Order of the Stick #1072 - Flying Low

Ship crew is screwed edition. But hey, at least we didn't have to wait a whole month for this!

I just hope neither of them won't die and we get to see them come to a realization that they were both a bit shit and that they could do better from here on.

In OotS it's all too common, after all, for them to go completely to the deep end and try to kill someone in rage and end up being themselves cut down. Gets boring after a few.

R8 my Thog.
This is the third edit I've uploaded,
I just can't make up my mind

I really want some characters to fucking permadeath in this comic. Goddamn it I really hope Haley gets permadeath before the end of OOTS. This webcomic has really gone to shit, and a permadeath is really the only way to save it. Haley dying and watching Elan's misery would make me happier than anything else in my life in terms of fiction. These retarded-ass webcomics are far too happy, it is far too unlike real life and their very existence fills me with fury.

Permadeath doesn't really work when there's priests all around to raise them from the dead, and we already did that plotline with Roy.

Well, I guess it's possible Durkon could be offed permanently, given how things are going. So that's something for you to wait on.

We've had permadeath tho: Miko and theurge chick.

You sound like a huge faggot.

>These retarded-ass webcomics are far too happy, it is far too unlike real life
Or maybe your life just sucks, user?

Also Belkar's been pretty much prophesied to die, permanently at that.

Which kind of sucks to be honest because he's had some pretty nice gradual character development and I'm looking forward to where it's going. If he does die, I hope it's a good proper heroic sacrifice.

Here's mine.

Please shut the fuck up. Please try living an actual life first before you judge others for their schadenfreude and bitterness. I am so sick of these happy endings to these RPG stories, this is the reason why Dungeons and Dragons will NEVER be taken seriously as a roleplaying game or as a storytelling device. This is the reason why 90% of movies are complete ass, they have to be all cutesy and happy at the ending when in reality life is nothing like that, sick of this Rich Burlew faggot who has probably had the happiest life ever which is clear from the SJW shit he fills his comics with, there are no consequences in this story because they can just raise dead resurrect reincarnate whatever the fuck they want, so there really isn't any point to the story continuing when no one can actually fucking die due to plot armor. Try having a story that actually feels like how shit goes down in the real world. One of my friends had an in-game GF for his fighter character and I convinced him, through NPCs, to bring her along on an adventure. Then had a the evil wizard cast confusion on him then fudged the roll to "attack nearest creature" so he turned and chopped his beloved's head off. Then came out of the spell and realized what he had done. That character ended up committing suicide a few sessions after that. That is the kind of ending I would like to see in Order of the Stick.

I like this fresh copypasta

Yyyyep, you're a huge faggot.

Here's your (you)

Naw, I'd rather be happy. Got a wonderful wife, got a nice job and we're gonna be buying a house together.

Life is too short to bitch and whine.

Helllllllllllo Edgelord!

Okay. You know what? I'll take the bait, because I was actually wondering about this.

The fact that you really feel this way shows to me that you are either very immature without fully understanding the consequences of actions such as death, murder, and suicide; or you're very likely some kind of sociopath. Why?

Do you want to know why most movies have a happy ending? Why most fairy tales were re-written to be more positive? Why RPGs generally assume that it's more likely than not that your characters will succeed? Why a "happy ending," where the good guys win, the bad guys lose, and goals are accomplished?

Because the real world is not like that. In the real world, there are no good or bad guys - just people you like and dislike, and sometimes, the people you dislike will win and dominate over you. There are no truly happy endings either. You do stuff and then you die, generally with some successes, some regrets - but very rarely do you hear a person actually say "I've lived a good life, time for me to go" and sincerely mean it.

The world as a whole is indifferent or hostile to you, the people around you are mostly indifferent (other than genuine friends and genuine enemies), you will NOT succeed in everything you do, etc. So, that's why people want a happy ending and all that stuff I outlined before - they want to not think about reality for a while. Much like a parent telling their kid a bedtime story.

Which brings me back to you. If you don't see this, either your life is VERY good and so you're emotionally immature to see this, you're actually physically immature, in which case, git b&, or you're an actual cringey sociopath, in which case, might I suggest mixing some vodka and bleach, and shuffling off this mortal coil.

Well, if life's so shit, then I'd much rather play a bit happier games, to give myself a break from all that.

Nice to know I'm not the only positive one.

And that old guy who ruled sapphire city. They specifically tried to raise him but he didn't want to come back.

I'm not, actually. I'm a "true" nihilist. Nothing has meaning, so it's up to us to give everything we do meaning.

Some days it's hard, some day's it's easy, but we only get one chance at this - so why not leave the world a richer place than when you got here?

I don't know - in my mind that does sound pretty positive.

I'll bet you like deep and interesting characters like the Joker, you fagmotron.

I mean, yeah, it's meant to be positive - because otherwise you're wallowing in despair and misery. There's no point in that. Because nothing you do matters, you're essentially wasting your opportunities doing so. Wouldn't it be better to do something that will have a positive impact on others? BUT you don't HAVE to. You can just as easily be miserable. Or angry. I personally disagree with it, but w/e.

Hell, I would describe this more like CN or TN or something.

I think I remember you from a half a year ago. Complaining about things being too happy was too strange to forget. Right now you explaining where you got this perspective from is the only hope of something interesting coming out of this thread. Storytime?

That's kinda my thoughts on it. I just want to live a life focused on happiness. I know it's hard and sometimes you gotta go through rough times.

Then again, I've been very fortunate in my life, so I try for a humble perspective.

Well if you go by THAT definition, then I'm also a Nihilist. But I don't think of myself as such.

I'm just reasonably certain that there's no intrinsic value in humanity, but that intrinsic value doesn't mean shit since nothing's objective, and everyone has subjective value.

So people have value, that value just comes from people. So sure, humanity may be a brief flicker for a fraction of a millisecond of eternity, but we've got some seriously cool shit.

Fuck yeah, we have a way to communicate abstract concepts. Just thinking about that blows my mind.

The Joker is far from "deep and interesting," but I will assume you are being sarcastic. Also
>Complaining about things being too happy was too strange to forget.

Really? Do you still watch motherfucking barney and friends? Do you watch those badly-written shows with pat and cheap endings? No. Because they are so unrealistic you can't even enjoy them, they are bullshit. No one likes those stories, at least no one who has actually emotionally matured.

>Right now you explaining where you got this perspective from is the only hope of something interesting coming out of this thread.

It's not interesting, though.>I'm not, actually. I'm a "true" nihilist. Nothing has meaning, so it's up to us to give everything we do meaning.

You're not a nihilist, you're just a faggot.

>reddit spacing

Jesus Christ not every sentence needs to be a new paragraph. You spent about 300 words saying absolutely nothing because that's the kind of thing that gets 200 upvotes on reddit and screenshotted as a deeply moving and meaningful post, despite being an explanation of the blindingly obvious. Yes I understand escapist media, do you think I am that much of an idiot? Clearly you do because you spend another 5 paragraphs saying "life isn't fair" which anyone over the age of 8 knows. Except here's the thing: escapist media is empty and unsatisfying *because* the world is not like that so those stories are completely flat and lack meaning.

> There are no truly happy endings either. You do stuff and then you die, generally with some successes, some regrets - but very rarely do you hear a person actually say "I've lived a good life, time for me to go" and sincerely mean it.

See if more stories were like that, instead of this pussy-ass fairy tale bullshit, they might actually be emotionally engaging instead of shallow and worthless garbage. ESPECIALLY fantasy stories, which are most guilty of this out of anything.

Honestly, I really want Roy to just fucking murder the mutineer. This isn't a fucking game, afterall. That bitch got them cut up, lost Roy's sword, and possibly DOOMED CREATION due to her shitty attitude.

>The Joker is far from "deep and interesting," but I will assume you are being sarcastic.
Name a character you actually find deep and interesting, maybe? Don't let us put words to your mouth.

>Do you still watch motherfucking barney and friends? Do you watch those badly-written shows with pat and cheap endings? No. Because they are so unrealistic you can't even enjoy them, they are bullshit.
Lack of realism isn't why I watch or don't watch a show. And sometimes a happy ending is actually perfectly realistic.

>You're not a nihilist, you're just a faggot.
What he said was basically the definition of nihilism. "Faggotry", meanwhile, is mostly defined by the observer: you may think he's one but the rest of us can disagree. Calling someone a faggot has no meaning to it.

>This isn't a fucking game, afterall. That bitch got them cut up, lost Roy's sword, and possibly DOOMED CREATION due to her shitty attitude.
I don't think that's the reason you want her killed. I think the reason is that it'll bring some more misery to the comic. Am I wrong?

>This isn't a fucking game
If you think about it, it sorta is.

You're making a lot of generalizations. People have varied tastes. I loved the shit out of Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones and still teared up during Tangled and Moana. There's only what is good and interesting to the individual.

What you're doing is stroking your ego at being better than others due to your tastes. An edgy hipster, if you will.

>you're just a faggot

I think you're pretty cool user.


Hell yeah.

We've got the ability to figure out and comprehend how the universe works, including us! Then translate that information into a medium that can transmit it to other people, creating a shared well of knowledge. We're pretty damn good observers for the universe to have.

Children tend to enjoy moral centric protagonists. It appeals to the moral policeman freshly instilled in their young brain. Older audiences tend to enjoy characters who are reflective of real people, characters who are morally ambiguous or at the very least are logically fleshed out.

Adults who cling to black and white heroes are essentially overgrown children. It is likely they own every silly piece of plastic Nintendo has spawned and think the NX is an innovation.

>tfw you just want to discuss order of the stick

To be fair there isn't much to discuss in this particular comic: nothing happens in it, it's just a transition point from one event to another.

>The NX
>Not the Switch

This is indicative of stale Pasta.

A lot of adults also like the classical heroes as they appeal to the idea that it is possible to be a good person, we go through our lives in a state of regular moral compromise due to pragmatism and these sorts of heroes help remind them what a hero looks like

Have you considered not reading a DnD web Comic?

I mean in all seriousness you are asking Burlow to pull a complete emotional 180 that would feel rushed and hackneyed.

What is the point of emotional suffering without any lead in? Just because you have an irrational hate of happy endings?

There is a shit ton of media filled with phyric victory and suffering. Anime, manga, capeshit, tv, movies, literature it doesn't matter where you look someone has written a story where things end badly.

If you want characters dying for no reason other than just to die go read game of thrones and stop posting "stop liking what I don't like."

Because, much like the depressing place you conceive the real world to be, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.

There's your (you).

No, I agree with him. She possibly doomed creation because she's an arrogant little bitch who couldn't stand someone she saw as a kid having a position of command over her. I really fucking hope she gets whats coming to her for her actions.

>implying a mutineer getting ganked will inject misery

Your hopes are most likely unfounded. It'd be very out-of-character for Roy and also completely out of place for the comic, which tends to not advocate corporal punishment. Him suddenly chopping her head off after the danger is over would be at least two kinds of a complete 180-turn, leading to inconsistent and jarring storytelling, and therefore be a terrible thing to write in, regardless of how much you think it'd make sense to happen.

Most likely she'll just come to her senses and be more helpful from here on. Failing that, she'll fall to her doom without direct involvement on anyone's part, or gets squished by a giant, but my money's on the former.

You need a little light in every story, or you get the eight deadly words.

"I don't care what happens to these people."

That is what happens when every choice is sadistic, and there's no hope. That is what happens when your story tries so hard to be "realistic" that it goes edgy.

You can't care about protagonists who are doomed to fail from the start and don't have any ideals, because that spoils the ending. All you can do is hope they die in a funny way so you can laugh.

Characters without moral codes or goals or dreams? Why would I read about people I can meet on this site every day?

I would even go more:
>we got a problem
>go back to the ridge

>we lost lift after the ridge
>its above us

>where we go?

>no, there's a way

>we sink, few paths are open

>stop, offer solutions!
>lick cum

Just because you turned 14 doesn't mean you're a part of the "older audience" chief. In reality, most people would rather watch a show about heroes being heroic and stopping evil and getting a happy ending than some sophomoric drivel where every choice is the wrong one and everyone involved in the story is destined to die horribly due to factors beyond their control just because "muh realism."

You could've been born in some African village, slowly dying of starvation and malaria as everyone around you fights over a piece of rotten elephant meat that's crawling with maggots and feces, but instead you're sitting here debating a bunch of faggots on the internet.

Happiness is relative and achieved through perspective.


>most people would rather watch a show about heroes being heroic and stopping evil and getting a happy ending than some sophomoric drivel where every choice is the wrong one and everyone involved in the story is destined to die horribly due to factors beyond their control just because "muh realism."

Then how come Game of Thrones and Walking Dead are so popular?


Wanna struggle with life together?

Have you considered not hitting Enter after every single sentence you type? That attention-seeking Reddit spacing is obnoxious as fuck. You are basically saying "look! my post is more important so I am going to make it take up more space!"

>I mean in all seriousness you are asking Burlow to pull a complete emotional 180 that would feel rushed and hackneyed.

No, his comic is already crap. It was only good at the beginning when it didn't have a fuck-huge plot and 300 words per page. When it was just D&D gags it was great. Now it tries to be an actual story, but Burlew is a terrible writer and can't craft anything even slightly emotionally engaging because nothing has any consequence (I don't even mean death, I just mean any consequences in general), there is nothing good about it. Pyrrhic victory is how victory really happens, otherwise it's justa power wank. And no I don't want characters dying for no reason other than to die, this stupid comic is just so cloyingly happy-go-lucky with SJW faggotry that I can't stand to even look at it anymore.

>Because, much like the depressing place you conceive the real world to be, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.

Sadly for you, this is an online message board, designed for the exact purpose of expressing opinions. Clearly you do give a fuck about my opinion because you took at least 60 seconds to type out a response to it. So don't try that shit either.

>Belkar's character development finishes
>It's an Anakin/Vader thing where he's no longer the old Belkar so they're as good as dead.

>In reality, most people would rather watch a show about heroes being heroic and stopping evil and getting a happy ending than some sophomoric drivel where every choice is the wrong one and everyone involved in the story is destined to die horribly due to factors beyond their control just because "muh realism."

That's because most people are immature children.

Half the U.S. population are edgelords? Okay.

That'd be pretty neat actually.

>this stupid comic is just so cloyingly happy-go-lucky with SJW faggotry that I can't stand to even look at it anymore.

It's actually pretty dark. It just hasn't showed that darkness too much recently.

There's another possibility: Bandana running her through to reestablish her command authority. And it would be 100% justified and in character, considering she is a pirate.

I have decent odds of Annie being Bandana's ex as well

>I have decent odds of Annie being Bandana's ex as well

Given the former used to babysit the latter, I really doubt it.

Azure City getting its shit kicked in on a massive scale doesn't count because reasons.

>otherwise it's justa power wank

a D&D comic, then? Have you ever played a tabletop game in your life?

In his serious and mature tabletop games, characters are railroaded into killing everyone they love with their own hands.

So yeah, apparently he has.

Not the user you're responding to, but GoT sorta is shaping up to be good guys vs bad guys with the promise of comeuppance.

>Everyone's an idiot except me.
This is what you sound like.

Tsukiko gets eaten alive by her own ghouls -which she raised as her "children"- on screen. OOTS has more than a few flaws but I wouldn't point out "lack of bad endings" as one of them.

Technically she was already dead by that point.

There was the bit where Tarquin crucified and burned alive a bunch of slaves to show off his son, though.

>nothing has any consequence (I don't even mean death, I just mean any consequences in general)

>azure city
>the resistance in azure city, AND their elven allies
>the empire of blood

There are a LOT of consequences. Mostly the deadly kind. Have you even read the fucking comic you are judging so harsly? Seriously, you can have all the complaints you want but try to at least make valid points.

Or the bit in which he kills his own son in cold blood and then has him disintegrated so no one can resurrect him.

>Veeky Forums
Pick one nigga.

Hell, just watching the pictures would have worked there!


We keep making these shitty word edits for a reason.

Speaking of shitty word edits, what do you think about this?

That's pretty good. Nice job user.

I love stupid word edits, they are my favorite part of this train wreck of a webcomic.

Yes! Usually people forget to put the Thog.

Technically his coworker did the disintegrating. He said he thought it was overboard but wasn't really that bothered by it.

>No one likes those stories, at least no one who has actually emotionally matured.
>People who like happy endings are as not as emotionally mature as a guy who is infuriated by happy characters not dying in a webcomic.

>reddit spacing

Okay, good job kid. You've responded, and I can see that you're underage. Please git b&.

Just because mummy buys you tendies and gives you good boy points doesn't mean the rest of us have it that easy. And I've noticed that the harder someone had life, the nicer they generally are - as long as life doesn't break them.

You're just a child. But that's okay. You'll grow up someday. Or you might not! I've met people like that.

GoT is about the good guys - Daenerys and Jon getting married, bringing magic back, and establishing a non-retarded line of Targareyns.

Walking Dead, while I haven't watched about it, is about perseverance - that the humans don't give up.

I'm having way too much fun.

Ahh, I remember when this guy was witty and insightful, long, long ago.

The reeee edits get me every time.
The Roy vs Durkula ones were full of them.

I actually love OoTS. but goddamn the updates kill my enthusiasm for the story.

Why? Are they too slow for your tastes?

It fell out of its golden age a while back.
The sad part is that 8-bit Theater was formulaic to the point where it's mocked in-comic and still managed to be far more amusing than this.
The Light Warriors always managed to find a new, hilarious low to sink to.
Forced drama is just dumb. Does anyone have that one comic that mocks the forced shift from comedy to drama most webcomics do?

>Forced drama is just dumb.
It is, but OotS manages to do drama just fine for the most part.

Goddamn, that was FAST.

Maybe he's making up for before. I wouldn't expect the speed to last.

Tell me about the girl that just broke up with you user.

>Try having a story that actually feels like how shit goes down in the real world
A story about me reading an edgy faggot's stupid posts wouldn't be very interesting.