>bought at 850 thinking it can get to 900 easily
>hits the 900 wall
>never made it past
>crashing ever since
>bought at 850 thinking it can get to 900 easily
>hits the 900 wall
>never made it past
>crashing ever since
Other urls found in this thread:
It will be by mid 2018 just hodl
I just sold all my LTC for ETH and moved some BTC to ETH and I can't explain why fuck
Btc just had to shit on everybody's plate when going down. Hard to understand why people would sell alts when btc drops
yeah but if you hodl you good my guy
because BTC is the flagship of crypto and when it starts tanking, the general mindset is "oh fuck, crypto as a whole is dying" and the panic selling commences.
Plus it's a chain reaction type situation, all it takes is some small percentage of people to panic sell in the beginning, as the price starts to follow, the logical investors figure they'll sell as well and rebuy cheaper and it just cascades from there.
Even though I've been getting absolutely JUSTED all week. I can say Ive enjoyed falling together with you all
You should be moving all your btc to bch right now
Same, I only have some disposable income in crypto right now anyways so even if I lost everything it'd all be worth it just for going on this wild ride with Veeky Forums
i'm waiting for this to drop sub-500 to invest more into it
i seriously think this ""coin"" will value over 10,000 in the (nearish) future
has the most future growth potential with actual real-world use
don't do this user keep your ETH. Anyone telling you to buy BCH is trying to sell bags.
it still is but you're obviously too retarded and immature to handle it, so you should just fucking sell.
plz shut up u tremendous faggot, bch is no bueno
holy shit, that pic is spot on. but you should add arya as bitbean and it will be complete.
The good thing is that this perception is dying as more people realize that BTC is just garbage
why even fuck with btc when sending it costs $30 per transaction and takes hours. ETH is fast as fuck and cheap.
Didn't we tell you, that you should only buy when it's under $800?
Full agreement with everything this user says.
Bring it on.
since when did this board become reddit?
It still is. Just step away from the screen, go enjoy the holidays and don't look until Mid January at least.
You might want to put some orders around $600 too if you have any money left. I think that's the floor.
>bought a samll amount at 820
>goes well
>dips to 800
>buy a load of it
>sell at 700
>they said 500 by EOY
>practically 700
kek thank you based logic
It's a limitless mining coin. It was bound to fall sooner or later. Get into something with a cap
Why would you sell it?
It will recover faster than it dipped, eth is going to be massive in 2018
I figured i'd buy some when it bottoms out.
you all just had to FUD bcore didnt you cashlets? Fuck you all
calm the fuck down, it's just disposable income.
It might bottom out in an hour or two. But it won’t go lower than that until the next frenzy. Which could be Christmas or months later
I got 20 eth in each hand
eoy 2018 im have a lambo in each hand