How can I get my stoner friends into tabletop ?
How can I get my stoner friends into tabletop ?
I'd start with casual, "beer and pretzels," games. Kobolds Ate My Baby and that. Maybe some of the simpler Cheapass Games. From there, ease into whatever you want. In my experience, mild intoxication does little to impair most people's ability to play most games and I've known a few folks it seems to actually help.
Don't. You don't want to run RPGs with stoners. For your own sanity, OP.
As obnoxious as is, he has a bit of a point. A lot of the people I've known who are big stoners make shitty players. Again, just my personal experience, but I've noticed a trend towards being more silly/over the top dumb in games as opposed to actually roleplaying.
Regardless, if you're new to DM-ing maybe pick up a module, read through it a few times, and run it for them. Try to set things up in such a way that, it appeals to their interests and your own.
Another option might just be to play something simpler and more free-form like Fiasco instead of games like d&d or whatever.
>Getting stoners into tabletop games
Allow them to smoke weed at the table. Done, seriously that's it.
Here's the trick though: You don't want to force a stoner to do shit they wouldn't like sober. If someone isn't into tabletop, getting high won't change much. They won't be as invested in it as the rest, just like non-stoners. And they'll try to incite comedy or other chaos, just like everyone else who gets bored.
A bunch of stoner tabletop nerds together, though? That shit sounds solid.
Get some simple rules lite games that don't require multiple sessions to play. Also play somewhere where they can smoke while they play and have some sort of munchies already set up. You don't want your game interrupted by a 90 minute burger run
get them high
So treat them like the literal retards they are
Generally, you should just avoid stoners altogether. They're pretty much good for nothing. Unless you are also a stoner.
Depends what kind of stoners they are
They'll either be amazing players or some of the worst
>Unless you are also a stoner.
I bet girls have confessed their love for you, but you were too thick-headed to get it until it was too late.
Like holy shit how slow ARE you?
My recommendations (if they are going to play while stoned) is to play a stupid and simple game that's more comedy and fun oriented. Something like Maid or the like. The fact that you refer to them as your stoner friends leaves us to assume that being stoners are their most interesting qualities. Next step is to put on a weird move/anime and after it's done playing try to trick them all into thinking that they were playing it the entire time.
>get them a little smoked up
>pitch them a bunch of cool ass character concepts and stories, maybe start/find a greentext thread and let them read the short ones
>tomorrow tell them to start reading about it, make sure they're sober
>teach them about it, tell them more stories while they're high
eventually they'll be about that life, as long as you can get them hooked with the stories
source: I'm the stoner at the table
Just tell them that roleplaying while high is fucking awesome (it totally is).
assuming you/OP doesn't just know dude weed lmao stoners then yeah this
I always found they got really into my games, funnily enough despite being high they managed to focus more on the game too, I guess it just lets you concentrate on mellow entertainment that bit more
You know alot of people who smoke would get riled at this but fucking hell are you correct. Some of the lads i smoke and game with are shocking. retention of rules goes out the fucking window as well so he'll have fun explaining how things work EVERY TURN
You say that as if everybody everywhere hasn't had the experience of playing games with people who weren't stoned and still couldn't remember the rules of the game to save their lives.
Top tier stoners are terrible players, if they don't have preexisting interest in Veeky Forums stuff your enterprise is doomed to failure in the first place. IME even folks who are good players lose their shit with the application of weed since it kills reaction time, kills information retention*, and fucks with their perception of novelty. One person at a table who needs everything explained every turn (including multiple reminders that it's their turn) because it is SO WEIRD that the opposite faces of their dice all add to the same number or are sitting slack-jawed in amazement that they are controlling outcomes for a fantasy world is bad. A whole table of that, just move the fuck on.
*Weird fact: While most intoxicants kill standard recall they can actually create powerful associative memories. Teach someone a game while they're drunk/high as a kite/seriously hopped up on caffiene and they won't remember it sober any more than they'll remember sober-learned things while intoxicated, but could become a fucking rules savant when brought back to their intoxicated state. That said weed is probably the worst commonly accessible choice for provoking this since it messes with memory formation in general so getting through the "learn while intoxicated" phase is gonna be tough. Caffiene is the opposite. At doses high enough to be relevant it will still mess with recall and create the effect where memories are tied to the state of consciousness they were formed in, but the subject will retain way more when "out of phase".
Life Lesson for those still in academia: if you chug energy drinks to stay awake cramming, chug a couple more before the test, you'll remember much better.