Tfw the group breaks up

>Tfw the group breaks up
>It was when a dudes gf cheated on him with another member of the group
>Mfw I knew it was a bad decision to let her play and still let her in
Any times you've fucked up bad Veeky Forums?

It wasn't your fault, user

you can't control the actions of others in real life. They aren't NPC's.

I let a friend play when he was clearly the group's That Guy. He stayed for ten sessions before I wised up and told him to fuck off.

If the only reason that she was staying with the first guy was because she wasn't meeting other guys, I don't think their relationship was long for this world.

Also had she met the other guy outside of your game, you'd have two players that were fighting anyway.

Fuck your gay feelings, the real question is did they role play as their characters during sex? Did she breakup with the guy in person or during a game while in character?

He walked in on them having sex

>boy I sure do hate them wimmenz Where can I go to find groups of likeminded people?
>/r9k? /v? /b? /pol? /adv? no I think I'll post on /tg
>that way I can make up some sob story and let the shitposting evolve naturally
>uploading feelsbadman.jpeg

Were they in character?

>letting women into your hobby

youve only yourself to blame for this

Women ruin everything though. Being confronted with this isn't subject to any sphere of conversation. This board could be a fucking Bible forum and we'd still be confronted with holier-than-thou hypocrite sluts during mass.

>oh boy here we go


I mean, we're already past the point where the numbers of posts is higher than the poster count.

Saying it was a bad choice letting her play doesn't mean he hates all women user.

>women ruin everything
>guy fucks girl
>somehow its 100% the girl's fault

reee reee reeee reee

All women are awful though for real

Why would they?

Obvious b8, but then again I've seen shit like this posted in earnest by cucked MGTOWs.

I regret fucking that guy's gf, I guess.

I didn't really think she was worth more than the game either, I just figured I could do both. Sorry OP.


Feels like every time I do something, I fuck up. First game was killed be me being autistic and overemotional and just not getting that it was supposed to be a social activity, fun with friends.

Other games since have faded or fallen out, and I always wonder just a little bit if it was my fault every time.

>OP mentions one woman who cheated on her boyfriend
>He must therefore hate all women
>Strawmanning this hard

>being this retarded

I feel bad for the human race because it includes people like you in it.

It's only going to get worse user.

>As Veeky Forums gets older, it gets more depressed and jaded
>This is because Veeky Forums started out as a place for edgy teenagers and young adults to hang out
>Over time the normies were filtered out by relationships, work and other obligations
>Now only society's rejects are left in a cesspool of escapism and despair
It feels comforting to be in the company of my peers

What the hell are you talking about? We visit the same place?

This site is basically normalfag central

>This site is basically normalfag central
What kind of "normalfags" do you talk to? This website is incredibly anti-progressive, racial realism is the norm on most boards and most of us here have in one way or another failed, either by never finishing tertiary education or finishing it but being unable to find a job.

That said, Veeky Forums is the most normalfag board on the website to the point of bordering on tumblresque at points.

That would be true if Veeky Forums was /pol/normie paradise

>racial realism

>some obvious SJW history revisionism
where does pedobear and pedobear-inspiring posts fit in in your little history of Veeky Forums, you massive cuck?

>It wasn't your fault, user
It was, he admited he fucked her up

>make a comment of a single woman
>somehow this targets all women

>Why would they?
>"But user, we were just role-playing! It's what our characters would do!"
>"Wuzn't me!"
I shaggy daggy.





Well she's the one engaged so of course it's 100% her fault.
That other guy might be slimy as fuck but it was her relationship, not his.

Thanks for your opinion.
Pick whatever kind of loser archetype suits you on your way out.

One time I invited a guy into my group because I had known him awhile and played with him elsewhere, and for two or three years he had been super over the top nice to me and always was trying to be friends and get involved in stuff I was doing. I had been very standoffish with the guy for a long time, because the first time I met him, about ten minutes in I just got the vibe he was an asshole. But he seemed so interested and eager to play for so long, and wasn't that bad of a player, so I eventually broke down and let him in.

Turned into a huge passive aggressive douche almost immediately. Completely ruined one campaign, nearly destroyed two others, and drove one of my best friends away from our social circle forever. He was also incredibly sneaky about it, starting a lot of shit underhandedly and out of game, and always doing stuff with this big goofy smile and happy, charming voice, so that I didn't even realize how much he was pissing people off until they all began complaining to me out of game. I eventually ended up booting him after almost a year of massive damage done to my games.

Generally, if I get a bad feeling about a person from a first impression, I write them off permanently. This was the first time in years I broke with that rule. Won't be doing it again.

>doesn't mean he hates all women user.

We need more misanthropy in the world though.

On the contrary, you retard. The original users were the ones who abandoned ship as this shithole was being overrun by edgy teenagers like you, after seeing Veeky Forums on TV.
You think voting for Trump, hating sjws and being rejected by girls makes you different from a normie? You're not in a place where social rejects gather, you're in a place where edgy teenagers gather and become social rejects because they start thinking they're special snowflakes.

>guy does a completely unnecessary thing IC for self-admitted OOC reasons
>unnecessary thing is done to a guy's stuff that my character felt was a pretty chill dude, even if he was the "quest giver with questionable motives"
>pretty much everyone agrees its a dick move
>laid hostilities cause the two characters to start ideologically clashing more and more due to the both of them being right and wrong stubborn cunts
>think it's about to build to a head where the tension gets let out in a good ol' PvP right at the foreshadowed moment where we meet these guys that enjoy some good bloodlust
>suddenly, schedule conflicts make the game slow to a crawl
>times we do get together are right in the middle of arguments, changing established plans due to lost trains of thought, and shortcutting plot to feel like the session accomplished something
>GM brings up that they're not really having fun with the game anymore
>all of the IC hostilities suddenly bleed into OOC due to trying to figure out how to make the game more fun
>try to mediate to keep things from getting worse with the main hostiles
>accidentally forget quiet wizardbro because he's quiet
>he aggresses just enough to push everyone past points
>GM ends the campaign with most if not all the PCs mad at someone and a bunch of waifus with unfulfilled arcs
>feel at least half responsible for being one of two players that kept perpetuating the fight
All I wanted was for him to get it in his head that a group of four doesn't need one guy to call all the shots, fuck.

It was his bro too... nigga broke the code

>Tfw the group breaks up
>It was when a dude in the group fucked another dude's gf
>Mfw I knew it was a bad decision to let him play and still let him in