Enigma gonna moon soon boys
ETH meets XMR... Why are you not on this?
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want my picks for this month? mco and eth, cards the future and are gonna take you to the billionaires club in 2018
Dragonchain will dominate this field sorry user
Eth is good for both open and private transactions now that it supports zk-SNARKs.
Sorry meant *computations. Though IMO it is good for transactions too.
Does dragonchain have an army of MIT nerds?
shill me on enigma
Hey newfags, when you're posting up about your picks or predictions, it's usually helpful to post up why you think what you do.
It can be as simple as one or two lines briefly mentioning it's use case, a problem it solves or why industries or consumers would adopt it.
XMR - Privacy coin for the darknet (Why it would be adopted)
MOD - Makes medical shipments in and out of the EU up to 60% cheaper for the pharma industry due to EU regulations in medical shipment supervision. (Fixes a problem)
REQ - Financial laying over ETH smart contracts to widen the scope of how smart contracts can be used. like how it cheapens auditing fees by automating them (Use case)
Use case and fixes a problem should usually be pretty related, but there are some exceptions.
It's shit
ENG raped a giant hole in my stack about 2 hours ago. be wary, he's a cheeky fucker.
i want to get into monero, but i'm not technically savy enough to really make a judgement whether it is actually superior and will not be overtaken by something else
I already hold it
I'm invested in XMR and XVG at the moment. Honestly, a privacy coin is great and all, but it's not very exciting for me when there's 19 industries blockchain is trying to disrupt.
XMR already has market share, momentum and the first mover advantage, but it's already being outclassed by newer tech.
Being a privacy coin doesn't make it unique- I wouldn't suggest buying any (despite it's liklihood to grow), as its use case does not make it unique.
ZenCash is the best privacy coin atm for IP encryptions, obfuscation, and zksnarks, plus they have a plan to sustain development for a long time. lower mcap as well. plus cardano partnership, which no one cared about because we were getting raped when it was posted.
>we were getting raped
Please don't treat tokens like they're teams.
I'm not as savvy with privacy coin competition as i'd like to be (most of my investments are elsewhere)- what's the primary difference between ZCash and Verge? I thought Verge was the 'best' with the Wraith Protocol coming out on the 31st?
you are retard
What does Enigma do?
oh, i thought you were advocating for xmr before, but realized it was just examples. what would you recommend to invest in? i already have a portfolio and a plan for expanding it, but i'm always on the lookout
hmm i've heard about it a lot. what about smartcash?
Enigma is a cute idea but like LINK it will do nothing for a long time.
Sure some gains will be made but nothing extraordinary.
any news coming up?
MOD is imo a Tier 1 investment for January. Commercial release is due in Q1 2018.
XLM, REQ, LINK, FUN, NEO and IoTA are all good picks too.
Some of them have real problems, but they also have industry support which is important in considering these problems are likely to be fixed or dealt with to some degree.
secret smart contracts, MIT devs, ENG is atomic bimb
>Secret smart contracts
Oh shit. That sounds interesting. Would this have a use case outside of illegal dealings?
That's why desu
thats all we need. Also their first app Catalyst is basically the bloomberg terminal for Crypto