Can anyone verify these images? I can't find anything about them online.
MTG New Cards
And another
And again
Cute token though
Oh baby
>yfw maybe Nix gets a card
All the dragons
And last one.
First thought that comes to my mind is five color Commander pre-mades
>Cat Dragons
Sure why not.
I don't think they'll all be 5 colour but wizards have confirmed there's only going to be 4 and they aren't going to follow a colour cycle since they're tribal this time round
This one's name makes me feel they're fake.
Commander 2017
And this deck is 5-color dragons.
My dick is diamonds.
memory issues, improper formatting
keywording a single card as the other commanders clearly don't have it
>formatting is wrong
Pretty sure these are fake.
it seems clear that each deck will have 1 commander with Eminence that does something while it's still in the command zone, Ur-dragon looks like the 'main' commander for the precon
Maybe, but the memory issue isn't something out of the realm of possible while the keyword can be a "one by pre-made deck" as they already did in previous commander release and all those must be in a single dragon themed deck.
Admittedly, eminence seem to be effects that applies from the command zone, which I thought they had learned not to do.
So I would personally be a bit more prudent and say maybe fake.
> Adding support for a tribe that absolutely doesn't need it
These Commander decks were a mistake. First year I probably won't buy one
Oh, that's pretty weird. I hope they don't mark the price up on single decks.
I seriously wish it was fake, but unfortunately I don't believe it is.
>the Kamigawa legend is a fucking joke
At least they hit the flavor
>steel helkite
YEAH BOY! Honest to god my favourite Dragon.
I do t think it has memory issues. You'd be hard pressed to forget who attacked you and even if you're that guy with memory issues, the table will often collectively remember enough to straighten it out.
Well he is OP for his cost
Nope. She's actually in several of the older mtg novels. Time Spiral, Colors of Magic, Assassin's Blade, Champion's Trial, and Emperor's Fist.
Nope. She's from several of the older MtG novels.
fukken post not going through and then going through after you've tried to post again
It feel like they print it every year in commander product.
>Cat monkeys
>cat snakes
>cat dragons
One of the few ways black can cope with enchantments.
I don't remember her from color of magic. I guess it has been a while though.
>getting butthurt that they're putting tribes people like in products and not your shitty special snowflake pet tribe
>tfw want shapeshifter to be one of the tribes
>it won't be
some tribes are popular, others aren't. can't knock WotC for playing to their audience.
That's because she's not in Colors, she's in Monsters of Magic.
They put out a bunch of anthologies at the time and sometimes it's hard to tell them apart, I can't blame the other person for mixing them up.
ah. makes sense. I only remember her from the bolas trilogy, I'd completely forgotten her timespiral cameo until the other user mentioned it.
Well, to each is own, I guess. I didn't buy any of the 2016 one because 4 color is a boring fucking way to play to me. and I like tribal.
Dragons aren't for me, tho. I really hope for some Jund Goblins.
>Legendary Spirit doesn't have spirit synergy
God damn it. At least there's a commander for the Spirit deck I wanted to make.
>guy they said was too powerful to represent on a card is just a 6/6 with a conditional ability
Enough people have been whining to Maro about getting more Kamigawa representation in supplemental products that he probably mentioned it to someone, but he doesn't personally work on the supplemental sets and precons.
oh god kill me
>5c Slivers
that's going to be such a shitshow on top if it happens.
>most power Kami on the plane
>can literally annihilate mortals by existing near them
>6/6 flying trample with a meh ability
>no synergy with Spirits/Arcane
It's true what they say. Never meet your heroes. O-Kagachi was better never existing in card form
To be fair, he would be too powerful to represent in his most powerful state.
But this is O-Kagachi who lost That Which Was Taken, which is why he's not indestructible. He's only acting if you attacked him, and he can destroy anything, even Konda.
To be honest, I think this card hits every nails on the head for the flavor, quite the opposite of Ludevic
Cat dragons in mtg lore are old as fuck, neat to finally see one printed
Last spoiler before crackdown
I guess they're doing 5-color commanders. I would've been content with a mono-color commander with the other colors in their activated abilities, similar to General Tazri, except one could have multiple activated abilities.
It seems like the decks are about pure theme rather than color. One of the decks is dragons.
I don't think they're doing 5-colors. I think they'll split between colors. The Dragons will probably be the only 5-color deck. atleast it's what I suspect
>straight up loses in a fight to the unspeakable
>Kuro pitlord just makes him his bitch
I want to give them some credit for making him a card, makes some valid points. But honestly this is just underwhelming.
we door to nothingness combo now
Also, another card Matey OP forgot
Yeah five color tribes
And of course gods
There'll be only 4 decks though.
Spirits won't be one, because O-Kogachi ended up in the Dragon deck
>o-kagachi, the greatest kami, who makes entire battlefields simply disappear
>he's a fucking 6/6 basic bitch
yeah, underwhelming is a good word, although I honestly don't know what they could have done to live up to the hype. he'd have to be some progenitus level bullshit to come close.
>kami is only a 6/6
>meanwhile emerekl is 13/13
really makes you think.
i mean, hexproof or indestructible, or even indestructible if he has a divinity counter (which might've been questionable design with no way to get one built in, but a nice head nod to both the myojins and that which was taken) could have gotten across a little bit more of his presence. 6/6 for six mana with abilities on top is strong, but a bigger body would've gone a long way too.
>wotc ceo: how do we make kamigawa weeaboos more salty?
>r&d guy: say no more
fuck the weeb dragons
where the elder dragons and invasion dragons at
There's also the fact that he's originally from Kamigawa, back when 6/6 would have been a pretty big deal, not the biggest, but big enough. There's also the fact that he can exile permanents. We didn't start to see this 10/10 or 15/15 bullshit until Shards of Alara in the earliest and then eventually Zendikar. There is Marit Lage, but Marit Lage is just... Marit Lage, the 20/20 crazy fuck from Ice Age.
i really dont believe any of these
O-Kogachi enters the battlefield with a divinity counter.
Remove a divinity counter from O-Kogachi: Exile all nonland permanents target player controls.
Yes, intentionally doesn't have indestructable or hexproof, even with the divinity counter missing, due to flavor reasons. Still has the 'don't piss me off' thing going on because he can only wipe ONE player, and that's his protection - if you try to kill him, your shit is gone. Or you can just remove it to take out someone's way-too developed board but then he's just a generic fatty.
>Invasion dragons
we got their dad instead.
They're on mythicspoiler if that means anything for you.
You seem to forget the 10/10 in The Dark, the 11/11 in Ice Age and the one in Starter 99, the 12/12 in Mirage, the 13/13 in Legions, the 10/10 in Mirrodin, the 9/8 in Darksteel...or the cards in Kamigawa block proper, where 6/6 was NOT that big for a big fat fatty. Even rarity wasn't a thing, considering the sizes shit got in Onslaught block two blocks prior.
he's not entirely wrong, 5/5 was large in kamigawa. all the dragons from champions were 5/5s, and the myojins float around there. Kodama of the north tree was a bruiser at 6/4. however, there were bigger. 8/8s, plural, and 8/* and 7/* guys even at uncommon. plus kuro pitlord, mentioned above tipping the scales at 9/9 and honorary mention to genju of the realms as a sometimes 8/12.
Yup. I'd have loved a decent 5 colour spirit for a spiritcraft deck, but what we've got is massively underwhelming.
It's a weak card overall, doesn't do a good job of representing what you'd expect from O-Kagachi from the lore and Final Judgement, and is just rather boring.
Just looked it up. You're both right.
Weird that it's not Washitora.
I'm actually quite happy with what I've seen from this commander deck so far. But with all the fliers, how will the other decks cope?
I'd take that. I already have Allies and Dragons made.
At least one Invasion dragon is in there, they just forgot to post all the pics.
By not being saddled with a 5C mana base (with precon lands) and a curve that starts at 5
Don't tokens usually have something in the border to indicate their color? Granted I can't call any tri-colored tokens to mind, at least not any that had official tokens printed.
with the sheer volume of dragons we've seen, and the variety of colors, the entire rest of the deck is probably mana fixing and the deck is just going to sit around trying to not be mana fucked for 5-6 turns before it drops a single dragon that gets fucking plummet'd
So I buy this deck and I have generals for a lifetime.
tricolor+ image wrapping is always gold.
The deck always has the option to reduce it's curve by putting the Ur-Dragon in the command zone, and I'm pretty sure we'll see either pic related or the smaller one from Dragons of Tarkir in the deck.
And the left land here seems to be Sandsteppe citadel, which could mean the manabase won't be that terrible.
Yeah, I just remember the 8/8 Naya beast token and looked it up. Cat Dragon token looks legit.
Well, you'll be missing some color combos, but basically yeah.
So many legendary creatures.
>double red in five color
As I said, might get the 1R guy instead. Also,
>Dragon tribal
>not centered in red
This deck is going to be a huge mess, is what it's going to be.
Either it sputters out and can't do shit, or it spits out a billion dragons and burns everything down with sheer weight of flying fatties.
So, exactly what the target demographic wants?
I'm pretty sure this deck was designed to be torn apart. Or to have Scion be the actual commander.
Shh! MaRo will hear you!
He should have been an 8/8 at the very least, because Yamato no Orochi and all.
>it spits out a billion dragons and burns everything down with sheer weight of flying fatties
Yes, that is what Dragon Tribal does. It's great.
There's only a handful of new cards that are made for each deck, so Homarid Tribal would only get like 10 tribal cards to it.
I just hope they avoid Jombies and Elves, they've both pretty much been done to death
It's not that it isn't flavorful, it just.. lacks a punch.
Imagine if he had "When O-Kagachi attacks a player, if that player attacked you since you last turn, exile all nonland permanents that player controlls."
It fits the retribution thing, calls back to that one Exile boardwipe, and remind you that this is the Kami that would've made an entire world his bitch.
>5 color decks
Called it fuckers. Now I wait for my 5 color slivers deck
Yeah, that would have been much better. Or like, Legacy Weapon stapled to a big fat monowhite body.
As is, it's WB with a bunch of other colors tacked on literally just to have a five color spirit commander...except it's also been shoved in the dragon deck so all it does for spirits is exist as a commander with the tribe and colors.
Krond the Dawn-Clad, some noname shit from fucking planechase, is less restricted then the highest of kami. And the same size. And only two colors. No nonland restriction, exile goes off on attack instead of combat damage, no restriction for having been attacked, restriction is instead 'play voltron with me'
Man I hope if these are all 5C decks I hope one of them is something stupid and out of left field, like Minotaurs or something.
Right now, none
it's just speculation. I personally don't believe we will have 4 5C decks,
slivers fags are the worst
Skeleton Tribal FUCKING WHEN
I'm not sure there are enough skeletons in all of magic to even make a skeleton tribal deck, even if the last two decks get zero new cards.
And even then, you'd just have a bunch of small regenerators.
That was also the case with Werewolves before Innistrad.
Fuck, even dwarves got a lord in Kaladesh.
Yes, but my point is it's not going to be possible in one of these decks, especially not with the limited number of new cards they've stated are in the whole thing (like usual)
It WOULD be nice to get a few sets where skeletons are the black fodder race instead of zombies but they like zombies too much. skeletons are fucked, I just looked them over. Best ones are in non-monoblack, best overall is probably fucking gravetroll, most of it is 2 power or less generic regenerators. 44 total, but 10 of those have colors other than black, one's white/black, most of the monoblack is chaff...
Cat Dragon is cute! CUTE!
Yes they are.