Boards represented by cards
/ tg /
Treefolk Harbinger
Veeky Forums
It that Rides as One
I got you
You. I like you.
>illusionary gains
a hearty chuckle was had
>/w/ & /wg/
Too good.
Someone post the MtG loss edit
But what's /trash/? Garbage Fire?
Anyone remember /z/? This is totally /z/.
Or do you think this one is more worthy of /z/?
this is pol.
Bumping from page 10 so others can appreciate this beauty.
>/b/ and /v/
>/i/ and /ic/
>Veeky Forums
Why is wrecking Ogre /s4s??
More like Shreking Ogre.
/qst/, maybe?
Is this a good one for /trash/?
Veeky Forums, I guess? Reki, History of Kamigawa could work as well.
I always called Ghazban Ogre "Shrek" because it's a green ogre. I put it in a b/g deck with life draining spells too so I could tell people to get out of my swamp. Was silly and crappy but lots of fun.
Yugioh version when?
Whenever you get done making it.
Don't worry. The next expansion will be entirely Veeky Forums board based. It'll last for a month until the next expac comes out and they all become entirely irrelevant.
>/pol/ is jewish
really takes my noggin for a joggin
/v/ will always be my favorite on this. It's just perfect.
It's a new card but it fits /pol/ a bit better.
I don't know what 99% of that shit is.
welcome to yu gi oh.
Lotta digits for a crossboard meme. Who paid you to get trips!!!?
I see what you did there user
>tfw you recognize like 3 of these cards
Last I played was in like 2007. Fuck.
Also requesting.
In order
Traptrix Rafflesia
Naturia Forest
Outer Entity Nyarla
D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok
Aussa the Earth Charmer
Fifth Hope
Nekroz of Trishula
Reptilianne Vaskii
Deskbot Jet
Hysteric Party
Bug Switch
SPYRAL Super Agent
Amazoness Fighter
Morphtronics, Scramble!
Magicians' Defense
Stonehenge Methods
Noble Knights of the Round Table
Goyo Emperor
Igknight Champion
Crystal Hoard
Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss
Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus
Symph Amplifier
Sylvan Charity
Master with Eyes of Blue
Toadally Awesome
Exodia the Forbidden One
Vola-Chemicritter Methydraco
U.A. Signing Deal
Spellbook of Fate
Fluffal Crane
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossak
Bug Matrix
Boss Rush
Flower Gathering
Brainwashing Beam
i don't get the /wsg/ one
More like pic related
where is /a/ from? i thought i hallucinated this set from an old issue of Wizard
There was a Japanese only version of Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra featuring manga art versions of the two planeswalkers.
Japanese version of Chandra vs Jace Duel Decks. Walkers have special art, everything else is normal.
does anybody else remember a anime-styled magic expansion about 15 years ago or have i been sniffing paint
Kamigawa is 13 years old, if that's what you're talking about.
well, i knew about that, but this was like, yugioh pseudoanime stuff. they changed the name of the discard pile to the Dreamland or something like that
Yeah, you're probably sniffing paint. There was Portal: Three Kingdoms that also had some interesting stuff because it was made with asian players as the target audience, but that's all I can think of.
It was joke from an old Inquest magazine. Half the readers didn't know it was a joke and freaked out, just like when they did purple mana. Lulz were had.
Gifs repeat
did they intentionally fuck up that idiom or are idiots working for wizards a diamond dozen?
Underrated desu