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Wurrzag da Great Green Prophet edition

Last thread: > Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S (embed) (embed) (embed)
WFRP: pastebin.com/0e6RuQux (embed) (embed) (embed)
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

> We're looking for these novels for the archive
pastebin.com/TSQhemJR (embed) (embed) (embed)

> Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
pastebin.com/CvGaNyrk (embed) (embed) (embed)
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

> The 9th Age

> Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

> Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer: store.steampowered.com/app/364360/
Vermintide: store.steampowered.com/app/235540/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Return of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/

Other urls found in this thread:


>Witchcraft allows you to learn any spell from an Arcane Lore with a Casting Number of 15 or less, but you must pay 200 xp for each one. You can cast these spells without having the Speak Arcane Language skill. However, you must roll an extra d10 when casting one of these spells. This does not add into your Casting Roll but does count for the purposes of Tzeentch’s Curse. Once you learn an Arcane Language and an Arcane Lore, you no longer have to roll the extra die.
I'm confused about the 'learn any spell from an arcane lore' bit. Does that mean that when using the Witchcraft talent, can I only learn spells from a single lore since it says 'an' instead of 'any'?

How wrong is it to use Warhammer miniatures and fluff to play Kings of War?

Reposting these homebrews.


The AI functions much better when you are managing multiple armies.

These homebrews confuse me.

The Axe is superior to the Military Pick, but costs 3 extra gold, for example. Why would you ever use the Pick?

This is a good start, but overall very questionable without tweaking.

Any lore.
A contrario to extra spell talent, where it is specified that new spell must come from your arcane lore.
Also a witch should not be forced to give a fuck about arbitrary magic restrictions invented by Teclis.

A few people have said that. Maybe if I gave the Axe unwieldy.

A realistic answer would be a few year after TW:W ends. They don't want them competing so It'll be 2019 at the earliest before there's even a chance.

I strongly feel GW will bring it back but I can guarantee we'll just be disappointed. It will be some half arsed shit that the AoS crowd don't care about and doesn't appeal to us either.

All GW gives a fuck about is investor dividend and to keep that high they bet on the winning horse of 40K, everything else gets left by the wayside.

It's fucking Friday and I've just finished work.

Time to waste my youth working on my High Elves rather than going out.

Not wrong at all.

KoW is what Warhammer would have been if Priestley had been kept on.

Just make sure you keep them on individual bases though in case you want to skirmish.

painting details on the chest areas when arms are in front of the chest is aids

Are there any Warhammer Fantasy discords?

Total War Warhammer will never get a Throne of Chaos expansion, why live?

> youtube.com/watch?v=cqfW41pJXV4
> Battle of Black Fire Pass demo
> not an actual realization of the lost book about the same battle
Why live?

Then promptly went to shit. Very broken shit.

Its what I do.

What's the likely hood of all units from the tabletop making it into total warhams? Is it a balance issue or license issue?
Also what unit are you hoping for the most? My votes for hellpit abomination. I want to see a wave of rats escape it's corpse, or the look on my friends face as it returns from the dead. Coolest tables on a table top unit.

Why not paint each piece individually and then put them together? Only flaw is getting everything to match up properly sometimes, like holding a gun or polearm.

Mostly finished these guys, need to pick up a bone color for some of their skulls and bony bits

And the back

Are there any hard and fast rules for capturing someone alive in WHRP 2nd? I'm planning for the party to be bounty hunters but considering that in any grapple or snare, opponents can simply struggle until they get free, it'll be difficult and the critical hit rolls make it difficult to ensure that someone fanatical enough to never stop struggling is knocked out instead of killed. Should I just make it that Strike to Stun on a 0 HP opponent knocks them out?

I'm hoping most of the large Tomb King units - the Necrolith Colossus, the Necrosphinx - make it in.

went into a gw store and people were playing 40k with unpainted models

absolutely DISGUSTING

are there any rules/penalties for shooting at a target with a cannon when a friendly unit is in your front arc?

Maybe its because I collect miniatures for things beyond WFB, such as for d&d, but I always found this attitude both adorably naive and completely fuckheaded. I'm already thirty, and I'll be eighty before I am done with this mound of pewter and resin.

Why did you buy it all, then?

To hobby and play with obviously. With a full time job and a kid I've got about fifteen hours weekly I can devote to things that aren't life.

As a beastmen army running gor horde + bestigor horde and chariots/razorgors what do I do against an ogre army with an ogre horde with 4 characters? he has 6 leadbelchers and an ironblaster so I can't just wait around all day for perfect positioning and flank charges.

good effort so far user for your first, I'd advise you to use a wash and just use a brush to take some of the liquid out for areas such as the wrappings on the bows.
If you don't have a wash mix a bit of either a darker green or a black with water and roll with that.

it also may help if you lightened the lips a little(as currently they look exactly the same as the rest of the skin)

well apart from the fact that you can't shoot through your own units, not really user.

why don't you do a basic paintjob user, don't worry about washes just do metals, cloths, skin, leather.
It's fine for tabletop standard as long as the lines are clean?

you can then gradually add to that base if you wanted to do the models well. Just don't gloss them.you can seriously do a regiment like that in no time at all.

cygors or minotaurs user?

ironblaster would kill the cygor too quickly for it to be useful i feel.

So Nagash was reborn in the year 1681.
What the fuck has he been doing since then? Like does any of the fluff, pre or post End Times retcons, give any hints or say? I mean, every other time he was reborn into the world he immediately set about on a "FUCK THE LIVING" crusade. This time it seems he was reborn and just... did nothing. For centuries. Despite there having been numerous times when he could have easily thrown his lot in with the Vampires or other factions to topple the Empire.

>What the fuck has he been doing since then?
Boning bitches. Even undead uber necromancers need some vacation

Lexicanum says vague stuff about him manipulating others like Kemmler and Mannfred to do his will. It could be assumed he was still 'gathering himself together,' since he'd lost his hand to Alicadizaar and his crown to Kadon and later Azhag the Slaughterer - the latter had a fragment of his will and conciousness in it and desperately wanted to return to Nagash, so maybe he wasn't "all together." He also seems to have been badly weakened around the time of his first resurrection in the time of Sigmar - in the End Times this is rectified by the sacrifices, and binding the Wind of Shyish to himself.

so what happens if a random movement (chaos spawn) moves into a friendly unit?

What are the next plastic box sets that come out that could be used for WHFB?

No matter if historics or fantasy. 28mm regiment sized plastic sets.

Are there any in the pipeline?

If your movement would end in a friendly unit you pop out the other side

Does anyone have good vampire counts art? I need some inspiration for a series of one shots set in the empire during the first vampire war.





Thanks user. I'm thinking of starting them in Talabecland right after the battle of Essen Ford. Anybody have suggestions for what kind of things they could be doing?

like to the 3e torent isn't working for me

when it says weapon skill +15%is that your current weapon skill taken into consideration?

No. When it describes WS as a percent, it largely means the percent chance an attack made by you will hit so if you have a WS of 30%, then attacks made without modifiers will hit on a dice roll of 1-30. If you add 15% to your WS, your WS becomes 45% which means that attacks made without modifiers will hot on a dice roll of 1-45.

ok? I'm new to the system and am using 2nd edition,

Would a sigmar-era warhammer setting be appealing? I dont mean AoS, but during the empires tribal unification and the first battle of blackfire pass.

Remember when we all thought this would be the premise of AoS?

who do you guys recommend buying movement trays from?

Do ASF and ASL cancel each other out?

Certainly, at least to me. Barbarian Imperials, Carloginian (or even Welsh, to relate to the Arthurian theme) Bretonnians...it'd probably end up like HH, where pretty much nothing has changed aside from a few central factions. Dwarves, Elves, Tomb Kings, etc - no difference. But Warriors of Chaos are much closer.

Are there any erratas for Beastmen Ambush? I read somewhere that you didn't need to deploy a unit of the same type/size to put a unit in ambush, and that you could ambush on turn 1, but I can't find any sources.

Wouldn't the Sigmar-era Dwarfs lack some of the more advanced tech?

I think they do, like a unit of Elves armed with great weapons would strike at their own default Initiative rather than always going first.

Gunpowder had only just recently been discovered at that point, so while they had guns, they wouldn't be particularly common due to "muh tradition!"

The Glottkin supplement contains rules for a fixed Ambush, if I recall rightly. And it allows you to take marks on heroes and units.

>can always play 2E

good time to be a warhams fan

That's only when playing Legions of Chaos, not a traditional Beastmen army. Granted you could play """""Legions of Chaos"""""" with just Beastmen but if you're playing with people who reject all end times supplements you wouldn't be able to.

What do you guys think of Norse Dwarfs?

There's little really known about them in the lore, or even if they're actually still around. I'm not sure if what little I can find is legitimate or fan-made.

So, I know little, but from what little I do know, I think that it's cool that there are variations to dwarves beyond the standard World's Edge/Grey Mountain variety.

Sure, but they'd still essentially be the same Dwarves from WFB. Like how the Eldar of 30k are like the Eldar of 40k, but with a few less later discoveries/inventions - nothing like how different the human kingoms/tribes would have been.

I'm sure there used to be, someone would occasionally shill it.

They look good but I would still advise you using some more shade/wash on the flesh and leather.

It's not really weird for people to expect that you only use painted models.

In historical war-gaming this is the norm, people want to see the spectacle of hundreds of troops charging around and that is ruined by blobs of grey on the table.

You need to paint smarter, you can finish 20 models in a few hours if you use some tricks.

It's trash

The newest stuff is from Frostgrave.

They're releasing some old school Dwarfs and some Orcs that people may like.

I would just go on eBay and get some of those MDF ones, they can cut them to an exact size for you and they're cheap.

As far as I'm aware ASF overrules it.

Hence why people get butthurt over Elves.

If you asked them I'm sure they would let you, they also fixed TK being able to march.

As far as I care those two armies needed a boost and the changes in ET were basically an errata for them.

Oh its me.

I only have them with the undercoat, I keep trying to get courage to paint them but I know I am terrible at it so I Would rather have them unpainted than having a sloppy paintjob that feels me with shame

A bad paint job usually looks better then no paint job.

Honestly I Would disagree. A visit to the thin your paints gallery is enough to convince me otherwise.

basic colours painted fairly cleanly don't look like crap. fairly easy

eg empire swordman painted in steel, skin colour, leather, black /one vibrant colour for cloth/
5 colours, no washes

Looking for some input on an armylist that I'm thinking about trying out. What do you guys think?

[b]++ Standard (Warriors of Chaos - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.8.0.) [1999pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ Uncategorised +[/b]

[b]- Army Size:[/b] Army (0-2999 points)

[b]+ Lords +[/b]

[b]Chaos Sorcerer Lord [409pts]:[/b] Barded Chaos Steed, Lore of Death, Mark of Nurgle, Wizard Level 4
. Chaos Mutations & Powers: Flaming Breath
. Magic Items: BRB - Charmed Shield, BRB - Dispel Scroll, BRB - Talisman of Preservation

[b]+ Heroes +[/b]

[b]Exalted Hero [214pts]:[/b] Barded Chaos Steed, Battle Standard Bearer, Chaos Mutations & Powers, Mark of Nurgle, Shield
. Magic Items: BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Ruby Ring of Ruin

[b]Throgg [195pts]:[/b] AB - The Wintertooth Crown

[b]+ Core +[/b]

[b]Chaos Chariot [125pts]:[/b] Mark of Nurgle

[b]Chaos Chariot [125pts]:[/b] Mark of Nurgle

[b]Throgg's Chaos Trolls [266pts][/b]
. 7x Chaos Troll: 7x Additional hand weapons

[b]+ Special +[/b]

[b]Chimera [275pts]:[/b] Flaming Breath, Regenerating Flesh

[b]Chaos Knights [390pts]:[/b] Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
. 8x Chaos Knight: 8x Ensorcelled weapons, 8x Mark of Nurgle

[b]++ Total: [1999pts] ++[/b]

Created with [url=battlescribe.net]BattleScribe[/url]

i think it's got the wrong format posted, try without bold for next time. or get the copypaste then amend it.

anyway user how do you plan to deal with big fat blocks of infantry. you've only got 1 wizo so if your spells get dispelled/he blows up you essentially have an army of units that work well as hammers, but no anvil to break them upon.

what that means is any big fat hordes fighting you are going to win combats because steadfast/ranks. your chariots/chaos knights/monsters might be really damn good on the charge but are unable to break steadfast so you will get ground down and routed by any half competant horde of units just due to combat resolution.

also you note your brb is exalted hero, I presume he goes with the chaos knights but you ommit his banner.

That could be one seriously fucking cheesy list just skimming over it.

Rather delightful.

>i think it's got the wrong format posted, try without bold for next time. or get the copypaste then amend it.
Yeah something severly fucked that phonepost up, sorry about that.

>dealing with big fat blocks of infantry

My idea was to hit them with anything between the 1-3 of my breath weapons and possibley the fireball from the ruby ring of ruin and then finishing them of with a charge or two from my units. I've no real experience whether or not this is a feasible strategy in practice however.

>also you note your brb is exalted hero, I presume he goes with the chaos knights but you ommit his banner.

I'm not using a magic banner on him as I wanted to have the defence and offense that the dawnstone and ruby ring of ruin brings.

As a noob I would love to hear what about it specifically that makes is cheesy. The games I'm playing are friendly so I wouldn't want to include too much lactose.

I used agrax earthshade before I applied the final shades for the flesh. Should I shade again or will it make the skin too dark?

hmm, well I suppose a very important question is what races are you fighting with it.

I've got to say, it looks very fun at least but.

A cannon medium/heavy list would thank you for bringing no screening units as they proceeded to laugh

While your point on breath weapons is a good one for casualties the fact remains that unless you are roasting zombies or skavenslaves then there is a good chance it won't break a horde on ranged, leaving you to use it in combo with melee to break on charge.

anyway user what are you fighting and how cheesey are your opponents armies

My opponents play a varied selection of armies and most, if not all of them have multiple armies from different factions. The most common opposition I face are Orcs 'n Goblins, Melee Dark Elves, Vampire Counts and Ogre Kingdoms allthough Lizardmen, High Elves and Empire is a likely foe aswell and some other factions are also plausible.
As a noob I can't really tell you the levels of cheese in the armies I'm facing seeing as I'm having trouble understanding whether or not my own army includes cheese or not.

The breath weapons are meant to weaken the foes so that they will break from a (hopefully) combined charge. The chimera will be on cannon-munching duty followed up by rear-munching after a combined charge.

well user I think you may need one anvil unit that won't be running from losing combats just as insurance, that way you can get them into combat then use all those shenanigans you've listed. Think of it as insurance, so if worst comes to worst your 3 step plan to break units can work as a 2 step.

I don't see your list as particularly ' cheesy' because all your breath weapons against high t foes like ogres are going to pain you. and you relying on multiple charges to win big combats means someone with cheap small units to redirect/block a double charge (like any empie detachment, or just a filler of archers/doggos) could unravel your plan.

try it out and if it fails, then swap something out for a block of chaos warriors with a bsb(the anti shooting banner) and nurgle for something that won't be running
alternatively mark of tzeentch for the ward saves (in which case pack them 100% with shields)
post pics of throgg

I don't find a passage in the rulebook saying that flying models can't join units, but I remember that Bretonnian lords on pegasi can't join units. What gives?

I usually always include a Nurgle Warriors with Halberds-unit (16-22 minis in size) as my anvil but I felt like trying something new out this time. If it becomes apperant that such a unit is sorely missing from my army then I will definately switch one in.

I'll probably be using Putrid Blightkings as stand-ins for Trolls and as such I'll be using the fella in the pic that was originally intended as a BSB the WoC equivalent in 9th Age.

However I've also converted the basics for a non-flying Daemon Prince which I was going to use as a stand in for Throgg.
Any tips on how to improve him are highly welcome!

Try checking to see if it's a rule for the flying units on an individual basis - Empire wizards on pegasi might have it as well.

Here's a sideview of my lovable hunchback:

Anybody have good recommendations for wargor/beastlord miniatures? I like the gw one but I plan on having multiples so I'd like different miniatures for my general and bsb

Would it look jarring to have an Empire army made up in part of historical true scale and heroic scale stuff?

Nah ...I do the same.

I have Perry pikemen that are 25mm. I painted them a like darker skin and hair and so they are my Tilean mercs.

From a tabletop distance, even the most shittily painted model will look better than a unpainted one.

>Perry pikemen
>Tilean mercs.
Mio fratello!

I feel like Skaven are the worst faction to fight undead with.

They're all cowards and depend on overwhelming numbers, while the Undead fuck morale and raise bodies of their opponents.

I don't know, their huge monsters and crazy inventions might be enough to turn the tide, and they can probably match the undead in their 'cheap numbers' game. Clan Pestilens is definitely not useful against Undead though.

I need all the bretonnian lore you can give me. Also, anything on Manaan the sea god too.

There's a lot of Bretonnian lore, I can't really throw it at you.

But I recommend checking out the 6th Edition rulebook for general lore, and WHRPG's 'Knights of the Grail' and 'Barony of the Damned.' Pretty much anything else you need can be gathered from browsing wikis, like the Lexicanum or the Warhammer Wiki.

The gist of Manaan is basically that of Poseidon - he's not an outright dick, but he's a god that needs to be appeased, and is the source of many superstitions among sailors trying to avoid his wrath or gain his pleasure. His cult is based in Marienburg, but essentially any city with a port will have a sizable worship of him - in Bretonnia's case it's most focused on Bordelaux. Stromfels is his evil opposite, who focuses on wrecking ships.

Thanks, I'll go reading. Just a quick clarification though- do you mean the 6th edition core Warhammer Fantasy Battles rulebook, or the 6th Edition Brettonian army rulebook?

The 6th Edition Bretonnian army rulebook - it has a general overview of the lore of Bretonnia - a basic history, the background of its units - and some of the characters.

how does shooting at a solo mounted character play out in 8th edition. do you target the character or the mount (chariot in this case), or do you simply target the unit. if you target the unit how do you randomize the number of hits on each?