Flames of War General /fowg/: Red Thunder Soon Edition

I'd say that at this point an IL-2 is a must have.

Depends on what stage of the war you're in. Check previous threads, the question gets asked a lot.

If 1420 was the standard list size for V3, what is the standard for V4?

Pre planned mortar barrages are impressive anti bunker weapons, definitely get some.

It was the standard for one year of tournies. If your local group kept it longer, that's on them, but the long-term standard was ~1500.

V4 rules seem to be pushing 100

Team yankee also considered 100 as standard but that settled down to 80ish

ww2 tanks are smaller than 1985 tanks as far as table space goes, but we don't yet have the russian cheers hordes in v4 mid war to contend with so it's hard to say where things will end up

Yeah, but how many people are regularly bringing bunkers?

Nobody, bunkers (and fortified companies in general) suck dick in V4.


So why are we talking about something being a good weapon to use against something that we rarely, if ever, see on the table top?

Memes, son.