Last one hit the picture limit. Post some more of that shit.
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
source op?
Was written in the last thread. Some blog. I think the comic name is Trash Knight, but don't quote me on that.
I'm not a furry but some of those girls are cute
What does he take over the slime?
how is this Veeky Forums and not just some h-doujin you wanted to post
does she turn into a whale, and polymorph is D&D, and... no really what the fuck is your logic here
This thread is fucking shit. The OP isn't even a proper filename joke, it's just a labelled file. For fuck sake.
Can we derail this thread too? I want to discuss tight, shallow pussies and cervical fucking like in the last thread.
>he doesn't know
Why would you screencap that, it happens like 5 times a day
That's why I asked, faggot
I love those screencaps.
He's fishing for (you)s that ask for source. Just ignore him.
Trip Dungeon Ch. 1-2 [English]
There's the sauce you faggot.
you motherfucker
It would be even less work to carve the cube into a cylinder.
It would be even less to carve it into an n-sided prism, where n was large enough to be similar enough to a curved surface.
Carving it into a sphere probably took a huge amount of time compared to just pushing the damn cube.
what if the job when they reach the end destination is to stack all the cubes?
Gonna need that source
That's a appropriate filename. This is Veeky Forums.
Even better; you can still stack a cylinder, but you can't stack a sphere.
I think it's this
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
I should have come up with a clever filename.
This is adorable.
>not prolate spheroid
Why were those girls trying to kill Mark Hamill?
By the gods of stylized violence, what is is this from?
The fuck? That pic is so ludicrous I had a laughing fit for a bit.
Ya got me user. You got me good.
American Gods.
They made a movie out of American Gods?
TV Show.
Stop injecting your horrible fetishes into this thread.
Are my fetishes cool tho?
You don't stack spheres in the same way you stack cubes, though. Likewise, spheres require a conical or pyramidal stack, while cubes and the like don't need a progressively wider base.
How is it?
I can't stand over the top violence, not to the level it is in the show, so I do not know, I just know what it is and that it exists.
They're supers dude. A bit sturdier than regular folks.
Captain America ladies and gents
Needs a Veeky Forums-related name.
Then when you reach the end, you cut off the round bits until you have a cube, dummy.
Who gets the kill for having a guy's disembodied arm fly across the battlefield and impale a dude through the throat? The guy whose arm it is, or the guy who sent it flying?
Okay, that was clever, yet I still hate you for it.
>level 0 pc battle
Damn, she's just pulling that fucking weave out.
Is this a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu exhibition for toddlers?
An amazon in a star spangled one piece hits an armtrap overhead belly to belly suplex on a dominatrix and you're concerned about that? Come on mate.
Nogs did 9/11
Funny, but not Veeky Forums.
>Trust nobody, not even your gun
>Queen neckbreaker
>Not being her objective
Underrated as fuck.
>Sniper Slayer in Halo
Man I remember that.
The death of Blue Beetle hit me hard
Yeah it really was sad the way he shot himself. That's a good picture of Wonder Woman up there though. Really shows off her heroic nature. PCs should strive to Diplomat like Wondy.
So far surprisingly good - prior to the show starting i'd have called the book unadaptable, but they've been knocking it out of the park so far.
They've been pretty faithful to the book so far, and the casting's top notch - Ian McShane as Wednesday and Peter Stomare as Czernobog are both fantastic.
They went off-script from the books in the latest episode, but that was mainly fleshing out the Laura/Shadow backstory, which was handled surprisingly well. It does detract from the whole 'blank slate' thing Shadow has in the books, but IMO it works - TV isn't literature and you need characters with actual personalities to make it watchable.
My only real complaint so far has been how the handled Anansai's introduction, it seemed pretty out of character and quite frankly was disappointing. Hopefully they get him right next time he shows up.
What about in Injustice where she said "we are not murderers" while murdering the Huntress?
the longer you look, the worse it gets...
And so, having defeated the nefarious COW, our hero, the COW wins back the heart of the lovely COW.
I'm dying
... the strap is on the wrong shoulder...
No it isn't
>the patrician delet_dis.png
>2 dots in repair, 1 dot in video editing