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Rolled 673 (1d816)
Okay but seriously, does anybody know when THA updates the lists?
Or has he disappeared on us?
Anywho. Rolling the topic dealio.
He appears to roll in whenever. He'll show up.
Star Wars - the Original Trilogy
aka Luke's Daddy Issues in the middle of a war.
Oh so he's like one of them tumbleweeds.
Dangit, missed it when it came up last thread.
Ninetales, Aggron, Vespiquen, Hydreigon, Seviper, Aegislash.
Ever used your powers for cosplay, /jc/?
I honestly never thought someone would do something like that.
I cosplayed as the Blue Eyes White Dragon once, using my Blue Eyes White Dragon alt-form. I'm pretty sure the only reason people didn't figure out it wasn't a costume is because the sheer idea of something like that actually existing caused their weirdness censors to flare up and block out any evidence of it being actually real.
I've thought about going to the Tomb Kings jump just to cosplay pic related for jokes.
The other tomb kings would think I'm super weird, though, considering that communism doesn't exist in Warhammer Fantasy.
Also I've thought about making my own version of the Nero Bride outfit when I get married! So I can become a full warrior of true love and kick ass!
Jump # 117 Marvel Magic
Starting Location: New York
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Origin: Genius (0)
*Superior Science (0)
*I Found it Beneath Me (500, Discount)
*A Word is a bond (0)
*Jumper Speak (0)
*They will Prosper (100, Discount)
*The power is Jumpers (300, Discount)
*Science and Magic (300, Discount)
*Magitech Armor (200, Discount)
*Party of Worlds (300)
*Victoria von Doom (300)
*Mutated Stomach (100)
*Nerves Wracked (100)
*Mah Deversity (200)
*Kid Jumper (200)
*Jumper Sleep (200)
Race: Human
Origin: Sorcerer
*Sorcerous Schooling, Sorcerous Sight, By Boldly blinding bolts of balthakk , Sorcerer Semi Supreme, By Hoary Fucking Hosts, Astral Master
Race: Human
Origin: Warrior
*Elder God Hybrid, To do Battle, Jumper the ever glorious, Battle Banter
Race: Human
Origin: Warrior
*To Do Battle, Unstoppable Force, Jumper the ever glorious, Battle Banter, Who Deserves to rule, Sorcerous Sight
Race: God
Origin: Trickster
*Sorcerous Schooling, Domain- Sun, Enthralling, Fool Me once, A very different thing
She of Fair Eyes
Race: Human
Origin: Sorcerer
*Who deserves to rule, Sorcerous Schooling, Artifact Savant, Astral Master
Race: Human
Origin: Trickster
*Who deserves to rule, Sorcerous Schooling, Enthralling, Fool Me once, Self-Shape Shifting, Quicksilver Tongue
Race: Human
Origin: Genius
*A word is a bond, JUMPER SPEAK, They will prosper, Recreation, Sorcery and Science
Snowflame the man powered by Cocaine
Origin: Warrior
Race: Human
*To Do Battle, Unstoppable Force, Jumper the ever glorious, Battle Banter, JUMPER SPEAK, Who deserves to rule
Victoria von Doom
Origin: Victoria Von Doom
So my rambling went a little long here is a link if anyone is interested pastebin.com
Oh hell yeah I'm alllll about that
Well at least you're honest about it.
>mfw a sid could totally Resplendent Destiny "best dressed cosplayer"
Their are dozens of Jumps and Perks within Jumps that give you knowledge in different forms of Martial Arts, whether mundane or magical, but what Jumps offer Perks that give you knowledge in some kind of custom Martial Art? Besides Perks that let you develop Martial Arts on your own time.
Hokuto no Ken
Here, have a premium.
Look ma'am I'm just sayin'. Given your comment on tentacles a while back it doesn't seem out of place.
Aw, that's neat. Thanks friend.
How would a Communist Tomb King even work?
> In the great history of the Tomb Kings there were many great leaders whose martial and civil prowess was so great that they were talked about generations after they had passed.
>This is not a story about one of those leaders.
>Instead this is the tale of King Marcissus the Third or how he preferred to be called Comrade Marx. The Tomb King who would go down in infamy for his decimation of the Noble Houses and creation of a (temporary) new social order "A great Proletarian society, free from the oppression of the bourgeoisie" The opposing Kings and Nobles rallied their armies to crush him as fast as they could because they knew that given time his revolution could spread all across Nehekhara, creating an unstoppable army of freed slaves and disgruntled workers. And after a long, costly fight they prevailed.
There were rumors however that the remnants of Marx's movement sealed both the body of their leader and themselves underground in a tomb, believing that one day he would return from the dead to lead them again, but obviously that's just crazy talk, Right?.
>The giant mechanical orb menacingly grows larger in the sky above the city, as both earth's defenders and the villain league fights the horde of skull like robots, mowing them down as the combined group mows down the Roidmudes.
>Mount Lady smashes dozens under foot, and takes down three giant Roidmudes with ease. The defenders start to celebrate.
>Suddenly a new wave of Roidmudes teleports in, all are unique evolved Roidmudes showing off different powers, as a massive armored mecha-titan gives off a cybernetic roar.
>After a moment of shock, the quirk users run forward to meet them, Mount Lady giving her own roar of battle as her and the Titan run towards each other.
>Meanwhile, inside the mechanical planetoid.
Well, Anontep the Great believes that all wealth belongs to the state, and this wealth will be distributed to the people at their need. This is no different from communism.
The Skullman jump doesnt seem to have a drawback cap.
Is it actually connected to kamen rider, or just easy expies? I need to know if turtling on pluto is a valid tactic, or if I care too much about continuity.
So I came to apologize in advance because due to issues in real life, the Stellaris Jump might be getting a big delay of about a month or so. I'm kind of bummed since I wanted it finished by the end of may, but hey, what can you do?
It's made by the same guy, but apart from some of the same themes and being a proto Kamen rider it has nothing to do with it.
Is the Marvel user claim for Honor Harrington still valid? Especially considering he posted it knowingly while it was being worked on, and almost certainly to prevent the other site's version from getting on?
Is there any way to gain benefits from people not actively worshipping you but looking up to you as a heroic or godlike figure or even from fearing you on a wide scale? Like Superman or Voldemort.
Is there any way I can get you to just choke on a dick.
Literally, choke on it until comatose.
I want you to just find the biggest, blackest dick, and choke on it. You shitheel.
Why do you want him to have fun?
Well I didn't know user was into that.
Hold on, gotta think of something else.
Good luck with those issues, man. We'll wait for you.
Make him go outside and flirt with a girl. That'll show him.
>implying he knows what girls look like
Even better, he'll get the shit beat out of him.
Demi-chan wa Kataritai jump when? I needz mah succubus waifu!
>1,2,3, not it!
You guys know what we haven't had in a long time? A good, old, rousing round of Wormposting.
So! Jumpers! What are your favorite Worm powers? What are interesting ways you've used them?
So how many of you took A Hand Offered & A Hand Taken in drawbacks?
How'd you fight a "perfect" Empire?
So obscure nobody has ever heard of it.
Never understood the large fanbase Worm seems to have on Veeky Forums. I read the first couple chapters and while well written it failed to hold my attention. The power system is weird and there weren't any likable characters.
May have been my state of mind at the time but at most I'd give it a C.
Queen Administrator, because I like copying protagonists. I used the multitasking to properly organize my conspiracy to end all crime via direct intervention in BHNA.
By starting my own "perfect" empire, but we have Supreme Commander and Blame! Tech, and instead of the force we had Stands, Hamon, and The Spin.
No worries user, you do what you gotta do. Just want you to know that I love what you've shown so far of it, and no matter how long I have to wait I'm still gonna be hyped as all hell.
You're awesome user. Take care of your life first and foremost.
>So obscure nobody has ever heard of it.
Really? Huh, I thought it was more mainstream like the other anime I've watched. I've only seen Demi-Chan, Fullmetal Alchemist (both series), Sword Art Online, GATE, Sidonia, and Dragonball Z Abridged.
I used that one power that let you shunt stuff like poison onto any enemies who went to my shop.
It was pretty fun to pull that on Jack Slash.
Personal Force Manipulation. You have no idea how useful it is to be able to control how much force you exert to such a degree. The ability to weaken attacks is a great bonus, too.
I'd be down with a Demi-Chan jump. It'd almost be like a reasonable, non-lewd version of MonMusu.
Tell me travelers...
Have you ever watched the apocalypse of a world? How did it happen and how did you survive? How did the world change after if at all?
Watched it? I caused it!
Humanity thought the Gastrea virus was the biggest thing they had to worry about. Them silly fucks.
The main difference was that it was a much better place.
Turns out if you give the entire student body of Westerburg High magical warrior powers they cause the apocalypse.
Are there only WoD jumps for mortals, mummies, and that one vamp the masquerade jump?
It depends on what you mean by 'apocalypse'. First, imagine a shape-shifting serial killer with the superpowers of The Thing (thankfully not contagious, but able to use corpses as personal zombies) and a sadistic strike a mile wide.
Now unleash that on Feudal Japan where the strongest in-setting superpower is moving really fast and nothing else.
I watched most of Japan die and slowly break down, the remnants and survivors carved up between the Western Great Powers in the area.
Almost all named warriors from Rurouni Kenshin were dead. Kenshin included. Even when we finally killed the bastard, things didn't get much better. I had to run and hide afterwards.
It wasn't fun.
I think I'm in love. This is an awesome beginning.
More please.
Sting I think its fun, it combines well with other powers, and I like the idea of the help with aiming.
Oh hey, it's you. How are things?
We didn't use any lube, so he's still walking funny.
No, there's also Mage as well. And Changeling, iirc.
I'm working on Princess: The Hopeful.
There's really no reason to start anything at this point.
Things are good, you? and yup its me
>Star Wars: The Original Trilogy - 602
Timeline: Legends
Age: 34-years-old
Background: Drop-In
Species: Human
Starting Location: Rwookrrorro, Kashyyyk
Drawbacks: Haunted (+200)
Final Point Count: 1,200 CP
Bonus History: Force Sensitive
Perks & Powers:
-Basic Powers (Free - Telepathy, Telekinesis, Force Empathy, Force Speed, Farsight, Force Stealth, Force Sight, Mind Trick)
-Force Stasis
-Beast Control
Equipment, Gear, & Companions:
-Slave Outfit (Free)
-10,000 Credits (Free)
-Hangar Bay (Free)
-Meditation Chamber (Free)
-Training Remote (Free)
-Tauntaun Mount (Free) (Name: Sakray - gifted to Yzzabelle)
-Companion Import (400 CP)
-Baby Rancor (Name: Phillip - gifted to Alice)
Companion builds next post.
Well. This is it then. I thought all we'd have to deal with would be an angry Sith ghost mucking about with my head.
Romulus' Stand, The Vengeful One, finally whispered the last note it needed to plunge him over the edge and with his purchase of Force Sensitivity, he went to The Dark Side without having a chance. Before I knew it he'd disappeared - from all senses, including that of the soul.
That's when the first winds began to tear apart Empire-controlled planets, ripping through empty space like a knife. He was in Mortis, and was using the boundless energies of the Force therein to create an imbalance and augment his own powers in an attempt to destroy the Galactic Empire. Already a horrifically strong Page of Breath, magus, and cultivator several times over, Mortis aided his quest to scour Palpatine's creation from space - and the influence of the Dark Side rendered him unfeeling towards all of the lives he was destroying in the process.
Finding him was... a trial. Mortis as a realm is finicky and flighty, capturing people at random only to then release them back into physical space. But with effort, we broke in.
I do not wish to relive the fight that ensued.
I have no desire to start anything, I was told to join the community so I'm trying to join.
That's rough, buddy.
Many, many times. And-it varies.
For example, while Elizabeth DeWitt was erasing her own timeline, I was going circles in that quantum flux labyrinth. Not my finest moment; I only found my way out when almost all the lighthouses started disappearing, and had to carry companion!Elizabeth through since she was feeling faint from the whole suddenly disappearing thing.
When Madoka destroyed and recreated the world, I was just kinda along for the ride in that weird cosmic pink bubble bath she emits. Best seats in the house.
And as part of Tim Hunter's apprenticeship, I took him to the end of time so we could watch the final death of the DC multiverse together. That was, well, magic. Rather somber even by apocalypse standards, everything just...got dark until Death reaped Destiny, and we helped her put up the tables before she turned off the last lights on her way out.
Fear at least has Fueled by Fear from Viking Saga, Embodiment of Evil from God of War, The Ride Never Ends from FEAR and the appropriate divine domain from Marvel Magic.
As for generally looking up-there's:
-Beyond Despair from Captain SNES
-The Unlosing Jumper from Disgaea
-I CAN BE SHOT from Nanoha, sort of
=And technically Heroic Tempering from Exalted: Mortal Gauntlet, and some other Fae Charms; I think mostly Cup or Staff ones.
Does lucha count? If so then in both Jackie Chan and Mucha Lucha I've cosplayed as Dr. !El Jumperio Des Los Mondos!, who is illiterate as well as suplex-happy.
Slight correction, Meiji Japan, not Feudal. My typing has not been great today.
Okay so this is probably a weird question considering the board I'm on, but if I have only padding knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy and 40k, how should I go about learning about them?
I tend to use 1d4chan. It's both entertaining and informative.
Unfortunately they're one of those series that's hard to learn about without straight up reading the sourcebooks.
Between the two wikis, I'd say the Lexicanum is slightly better than the other one but that's not saying much. Avoid 1d4chan, the in-jokes will just confuse you even more.
The youtube series If The Emperor Had A Text To Speech Device is actually quite concise under the jokes but it hasn't covered /everything/ in 40K yet so there's that. Also it's set in 40K only.
Seras Victoria:
-Origin: Bounty Hunter
-Species: Human
-I Don’t Come Cheap (Free); Nowhere To Hide; Select A Class
-Signature Outfit (Free); Mandalorian Armor
Yion Green:
-Background: Royalty
-Bonus History: Force Sensitive
-Species: Human
-For The Alliance (Free); Basic Powers (Free); Declaration of Intent
-Signature Outfit (Free); A Familiar Lightsaber
Romulus Jefferson Clay:
-Background: Drop-In
-Bonus History: Force Sensitive
-Species: Human
-Basic Powers (Free); Force Lightning; Tutaminis
The Hildibrand Troupe:
-Background: Soldier
-Species: Human
-A Bit Too Close (Free); I Think It’s Time I Finally Told You That Story...; Select A Class; A Command Post Has Fallen!; Can’t We Convince You To Stay?
Alice Victoria:
-Background: Drop-In
-Species: Human
-Starship Purchase
--Chassis: Heavy
--Rooms: Cockpit (Free); Engine Room (Free); Common Room (Free); Captain’s Quarters (Free); Passenger Bunks (+100); Cargo Hold x2 (1st Free); Galley;
--Hyperdrive - Class 2.0 (Free). Systems: Life Support (Free); Communications Array (Free); Docking Ring (Free); Sensor Array (Free); Docking Ring (Free); Freight Elevator; Intercom
--Weapons & Defenses: Dual Laser Cannons (Free); Deflector Shields (Free); Repeating Laser Cannons; Dual Particle Cannons; Reinforced Hull
Yugiri Mistwalker:
-Background: Spy
-Species: Twi’lek
-What You Can’t See Can Hurt You (Free); You Will Join The Right Side; I’ve Altered The Deal; Less Than 12 Parsecs
-Signature Outfit (Free); Cortosis Sword
Kassa the Ringtailed:
-Background: Royal
-Species: Bothan
-For The Alliance! (Free); They Have To Rescue You; Rebel Spies and Traitors; Declaration of Rebellion
-Lambda-class Shuttle
Lady Lightning:
-Background: Soldier
-Species: Twi’lek
-A Bit Too Close (Free); A Command Post Has Fallen!; Select A Class
-X-Wing Starfighter; V-25 Rebel Combat Hovercraft
Well, I'm an uncreative hack, so I took Thanatos. Also because I took the powerless drawback.
So I just kinda joined the Travellers and killed clones for days.
Clones for days?
*nods* Clones for days.
...slightly awkward and totally-not-related-at-all-not-sire question, but is it ntr if its a clone?
I don't think Companions can buy ships. Is KOTOR around to comment?
Cracker_Jack quick question over in you mentioned that the import would scale the armor up, would this also scale up any Accessory bits? because I imported My driver belt armor and now I'm worried that I will be able to Use the various gimmicks Or my combination armament because my hands will be too big and clumsy or would it have the requisite Dexterity to do so?
Doormaker's Power is pretty sweet.
Lexicanum is better than the 40k wikia, but the later has some information the former doesn't. Meanwhile, the Lexicanum is definitely worse than the WHFB wikia, because the former is really barebones there. The only major flaw with the WHFB wikia is that they haven't updated for End Times, probably on purpose, though that might not be a flaw if you hate that plot line.
>probably on purpose
This amuses me more than it should. Reminds me of talking to Exaltedfags about Lilun, or Lunar history, or trying to understand the Raksha rules, or Return of the Scarlet Empress in general
>End Times
Time for my spiel, forever and always.
A reminder that by killing Mannfred von Carstein, you can prevent Chaos from winning the goddamn final battle of the End Times.
Everybody was winning.
The Incarnates of the Winds of Magic were keeping that fucking rift contained, and would've sealed it.
Manlet von Carstein got backstabby, stabs Balthazar, which resulted in all the Incarnates being depowered in a magical backlash, which results in the rift spiraling out of control and going NOM on reality.
Oh I didn't mean you, I meant the user.
Has anyone claimed Afterlife? It's an old pc game.
Don't think so, no. What's it about?
Think simcity but it is your own planes of heaven and hell that you have to run
Huh, sounds interesting. Looking forward to it.
Reading the Import, just says they don't get a free Starship.
if it turns out that extends to buying Starships, no skin off my nose to mod Alice's build.
Quick, I need a jump that allows me to purchase a dog that counts as a companion.
The Tales of (Zestiria? Berseria?) Jump in the Jumps without images section has a dog origin that you can probably use an import option to make a companion with it.
Tales of Vesperia*
Well, clone would be the wrong term for the situation, I guess its more like... forking?
Okay, so, I joined the Travellers on the premise that I would help them fix Noelle and get back to Aleph, because I'm a helpful, kind-hearted soul. The fact I had tons of easy, morally acceptable and powered targets for Thanatos was just a side benefit. Honest.
Then, after we returned Panacea to her home (after kidnapping and cloning her) and got a couple dozen or so variations of her power, I decided we could give a try to fix Noelle.
Everything was going great: She couldn't absorb Thanatos, so it could touch her and use the biokinesis; Her body had some weird resistance to it, but we were all stressed, anxious and tired of waiting, so we went ahead anyways.
The plan was to detach her normal upper body from the monster half, change its dna enough so that the shard couldn't reconnect, then kill the lower body. The first part worked. Then the monster part, which was already thrashing around somewhat, went really berserk and started regenerating faster than the biokinesis could melt it. It squished the projection Genesis had trying to hold it, I tried calling Sundancer to kill it with fire, Trickster started panicking that it might kill the healed Noelle, shit went to hell pretty fast. And next thing we know, we had 90%-regular-Noelle and regenerated-monster-Noelle.
After averting the identity crisis and possible clonapocalypse (thanks Perfect Comunication Skills), things... were pretty crappy honestly. The Travellers were happy with having their friend back, and did their best to try to ignore the elephant-sized-giant-monster in the room. Not a surprise, given their attitude in canon, and I can't really blame them for not wanting to stay near the vore monster more than strictly necessary. Still, not good for Noelle2's mental health. And I was the closest thing to a therapist on site, so fuck me, I guess.
Thanks user, couldn't remember.
Persona and creepypasta
Legend of the Dragoon Jump when?
TOME and eclipse phase.
Then I am claiming Afterlife
Good luck, Bluesnowman, if you need help or advice feel free to ask the thread. Take your time, have fun with it, and you should do fine.
After that, things grew much better. surprisingly enough. Steadly walked Noelle2 through issues, bonded with her while we hunted the S9, which kinda did wonders to help her accept her power. After getting Bonesaw's, I managed to correct the worst of the interference from her power, and we could even revert her back almost completely to normal, though her power would then start building up again.
By the time we finally punched that portal into Aleph, she refused my offer to turn off her powers and go back. Said she wouldn't be able to go back to normal after all that happened, that the she would feel like an intruder, with the other Noelle already there (still a little bitter about that part), and who knows, maybe she would luck out and get to travel the multiverse too**. And if not, she was still a goddamn superhero, even if less of a Supergirl and more of a Hulk.
((Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if there was any lewds. Didin't think anything concrete for the story past this. So I guess we can just disregard the question.)) Regardless, that's it, the weirdest and most convoluted companions origin story in my chain yet. Huh, this was fun. Maybe I should do this more often.
**IC, I'm not aware of my build, so I don't know what new perks I got and, most importantly here, who gets to be a companion or not.
Alright, here's the tentative release of the Eve Online jump V0.1.
Criticism and suggestions are welcome as always.
People who were talking about the android testing comic, pretty sure I found what you wanted.