SCG Baltimore Open, GP Coppenhagen, and GP Kobe edition.
>Metagame thoughts?
Weekly Modern Metagame:
SCG Baltimore Open, GP Coppenhagen, and GP Kobe edition.
>Metagame thoughts?
Weekly Modern Metagame:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mirrodin Draft on MtGO
This is fun. Pentavus is busted. I would not have won the games I won without Pentavus.
No but I'm going to the Roanoke open in june/july
Mono blue tron
Mono blue tron variants always
Nothing in particular
>Metagame thoughts?
A little fast, a little too linear. Most of the decks i play at FNM just do their thing with a bare minimum of interaction which leads to stale matchups after a while.
Ban simian spirit guide. Unban preordain.
no, but should have
BR Madcap
>Metagame thoughts?
need better tempo and combo choices, current combo is hated out by a single creature removal spell and thats lame
unban: everything, or close to it, there's really only a few cards that need to be banned
Is it just me or are game stores always tacky and ugly on the inside? Does anyone go to a cool looking one?
Never been to one that looks good, but seen pictures. The really successful ones always look nice so that casuals will shop there.
The problem is that game stores tend to be opened by people who don't know anything about interior design.
>current combo is hated out by a single creature removal spell
There's always Ad Nauseam.
The ones I go to are all pretty nice. Face to Face games in Toronto is extremely comfy. They do modern on fucking Thursday though which blows ass. I start work at 4am, I can't be staying out until midnight playing cards
Ad nausem loses to so many strategies it's not even worth mentioning.
So what you're saying is that game stores need some fag-fags to spruce up the place?
Well take your pick. Combo that wins against most strategies and is safe from common interaction is too good.
Basically. A game store should actually look like a store, not a creepy basement.
There needs to be a twin-like option. Maybe not twin, but a 2 card combo tempo deck.
Saheeli and Kiki decks exist.
i only travel for magic during winter & spring, because i use my vacation time in the summer & fall for mountainbike trips.
WR Death & Taxes
I only fucks wit D&T variants. You know the name, D&T is my game.
My little bears hate on just about everyone!
>>Metagame thoughts?
It's fine.
Fuckin' leave it alone, dude.
Like this?
Copycat exists.
It just sucks compared to twin.
Blue moon with breach Emmy is also a deck, but like copycat it still sucks.
Looks like a bar, so unless it is primarily a bar that happens to sell games, no.
I suppose this is also more along the right lines.
Also, I'd love to have a bar/game store. You'd get things like Martinis & Magic nights, Vintage & vodka shots, Sake & Standard, etc,
The problem there is you can't get official LGS status from a lot of companies if you sell alcohol. You also turn away all kids and parents shopping for kids. You'd have to hope that the alcohol sales make up for that loss.
Eh, I suppose that's true. I'd almost suggest some kind of food/grill but there'd surely be neckbeards making a mess with it every few minutes. I guess lounge-like décor would have to do.
Since there are so many Modern events this weekend, it's time for another super serious, very scientific poll... for science!
What do you wear to events?:
If you say "Other" feel free to comment saying what exactly you're up to.
Sometimes I wear a helmet and play Bogles.
R8 and h8 friends
What's the most redpilled modern deck?
What the fuck do you even mean?
is the nicol bolas planewalker card worth making a deck around? im going to be getting one soon
GP Copenhagen
Skred Red
Doing some EDH landpile
Ad Naus
>Metagame thoughts?
Too much Death's shadow
Not worried atm.
Going with this list for the GP, any last thoughts before i commit? Sideboard is what I'm mostly unsure, but i feel its ok
i already told you get 3-4x eidolons in there they work with aether vial
Boggles, burn, or anything specifically made to hate out green/white
I know this is a bit off topic but what's the card with guy skeleton whispering to the one guy and he's making a weird face? It's been so long I need to know.
No. Pretty sure that's EDH only. It's 8 cmc, 3 colored, and doesn't win the game right away.
It's boring to play as well.
Diabolic Tutor.
Diabolic tutor?
>SCG Baltimore Open, GP Coppenhagen, and GP Kobe
>tfw all of those events will be dominated by linear non interactive decks and WotC will finally be forced to unban JTMS and SFM
It is time
It's been time for a long time. Twin may get unbanned, though.
they're going to ban every single card that's played in Storm, and take no other action
Unfortunately this wotc has a hate boner for blue and storm in general
JTMS should really be unbanned, it's sad he's still there really.
Storm isnt even good though, do you think they hate it that much?
Keep dreaming that dream user.
Lol you wish blue babby
You mean fortunately. Blue and blue players are autistic.
>theyve banned 4 cards from Storm in Modern and every Storm card in Pauper
>do you think they hate Storm that much?
You tell me
There's that green storm card in pauper
It's also literally called the Storm scale.
R&D is a separate division from the DCI, the storm scale is a R&D thing.
>unban jtms
why? isnt that a really broken card?
It was preemptively banned when Modern was first created because of how much of a problem it was in Standard. We don't actually know what it would do in Modern, but testing that I've read about with it suggests that it would still be powerful.
Not really. You must have established dominant board control to drop him or he's just a 4 mana brainstorm. He works best in conjunction with reliable shuffle effects, which fetchlands provide, but ponder is the other common shuffle effect that helps him be good in legacy and that's not available in modern.
He's a good value engine and if you have complete control of the board he's a win condition. There are stronger things going on in modern atm.
theres literally nothing skred can do to ad naus
stupid deck
And there's little Jund can do against Tron.
Welcome to Modern, the format of ships passing in the night. Sorry but your ship was a little slower.
they could pithing needle lightning storm but most of time that's not enough
Has nothing to do with Modern and is instead about the shitty league format, but LRR is LRR
Why Epiphany over Pull From Tomorrow? Is UU really that restrictive?
and that's the way we like it
moon can do some work, chalice on 0 if bloom is incoming, 1 is good too, ad chalice on 2 and 3 I believe locks them out.
It is tuff tho, fuck ad naus :'(
>that tilting feeling when opp says gg and it wasn't a good game because you literally didn't get to play magic
>fuck ad naus
I give it a good Ravaging.
Emeria. Copycat is probably the best build but I want to stay UW and mess around with a Blasting Station combo.
Spell based combo is rough, but I don't hate it per se. I Truly hate As Foretold/Restore Balance. One guy at the store started playing it and I don't think I have ever beaten that deck.
>metagame thoughts
Okay with it. Glad that Storm is still a deck even though it poops on my slower combo
>ban list
Make a supplemental modern- legal product with needed reprints so they don't fuck up Standard. Counterspell , toxic deluge are the cards I'd most like to see.
Can anyone gimme some good Pithing Needle targets? Havent played it in a while. What is the best thing to Needle? reactive or proactive?
>what is the best use for this extremely narrow card, on which your choice entirely depends on what deck you're playing against
>not mentioning 7/7 flying lifelink Yawgmoth's Bargain
>Not having an alternate wincon of Breaching Worldspine Wurms
well, in modern:
>arcbound ravager
>steel overseer
>walking ballista
>devoted druid
>viscera seer
>knight of the reliquary
>scavenging ooze
>all planeswalkers (LOTV, karn liberated, etc)
>all manlands (inkmoth nexus, celestial colonnade, etc)
>all fetch lands (I once used probe and saw my opponent had 3 misty rainforest and no other lands so I dropped needle naming misty and he didn't draw a different land before I killed him. lol)
there's a lot more than that, I just named some of the most relevant targets ATM.
run eidolon in your sideboard?
In general, yes. UU is a significant pain for U-Tron.
>no reckoner
>no blasphemous act
you're gonna get wiped
what would that even do
Barely anything.
Six hours and 20 votes in, casual dress has a commanding (and expected) lead with 55% of the votes. Smart casual is taking up a distant second with 15%.
We've also got one cosplayer.
Yes exactly as user said. Pull is too close to a worse thirst for knowledge. Thirst is usually a 2U draw 3 discard one, and i have to pay 3UU for the same effect on a pull. If i pay the same 5cmc on ephinany, i dig 5 deep for only 1 blue and still get at least two cards, same net result. On top of that i don't care about a lot of my stuff hitting the grave thanks to my recursion and/or tutors. Plus ive found ephiphany really useful for playing mindgames with the opponent
Play blood moon and artifact removal.
i've seen trinisphere in some sbs and that seems decent
Fugg, that looks good
Take it from someone who has played against a lot of Emeria, you might be able to outgrind Jund but your matchup spread is terrible.
Most alters suck but I'm a fan.
How does the set symbol look on this? Picture is the best I can do holding up loupe over phone camera.
someone asked about that new grand architect meme, so here's the list
i made a few changes from the original list, they are:
-4 lodestone golem
-2 throne of the god-pharaoh
+1 etched champion
+1 master of etherium
+4 hangarback walker
-2 commandeer
+2 unified will
the deck is really fun and actually surprising really good
Like shit. Nice fake, chinafag. Kys
it's fine. But way to derail the rest of the thread
Pic unrelated
Chinamen """""""""""""'quality"""""""""""" fakes everyone, take your fake cards and get out of this thread
>it's fine. But way to derail the rest of the thread
Looks like my pack fresh misty, not sure what you want here
I paid like 60 lol for the set on ebay and they felt flimsy as shit, so I was pretty concerned. But thanks.
I think user was saying that while the card looks real, that we might get chinamen shitposters and people trolling him telling him it's a fake.
Do you think a card like this could form an interesting deck archetype in modern? Or is it too meme worthy to use?
Threadly reminder to ignore Custom Card fags
Reminder: do not talk to custom card-fags. Do not reply to custom card-fag posts. Do not discuss custom cards that fags post.
We were untill you talked about him dipshit. Just straight up ignore him and the reply chain.
it's like pissing in a sea of piss
Is this a card that accurately depicts Veeky Forums's skills at Magic?
It would make games take days to play.
Meme up something that makes the game more efficient.
Needs something like, destroy target Tron land, or exile allnix opals. Nice rev meme though
what the hell am i looking at
>hate out g/w
Are you literally retarded?
I gotta admit, M11 had really pretty lands
it's a meme you dip
thanks, mate couldn't tell.
I use M11 lands in my rookie decks on the off chance that someone, someday, will want to learn Magic ;_;
Jesus Christ, user. How new are you?