Redpill the fuck out of me on d20 Modern. How does it work?
Redpill the fuck out of me on d20 Modern. How does it work?
No. System is shit, even for d20.
Imagine taking the d20 system as a base, and then slapping it into a modern setting with little regard for how silly this is. It has a couple interesting ideas (I kind of like how wealth was handled, though it's still clunky), but it's bogged down by the sheer ridiculousness that it can lead to. Guns deal damage, and we have scaling health per-usual. Meat points are all well and good, but suspension of disbelief can be pushed when you repeatedly land your shots on a dude and he isn't even slowed down.
It doesn't.
The wealth system was goofy and broken, making, for instance, a poor person buying a car less of a percentage of wealth spent than a rich person doing the same. There's numerous issues with class balance, as per usual for shit, and most talents and feats are shit as usual.
is there any die-based fantasy setting that does firearms well?
d20 is awful by nearly any measurement, but at least you can do dungeon romping fun pretty well with it. Trying to do anything else with it is a terrible idea, though, especially if they involve firearm mechanics.
Just play any of the dozens of genuinely good modern day systems.
>Crossbows deal damage, and we have scaling health per-usual. Meat points are all well and good, but suspension of disbelief can be pushed when you repeatedly shoot your bolts into a dude and he isn't even slowed down.
Giant. Fucking. Double. Standards.
D20 Modern doesn't work as many anons have stated. It's still something that you should read though, more as an example of how not to make an RPG then anything else.
It's the worst parts of 3.5 without all of the fun parts.
Just play Feng Shui 2 or Unknown Armies or GURPS or WoD or just about any other system that can do a modern day setting.
Oh, damage in standard fantasy d20 is also very silly. It's just a bit easier to hand-wave because we're operating by fantasy-physics, with magical force-fields, super-human warriors, and big suits of armor. Modern is at least aiming for a vague similarity to real life, which makes this less excusable.
You could argue d20 Modern is trying to go for an action movie feel, which handles injuries on about the same level as fantasy.
Don't get me wrong though, d20 Modern is still balls.
You could definitely make this argument. It just fits strangely with d20's bent towards simulationism. It's always seemed like 3.x and its derivatives wanted to accurately simulate a world but just fell flat on its face in doing so.
>How does it work?
It doesn't
To be fair, this thing is based on 3.5, so most of what has been said is true.
That said, I enjoyed using it once upon a time, because the fun factor will still boil down to the campaign, the DM, and the players, not the system. Also, by my experience, if you have a halfway decent DM, you should be insulated from the worst parts of the system, since he/she would houserule or tweak the thing to suit your campaign.
Just reskin Star Wars Saga edition. It's basically d20 Modern 2.0.
don't use D20 modern. It sucks.
If you intend to play d20 modern then I hope for your sake that redpill is a suicide capsule.
You've been hooked, son. I was merely pretending to be retarded.
You have to admit that redpilling is an obnoxious meme, though (which is why you used it the first place, you pleb).
I'm sure GURPS has such a setting.
All flesh is pretty good.
The math is shit, in comparison to 3.5e. the alternative to money is garbage.
Stay away.
If you want a modern d20 system, use spycraft.
I think it's pretty cool, to be honest. It's a very action-hero style game, but it works pretty well in its genre. Additionally, it works really well if you want to play a low-magic 3.X game in general.
Also, it's got expansions that handle blending in DnD-fantasy and various sorts of sci-fi into the setting as well, so if you want to go full kitchen sink, you can have a party with a robot wizard, a cyborg elf princess, an alien bounty hunter, and a genetically-mutated SpecOps soldier team up to fight crime.
I just wish Wizards hadn't abandoned the superhero expansion they'd been developing for it before it got published because of 4e.
> Guns deal damage, and we have scaling health per-usual. Meat points are all well and good, but suspension of disbelief can be pushed when you repeatedly land your shots on a dude and he isn't even slowed down.
This is why d20 Modern has the Massive Damage rule, where if you take more damage than your Con score, you need to make a save or die instantly. The only guns that people can confidently take multiple shots from are the sort that have been known to have their bullets deflected by hitting someone's skull.
Just play GURPS instead.
d20M is about action heroes like in the 80's.
D&D is to Warhammer Fantasy the same way d20M is to GURPS or Star Wars is to Star Trek.
I would love to see a Modern 5e.
>D&D is to Warhammer Fantasy the same way d20M is to GURPS or Star Wars is to Star Trek.
None of that makes sense.
I don't think you know what Redpill means. It doesn't mean what I think you think it means.
Savage Worlds. One of the things it does best is cool, tactical firefights without getting autistic.
Like most other words that reach critical meme-mass, it's become pretty meaningless.
yeah, it's bullshit in D&D as well
I mean, that's how pretty much all fantasy handles guns isn't it? Firearms are possibly the most OP pieces of machinery on the planet, to apply them to an RPG setting is either to be OP or to nerf them for the sake of balance.
Palladium's is good if you house rule the damage of weapons without damage multipliers to deal double damage. Otherwise you just stand 100 ft. away from your enemy and shoot each other in the head for 20 minutes until whoever rolled a better initiative wins.
what and enlightened and progressive system
>you need to make a save or die instantly.
True, but there's two issues with that. First, the save is so piddly that it really doesn't matter all that much. Sure, you could change it, but then you run into the second problem; combats become rocket tag. Save or die weapons aren't fun, and affect the PCs more than their enemies.