Does your setting have interracial relationships?

If so, tell me about them because I'm curious and need inspiration. Are hybrids possible? What, if any, are the social stigmas against it? How common is it, and which races engage in it most often?

Yeah, they mostly vary from lofty contempt to bitter hatred though.

Very few and it's seen as tasteless. Hybrids are not a thing and what hybrids do exist tend to have major health problems and are generally sterile.

Most non-humans are some manner of beast with varying levels of intelligence. Harpies for instance with their poor intelligence is seen as borderline bestiality.

There is a race of black-blooded people in my setting. Their women can't have children from others and if they try to impregnate red blooded women, they either die a horrible death or have a torturous nine months and die giving birth to a mass of flesh.


Look at your average fa/tg/uy. Look at his fucked-up fetishes. Now imagine all those races actually were real and could, in theory, feel the same way about him.

Shit happens.

There's not all that many races, and the ones that exist can't interbreed with humans, nor would humans want to breed with them unless they were super into bestiality. I mean, would you really want to have sex with a humanoid cockroach-ant hybrid, or a velociraptor on drugs? Didn't think so.

There's also giants, of course, which aren't a separate race but instead a mutation of humans, but any attempts to interbreed with them fails (cause tiny semen and giant eggs, or giant semen and tiny eggs)

No, because it demystifies the non-human races and their hybrids add nothing to the setting.

Not quite how cells work, but close enough. The genetics would be wildly incompatible in any case.

Oh right, I yeah, the cells don't get bigger. I'm stupid.

Still, I doubt that sticking a tiny human in a giant vagina would yield any pregnancies, or at least nothing that would survive birth.

Yes, but some rules & restrictions apply:

>Genitals have to fit or it's death for someone (nothing bigger than 2x smaller size)
>Slow-breeding races (elves, gnomes, etc.) have a taboo against inter-racial which is enforced with exile
>Only bipedal, self-aware humanoids can be procreative
>Rape and failed relationships are very common because of huge cultural gaps
>Harems are exemptions to the taboo and are usually stocked with multiple races
>Some races use magic to sterilize inter-racial couples so that they cannot reproduce a line of half-breeds

Wait, is a black elf fucking a white elf considered interracial in a fantasy world, or same-racial?

If orks looked like elves and elves looked like orcs, and the change would be purely aesthetical, not cultural, do you think our paradigm regarding orcs and elves would be switched too?

>Ooga booga where da whyte boiz at?

Why do I find black elves very sexy but I don't find black humans sexy?

Because they are not blacks, they are whites with brown skin.

Maybe because "black" elves are just very tan instead of black? Also because they don't have the same facial features as black womem

> I mean, would you really want to have sex with a humanoid cockroach-ant hybrid, or a velociraptor on drugs? Didn't think so.

We're on Veeky Forums, user. If three-kreens and kobolds and anything in between are fair game, those could be too. Rather ask the opposite: why would those things would want to go with humans.


No, everyone hates the fuck put of each other.
Except humans, they have a nasty tendency of fucking everything under the sun and more.
Yes half breeds are possible because the human god let them have that as their racial power, because you're far less likely to aid in a raid against the woman who is rearing your babies and elfs that get pregnant are less likely to return to their homes in the mountains and thus go to human settlements where humans invariably learn from them.

>and elfs that get pregnant are less likely to return to their homes in the mountains
You mean dwarves, right? Don't tell me you didn't take this opportunity to do something unusual.

Yeah, but they're rare since they can't produce any sort of offspring.

>Genitals have to fit or it's death for someone (nothing bigger than 2x smaller size)

I have a specific question. Would an orc or half orc be able to breed with a halfling? What would the kid look like?

Imagine a muscular giganigger. Now make him a three feet tall manlet with tusks, green skin, a pot belly and big, hairy feet.

Actually, plenty depending on where you go in the multiverse.
The most prolific race to crossbreed, are humans: they get a pretty wide mileage as long their partner is at very least mammalian and sentient. And for what cannot be crossbred for a reason or another, if you got an archmage handy with little concerns regarding the moral implications of it, you could manage to get an impossible crossbreed as well. (wishes could work too, although with potential side issues)
Another couple of races that can crossbreed and almost surely -will- crossbreed, although with hardly noticeable results, are doppelgangers, whose offspring will be either doppelgangers or if crossbreeding with a human, changelings. The changelings at the same time have 50% odds to either give birth to another changeling or to the partner's specie.
Pretty much humans manage to thrive in the multiverse despite there can be many more powerful creatures around, because in a lot of cases they managed to marry into alliances with other species.

It would be a tight fit, all things considered, but if Demi-Ogres are a thing I don't see why not. I guess it would look like a miniature gluttonous half-orc with a penchant for throwing weapons and sneaking around. Sounds like a fun character concept now that I think of it.


Hybrids ain't possible unless a Cleric of Love blesses the union with a spell

Then literally any two things could form babby if their love was true

Because you've conditioned yourself to be sexually attracted only to drawings of girls (male).

It depends on how closely the races are related, unless there are extraordinary circumstances. If races have significantly different biology, they aren't going to form hybrids. If their pregnancies are significantly different, such as in terms of length or any other factor, they're likely going to miscarry. If the size is too different, there will be predictable issues.

Therefore humans can only reproduce with beings that are more or less biologically human, despite whatever different features they might have. In my setting, Elves and the subterranean race(Orcs/Goblinoids) are just subraces of humanity. They have some rather odd looking features, which will be noticeable in a hybrid. Reactions to them depend on culture, but it's generally unfavorable and the whole thing is usually considered a deviant practice.

Consensual hybridization is most common in organizations that remain aloof from common society, which are open to all races. A secretive order of mages, devoted to the study of magic and with no interest in politics or race, is one such circumstance. This results in "wizards" occasionally being stereotyped to have certain distinctive features, but it's far from an accurate indicator.

Aside from that, there are moderately closely related races, like ogres, which can create sterile hybrids. These are generally treated with disgust.

Now, if you add magical beings to the list, using their powers to ensure reproduction despite extreme physical differences, you get results which are treated with either awe or fear. Such beings can be seen as either blessings or blasphemous abominations, depending on culture.

>Has to fit
Good thing fairies are stretchy.

Good thing I asked Veeky Forums before bringing the idea to my GM, since I imagined something much cuter and wasn't sure how the idea would come off. I had a character concept of a half-orc who was abandoned as a baby and picked up/raised by halflings. I thought it'd be cute if he had a thing for one of his female halfling friends or something. But the way you two describe it does not sound cute at all.

This user here, that sounds like a very cute and interesting character concept, it's a fantasy setting, do whatever makes you happy.

Because they have the exact same physical attributes, just different coloured skin

Yeah romancing a smaller race is always adorable, just the outcome might not be.

>Because they have the exact same physical attributes, just different coloured skin
But the stat bonuses are different. Also, some dark elves have Level Adjustment.

Dwarves are merchant shipmen more likely to take the human with them (because where is he going to run off to in the ocean?).

Oh, you did the retarded unsual things instead. Fine.

Any interracial sex always results in pregnancy with the children always being twins or quadruplets with an equal division of the parental races.

So an elf and an orc would result in either 1 elf + 1 orc baby or 2 elven + 2 orc babies.

This keeps the balance of nature and magic.

Very interesting, could you tell me more about your setting's magic system? In exchange I'll post the details of mine.

I play Children of the Sun, where the only race cross-fertile with other races is humans, and for the most part, that kinda creeps everyone else out. Except for the ones where it doesn't, and those guys creep out everyone else. Halfbreeds are regarded as even more disturbing, since that shouldn't even be possible, and dammit those humans are pervs.

Considering elves are superior, arrogant and sexy in equal measure, why isn't elf femdom more common? Where would elves even rank on a scale from "petting you and calling you a good boy" to "spitting in your mouth and fracturing your skull with a lead pipe" spectrum? Or would it differ per subrace?

>why isn't elf femdom more common?
They're called drow


>Always get weird looks and questioned by the owner when you and your wife rent a one bed room at the inn together
>Town Guard always stop you when your walking by the local school house thinking you're abducting a student
>Always have to relatively gentle and hold back in the bedroom cause she's so small

On the other hand that's fuckin Kuwaii. Is it worth it?

For my elves, when it comes to domming, elves are typically pretty vanilla before turning super fucking Yandere at the drop of a pin due to their fae ancestry. Entails very heavy questioning about what you thought about that girl you were talking to in the market place as she swings around a knife cutting off your clothes and occasionally grazing your skin. They're very emotional beings prone to extreme feelings of jealousy and rivalry, especially when it comes to their sexual partners due to elves being extremely monogamous.


>superior, arrogant and sexy

Superior, arrogant and sexy people tend to like _being_ dominated, not dominating.

The haughty princess becomes a breedsow on Friday nights, that kind of thing.

>why isn't elf femdom more common?
Because they're never quite sure if the other elf they're talking to is male or female? Is it really femdom if neither one is sure who the female is?

It's mistakes like these that are part of the reason elves are dying out.

[needs citation]

Yes, my setting has interracial relationships. Mostly human/other. It actually stems from the setting's backlore; humanity originally viewed itself as the only "child of mother earth", and the existence of other sapients was seen as a wonderful discovery.

Things... didn't quite work out that idealistically, but interracial relationships were romanticised before the world blew up.

Part of that was because humans are interfertile with all other races, which was used as the proof that other races were kin to be accepted, and not some sort of alien monster.

The actual fruits of such relationships vary. Some species (dwarves, elves, gnomes, gnolls) have full-fledged halfbreeds. Other races still integrate successfully, but don't visibly hybridize - I'm still working out all the kinks there.

The only races with any major hangups against it are the Pureblood Dwarves, who are a dying race fixated on Tradition, and the Slyvharri, a race of xenophobic hyper-arrogant bunnyfolk with dreams of world domination.

In my campaign alot of humans brought home orc wives after the war against the Orc king ten years ago.

Most sapient races can breed with each other in my setting unless the pairing is really out there.
An elf, goblin, Bugbear, or Kobold could breed with a human but a Thri-kreen or Aaracocra couldn't.
Interracial relationships are semi-common between races that can interbreed and somewhat uncommon between the ones that can't.

>a race of xenophobic hyper-arrogant bunnyfolk with dreams of world domination.

The only race able to match the Humans when it comes to military and shit is the race that literally breed like rabbits. Sounds legit.

Humans, elves, dwarves, etc. appear similar, but genetically are actually completely different species.

Elves have special magic-concentrating internal organs and must regularly consume magical herbs/animals to survive.
Dwarves have taste buds that detect metals, they supplement their diet with rich ores, have small amounts of iron in their bones to reinforce them, and can even detect the subtle magnetic anomalies created by underground iron veins.
Orcs have symbiotic algae, which causes their skin to appear green, red, cyan, etc.

None of the humanoid species can interbreed naturally. But, there are spells that allow any two sapient humanoid creatures to produce offspring (this magic also works for gay couples, post-menopausal women, etc.). The offspring is always a "pure-blooded" version of one or the other species, although they inherit some minor visual and psychological traits from both parents. The magic is fairly expensive, and requires the parents to go through complicated, time-consuming rituals. Depending on the culture, you might see the magic performed by a cleric, a healing mage, or even a midwife-witch.

Most communities don't have any problems with inter-species relationships unless they're particularly xenophobic or magic-phobic.

Human and orc tribes intermingle rather frequently. They live in the same territory, and although they usually don't have the same culture (orcs are nomadic hunters who value fight, humans are sedentary and value craft), they *sometimes* understand allying is actually beneficial to both since they benefit from their respective strengths. So hybrids happen often, and not only from rape. Though they definitively do happen that way too because both consider enslaving your enemies normal.

Half-orcs are an uncommon but unsurprising sight in both orc and human tribes. Some of them are so mixed they can't really be said to be one race or another. Usually, they're accepted but rarely loved, and have to work twice as hard to earn any respect.

From their point of view, the other race isn't that strange-looking, even if orcs are buffer and all that. Given that they also share territory with centaurs and weird beasts, the other guys don't seem that different.

Much like this user, I'm inherently opposed to interracial relationships and hybridized races, but I have to admit, that's a very lovely image.


if hybrids turn out stronger than the pure blood parents, you will have a problem like Dragon Ball Super with hybrids being far stronger and smarter than pureblood saiyajin.

Goku only is the stronger because of plot armor


then how do they reproduce?

Orcs are hideous, though. Why would you have a relationship with one?
This ebin subversion is stupid.