What you can tell me about Artesia? is it good?
What you can tell me about Artesia? is it good?
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Recently started playing a campaign, we are on session 3 now, I quite like it, as does my party. What do you wan to know?
We especially like the character creation, you create a whole backstory together with the stats to your character. They also like the Arcana system (xp)
I like the setting a lot, thats why I wanted the book.
I think the most basic question are:
What is unique about it?
How does combat go? fast? lethal?
How is magic?
Is it high fantasy? like what is the most over the top thing you can do?
Is it as high fantasy as Exalted or Anima?
>What is unique about it?
Definitly the Arcana system. Actions you take are rewarded with Arcana points. The Arcana's are based on the Tarot, and for example the Empress arcana rewards you points for swaying the opinion of a crowd (and a lot of other stuff). These Empress points then can be spent on boosting your characteristics (only the ones related to that arcana, APPearance and PERception for example). On skills like intrigue, seduce, Heraldry, Etiquette and others or some other stuff. That is the most common way of growing your character, through the actions you take and the Arcana points you are rewarded for these actions.
You get Empress points for being in an indirect position of power, Sword points for defeating opponents, hanged man points for interactions with spirits, lover points for having sex, marrying etc etc etc. There are 21 arcana cards and every one of them has about 20 actions you can take to gain points from them.
>How does combat go? fast? lethal?
Combat is dangerous, if you are not wearing armour a single wound can fuck u up good. Bleeding is what kills people in this game. Of the 6 characters killed in combat in my games up till now 5 died of bleeding and the last one was hit in the head till he stopped moving.
>How is magic?
Magic is quite free form, you have these principles of magic that a mage can shape. For example the principle of making lets you create stuff in the world. These principles can be shaped by mages into different forms, for example a shaped making spell to create a wall of fire, or a making spell to make yourself look prettier. Magic can be overpowered as fuck so I keep a very critical eye on my party mage and everything he does.
The world is high fantasy but mages aren't everywhere. The gods openly work in the world sometimes and every single person can try and learn some magic if they want to. Most important and rich dudes all have at least a couple of magic items on them. I don't know Exalted or Anima so I don't have a clue about that, but if I recall correctly Exalted is the rpg about ubermenschen in a fantasy land right? Well it's nothing like that. It's more like a medieval setting with a lot more actual spirituality and magic.
For example, in combat most important guys have enchanted weapons, thats why this dude in pic can cut through full plate.
Mages hardly fling fireballs around, mostly magic is indirect. Buffing friends, calling on the gods to support you, strengthening armour and cursing enemies with nerfs, that kind of stuff.
The main part of the setting is quite standard European in the late middle ages. There are a couple of different cultures in this region (the middle kingdoms, and the RPG book pretty much assumes you are making people fromt this region.
Sounds really interesting. I might actually pick up the comics.
What I liked about the comic that it had sensible armours (with the exception of the heroine going into combat with naked legs at some point but that happens only once). Good looking medieval combat with real life inspired battle lines and weapons and such. That was primarily pulled me in but I stayed for the great setting and cool mythology.
This is my favourite pannel of the comic. The huge snake women are the gods of war arriving on the battlefield. They are only visible to people that can see magic so most soldiers won't see them and they don't directly fight but they influence the fight indirectly.
The comics are pretty good, but they will never ever be finished.
Yeah this is kinda shitty. The author Mark Smylie, started a publishing company after he started the comic, and his publishing company became very successful giving him very little time to work on the comic. There are 3 volumes finished and a last volume half finished. The rpg book will probably also be the only one because of this, so you need to homebrew a lot of stuff if you play for a long time.
He is still writing books in the same setting though. So if you really can't get enough of it you can read his book to get more.
there are some weird fucking sex scenes in the book though
This looks incredible.
What I found the biggest gripe is the like 30 versions of xp and shit you have to deal with.
I've got some stuff. Need stats for trees? Right here!
And some NPCs
is the reason she doesn't wear a helmet because it wouldn't provide any protection in that setting anyway?
She's got protagonist armour.
Over complicated, XP tracking is a chore. The social rules are fucked.
The art and setting are amazing and worth the cost of the book itself.
Anyone got a torrent link for the rulebook?
Link for the rulebook and comic
IIRC she didn't get a single scratch during combat in the comic. Her plot armor are that good.
Does the game have rules for battles and mass combat? The comic seems to focus on it a lot.
Artesia herself is the weakest part of the comic in my opinion, such a mary sue. It seems she would have a fall of sorts in the next comics but...
No the plan was that would come in a supplement. There are rules for formation fighting and morale so you can do large battles, but no rules for commanding large units and the like
Author should stop writing about applications of unicorn horns and expand on the world he created.
This map is beautiful.
It's OK, she's got magic.
She's actually a priestess in a weird sexy witch cult so she's got more magic than most.
Often she performs a ritual immediately before battle and a couple times she has to rush out slightly less armored than she'd like.
And her familiar is a pair of twins, spirits of battle, and they watch her back
She's also got a harem of ghost wives.
She looks like a man with wide hips
Do not bully.
Correct. The man can make some great maps
>water body names not italicized
No, quite the contrary.
Is it wrong? I love drawning rivers and lakes on the map but I've never italicized their names.
It's not wrong exactly but italicizing them is considered best practice, it helps distinguish them from land names.
If at any point your map confuses the viewer then you've got a bad map.
This is probably my favourite scene
I dislike the square man faces and the main character well... i expect she will always pull some unbelievable bullshit to win but the battle scenes and the camaraderie are very well done.
The last half finished book's main antagonist is also very interesting. Upstart noble who doesnt give a fuck about anything except power and is relatively intelligent.
Holy shit, that's the mediafire archive I made years ago.
>Upstart noble who doesnt give a fuck about anything except power and is relatively intelligent.
He is a total ham, anyone wants a short story time from the comic?
Thanks for the advice. I will strive to match mother nature's craziness.
Go ahead.
Are they the same guy?
>sheep have stats
>All 18 attributes are statted
>just in case you want to, you know, seduce a sheep or something
This isn't gaming, it's writing masturbation.
Do it.
Is that rider an elf?
>just in case you want to, you know, seduce a sheep or something
Why did you look up their stats if you don't need them? Are you attracted to sheep or something?
Terrible sameface in all the comics though.
It's much better than, say, the Forgotten Realms. But Deserts Don't Work That Way.
He justifies half his ecology with primordial gods having shitfits.
This is a no-bullying zone, do not bully.
No, the thulamites just have weird helms.
No, she is Thulamite nomad from the steppes. Artist just loves helmets with a flange on the rear like sallets.
That's the image that prompted me to download the whole thing.
It was one goddess who turned her lush garden into desert desu
Two. Two of them. Bitches. East coast deserts Don't Work That Way, unless,the planet is turning in the other direction.
The Black Sands and Uthedmael are results of powerful curses layed by human magic. The second bitch's garden didn't become a desert. It withered away after the Queen Bitch banished her to the Underworld. Not!Ottomans live there now.
If anyone wonders how their story ended she gave birth to twin daughters but was soon murder by his enemies. He never meet his daughters, they were raise by their mothers family.
I'd bully her harder than Illiki Helios no homo
Sun court get out
Phoenix court rules here
Go wake up your royal vegetable. He needs to hear that.
Palatia rules the courts drool
Anyone read The Barrow? I am half way through and I am enjoying myself specially with the very descriptive sex scenes.
Do you mean descriptive or /d/escriptive scenes?
Posting some art and characters people might like.
I didn't like the sex scenes as much but I did like the book and the setting. Especially the plain of flowers.
He's dead, Jim
Well that depends, there is a gang bang early on with 3 sailors and a priestess, later there is an scene with a young aurian lad taking it hard from the rear and the mouth in a bath house and also and incestuous hand-job between brother and sister.
There is something for everyone in the book, in my case I enjoy then all.
wasn't she the one that fucked all her men because she didn't believe in playing favorites?
>fucked all her men
She fucked all her girls too
It's basically RL, only that magic and the gods are actually real and folks interact with and use it the way they tried to and imagined that it works IRL.
I'm sure powerful mages can actually summon huge ball of fire at a steep price. It won't explode like in D&D and dies out quickly without fuel but can be used to set buildings and people on fire. Glamour magic can cause extinction events if not kept in check.
Correct, you can create fire with incantations of making. making is overpowered as shit
I really want to see more magicians in the comic
Yeah they never actually tell a whole lot about those guys. Are they Daradjans? Athairi?
The comic is full of mages. Leading character knows magic, she employs folk magicians you posted, Thessids use all kinds of magic, one of the antagonists is an immortal magician. What I to see is a battle between them with spirits, wards and all that jazz.
At least one of them is from Daradja and hides a mild spoiler
I think that the black hair guy in the middle is an Athairi magister from Newgate or alchemist by his looks and clothing. The old guy is a freelance enchanter from Daradja as seen , the woman to the extreme left a witch from the Eridwold and most definitive Athairi while the other might be Daradjan I am not sure what she is and the old woman is
The magic system is ludicrously flexible but a bit overpowered once you get invested in it, the combat system is elegant, the gifts system that basically handles superpowers is elegant, the setting is very interesting, and the experience system is flavorful but tedious to keep track of. Those of you who've whined about Artesia being a Mary Sue just kind of need to shut up because she doesn't meet any definition of 'Mary Sue'. She has no unique powers, people don't just suddenly like her for no reason or adopt her morality, and she's not overpowered by the setting's standards. Her grandmother, the king of the Not-Turks, the Isliklidae, and a fair few other people are more powerful than she is by one or several orders of magnitude.