Collecting the leaks I've seen from 8ed, first the Hellblasters
8ed leaks
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Points values for the starter kit
Shooting 1
Shooting 2
Shooting 3
Shit primaris marines are pricey. Glad it's not simply marines +1 as far as points go
Detachments 1
Detachments 2
It's interesting that they make you add up the points of weapons you have to take in the squad. Seems like an easy way for people to homebrew stuff.
Yeah, a tactical against a primaris intercessor is 13 pts vs 24 pts if I remember corrctly. Holy shit these primaris boys are expensive as fuck.
You what mate?
You've always had to add +2 points for Frag Grenades or whatever
giff me some orks pls
But you never had to, say, buy 5 marines base, and then add up the points of the 5 boltguns separately. The default weapon always came with the points of the default model, with everything else being an upgrade. Now it's like forgeworld writing, where you have to give them something, but nothing is included in the base points cost. Inceptors are listed as being 39 ppm but you HAVE to take them with 2 7pt assault bolters so they're really 53 ppm
It's hilarious! I love that they aren't worth their points compared to basic Tacticals.
So are unit entries just as is with no upgrades or what? Or is this just for the starter set content?
This is just the starter set, but it's been stated a few times that primaris marines are particularly rigid and inflexible, so it's unlikely we'd see many more options in the full index.
2 wounds, 30" range guns with rend -1. It's more like the 1k sons issue where no matter how good they are, it's unlikely they will ever fight enough squads to earn their points back
From the previews so far it seems pretty clear primaris marines get very few, if any, weapon or wargear options. They've got better stats and gear than their old-marine counterparts, but they get no flexibility to compensate.
This looks actually pretty terrific. If this keeps up 8 edition looks great so far.
Meanwhile Thousand Sons themselves seem hugely improved, with really good rend to call on and a rule that helps against small arms shooting.
Well fuck me then. I wanted to make a single squad of 10 for my chapter and was hoping to have some more variety than just bolter marines.
Makes you wonder what GW's gonna put into the Primarine boxes, if they can't have upgrades. 5 dudes with bolters and an alternative head for the sergeant isn't very inviting.
40ppm for nuPlasma Marines
So someone with a pistol can use it with their bolt rifle as well?
Single primaris box with bolters for intercessors and special weapons to make other squads. Single box to make a variety of units.
jk just read the other part.
Guess I've got brain problems.
>-1 command point for a badly organised army
Huh, they're actually making the most out of this system. Good on GW.
Deathwing, Ravenwing and Leman Russ armies are battleforged boys. Who hyped here?
Some fluff.
Interestingly enough this makes faction mixing even easier than it was previously.
> Cawl finally sharing the secrets of plasma guns that don't explode in your face
True but it also limits your stratagems compared to a more focused army.
But he's not sharing, only his marines get safe plasma
It's literally going back to 2e Plasma where you have "Power Settings" low doesn't kill you but it sucks. High kills stuff and gets the blast marker but it also kills you.
Not really. I can take 3 different Battalion detachments and get 9 command points and have them all be different factions.
>make an army of nothing but HQs, LoWs, Flyers and Fortifications
>get penalized for taking anything else
Truly the system we deserve.
>Hey I want to add in another assault Marine squad
>that'll cost you one command point, sir
>Hey.. I want to add a storm surge, what'll that be?
>nothing man! It's free?
Strategems, not command points. When you faction mix, you only get the 3 generic strategems. Focused armies get army specific strategems which include the ability to change a units battlefield role.
We've still not seen exactly how faction keywords affect army building, but it would be retarded by even GW standards if an army made up of tyranids, necrons and custodes functions identically to one of pure marines.
You have points in your list for a stormsurge and all you want to add is an assault squad?
Pretty sure you're going to lose that game user
>99% chance Slaanesh is getting killed off because "It's le 2017"
>Bunch of dumb necro shit no one cares about
>Tyranid invasion fucking up the galaxy has vanished into thin air
>stupid and pointless warpstorm bullshit making a tunnel across the galaxy that makes no sense
>more Ultramarine wanking
>Sisters of Battles almost certainly will be gutted
>Chaos will still be the same distance away from Terra as 20 years ago
>Eldar might do cool things though
Missed that leak. Where did that get posted?
The LOW one is because that many LOWs will be your entire army, but by far the most command points are gained from the combined arms-esque detachments, that have troops mandatory. The specialist ones give 1-3 CP while the biggest troop one gives 9 CP
These plasmaguns explode so hard they outright kill a 2 wound primaris marine.
Supreme command detachment: AKA The tyranid detachment
>Setting 1) Safe, low damage.
>Setting 2) Slow firing, safe, mid damage.
>Setting 3) Explodes so hard that your primarch feels it.
Haven't seen this one before, our first real look at morty, looking a lot like those leaks a while back.
Expanded version of
Said leak
I'm just saying that adding an aux sqaud costs you a point, but you cha add all the LoW you want and its totally fine.
I'm confused, why are people excited about this? You can basically build anything you want and be battle forged. There is so much room for abuse they've opened it up even more than in 7th. Is the difference between 3 command points and 9 command points really enough to warrant bringing something close to to the combined arms detachment? I doubt it.
>Plays Vanilla Marines
>Termie Army still viable
>2 Wounds
I feel like throwing down with 30 terminators in a game.
By God, I can finally field my full thunderwolf army against my brother's full Leman Russ army without those pesky infantry getting in our way.
Chill, without formation bonuses the only real issue is if taking an all vehicle/monster detachment breaks the game.
Yeah, but a LOW is a big investment. They want people to be able to throw a knight into a guard army, while not having room for an assault marine squad is a sign of poor list managing.
Pic on transports and stuff
Some fluff
Also the manreaper at the end of the DG teaser from a bit ago matches angle of these
They might have different options in the actual codex and model set instead of what's forced on them with the monopose version.
It's just that instead of giving them the default weapons, they gave them the upgrades, and these stats are solely for the monopose ones in the box so you've got the stats for them regardless of codex purchase.
>Yeah, but a LOW is a big investment.
Not that it has stopped people before.
Oh Ka'bhanda you're such a tsundere!.
>lamenters can't arrive
>because they're dead
Tyranids btfo
Not sure how much we've seen from this so just going to post what I haven't
>dat Wayne England art
At least there's still some good art in the rulebook.
>several paragraphs of battles
>bangles trying but getting fucked
>bobby G saves the day in one sentence
There's better written shit in fanfiction
>Got nearly wiped out by Tyranids (again.)
>Had to beg help from successor chapters, even a renegade one.
>Still can't stop the Tyranids.
>Had to get bailed out by the Ultramarines, Bobby G and his new and improved marines.
>Also had to be bailed out by your most ancient and hated enemy.
S-Stay st-strong, my brave Bloodbros.
>Cant disembark if the vehicle moved
Cool change.
>or they must all be from the adeptus astartes faction
Chaos allying with loyalists confirmed?
>Adeptus Astartes
>Heretic Astartes
Wish I knew a BAngel player.
Your legion was spared extinction by traitors, Bobby and a Daemon
>Bobby G has to do mop-up duty
>Doesn't get to partake in epic battles, just nukes from orbit Ala aliens
Sounds more like he got screwed here.
>>bobby G saves the day in one sentence
Chaos does not have the Adeptus Astartes keyword. Intead, they have the Heretic Astartes keyword.
But they outright stated that imperial astartes can ally with non-imperial astartes
How many units will have "adeptus astartes" and not "imperium"?
From the stratagem article:
As the game plays on, you can use these Command Points to activate a variety of Stratagems. Many of these will be specific to certain missions or factions (...)
From the unit profiles article:
In this instance, they are a Troops unit for a Thousand Sons force, though they can also be used as an Elite unit, in a wider Chaos Space Marines force (...)
The source for army specific strategem changing unit battlefield roles and it costing command points is a facebook comment by the warhammer 40k facebook. I can't find the source so disregard it if it seems doubtful to you.
I imagine the language is there for primarily illustrative purposes showing their intent of it being either A or B.
>Can't have anything substantive happen in the universe so let's save the blood angels with a deus ex machina so the status quo can be restored.
Posting these because some idiot thought it would be a good idea to make them B+W and watermark his shitty blog all over them was a good idea.
Seems like pretty bad example IMO, unless they want 12-year-olds to start thinking they can ally chaos with imperials because they both say "astartes"
Yeah but none of that actually precludes doing what I said. Also I grant that we don't know the actual list building rules so either of us could be right but with the language offered currently there is nothing to suggest you couldn't take a Battalion of faction A and of B and of C and not still get those benefits.
So much for the giant warpstorm cutting the Imperium in half and creating interesting conflicts in the Dark Imperium where completely cut off from the Imperium they band together.
They'll sell open play to 12 year olds where they can do whatever the want.
Doing the Emperor's work user
>play Sistsers since 4th
>Seraphim are favorite unit
>have 2 squads of 7
>recently only used one squad of 10
>see the FA detachment
>oh shit Seraphim compulsory finally
>realize I need another squad of Seraphim
>$110 on GW site
>was $40 back in the day
>mfw I can't justify $110 for 10 dudes
well damn. assault guns can run shoot.
Ebay is your friend. I got 20 off there over the past year for about $80
Hey bud, what do you have access to and if it's a lot are you taking questions?
Obilgatory doomsayer pls go
either ebay or wait for plastic sisters... :/
We're mostly getting these from DakkaDakka, and an imgr gallery. Some blogger just took some of the same pics, greyscaled them, and slapped his brand on them, so user is putting up the originals for convenience.
It has been apparent for some time that there's no place for interesting conflicts or meaningful consequences in 40k. Everything is about the good vs evil space marines vs bad space marines conflict and the outcome is only ever going to be good space marines winning.
and yet again Tyranids are not allowed to win.
>one primaris nearly double the points of a tacticool
holy shit did not expect that
Ebay is fairly dry right now, sadly there are two auctions, but they both have 6-7 bidders. However, it's also UK based, so they're biding in gbp.
Would have been better is Mephiston and the Sanguinor are merged in the heat of battle, Mephiston covered in the blood of his fellow Blood Angels and split chalices when the Sanguinor crashes into him like a comet and suddenly Sanguinius is there to turn the goddamned tide, body and spirit united again. He goes on an angry "I've been asleep for HOW LONG!?" rampage like Guilliman against giant space dino-bugs and when all's said and done he has himself a nice sit-down to figure out what the fuck just happened.
Also, the Black Rage is now cured because Sanguinius isn't dead anymore and also Guilliman's here now, too. I guess that's cool.
Keep in mind their guns cost points now, too. Basic kits look like they're free, but you pay a bit more for special weapons and toys.
That's even more retarded.
>Plastic sisters
Well, yeah, but at least we get Guilliman out of the spotlight for 15 minutes.