Why are faggot autist complaining about Mars man and Guillyman making better marines than Emps? The fucking imperium had the capability to make fucking normal humans superior to Space Marines for centuries.
Why are faggot autist complaining about Mars man and Guillyman making better marines than Emps...
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>40k becomes completely shit
>b-b-b-but it's okay because it makes sense in-universe
Take the pills, son.
Primaris Marines are GOAT and you are completely right OP. The only people complaining are contrarian autist like this faggot
Teenage GW IDF right on schedule
Tell me what's wrong with Primaris Marines without using buzzwords I'll wait
Not that user, but off the top of my head they take a good deal of some of the scale right out of the setting as well as the stakes. As much as I don't like the idea of 40k as a universe where everything is shit forever and nothing nice can ever happen and everyone is evil. I do like the idea of this massive empire dying of a thousand cuts, perhaps able to save itself and perhaps not. People fighting without end because at this point nobody can see past it, a thousand souls are sacrificed to get just one super soldier who must fight things ever greater than he for reasons that he nor what he fights fully understand anymore.
And then all of a sudden, it turns out that there was just a big ol' batch of even better guys just laying around with fancy new gear and nobody just hit the on button.
I'm not going to pretend 40k was ever a grand story or majestic setting...but the sense of grimdark isn't really...that grimdark now. Nor does it feel even "grimbright" or whatever other combination you want to use. It just feels dishonest, we're told the stakes have NEVER BEEN GREATER but the real soul-crushing stuff isn't there.
40k's most depressing aspect to me personally wasn't that artwork had thousands of slaves pulling a shell into a cannon(which I never did like) it was that the universe was in a slow semi-death spiral of stagnation with fighting going on endlessly and without reason. THAT is a lot more saddening to take in than King Abaddon McEvilBigDick and his Dark Empire of Total Chaotic Uberpower Darkness vs High Lord MegaCock Roboute and his MegaMarine Paragons of Glory. For all the fluff about Chaos being some massive all encompassing evil that is infinite and eternal, the grim darkness isn't so grim.
>The fucking imperium had the capability to make fucking normal humans superior to Space Marines for centuries.
not in large enough numbers to make standing armies entirely composed of them
Has the story behind Primaris been revealed yet? Legit question.
Actually, I should follow up on this. I don't even think that other people can't enjoy it. People should enjoy what they want to enjoy. Maybe you're a shill for GW, maybe you're not. But you gotta' understand that 40k has been a lot of different things to different people and this is a big lore/tone shift that isn't going to sit well with everyone. So there are things wrong with the Primaris Marines, because they have sapped enjoyment for some people who's opinions are just as valid as yours or mine.
As for OP...well...see above, I guess. Tone-wise, Primaris aren't really the same as Eversors.
Roboute told Cawl to just do this secretly and he's been doing it since the Horus Heresy.
Why weren't the High Lords informed?
Also worth pointing out that Eversors are so unstable that shaking them about puts them at risk of becoming a acid bomb allahu snackbar style.
What's wrong with that? There's nothing less grimdark about better equipped marines, Chaos will just get steal them after killing them.
Maaaaaaan...I don't even fucking know. I haven't found anything on how all of this was kept under wraps without the highest authority in the Imperium(not in living death, that is) finding out about it.
I wish I could tell you more, sorry 'bout that.
The High Lords cannot be trusted.
Im fairly certain they were designed like that.
Presumably because the High Lords in their current state didn't exist yet and the Mechanicum doesn't owe the Imperium shit since Cake is Big Boss of the Archmagos anyway.
Because the High Lords are selfish backstabbing faggots. A couple of them have killed their colleagues and declared themselves tyrants since Roboute took a nap. They can't be trusted with the knowledge.
Cawl is subservient to the Fabricator-General of Mars who is a High Lord.
>Cake is Big Boss of the Archmagos
Wouldn't that make him a High Lord as the representative of Mars?
Well there was the whole Assassin War but I thought they figured stuff out after that.
I didn't pay much attention to the fluff after 4th.
Oh, Cawl isn't Fabricator General? I left since 7th edition start, just learning this.
I personally would have just preferred if they were released after 8th ed came out and with a bit of actual build up beyond "Cawl is doing something secret on Mars for Guilliman". GW has never been the best writers but it would be nice if they at least tried to not just blatantly hamfist the models in for sales.
>superior to space marines
Eversor assassins are kept in stasis pods until they're needed because they're completely fucking insane. They're not soldiers.
We'll need to wait and see for sure, but it is entirely possible that the Primaris are a means to maximise force projection using limited numbers.
Since they can be upgraded from basic marines, depleted chapters could operate at a greater level of efficiency. Going by the statline, one Primaris is worth 2 marines in terms of fighting capability. In other words, a chapter at half strength is now at potential full capability
In effect, the number of marines does not change, or barely changes at all, but the effectiveness of those marines is now far greater.
>not posting the best assassins
C'mon user,are you even trying?
If they were really made to explode they would have remote bombs.
Blame chaosfags.They pushed the "Chaos is stronger than everything else" BS so hard GW had to give the other factions some OP stuff to compensate.
They were made to explode though, it's a fail safe so that even if you manage to beat the assassin you still will likely suffer damage.
>Eversor assassins are kept in stasis pods until they're needed because they're completely fucking insane
No, they're kept in stasis pods because their bodies can't actually handle the chemicals coursing through their bodies.
Eversor assassins aren't mindless. They're closer in mentality to the terminator.
So why exactly was the Imperium given over to snivveling mortal beurocrats around the high table and the Administratum?
They're as treacherous as Horus, but at least Horus gave us an empire before he tried to take it.
Even Ultramar ran via highly oiled post-human tetrarchs, and continues to run under Calgar/Guilliman now (?).
Why would you ever hand off power to a mortal committee? Especially when most of them are further removed from humanity than the Astartes are.
You want checks and balances? Make an Astartes comitee.
>it's a fail safe
No, it's just what happens when the shit keeping their stimms in balance stops working.
That doesn't mean it's not intentional design. "Fail safe" doesn't mean it's manually triggered.
Something something muh humanity
40k has never been grimdark you moron. At least not since 4th edition. Virtually all stories about 40k are of glorious hero #485746, typically a space marine, saving the day and killing all the evil chaos cultists/xenos. Barely anything presents 40k in a truly grimdark context, especially not if you're a student of history. GW completely and utterly fucking failed to make Warhammer look more grimdark or horrifying than life in our universe because of their censorship and fear of going "too far".
>>Why are faggot autist complaining about Mars man and Guillyman making better marines than Emps? The fucking imperium had the capability to make fucking normal humans superior to Space Marines for centuries.
I think mainly because it makes Mars Man and Guilllyman look rather incompetent that it took them 10,000 years of research and development to make a marginal improvement to an existing super soldier design. Frankly it seems like there could have been literally a thousand of more immediately useful things they could have done instead that would have more immediately benefited the Imperium.
Bob was in a 10k year long coma to be fair.
>that story in codex where he takes on 2k worth of tau units and almost wins
My only complaint is the suddenness of this change. The Gathering Storm would have better been suited drip-fed through 7th, with us given time to explore all the army lists offered. Had that edition been the one about collapse and decay, and 8th about rebirth, it would have been better suited. Instead We went from Black Crusade happening to Guilliman back, and some fag eldar trip in the time it took you to blink.
Next to Harlequins, Imperial Assassins are pretty much the most elite faction in the galaxy by this point, no matter who you are or how well you're equipped, Assassins will fuck your day up. Honestly, I'm fine with it, since their fluff isn't as automasturbatory as Marines but is rather just a straight-forward hand of death style approach where they either kill everyone or eventually get put down.
Imperial Assassins have always been super strong, the issue is that they operate on the individual level rather than en masse.
A platoon of vindicares could solve a lot of problems guardsmen couldn't, they just don't HAVE that many laying around and the Temples are already kinda small and insular.
A Callidus assassin was personally sent by the Emperor to kill Kurze and actually succeeded at the job, that's basically unheard of in 40k for regular humans to do shit like thay. Now, to be fair, Kurze didn't resist in his final moments- but only because he suffered from prescient visions and had already foreseen his death at her hands as well as the preceding Heresy. This is a dude who savaged Rogal dorn bloody and unconscious with his bare hands, and he believes himself unable to change his fate at the hands of an imperial assassin.
>That story about sending 4 eversors to an ogryn moon where some of the inhabitants had begun praying to Khorn variant and no one hears anything for like 2 months
>The Eversors had completely purged the moon of pretty much all life but themselves, and it was on this day they had to change the rules on how many of what gets sent on a mission at a time.
The answer is 1, only 1 gets sent at a time now.
You are the reason why The Emps wanted to get rid of marines after the great crusade was over. Marines were tools and their lives doesn't matter.
>That story when they sent 4 assassins to eliminate leaders of a minor xenos empire and had 25% success rate
It was a close call in most situations, though, and the story had a few bullshit asspulls here and there to save the Tau characters. Now I don't mind them surviving, don't get me wrong, but the way it was written it's almost like the writers were either rushed and so didn't have time to do it properly or were just unconcerned with the Assassin fluff, like why the hell didn't the Vindicare use a Turbo-Penetrator, which would've killed the suit between him and Farsight, over-penetrated, and then hit Big B'O'Shava (probably not killing, but wounding him). Or the Photon grenade effecting a Vindicare, who's masks already render them virtually immune to such things. Or the Callidus's phase-blade not killing Shadowsun, who under that suit is weaker and frailer than a well-built Human because Tau physiology (they should'n't have had her hit in the first place and thought of a better way than meatshield grinding simulator.)
On top of all this they seem to be completely ignoring the fact that Tau reactions, just biologically, are slower than baseline Humans, while Assassins keep up with Eldar, who BTFO Astartes, who BTFO Humans in terms of agility and reflexes.
Felt pretty rushed and inconsistent to me, even the Culexus story seemed off, if because it made the Tau look worse than they could've been.
>The design is now closer to generic scifi marines. Ridiculous aesthetics were part of the appeal, now they look like knockoffs a third party made to avoid copyright claims.
>Having them be Marines+1 invalidates Marine special formations. Tyrannic War veterans, Sternguard and Vanguard, Honour Guard, Sanguinary Guard etc are gonna die out, both fluff wise and model wise, as it is quite unlike that GW will update all existing niche types of Marines to Primaris, but these old units gave a lot of character to the faction.
>Invalidates Heroes. Doesn't matter how good Captain Sicarius, Dante or Ragnar are, Primaris will surpass them soon, no way around it.
>Adds an inelegant split to the Marine armies with two fundamentally different "races" as your core. Somewhat schizophrenic.
They're upset because they don't like the lore surrounding them, that's it.
In this case, the lore is just some shit GW made up as an excuse to relaunch space marines. So many people have dumped thousands of dollars on the old minimarines, that they couldn't just pretend they never existed. Instead, they had to justify both existing at the same time.
I guarantee they would've preferred to just say, "hey, we're relaunching marines with properly sized models and appropriate stat lines."
>I guarantee they would've preferred to just say, "hey, we're relaunching marines with properly sized models and appropriate stat lines."
they're sitting on tons of marine models using the old scale, doing an actual rebboot would poison that supply. This way they can "assure" us that oldMarines "certainly stick around", to coax kids into buying the stock.
Only if production and development aren't on the same pipeline. If you do it right it shouldn't result in that much extra stock.
However, it's GW. So, yeah.
Except their lives are objectively worth more than humans in their usefulness. Humans have little usefulness and are in high demand, and thus are largely worthless. Logically we should instead lobotomize the rabble and turn them all into Skitarii. Not only will this reduce rates of dissent and rebellion by 100%, it will help ward against Chaos if the rites are consistently given to placate their machine spirits.
What kind of shit-tier Forgeworld are you from, Magos? Over here we turn the lobotomised into adsecularis and servitors.
Surely they could've made some reasonably accurate projections as to how long their current stock would last.
>not in large enough numbers to make standing armies entirely composed of them
Neither Primarines...for now
>when he punches through crisis battlesuits, grabs the pilot by the throat and pulls them out
Google translator fucked High Gothic > English translation up
>why the hell didn't the Vindicare use a Turbo-Penetrator
he did, but it was his second shot
The first shot was a shield breaker, and knocked out farsight's shield generator for the rest of the book (including during the eversor fight). It never goes into the details, but the second shot was somehow intercepted by a bodyguard. Which considering the vindicare's immediately following exploits is a little questionable, but whatever.
>Or the Photon grenade effecting a Vindicare, who's masks already render them virtually immune to such things
well, it was a combination of shit. He was being shot in midair and hit with a flashbang, yet still managed to kill the entire squad and almost finish NAMED_CHARACTER#345 with a single quickdraw.
Dude went in hardcore despite getting put down. I'd say the callidus was the one who drew the short straw, but that was inevitable because of shadowsun's ridiculous plot armour.
Vindicare assassin's are superior to gay ass space marine bitches
Yeah you are right but the hipsters anf grimderp fags here will cry and gnash their teeth till the end of time
My point was the second shot should've penetrated the bodyguard and then hit Farsight, unless the bodyguard also had a shield generator. But at the same time I find it a little questionable that a bodyguard had good enough reactions to pull that off considering we're talking about a Tau's reflexes and suit movement vs. the speed of a Vindicare's reload.
They only need half of their brain to function, the logical portion. The side responsible for emotion can be replaced by more logic.
Primaris Marines are dumb for the same reason Centurions are dumb. They add nothing to the lore, they're just more better space marines. It's like the latest super saiyan transformation in Dragonball Z. It's not really distinguishable from earlier transformations, it's just a slightly new look, a leap in power that won't impact the general pattern of the narrative at all, and at the cost of cheapening the originals by making them just the relatively unimpressive first in a series of numeric escalations not accompanied by any meaningful escalation in dramatic stakes.
Personally I'm a little miffed that GW utterly lacking any sense of appropriate scale means that the Admech never get to show what they can really do. I did the maths one rainy day and assuming Tau Septs have a similar population to Earth now (generous, given they've only been expanding for less than a millennia) and a slightly higher rate of industrialization, the entire Tau empire can barely match one Alpha-Class Forge World in terms of manufacturing capacity. Take into account slagged areas and ritual slowing down the manufacture, and they might manage to fight two.
An entire planet devoted to industry is a truly insane level of combat production, they have tens of millions of Kataphrons and a couple billion Skitarii each, plus heavier war machines, Titans and Ordinatii Minoris, AND they're fortified to shit, and that's without counting any of the secret weapons. If the Mechanicus ever decided to go all out on something with a few FW chipping in and they could probably muster a billions-strong army that still has tech about on par with the Marines, if not individual power, and excellent coordination.
>we will never get art like this again
>all art will now just be 1/1 recreations of models
damn shame
>well, it was a combination of shit.
Don't make excuse for whatever cunt wrote that shit, they just didn't do their research
The problem is that they could have just released them as a new updated look for all Marines instead of making them a new type of marine in-fluff and a better marine in-game. The new edition could have been used to increase the stats of ALL marines at once.
People would have bought them by the boatload just because they looked better. We've wanted truescale marines for a long, long time. But instead we get weirdo stuff like this.
Assassins shit all over Harlequins
Space clowns don't even come close to them
sudden? every faction has had a campaign over the last few years that described their story arc and them getting fuckt.
this wasnt sudden.you just weren't taking notice and haven't read the lore
Because Marinefags are butthurt they're not the center of attention.
you're brainless
new marines will replace old marines in evety way
we will see all specialist legion units in mk10
>Assassins shit all over Harlequins
Space clowns don't even come close to them
Hahahahahahahahahaha edgy imperial babies actually believe this.
Not the Tyranids or the Orks
Tyranids nomed all the shit.
Orks add nothing
There is absolutely no reason the imperium should have survived this long without Humanity Fuck Yeah Garbage tier themes
The Emperor protects.
murderclowns are even more inconsistent in the lore
>murder their way through golden bananas
>get btfo by deathwatch
You do know curze let her kill him right?
I fucked up the wording. He didn't let her kill him because he was afraid he couldn't do anything about it. That's just completely wrong and in soulhunter that very same assassin gets killed by a regular night lord.
>Normal Humans
Okay user.
Codex/IA are the highest source of canon
Use them first then use fanfiction.net stories as secondary THEN use the novels as source as third and final option
>Remember Space Marines? Those genetically-engineered surgically-enhanced psycho-indoctrinated warrior-monks crossed with spec-ops decked out in power armour and armed with chainsaw swords and rocket machine guns? Remember how crazy badass they were?
>NOW WE GOT THE PRIMARIS KIND XDDDD They are biggerer and betterer and tallerer and their bolters are more shootier and their swords are more killier and it's like Marines but even more so and it's sooooooooooo le kewl !!!1!!eleventy1!! And Gulliman is the hero Humanity needs, because if there's one thing more fun than crazy people killing each other, it's compassionate, understanding warlords who only want to do the best by everyone!
It's pointless, hollow escalation. It's New Coke, only worse, because New Coke didn't overshadow regular Coke and relegate it to a second-tier drink for the plebs. It's like how Centurions overshadowed Terminators only in a much more fundamental way. Marines were fine as they were. Primaris just come across as a mix of teenage fanwank (in that it's bereft of new ideas, being the same but MOAR!!!!) and soulless marketting exercise (it's transparently obvious that the GW Sales Dept runs game design now).
On top of that the addition of Gulliman means 40k has gone from Judge Dredd to being Community Support Officer Dredd. I'm not an edgelord. I like grimdark because it's funny. Ironically, introducing 'nobledark' characters like Gulliman is what appeals to the edgelord because it's an attempt to take the (fundamentally absurd) setting seriously. It appeals to the "It's dark - dark like my soul" types, and not to the "holy keks that's messed up" types.
This guy...
Why are assassins so based?
>Introducing the Execution Force - and the two unluckiest humans in the Imperium, Todd the Tech guy and "Laspistol" Sara
I'm digging the fem Culexus and male Callidus though. Both are pretty rare for separate reasons, but I know the Grandmaster Culexus is female. Is this from something specific? That experimental assassin story or whatever?
They really aren't. They are essentially emotionless machines fitting to a role. At least the Callidus can pretend to be based though, for as long as her op lasts. Imagine being the consort to some bigshot figure who gets replaced by a callidus. Just one day the sex becomes this mindblowing experience like nothing you've had with your wife for the last 250 years, seemingly over night, until one day, a few weeks/months/years later, some other guy is dead and all that's left of your wife is the clothes she was wearing that day.
Sure, shame about your real wife, but it wasn't all bad.
unless I'm mistaken they're supposed to be venenum and vanus temple assassins
But doesn't the idea of a poor starving orphan being rescued, purged of all feelings, and then molded into a heat seeking missile quite compelling.? Jk it's not
But what if they did have feelings. Also I just like women in skintight bodysuits soloing Chaos Lords.
Fuck me. If I took a shot of whiskey every time "perfect" was used in tau fluff I'd have died if cirrhosis in 2015
>But what if they did have feelings.
they'd be immediately less cool
assassins are all style no substance, which is perfectly fine
>all style, no substance
So that's what that means. Huh. It makes sense now.
>If the Mechanicus ever decided to go all out on something with a few FW chipping in and they could probably muster a billions-strong army that still has tech about on par with the Marines, if not individual power, and excellent coordination.
And nowhere near enough ships to get them anywhere in any reasonable amount of time unless you want to mobilize every ship in the Imperium for it. Each ship can only carry tens of thousands of soldiers, and the Imperial Navy only has millions of ships.
>tfw no callidus boobhat
Why even live
Modern Tau have literally zero flaws and are great at absolutely everything with the right application of their 'amazing tactics, amazing tech, amazing military, amazing commanders, amazing philosophy, amazing logic, amazing intelligence and amazing experience.'
Nothing they do is actually consistent with any sort of reality anymore, they exist solely to win and show how retarded everyone else is.
Marines are now just silly manlets who have to sit at the imperial guard table, the holy bolter is now little better than a lasgun, somehow the chad-marines are able to be ancients of chapters even in the Ultramarines and so on and so on.
Has there been any new fluff regarding the Ultramarines hatred of the Minotaurs? If Sicarius is Girlyman's right hand man then he must know about their history.
Imperial battleships have crews of up to 3 million, they can certainly carry more than 'tens of thousands', and they can build more ships. The only limit to ships is the number of navigators available but you probably don't know what a navigator is judging by your ignorance.
i'd add that in case IA and codex were contradicting each others, the codex should be preferred as the version closer to canon
they are not only better-equipped Marines, they are BETTER MARINES. If the better equipment were the case all the whining about Primaris wouldn't even exist.
Space Marines weren't designed to be a ruling class of overlords, they were designed to retake the galaxy in the Crusade for humanity.
Primarchs probably did have some intended purpose beyond the Crusade, I mean you explicitly have shit like Magnus being intended to power the Astronomican, or Roboute being a perfect bureaucrat for the Imperium.
Whether their legions would remain as large as they were is a different story.
Didn't it take multiple Space Marine chapters to tear down one of the Assassin temples? And the chapters were almost all destroyed to a man in the process?