the media shills BTC hard after the 1k-5k gains
>BTC meets resistance at 20k
>Media does a 180 and starts FUD'ing hard about BTC bubble
>Normies freak out
>Becomes self-fulfilling prophecy
Yeah, I'm sure it'll reach 50k over night.
Oh, and make sure to max out those credit cards. Wouldn't want to miss any gains when it reaches 50k.
News media flash in 4 hours
The ultimate pump and dump has occurred.
Obviously I didn't actually lose every last dollar, but I have lost money, and lost face, and lost faith. Its not even easy or fast to get the money I have left out of the market. Bitcoin to dollar isn't something that happens fast or for free.
This could potentially be you right now. Its fucking gambling. I am a moron for buying into GAMBLING. Throwing dice. Fuck you and your kind for convincing me.
hi and welcome to Veeky Forums. please enjoy your stay, the rules can be found on the home page.
might i suggest you "lurk" for some time (approx 1 year) before posting.
gracias :^)
already did, thanks :^)
>What is the reason for this crash? Think rationally. Is there any actual reason?
Roger Ver got caught colluding and insider trading with BTCash and it starting dropping. So he crashed the BTC market and triggered this^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
So you are saying that now you are so depressed you don't even have these carrot on a stick goals to keep you moving? Thanks.
>Fuck you and your kind for convincing me.
lol cmon dude have you forgotten where you are. no offense but you are normal as fuck, gtfo of crypto for your own good
>Mom has pretty aggressive cancer
>Dad died in a drunk driving accident years ago
>Not much other family, grandparents died nearly a decade ago
>Family income nonexistent
>Dropped out of school to get 2 jobs to pay for moms Chemo and to have some sort of money.
>Chemo/mortgage/ etc bills pilling up
>Secretly take Moms life savings (80k) and dump into bitcoin at 19k hoping it will boom and I can afford to save my mom and house.
>Bitcoin crashes
> Left with no money
>Will lose house in few months
>Will lose Mom soon aswell
maybe ill just join her
i don't actually feel depressed (although I might be, I do feel happy/laugh a lot though), but I just realize that the goals are ultimately meaningless - a psychological trick we play on ourselves so that we continue to move forward.
My point is that NOT buying that apartment isn't really life altering. Your life wouldn't have been much better had you bought it already. Hell this might even be a good thing since it delays your goal - you can still pursue property ownership, it'll just take longer, which will keep you preoccupied longer and give you motivation to live.
Buddy, look at the bright side. Your money is in someone else's pocket right now, and making them happy.
Maybe your money helped finance some other guys house.
What a massive fucking faggot holy shit
if i hodl forever when the fuck am i supposed to use my gains?
>taking investing advice from Veeky Forums
You deserve everything you get
that site is funny because it doesn't show the thousands of bitcoin prophets predicting bitcoin will be at X by Y date. You're just degenerate gamblers.
user wtf
All you niggers need to chill, this is a long hodl now, the market isn't going to collapse, we in bear mode now
just get out and delete blockfolio come back in 2 3 months and you ll be in profit ez
Watching you retards that took out loans in an extremely volatile market is music to my ears
>muh loans i cant pay back
>muh suicidal depression
wait out the storm unless you're a fool
can someone please tell me what BZC is
Good future reference to all you dumb goys, WHEN motherfuckers are publicly exposing a stock, and everyone is hyping each other up to BUY, BUY, BUY, you need to fucking SELL, because the largest sharehders are just growing the bubble, before they crash it. Did you guys really invest thousands of dollars over this shit without even basic market economics? So stupid. I'm standing by for some bottom out prices
You hodl if you suck at trading because the price will always go back. If you were a good trader you’d have sold off your positions and started shorting or reinvesting your money right now.
Fuck off weak hand if you can't handle the pressure just go back selling tacos and shut the fuck up.
What do you think is bottom? I think another down day tomorrow. I think we may see sub 10k
Lol worst post ever
wait a month or two what do you have to lose?
Idiot people have been shouting BUY nonstop since $300
None of your retarded shit applies here
>that plot
>le rick and morty picture
>reddit spacing
200iq shitpost, a true masterpiece
I have no clue user I never trade, came to hang out and watch you guys from /pol/. I knew the bubble pop was coming tho, these crypto markets seem to be alot of hype too so maybe it won't be catastrophic, but if everyone continues panicking and freaking out, it will cause a continual selling off of btc, which would suck for all of you
It'll be sub-10k for sure.
Hopefully not much less than 8k. That's where my buy-orders are at.
Bike cuck is that you?
I'm trying to make him even more depressed.
The past few weeks is the first time I witnessed friends and shit on Facebook looking at BTC and you could feel the false hype perpetuating the bubble. All of that retarded shit applies, it's still a fucking market, no different than stocks. Top shareholders hype the stock, then dump when the time is right
>Fuck you and your kind for convincing me.
No, fuck you. Fuck all you morons for being born. You fucking idiots don't have a lick of common sense and the world would be better off without you. Thank GOD you're not my family members or my business partners, because what a drag it would have been to know you. Listening to you drone on and on about muh digital gold and muh store of value, ranting about your new price target every five hours.
You fucking retards have ruined this board. You've ruined any forum vaguely related to finance or technology. Braindead idiots. THIS IS WHY YOU WERE WAGEKEKS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Get it tattooed on your foreheads, retards:CAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT. Maybe that way you will remember when you stare at your dumb meatbag face every morning before work.
Go find a good boss and work hard for him and keep your fucking mouths shut and try to LEARN
Do not ever come back to this board. You don't belong here.