I just started my first 5e game and D&D in general, I'm playing a gunslinger class right now, anyone play this yet? Super new to this and we just got done with character phase.
Any tips for a brand spanking new D&D player?
I just started my first 5e game and D&D in general, I'm playing a gunslinger class right now, anyone play this yet? Super new to this and we just got done with character phase.
Any tips for a brand spanking new D&D player?
First, ask your DM how long he thinks a player's turn usually goes. If he says around six seconds, proceed. Otherwise, this won't help you.
Next, start looking for ways to get followers with you. You're a gunslinger, try performing some shootin shows and get some fans who wish to follow you around. You'll need them.
Also along the way, get a five foot pole. I'll explain in a bit...
I'm listening.
new to dnd or roleplaying in general?
new to table top roleplaying in general
>Forgot to mention, better make that pole metal. And as for the fans? Aim to have at leas 2000. It's a big number, but well worth it if you want to go out with a bang.
Keep these fans with you, keep that pole with you. You want them, because one day you'll come upon the BBEG's fortress (or something similar) and your guns will do nothing to it. At this point, your teammates will want to try to sneak in to usurp it from the inside, or muster an army (likely out of your fans, the heathens) to overtake it.
Don't listen to them. You have a better option.
Have your followers stand in a straight line, about five feet apart from each other (At 2000 bodies, that'll be a 10,000 ft line) with one end directly facing the obstacle. Tell your DM you will have all your followers, except the one at the end of the line facing the obstacle, perform a 'ready action' (Not sure if it has another name in 5e) to pass the next object handed to him/her. Then command the one at the far end to throw the next thing handed to him as hard as possible.
Once they're ready, go to the far end of the line (may take a few turns) and hand the follower there the 5ft pole.
Remember when I told you to ask how long a playerms turn is? Because all those followers will now pass that pole from one end of the line to the other, and then throw it at the fortress. And by game rules, it happens during your turn. All six seconds of it.
10,000 ft/6 seconds = About 1,666 Feet per second.
That 5ft pole hits the BBEG's lair at over Mach 1.
Be sure to ask how much XP the BBEG and all his minions in that base are worth.
> Bleh, messed up some wording
> The follower at the CLOSEST end to the obstacle needs to ready action "throw next item given." You hand the pole to the guy at the FAR end of the line.
if your dm is shit dont get dissapointed
try to have fun, dont be so stingy with rules, that not your job right now, just learn what you need
Do not pvp just because you have to pvp, if there is a conflict and both players want to, go ahead but most of the time is just annoying and someone ends crying like a bitch because they lose their character
This is the best thing I've ever read.
ah the peasant rail gun, guaranteed to be usable only once per DM
I play a gunslinger too. Aaracockra.
What you're going to see is the DM trying to find a way to balance you in a way that's satisfying. The gunslinger is third party and not perfectly balanced.
My DM does it with ammunition being relatively expensive, which is a fine way to do it.
>I play a gunslinger too.
How does this work, exactly?
Attach turret to back end.
Depends how big a gun it is.
You know what, just to rain on your parade I'd take RAW on this as a GM. It's an improvised weapon and does 1 damage. Or 1d6, if you use an actual javelin/spear.
Then again, I've seen the post before, so I'd more likely ward you off it by telling you it won't work well ahead of time.
Aarakocra have wings and arms, not arm-wings. They're birdpersons, not batmen.
No game is played by raw, if you manage to flood a dungeon you're not doing 1 damage because the water is an improvised weapon. This rides on the same logic, though it is easily justified as abusing abstractions in the game system and banned.
There are rules for drowning you retard
Also if the acceleration worked "realistically" the projectile would disintegrate and the peasant would probably die
Id have you roll 2000 dexterity checks just to be a dick
>Just have fun bro
>dont be that guy
>be this guy
>respect your DM and other players
>bring snacks
>bring beer
>kill monsters
>have fun
>No game is played by raw
Yeah, good point. The DM should just rule that it can only travel 6 peasants in a single round.
>only once per DM
If even that? If a player of mine tried that, I'd just look at him funny, and then tell him that the attack at the end is still just a basic improvised weapon attack. The peasant railgun has never worked raw OR rai, so I don't see what the point is. It's not even a rules exploit if it doesn't work with thd rules.
Run before it's too late.