IOTA or Ripple

Which one is the bigger scam?

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IOTA for sure

quit shilling absolute shit

I'm 100% into both.

IOTA. That's not to say XRP isn't quite centralized, but at least they're honest about it, and at least it works

How long have you been retarded?

Anything that's not mined is 100% a scam. Because this is crypto and it's not regulated. So you'd be pretty fucking stupid issuing a coin and not taking advantage of this lack of regulation.

IOTA because it has no working product. It has a promising whitepaper, but the network is unstable as fuck with funds disappearing or getting attached to null-adresses and having to be manually re-attached. It's also centralized although the devs claim it'll be decentralized once it leaves it's infancy stage. The tangle is a good concept, but the fact that your private key is exposed with every send tx is absolutely mad.
Ripple on the other hand has a working network that is already used by banks and payment providers like AMEX to make transactions on, the wallets are solid and you don't have to hope your tx reaches the right recepient.

That's a good point, but does it outweigh the fact that the Ripple devs kept 66 billion tokens?
Also don't forget the Ripple token isnt even necessary for the Ripple network that banks are supposedly going to use
