/biz faggots should have stayed with traditional investment assets

All /biz has been trolled by Crpytoshit meme, you shouldn't ever bought any cryptocurrency. It's all scam. Unregulated, deflated, monopoly ownership structure, Ponzi scheme, pump & dump and MLM scheme.

I've been saying this from the beginning. Get back to equity, stocks, futures, real estate, ... I am bored of this cryptocurrency mania already. You are all stupid speculators, not investors. /biz should serve investors.

take it elsewhere were full of scamcoins here

You did not even read and comprehend my message. /biz is really lost, all /biz is one big joke.

Well no shit op. Probably the reason this went so high. Low iq people pushing this up all the way

Not only low IQ people, but whole bunch of high IQ specialists as well. It's just like in the late 1630s with tulips.

Can i make x 80 in 1 year with stocks?

what is this /biz meme


Not, but you can with Penny stocks. Lookup Timothy Sykes, it's the same shill like cryptocurrency. In a way, cryptocurrency is just one big pink sheet stock index fund.

Is this even a question or are you kidding with me?

>Made x30 gains in a year
>Lost 20% in a day

>With babyboomer shit you make 50% at best

Ahaha yeah sure jokes on me

Gains are not made if they are not realized you idiot.

>salty nocoiner thinks this is the time to laugh

Nice, just bought 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000k

>Not Coolface

But they were realized. I just sold during this crash and still made 500% profit in like 4 months.

Of course, it will take few months to bring it down below $100, but eventually Bitcoin will get there. Lookup tulip chart price, it took about 6 months to get the price from 5 hectares of land to 1 m2 of land.

Congratulation then, you are not as stupid as most /biz HODL meme faggots. Thank god for such profit, that will never repeat in your lifetime.

Go cope elsewhere faggot crypto is here to stay you can whine as much as you want about it you total faggot.

Screencappaed taking a look into it. But feeling comfier with the crypto environment.

Your analogy is shit
Tulips are backed by tulips
What is Bitcoin backed by?

Yes it is here to stay, but not with market capitalization of $625 billions as of yesterday. Crpyto market has lost more than $100 billions of value in one day. That is more than Enron was ever valued.

Cryptocurrency total market fair value is about $1 billion.

Tulips were backed by tulips, but their high prices were backed by stupid faggots similar to /biz HODL meme faggots and it is same with Bitcoin. Eventually everyone sold or had to declare bankruptcy.

The same is going to happen to cryptocurrency in the next few months.