For some reason have his trademark beer-gut in the artwork
Also, t-rex arms
For some reason have his trademark beer-gut in the artwork
Also, t-rex arms
Other urls found in this thread:
>For some reason have his trademark beer-gut in the artwork
That's not a sentence user. I think Google Translate is better, try that.
English not first language
No guts.
No glory.
Don't like how bland and sterile nuMarines are. Where's the heraldry and religious artifacts adorning their armour?
Welcome to age of gulliman/not drawn by Adrian Smith
Guilliman isn't into the whole fanatical worship thing, seeing as he actually knew emps
The armor is brand spanking new and hasn't had time to be decked out yet
Also GW wants to give people a clear and clean look of the new suits before they go crazy with them
>Also GW wants to give people a clear and clean look of the new suits before they go crazy with them
And an issue GW art has had for a while is just illustrating models instead of the world.
did you think this was going to be a funny thread with 400 replies?
>there's a bone hanging between his legs
>it's strategically broken in half in the middle so that there's just the two processes and a short section
What did they mean by this?
What armor is this specifically? Is this some kind of new Terminator Armor?
it is the same armor as the new assault marines
The artist is not a very good artist.
Weird, I thought the jetpack was connected to the bubble helm
Is this secret marketing to the chinese at work?
No, it's the new Artificer armor, called Grativon iirc
It's a different armor, that user was wrong.
It's called Gravis armor and is their equivalent of regular Artificer 2+ save armor.
We might get their Terminator suits and heavy/special weapon teams tomorrow.
This looks so gay though.
I don't understand why anyone would think making newbmarines bigger makes any sense. It's a small scale tabletop war game, the proportions will always be not true. It's like you losers think the shoe and the car in monopoly should be bigger and smaller than each other true to size because HURRRRRRRR A CAR IS BIGHET 5JAN A SHOE IN RUULLL LOFFFE
>completely fresh, new Marines
>deployed for the very first time this Crusade
>there are already Ancients
Are these just the cucks destined to always be in the mentor, flag bearer role and never get a promotion?
It matters when model shape and size matters for the game.
By your logic it would be entirely reasonable to bring the small Land Raiders from Apocalypse or whatever its name was and field them as regular Land Raiders because "lol size shouldn't matter in a board game".
it shouldn't tbqh
true line of sight is an abortion
That's different and you know it you little cunt.
Infantry being equivalent in size makes sense.
Vehicles being equivalent in size makes sense.
Jetbikes and bikes are equivalent in size and it makes sense are are landspeeders.
Having things equivalent in size makes sense. You just want your gay little special models.
Where Greyfax on that scale?
It's not different when you compare fucking Monopoly scale to a tabletop wargame, which is a ridiculously retarded comparison.
When the entire fucking game is based around tiny little special models and its whole purpose is built around models being cool to look at, varied and making for good decorations and cool looking tabletops then those models should look the par and not be fucking categorized and castrated to always fit a specific size. If you want to play something with normalized model sizes, go play fucking chess and don't bitch about the things the game's entire concept is built around being a detriment to the game.
About 1 hat taller than current Marines.
>what is every single historical, great war, and world war wargame ever made
Nice post GW.
>the entirety of 40k is based on MUHHSPESSMUHREEEEEEs being slightly bigger than normal infantry because you have a small penis
Yeah okay buddy
Your proposal has nothing to do with fucking Space Marines. Primaris Marines are supposed to be bigger than regular Marines in lore and people have been asking for more appropriate Marine sizes for ages, this is them finally sizing them in a more lore-friendly way.
What you're proposing is that every infantry model, be it an Ork Boy, a Guardsman, a Marine or any of the small Tyranids, should be the same size, which is utterly fucking retarded and impossible to do without destroying every sense of scale the models are supposed to have, as many units simply do not have equivalents in most armies.
Making everything the same size across it's category would fuck over every single army and make everything look like utter dogshit, disregarding the changes it would force upon the rules and how good/bad that would be. If you only play the game for it being a game, you're not only retarded for choosing fucking Warhammer as your choice of wargame, as there are arguably far better balanced ones out there, but are also seeing this from a completely screwed point of view as the game is primarily about the models, not any of the fucking rules.
This, no guts no gory
from glorious ink/charcoal/water color illustrations full of macabre and baroque character to bland, undetailed and unremarkable digital art that looks little more complete than concept art...
in the heroic light of the far future, there is only optimism.
>go out of your way to create a new more realistically proportioned space marine
>continue to hire artists that can't draw proportions
Most of the recent art has been incrediably disappointing. But none of it is close to as bad 99% of the CG crap that's been adorning the HH BL series.
Love the old art, especially from the codexes
agreed. People have consistently been buying these books for over a decade, you think they'd have a budget to splurge on cover-art that's more in line with what they used to do. Would add the level of class the setting should have.
fuck I'd rather have a blank black book only a Roman numeral and the title. If they all had a cohesive look I'd be more inclined to collect them rather than just selling the ones I don't like as much.
Look how tiny his head and hands are.
>tfw trying to appear like the rational side but can't hold back my autism and keep spurging out
You know, I love the primarines tacticals, but the hero and the jump assaults look awful
It's almost like GW ran out of ideas beyond "MORE MARINE MORE BIGGER!" yeh?
Their just kids user their not old enough for grown up shit
did someone guts no glory?
The assaults look weird because they aren't using jump packs, that's OVA gear. They probably drop right out of the ship.
Man, late 80s early 90s cartoons were so awesome
Too many she today, producers can't take the same liberties they used to have.
What the fuck, how have I never heard of this shit? The sickest weird 80s cartoon I grew up on was fucking thundercats, but this shit has it all. Space battles, laser guitars, robot horses, cowboy hats.
It's the complete package!
His penis is so large it breaks bones.
Not everyone is spiteful intolerant black templar.
They're armor is getting AWFULLY close to looking like Dornian Heresy versions....
They're literally Ogryns in Power Armor.
Alright GW, the numarines look alright. Show me what else you got
>fat man in a space helmet with the ugliest power fist imaginable
>retarded space hoppers with ghetto blasters
So is this terminator armor or artificer armor?
>We might get their Terminator suits and heavy/special weapon teams tomorrow.
I'm going to need some fucking sauce on this, I don't think my bank account is ready for the devastation primaris terminators would bring upon it
>the fanart from shitty fa/tg/uy fan fiction is better than the official stuff
>It's called Gravis armor and is their equivalent of regular Artificer 2+ save armor.
Thank fuck. I like it, don't get me wrong, especially the helmet, but it's no fucking terminator suit, that's for sure.
I seriously doubt they will do termie armor for the primaris. Termie armor is pretty much the opposite of the primaris- ultraspecialized and clumsy.
They do drop from orbit.
>tfw they finally arrive on the planet but the combay is already finished
Don't they only get the loads and loads of medallions and scripture and holy charms and trophies and shit after decades of service? New guys don't get that to begin with.
i like the beergut armor. the belly is basically the place where you want the most protection.
Meh, they're mini Guiliman.
Nothing wrong with that, but it does make them bland.
The head is where you want the most protection and yet nobody fucking wears helmets
Numarines look like someone wanted to make Marines but avoid copyrights
what a shining boner he has got there
Fucking Aliens, man, we should kill all Xenos
They were literally offloaded just now. I doubt any chapter is willing to hand over any blessed artifacts to the babies.
So, what does this mean? Are Primaris marines proportionally scaled up versions of regular marines?
the new weapons sound like when 3rd party companies rename 40k shit to avoid the GW legal inquisition.
>not drawn by adrian Smith
So it's garbage by default
Because everything shown so far has been in the Ultramarines mold which tends towards being relatively clean unless you're part of the command echelon or a veteran.
The Ancients are in all likelihood Marines who were upgraded to Primaris.
Everyone is quick to blame GW without realizing that it may be completely out of their control. I imagine when you're a well enough known artist that you're not lacking for offers that you can actually choose who you want to work for and set a price for how much your work is going to cost.
While Adrian Smith's current asking price could be too rich for GW, it could be the reverse in that he simply doesn't feel like doing work for them or for 40k anymore, even if they're willing to pay him a nice fee.
They should try and find more up up-and-coming artists like Adrian Smith, rather than just people who can trace the miniatures.
Most oldMarines stuff isn't covered in that shit either.
Not everyone is Black Templars or Dark Angels.
Well it depends on how big the pool is, like I said you could have artists who refuse to do work because it's not their thing or not where they're trying to get at, even if the money is decent. They at least seem to be looking at what is out there since they got the guy who did a lot of the art for the second edition of Malifaux.
The thing with just drawing the models is again something where I think people are automatically assuming the worst of GW when the facts aren't known. It could be GW's fault because they're giving poor or no direction or just accepting whatever, but at the same time the artist could just see it as a job and take the easiest route out and by the time it gets to GW there isn't time for them to make any major changes because they have to get the book together and to the printers.
GW is cracking out a lot of books per year, this is in contrast to FW or possibly even other developers where maybe they'll put out one book or a handful.
>They are even MORE Mobile Infantry
>Operator as fuck
But they aren't boring the fucking Chads, either.
no, their shoulder pads are the same size
Their heads are also the same and their arms and chests don't look far off either.
It's mostly the legs and waists that are bigger.
Your pic's scene was amazing to me.
When even kids he was trying to help run alongside their bullies away from that freak, and then one trips and a bully helps him stand back up before they resume running.
Goddamn, that slew me.
So Eldars need to be taller, regular marines need to be Deathwatch sized and the Guardsmen could use less goofy proportions but their size is appropriate.
I wonder if that's why they're making all the new bolster varients, so they can throw around their copyright dicks at more bits sellers
Bolter*, god damnit.
Marines should have the size and proportions of Autilon Skorr, Eldar are fine they just need less goofy poses, guardsmen should be the size of Kriegers.
No, they did it because they knew that bolters just don't carry any weight as a primary infantry weapon, but the boltgun statline is too much of a sacred cow to slay.
So they made an alternative.
>but the boltgun statline is too much of a sacred cow
it really ain't, especially in an edition where they're redoing everything from the ground up
That's the main reason all this intermediary dicking around with two styles of marine feels useless to me. I fully understand there are more factors in play here than just the rules, but Marine players would be 100% thrilled to get 2W tacticals with guns that aren't just the straight average. They've been clamouring for it ever since marines lost rapid fire as their unique, faction-specific ability.
>So Eldars need to be taller,
Pic related should be the standard for Eldar.
There is definitely something wonky with that chest-piece.
I can't quite decide which part of it makes it bad, though. For once it actually looks better on the model than in the art.
>The Ancients are in all likelihood Marines who were upgraded to Primaris.
Ancient is just a title they give to Standard Bearers. It doesn't denote age, just the fact that you are worthy of the honour of carrying a sacred relic.
>The Blame! anime has been released.
Ho-ly shit, did I live under a rock for the past year or what?
It only came out recently.
It's also just one hour and a half movie. It's done super well on Netflix tho, with normies loving it, in part because pewdiepie posted some shit about how he loved the manga and often rereads it. So there's a good chance of a film series.
In addition to this, I agree with that other user that Eldar should be more like Cibo
Nothing would be better than fielding an entire army of my waifu and equipping them with enough D as possible.
>wraithguard become ciboguard when GW?
>heraldic shield thingy
>skull relic
>scripture on pauldron
Are you using that Raptor as an example?
Holy shit that minis looks pathetic
It's a pretty good example. Shows that Marines aren't necessarily decked out like that Black Templar.
That said, the best example would be a standard Tac Marine model.
I like the cleaner look of the armour. Having your marines look like they were doused in glue and tossed in the saucepan cupboard is a 13 year old's idea of 'cool'.
I tip you my fedora good sir.
My african-american brutha! Halo armor is the ultimate which every soldier should strive for and I for one am glad that GW are moving away from intolerant religious markings.
>instead of doing your own thing, jump on this bandwagon over a decade old and see how long that contemporary art style lasts
Next they could insert some fresh memes from the early 2000's.
The problem isn't that it has religious iconography, it's that it has the wrong religious iconography. DEUS VULT.