>"Unimaginable hellscapes divide you and your goal."
What's a scape?
>"Unimaginable hellscapes divide you and your goal."
What's a scape?
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Is use of dictionaries banned in your country or something?
scape isn't an english word. it's comes from the dutch version of -"ship". so think friendship or township. it denotes a state of being.
I'm still in the dark
>What's a scape?
The word hellscape is a portmanteau of hell and landscape.
It's any kind of landscape. A hellscape for example is a hellish landscape.
College gender studies departments.
Is there such a thing as "seascape"?
combining form
suffix: -scape
denoting a specified type of scene.
Let's not go there.
It's a landscape minus the land.
Like a Runescape.
Should have googled "hellscape"
You googled it as a noun instead of as a suffix.
>Deep within the cavescape is a dungeonscape, and within this dungeonscape is a slimescape, and this slimescape contains a slimegirlscape.
Am I doing this right?
>What's a scape?
A fun place to visit
A helluva place to be stuck
>floating somewhere in the slimegirlscape is a manscape
>And within Manscape, is Fuckscape.
I suppose a caves cape would be a different place to hide a dungeon. But why give the dungeon its own cape ?