RIP BITCOIN, FROM 19666$ TO 13213$ NOW.....
fucking sell it before it's too late... FUCK YOU FOR BAITING ME INTO BUYIMG BITCOIN WHEN IT WAS 16k$ BECAUSE THEY SAID IT WILL GO 50k and more
RIP BITCOIN, FROM 19666$ TO 13213$ NOW.....
fucking sell it before it's too late... FUCK YOU FOR BAITING ME INTO BUYIMG BITCOIN WHEN IT WAS 16k$ BECAUSE THEY SAID IT WILL GO 50k and more
how much did you buy?
Buy high sell low
Relax and just buy more you fucking retard. Bitcoin was 11k at the beginning of this month.
Don't be such a fucking pussy. The speculative bubble aside this tech is as revolutionary as the internet or the personal firearm.
>didnt sell at $3k profit
serves you right for thinking long term with meme currencies
>selling low
You deserve it
Top kek.
Fear is the biggest driver in the drop.
>taking investment advice from strangers on an anonymous board
Do you believe in the tooth fairy and shariablue propaganda?
>fucking sell it before it's too late
it just kept going up though, and all these beta soyboy faggots are suddenly rich as shit, so i bought in too. i hate soyboys. they owe me so much money now.
Holy shit you about a sixteen THOUSAND dollar bit coin?
.....fuck I'm speechless.
I told everybody bitcoins gonna crash before Christmas because it was the most obvious thing ever
wait until Bulgaria tries to sell off its 300,000 bc
>not HODLing
Jokes on you faggots, I bought in when it was at a couple hundred bucks and sold when it hit ten grand.
>not HODLing
pleb. you're a faggot for not buying it years ago, let a,lone not mining it yourself.
Speak for yourself. Today was a good day.
"I had 177k a week ago... 20k now because I use LEVERAGE this allowed me to go from 2k 4MONTHS ago to this. I Holding and can still hold on to my 20 leveraged bitcoins till this thing hits 12700 then I'm broke. But FUCK IT I will hodl till the end"
guys on reddit 40 mins ago
>buying into bitcoin after it broke 1k
I dont even pity you fucks anymore.
Pro-tip: If you have heard about it, its too late to invest
That's what, rule fucking 1 of investing?
Yes please sell me your bags
And now you owe taxes on money that never existed
We tried to warn you. You get in on bubbles before the mainstream starts to notice.
Sell and lose your money, watch it rise and be mad about how much you lost and have no bitcoin left.
Just wait it out, it will bounce back
Don't be a fag
>Relax and just buy more you fucking retard.
Sound advice
It will you nigger. It is low now because of transaction congestion. It also rose too sharply, this is just a correction.
Once lightning network is done it will bring rising again. There are only ever 21 million btc possible, it will be worth at least $100,000 in two years.
> bought at 6
> sold at 17
> faggot from nigger infested nordic shithole wont pity
wat do
Fuckin hell that .gif is golden. Good one mate, made me chuckle...
>said every state controlled industry trying to keep a price floor
Ah yes, here you are on /pol/, otherwise known as the business & finance board.
96% of bitcoin isn't even in circulation. It's just early adopters cashing out on investors.
If you want an actual crypto that has that value and will remain strong, make one that you can cash in with precious metals.
I'm stealing this btw
Ayyy nice one, saved.
Yup. I was telling some fanatical idiot to wait to buy btc when the next dip came. It's pathetic seeing how many idiots bought at 19k. Oh well.
>saving the micro-version
>reposting the micro-version
>bitchcoin is crashing....suffer kikes...Lmfao.
Now is the time to buy actually, since it dropped significantly. It's not the first time Bitcoin has dropped like this, it will go back up, probably slower than it did before though.
>Oh look I only post HD-quality memes.
Might as well go to to 9fag fucking Amerimutt.
Can you btc nerds explain to me how btc has any value? AFAIK there can only be so many transactions at once, how the fuck would something like that have value?
It just keeps getting worse
>Tax Cut Bill To Require Taxation Of Cryptocurrency Trades In US
That's what I thought last night when it first started dropping, was hoping to be timing a dip, only lost 400 though so whatever.
That's how us coiners make money. We meme the marks into the price up then we sell.
Does Veeky Forums just not do it for you? Is it the layout of it or the community or something that makes you want to post about shitcoin here and not on Veeky Forums?
I think we call OP a "pity whore".
mfw kikes lose their shekels now
Even satoshi is selling some of the first bitcoins ever mined. The entire system is overloaded, it can't handle high volumes of transactions, it is taking days to confirm a transaction.
It's a failed experiment, sell now.
It's only value is in the power it consumes and its limited supply. Honestly it's just priced on speculation.
Nah now isn't that great. If you sold at 17k+ it was nice. It will be back up to 18k+ at another time within a month. It's a great time to buy though if it ends up dipping below 10k
The ONLY real value bitcoin has is future value, when it is perceived to be accepted a currency. You can make money off of trading BTC, much like trading other commodities, but from a real world stand point, much like any other commodity, it's value is merely PERCEIVED.
Many other commodity's prices are perceived, but that have an inherent measurable value. Iron, Steel, or even Silver or Gold have a measurable track record to forecast prices. BTC does not have any of this, and it's final value will be based off of it's adoption as a currency (which really isn't likely).
No. The only rule is not to invest more than you can spend, everything else is bullshit marketing ooga booga gobbledygook.
Bitcoin is only worth what it's worth if you choose to sell it at any particular point. If you're not planning to sell any until $40k, then you have nothing to worry about, this is all part of the cycle up until that point. Hold, and do not sell for less than what you wish to see from it.
literally lmaoing @ ur financial ruin rn
It's difficult to copy. That's literally the only reason.
Gold's scarcity also makes it difficult to copy, but at least gold is pretty to look at.
>get jerb
But I don't like working.. what now?
It's not dying, but Coinbase is. Everyone's selling to go to Gemini.
normies who went all in on cryptos deserve to get burned
>tfw 7 figure net worth
>only have 10k in crypto
>even if bitcoin crashes to 0 i'll still get paid monthly dividends
But it’s not in limited supply. Bitcoin just forced into Bitcash, esstenially a 2-for-1 split. Also there are competing cryptos that do the same job as bitcoin.
Bitcoin? More like shitcoin.
>he took the advice of a Antarctican sunbathing forum
lol fuck off , we're going to the moon
No it’s because all crypto transactions will be taxable as capital gains when trump signs tax bill into law, all transactions not just cashing out. You guys are bout to get anally devastated
That would make a damn good film cover.
>1 post
>meme flag
I wonder who is trying to cause this to crash through panic?
>implying anyone takes investment advice from Veeky Forums
Having said that, goo reminder of why you should either invest in stocks through a regulated market, or if you don't want to do that only invest in things you understand.
IRS already treats crypto as a capital gain, like any other currency speculation.
I mined around 2mil Dogecoins when they first came out and missed my chance to convert to BTC a long time ago. I'm gonna hold this crud until I or Dogecoins die at the point.
just diversify
if you went from 5k to 100k net worth through bitcoin and you still kept 100% of your portfolio in crypto, you deserve to get burned
if you sold off 80% of your crypto and put it into stocks you'd be sitting comfy no matter what happens to the crypto market
Going to be funnier when the rest of the shitcoins go down with the sinking ship, then the saviors, the good ol SEC steps on (on central bankster behalf) and issues regulations limiting or banning all crapto and making it something only their banks can issue. hahaha
Now all those greedy idiots who thought they were millionaires and "HODL'd" like the dumb fucks they are will be back on EBT...but Trump is getting rid of the welfare state next.
>a taxable event
That is about the most vague explanation I have ever seen.
>over half a billion investing in doge meme coin
always makes me lel
> It’s easier to steal bitcoin than rob a bank
> No physical manifestation of currency
> Anybody can mine = devalues it in the eyes of normies
> long transaction time
“When bitcoin catches on.” Lol.
The whole reason it went up in the past year was from rich fags hyping it up. Once it went viral they see the returns. When people start realizing bitcoin is ducking stupid, they sell.
>That change goes into effect on Jan. 1. After that, exchanges of cryptocurrencies “would be subject to tax at the time of the exchange,” said Lisa Zarlenga, a tax attorney with Steptoe & Johnson LLP.
>Investors typically have to pay taxes on their short-term capital gains at their individual income rates, which will top out at 37 percent next year. The preferential long-term capital gains rate -- which tops out at 23.8 percent -- is owed when such assets are sold after a year.
It's happening boys!
I been waiting for this bitch to crash for years.
Nobody uses bitcoin anymore for transactions. The idiots thought it could hold any value if it wasn't for the value as a currency, well it doesn't. Bitcoin has actually become more shit to use as time passes, it's time it's finally put to rest and all the monopoly money millionaires get fucked.
And you guys will support this because cocksucking retards on here didn’t get the point of the trump meme.
I knew I saved this garbage for a reason.
What's so impressive about that?
I bought in btc (and some shitcoins) for 2000 a year ago and my 2000 were worth 40000 yesterday. Today im down to 32000. So fuckin what? I keep holding. Cause man need strong hands in times of massive faggotery.
your great investment is only good for a small percentage of holders at this point, so sentiments are going to vary greatly. lmao. this is a lock-in. When the price does go back up, you're gonna have another sell off of terrified people.
I bought at 12 cents each, sold them for 9500 after fees. I made out alright. If I had held on for an other week I could have made 50% more but 10k was my cutoff.
Poo in loo gandu yadav
>1600% roi
>lmaoing your investment cause it's high risk and volatile
>1600% roi
No shit sherlock?
Its just playtime money. 2000 is nothing. And the chances that i will lose my gains and fall below that amount are very, very low. Even if, so what, it's only casino cash im willing to lose.
Stay pleb while i enjoy my 1600% roi.
Btw, did i mention 1600% roi ("crash" losses included)?
I think the biggest driver is that it's a meme currency whose value is tied to literally nothing. Even the US dollar which is basically monopoly money is at least tied to our military influence. (which quite honestly is the only thing keeping our pathetic romanesque economy afloat right now) Memecoins only value was a get-rich quick pyramid scheme which people are now finding out isn't worth much.
Nice job leaf. See u in lamboland.
I hope you held some back and weren't a retard who sells everything at once.
Look on the bright side. You'll get to watch MacAfee eat his own dick.
Btc is backed by the energy consumption during mining and the (by current technology) unbreakable code.
Fiat is fiat. Backed by a jewish ponzi scam.
>Even satoshi is selling some of the first bitcoins ever mined.
I don't think that's true. He's thought to be dead. But, regardless, you are correct about the "it can't handle high volumes of transactions".
This isn't a design issue, this is a development issue. Blockstream started bracketing Bitcoin's development in 2015 by infiltrating and booting the old developers out.
And they refuse to increase the blocksize from 1MB because it likely hurts their investors who have interests in maintaining Visa/Mastercard's dominance.
Frankly, it should die. And so should every Blockstream shill and employee for ruining what was the most promising tech to destroy the Jew.
you fuckers are holding my bags lmfao