Fallout: Ninja VS Samurai Edition

Toying with the idea of creating a game to explore the asian region in Fallout. Anyone know of anyone doing this already? It is not really explored in the fallout games. Wonder if it sounds interesting before spending too much time building it.

Main conflict would be between (1) Chinese survivors of the great war around the same tech level of the NCR with a large focus on guerrilla tactics and stealth. Defending against invasion from japan. They are assisted by a friendly faction of japanese turn-coats who were against the invasion. Basically ninjas. (2) Japanese imperial faction with advanced tech. Focused on creating massive vaults pre-war for the military and spent last 200 years advancing past pre-war levels. Bushido grew back into popularity inside the Great Vaults and now the country is unified under a ruling samurai class again with a small population.

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one could argue that most of the world isn't explored in the Fallout games.

hell, we barely know what happened to Mexico, and we have no real idea what happened to Canada, let alone South America, Oceania, Asia, Africa or Europe.

those are well and good for those two countries, but I wanna know if the Mongol Horde returned using hyper intelligent super mutants on hover-chariots, if Singapore devolved into a wetland jungle populated by tribals that speak a dozen languages, and how many hundreds of millions of feral ghouls are being held at Bay in India.

did the Central Asian region become an isolated paradise due to climate shifts? is the entire Korean Peninsula covered by micro-nukes? how many islands in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines sink below the waves, never to return, their vault equivalents forced to become either massive underground complexes or turn into haphazardous submarines of improbable design?

I'm not sure, but I think Japan sunk actually...

Can YOU imagine a Chinese Empire allowing Japan OR Korea to continue existing?

There are a ton of great ideas for factions like you listed. Not so much in places like mexico or canada.
I can definitely see korea being gone, but I can see japan and china becoming allies due to chinese pressure and lack of american influence in the region. Or could have an occupied japan that led to the whole reason behind the post-war invasion and genocide.

Sadly there are no hints of what happened to japan so it's mostly free game.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if China had annexed Korea before the Great War in the Fallout timeline.

China DID annex Korea in OUR Timeline. And since the US wasn't going around being world police in this one...

Canada could be dealing with mutated wildlife in swarms the US has never even heard of because of a mixture of power armored First Nation militia groups and the Mounted Police.

Mexico could be using a vast army of robots in one massive land reclamation movement to get rid of the radiation. in the meantime, they could be going into civil war over fertile croplands and fresh drinking water sources, coupled with fending off a fractured Legion invading from the North.

I wonder if maybe the reason the bombs in Fallout didn't cause as much damage is maybe the aren't as powerful in this story universe. From Megaton's bomb to the missile launch during Lonesome Road, they just don't seem to have the same punch. And really they wouldn't need to given how radiation is so persistent in Fallout. Even when NV isn't quite as bad (the goddamn oceans back east will fry you!) they still have plenty of lingering rads. With effects like this their bombs could be less destructive and still be more deadly stretched out over time as the Earth remains poisoned for centuries.

>Canada looks like Dragon Quest games complete with deliciously deadly maple syrup slimes
Got to admit I'd play the fuck out of it.

Weren't the nukes in Fallout explicitly primitive low yield ones that also carried FEV, hence everything getting mutated and the super long fallout?

they're canonically much weaker than our nukes. they fired close to 40 at Las Vegas, and it would only take 1-2 IRL nukes to cause the same damage.

To be fair a lot of those Nukes got shot down by Mr. House's laser defense system

I've never heard they launched FEV though admittedly this would explain the prevalence of certain kinds of mutations. Er, sort of. I mean maybe some US missiles fell back and hit our own territory because I cannot see the Chinese doing that to us.

Also FEV S-U-C-K-S with radiation damaged victims.

The US Invasion forces are all infested with Canadian peace and hockey


I cannot help but feel that the reason they created the Legion and Caesar wanting New Vegas as his future capital was just a big joke based on pic related.

The ones in Lonesome Road you can detonate seem ridiculously underpowered. Could age seriously hamper them in the Fallout universe?

Set it in one of the South East Asian islands and you are good. You can have China and Japan forces fighting for better, not nuked, lands filled with all sorts of wacky folks.

>Sadly there are no hints of what happened to japan so it's mostly free game.
Personally, I like the idea that Japan was a staging point for the Chinese invasion, so there are American weapons scattered around the islands.

I see that's an old map you have for Myanmar there. :D

well people are moving back to the Chernobyl region already, and how much nuclear material was that? if the fallout nukes are so much weaker than RL ones, the half-life might nerf them to next to nothing in the same amount of time.

yes, but several still hit, and the region was -livable- within a few decades. that shows that the strength of the yield was relatively low.

Chernobyl is a lot different, to be fair. The kinds of materials that go into a reactor, well, they aren't like a bomb, they aren't used like a bomb, and, thank goodness, unlike in Hollywood when a reactor goes critical it doesn't EXPLODE like a bomb! Still deadly as shit. Fukushima is still deadly even to robots last I heard. For a given value of "deadly" that is.

>This project was the work of the Enclave, a secret shadow organization of federal officials and corporate executives that used the Vault-Tec company to set up this sinister experiment. The Enclave considered themselves prime candidates for recolonizing the world after a nuclear holocaust and to this end commissioned the construction of their own shelters, isolated from the vault network. The results of the vault experiments were intended to help prepare the Enclave for either re-colonizing Earth or colonizing another planet if Earth turned out to be uninhabitable.

I believe this was largely from Fallout 2, but some of the details could be from the Fallout Bibles.

From a thread last year:

>The absolute balls to the wall craziest thing I'd love to see is a game that starts on what turns out to be the goddamn moon. Turns out Vault-Tec had a secret facility for testing sustainable human habitats as part of the US space initiative, which would be a logical progression of their sustainable long-term survival vaults. Shit goes bad and the player ends up taking an escape rocket back to Earth. You could end up anywhere that way. Any real-world problems with such a two-hundred+ year endeavor (extreme low gravity and radiation on human bodies) are easily hand waved in this setting. I mean they did long term cryo storage, didn't then? Why not.

Extreme bonus points if the reason the moon vault has to be evacuated by the player is they are struck by Jason Bright's ghoul crew, breaching vault integrity and unleashing feral ghouls on the place... and until this Repconn rocket hits the player thinks they're on a regular vault on Earth.

It's possible to keep the truth from the player but it might be hard to keep it from the population. Maybe if the people are all in stasis before they arrive? The Overseer naturally knows that Earth got nuked to shit so they just never, ever tell anyone? Hell, the Overseer might think they're the only humans left alive.

Would require artificial gravity tech too but that's not a big deal in Fallout.

Clearly this user is unaware of The Day of Days when Fenway Park's mighty titans took to the diamonds and pitched a game quite literally for the heavens, each thrown ball resulting in a homerun that soared into the sky and felled the pitiful nukes who dared threaten Boston. Where even House's laser defense system ultimately faltered these gods among mortals were not found wanting!

You can buy the actual autographed balls that destroyed these very nukes here in the Diamond City giftshop for 2000 caps apiece. And, honestly, to hold a piece of salvation in your very hands that price is far too cheap.

Emergency bump action. This thread shall not fall under the Brotherhood's watch!


Why did the BoS not adopt any of the Enclaves armor when they conquered them?

Holy shit, how did I not realize that until you pointed it out?

In order to kill someone in power armor you have to practically destroy it in the process. All of the Brotherhoods X-01, X-02, and Hellfire units are likely ether in parts or in so few numbers that fielding and maintaining them is impractical.

I can see plenty of reasons:
>Enclave deliberately scuttled a lot of their armors to keep them out of enemy hands
>Simply not enough to go around for all the BoS
>Technology was simply too advanced for the BoS to reliably keep maintained
>The sheer damage required to bring down someone in those armors tended to leave them almost salvageable.

Better question is why did the BoS switch from the T-51s to the the T-60s besides bethesda's boner for their own design?

OP, I could go on and on about ideas I had for a Fallout: Japan. I'll just over the highlights:
>Japan has shown historical interest in Vaults (see pic)
>After WWII in the fallout-verse, America attempted to culturally destroy Japan and Americanize the fuck out of it to make it a perfect protector against Chinese Communism (so it'd still posses decent amounts of Americana)
>Vault-tec/Enclave based their experiments off ideas from Unit 731
>Tsutomu Yamaguchi (a survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings) as The First Ghoul
>Even if Japan was a useful ally to Fallout-US, they still didn't give a shit about non-American citizens and used 'being related to filthy chinks' as an excuse to perform horrific experiments on the populous
>An Enclave cell continues to battle against remnant Chinese forces
>A samurai version of the Brotherhood of Steel forms (but ultimately unconnected to the US one, just meant to show how certain people can come to the same conclusions despite geologic boundaries)
>Instead of Cazador you now have fucking giant Japanese hornets
>someone super-sizes power armor tech to make piloted mecha

If Fallout 3 is anything to go by (which it really shouldn't be), China is implied to still be a literally glowing crater as late as 2277. It got absolutely ANNIHILATED during the Great War and it's still fucked more than 200 years later. It ain't like Europe where it's "shittier than the Capitol Wasteland but still livable", it's more than likely a wasteland so completely and utterly radioactive that it's entirely devoid of life. Even tough-as-nails creatures like the Deathclaws that were shipped over during the Great War would probably be melted by the intense radiation present. Sure, they can survive in the Glowing Sea in Fallout 4, but I have my doubts about them surviving in most of mainland China. At the very least shit would be mutated so entirely that they'd be almost entirely unrecognizable compared to their western ilk which isn't at all bad thing imo.

You have to either retcon this bit of lore, set the game drastically after 2277, or use a shit ton of ghouls if you want to stay "canon" (or at least canon in terms of Bethesda's shit lore).

Other than that, it sounds like it might be a cool enough setting. China probably a lot of cool shit left over from the Great War. From American military items abandoned and/captured by China to China's own (secret) weapons and armors, a campaign set in the far East would be a wild ride technology-wise. No FEV would be kinda weird but it might be a cool change of pace. Who knows, maybe some Chinese science division was developing something similar to what West Tek was and you can BS-in some not!FEV easily.

Imagine honorabru samurai Fang Korigu-sama, a post-war Japanese super-solder wielding vibro-katanas and decked out in salvaged American power armor that has been modified with Chinese stealth field technology. He was infected with Chinese knock-off FEV (turns you yellow instead of green) and is now the Imperial Emperor's right hand.





>>Instead of Cazador you now have fucking giant Japanese hornets




please, we all know the Welsh took over the isles after the others were all wiped out by China's nukes. they teamed up with the last of the Dutch Ghouls to fill in the gap between Ireland and Wales to make one even larger island and began fortifying the coasts.

what's left of the Irish and Scots history and culture are lovingly preserved in History Museums, while the English have become an example of what -not- to do with a country.

that's not China tho



Delusional, the Welsh would be wiped out by their own mutated sheep

>In post nuclear wasteland, sheep fuck you.

>I mean the did long term cryo sorage, didn't they?
Last I checked they made a point in Fallout 2 to show Cryostasis DOESN'T work. Fairly sure even in Bethesda's clusterfuck Alien DLC cryosleep didn't work. That said Fallout operates off 50's Sci-Fi logic so a trip to or from the moon wouldn't be too farfetched without it.

Not that I know of. But a nuke made a direct hit on the West Tek facility (now known as The Glow) containing FEV that spread out and caused the mutated animals.

Fallout 4 is all about cryostasis, though yeah most of the pods apparently fucked up eventually. Vault 112 also has cryonics and pre-war residents. The alien DLC had a few instances where cryostasis failed but otherwise you can chill with a cowboy and a samurai from olden days. Even a dude from the war.

Shorter term stasis is probably fine.

I think they used some cluster bomb warhead approaches. One big missile that splits into multiple smaller warheads. Less overall bang but spreading destruction over a wider area.

I could be wrong.

>Fallout 4
Explains why I forgot about it.

Not...really. I mean the entire premise is you are playing a pre-war individual so if you ever knew it I'm not sure how it slipped your mind. The entire game starts right before the first nukes fell.

I really didn't care for Fallout 4. They somehow made the game more shallow as an RPG than Fallout 3.

The weird four choice dialogue thing kind of did it, along with not having additional options in situations based on your stats or perks, etc.

I really don't get why they couldn't have just adjusted things so whoever you played as had the Anchorage veterancy.

Nevermind why you couldn't build your characters' backstory a bit more when talking to the vault-tec rep.

I also find it hilarious how Todd let that game be developed as far along as it did and it was only a month or two after release he says "I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THE DIALOGUE DIAMOND EITHER!"

The overarching plot sucked. It's been described as a neglectful parent simulator since most people could give a rats ass about their damn baby and would rather explore the damn world, build shit (making settlements has so many obnoxious bugs, though), and go on far more interesting sounding side quests. Which don't always end up being all that interesting, really. The DLC is mostly hot garbage, too. Far Harbor was actually pretty atmospheric, a decent callback to Point Lookout, but Nuka World was a steaming turd dumped on top an already fairly shitty game. There isn't a lot of interesting shit to do and even less if you don't want to play nice with the raiders and just gut them all like they deserve. They don't even provide an interesting fight, just serving as incredibly obnoxious damage sponges. The Vault-Tec one was kind of interesting at first but it soon became clear that the NPC mapping system was all kinds of broken so they won't even navigate most of the vault, even if you give them jobs. Especially if you build giant multi-level structures aboveground and they won't go to their actual assigned jobs but stand on the level BELOW it.

Anchorage or Gobi campaign is how I rationalized how my character knew how to use damn power armor and could equip NPCs with it. Doesn't do much for letting you know how damn raiders have so much of it though.

I don't mind it though the ability to steal their fusion cores or otherwise shoot the core out the back of their armor means I've got a shit ton of frames, especially in the areas where raiders respawn with it. By the Super Duper Mart, for one. I tend to use them as decorations now, though occasionally settlers will hope into it. Oh, and one time thanks to an incredibly annoying invasion raider stole some of my suits and wound up getting killed in them. Thankfully PC Master Race has console commands.

It's *implied* to be. Bethesda just can't into maps.

Need a heavier version too with integrated weapons, like Clan Medium Battle Armor from Battletech.

I have no words, but I have art.




Fukushima is deadlier because it made the Germans and the Swiss abandon the nuclear power.

I forget where, but I believe it's canon that China's so nuked up it can be seen from space as a place you don't wanna go.

Unless your players wanna be ghouls or ash, it wouldn't be good

I'm actually in a game like that right this moment.

Op here, that is some great shit mate. Now I have to make this game.

Auto Samurai looks pretty dope.

I'm not sure we've heard anything about what happened outside of the USA, even large swaths of the USA (Midwest/Deep South/Most of the Northwest) have not been covered.

I would imagine that China mostly got obliterated except for highly rural areas that would be unaffected. I'm not sure why I think it but I'm pretty sure Japan got wiped out, maybe even before the Great War because of China.

I dig the armor. Makes me want to make a character who is a Post-Apocalyptic Samurai, wandering around the ruins of Japan to find every scrap of history about the Samurai he can, using Armor made from scrap while carrying a sword he found that was forged by a Bizen swordsmith back in the 12th century or something, without even knowing its history, just that a Samurai must have a sword and he found this sword so he decided to become a Samurai.

Good thing about Fallout I guess, the world is open for fan projects or relatively unlimited settings for games. I would expect Canada to be similar to the US except maybe a little worse since it was annexed and probably pretty warzone-y

silly user, dragonquest is in spain.

Lol. I love the Legion though, I thought it was a really creative faction. I was kind of disappoint that Fallout 4 had some pretty lackluster factions.

Lore Wise the BoS uses whatever they can get their hands on so its feasible they are using whatever suits they could get their hands on.

Or then again maybe they see the "new" designs as heresy and refuse to. The BoS is pretty inconsistent game to game.
Fallout 4 drives me nuts because everyone in the Brotherhood treats the PC like shit when in fact they should be falling all fucking over themselves to meet someone from pre-war days with knowledge about the tech and how it works.

Well...mods can fix a lot of that.
I agree with you though I've been really frustrated by Bethesda totally watering down their games for the lowest common-denominator player.

By far my biggest complaint is that it is impossible to play anything other than a combat-focused character or any character that is not a "good guy".

WOuldn't even need cryostasis, just drug them for the drip up to keep the passengers "docile". The occupants except for key staff need never know they're on the moon.

I still don't understand what Dragonquest is about. so...why can't that be in Canada?

Silly user, there are no dragons to quest in Canadia. Now in Mexicana, sure, that's why the Unitarian States Emperor wants to erect a wall to keep the dragons out. Dragons can't fly more than 10 feet.

Not really, Fallout 4's problems are down to the very core, and we probably won't get mods that fix those for at least another year.