I like Orcs and things involving Orcs. How do NPCs in your setting feel about Orcs and Half-Orcs (if applicable)?
I like Orcs and things involving Orcs. How do NPCs in your setting feel about Orcs and Half-Orcs (if applicable)?
They are subhuman trash and so are their bastard halfbreed offspring. All should be put to the sword
They're German expies in whatever era of history the game is set in.
They all recently got wiped out alongside the other Beastmen, as they had been granted their strengths by infernal compact. When the nuclear-tier thaumatological superweapon went off, they died. Horribly and painfully. From parent to child, none spared.
Need to be wiped out.
My character is actually part of an order specifically dedicated to defend the Northlands from stinking orcs (also keep stinking peasants mindful of their station in life).
Feared and considered the physical manifestation of all negative aspects of the war god. Feelings on half-breeds depend on culture to culture.
When living amoungst other races they tend towards doing drudge work or violence-centred occupations. That said, they're corrupted elves and still have the potential to live for a very long time, occassionally an orc manages to live long enough and accumulate enough experiance, knowledge and connections in order to become a very important part of that community.
Live in the dark tunnels beneath the earth, and occasionally in the unexplored ancient forests. Don't go there.
They occupy the space humans normally do in my setting. They're divided into two factions though. There's those who believe they need to war to appease their god by warring, as a lack of it led to the destruction of their homeland. Then there are those who feel incredible guilt for their past and try to be as diplomatic as possible with every other race. They also shave their tusks in order to appear less frightening. The latter group is the larger one.
So, NPCs treat them with respect unless they see tusks, whereupon they either treat like shit if they're in town or run like hell from if they're outside the town walls.
Noble savages, but still definitely savages.
Orcs were an engineered race of naturally talent psychic warriors, bred and crafted by the Old Gods to fight eldritch monsters from beyond time and space. They're (supposedly) extinct now, leaving behind only Half-Orcs, sometimes derogatorily referred to as Mongrelfolk. Rather than being Half-Human and Half-Orc, they are basically the descendants of Full Orcs, whose blood has become diluted due to a lack of maintenance by the Gods that engineered them. While I try to avoid drawing parallels to real world politics, I would liken their place in the world to being like what the Native Americans have now; they don't have any real capital city and don't technically "own" any lands of their own, but they have space set out for them in some of the other nations, where they're technically afforded full legal rights.
I like them gay
Simple: Some of the tribes raid us and take our shit out of desperation. So they are all awful.
Shit in the enclosed self jerkery that is a low information traffic society they don't even consider them a living entity, they're just an evil force of nature.
since I'm a little bored at work here you go. It's my shitty donut steal PoLand edit.
The players are set in a small, fortified, frontier town on the outskirts of the failing orc empire.
Orcs/Half-Orcs: The orcs, until rather recently, were never thought of as an empire building entity. This is because until the last 150 years the Orcs had maintained a very tribal notion of living out on the steppes. However, 167 years ago the orc warlord, Bhurgash Ironfist, realized that how people could carve out an empire from the failing husks of the Bael Turathi and Arkhosian empires. After a brutal 17 year long campaign to unite the orc tribes, the Ironfist was finally in control of nearly all the orc tribes and so he began his assault on the other empires, first defeating the dragonborn then the semihumans. This feat of military strength was completed within only 5 years and the Empire that was created has survived, if only barely, until present day. The Empire initially had alot of human support and as such the remaining humans from the previous Bael Turath empire were absorbed and are now half-orc. Currently, the Empire is experiencing turmoil due to a lack of a legitimate heir and the bastard children of the previous ruler are busy fighting and dividing up the once enormous empire.
Dragonborn: the proud heirs to a noble empire, the dragonborn have a long history of Empire building and the longest continous empire in history, the Arkhosian empire. The dragonborn also have a history of being the "good" guys and fighting what many consider the forces of evil, in ancient days the tyrannical dragon lords and more recently the Tiefling-led empire of Bael Turath. While their power has diminished, their militant history keeps a few dragonborn armies operating out of remote strongholds to this day and many dream of new Arkhosian empire in the near future.
Tieflings: the evil rulers of the Bael Turath empire, the role of Tieflings in the world has greatly diminished and the race itself is almost extinct. The race came about at the beginning of Bael Turath's history as the rulers of the would-be empire made pacts with devils to gain powers otherwise unattainable by the fledgling human kingdom. These rulers became evil tyrants and by the time they meet the Arkhosian empire, their power had grown tremendously and the race was nearly afull quarter of the humans within the Empire. After the fighting began, Tieflings were hunted down and killed by the Arkhosian and Orc armies leaving very few alive. Those who did fled to remote allied towns who saw few of the ravages of war. These Tiefling bastions are almost entirely self sufficient and while the persecution and outright killing of Tieflings is over, they are still looked upon as untrustworthy and evil even if the individual is not.
Hengenyokai: while the Tieflings are the evil rulers of Bael Turath, the Hengenyokai are the good leaders of the resistance. Many humans did not like living under the rule of the harsh and unjust Tieflings and small pockets of resistance sprouted up all over the Empire. The leaders of these pockets eventually began to coalesce together and decided to turn to the spirits of nature for a way to defeat their tyrannical rulers. What they received was a blessing in the form of new powers, specifically the power to turn into animals and use animal traits to enhance their abilities. The blessing worked and by the end of the Empire, the Hengenyokai had reached nearly a quarter of the human population and through their support, the orc conquerors were able to quickly take many strongholds which night have otherwise taken months or years of siege. Many of these resistance fighters and leaders were given prominent positions in the new orc governments and do the Hengenyokai power remains strong to this day.
Fucking Viking-ish motherfuckers who have a city state on the mainland that *says* it is against its northern cousins who raid, but everyone thinks it's lying
Well, being vikings that would mean they themselves raid, so that makes sense
They were originally intended to be near-mindless marauding hordes, but the dark god that commanded them was struck down for good 200 years ago. They're still trying to find their place in the world, slowly earning acceptance now that they're not berserking, feral beasts, slowly figuring out how to live in peace in a world they nearly destroyed (even if not of their own will). They are not inherently evil, but they were certainly made to fight, and other races tend to treat them with wariness.
I actually really like this idea even if i get a bit of a dindu feeling from it.
I'm making a game that's an orc waifu dating sim, but there's some lore for the background.
It's set in modern times, but the world is your standard fantasy world that managed to reach the 21st century.
Orcs once had massive Khanate that nearly conquered the known world at the time. After that empire fell, several dark human wizards began using them for their own armies. In addition to that, the were vilified and enslaved by humans and elves for the longest while.
In modern times, in the USA-esque setting, there's equality but there's about as much racial tension as real life.
They're brutes, but they're not demons or anything. They can be reasoned with, but they think differently than the other races do, so you've got to reason with them differently. Earn their respect, and you've got a friend for life. Earn their ire, and you've got a force of nature with a grudge. The half-breeds are slightly easier to deal with than that.
When an orc or half-orc walks into your shop, you keep an eye on him, but you don't talk smack to his face.
Oddly enough, because they think differently than the rest, they're not the best judges of character. They don't go around crusading against moral offenses, because they don't spot them as easily. If they go to war en masse, it's PERSONAL.
Sounds about right. Sticks them in an is place where on one hand they're a recreation of steppe peoples and then slots them in to fill the role of African Americans. I'm not sure i like the possible We Wuz Kangs angle but it could certainly work with the right group.
Personally, i might keep the khanate alive to modern times to mix up the dynamic a bit. maybe even make the khanate a sort of progressive state to play up the race being taken advantage of but that's just me.
Like I said, it'll mostly be a waifu dating sim, but we'll see.
By all means, go for it. I am just bored at my second job so I'm trying to give input.
The thing I think is odd is that you see lots of settings where they exist, but are rare. The ethnic analogues on Earth, in a lot of places you get large mixed populations. Why doesn't that show up in fantasy? Places with racial patterning less like North America and more like Latin America, I mean, with large populations with varying degrees of diluted orc blood.
I mean, it's not explicitly stated that half orcs can even breed. So, it's entirely possible that, as a half breed, they cannot produce viable offspring. In such a case, it would make sense why there would be no dilution.
There are no orks in setting. But they'd be enslaved, corrupted and made puppets or completely genocided by one really violent race. But, maybe, considered not as bad prey\challenge as humans or else.
Last variant is orks becoming niggers of great union. But most likely, it's violent race literally making them all dead or playthings.
Fear and anger for the former and pity or disgust for the latter.
Frankly it's more interesting to get into politicking between wholly unlikable groups.
Pig-orcs are the only true orc.
they hate evil orcs
they tolerate not-evil orcs, usually
Orcs are cruel barbarians that come trampling to the southern kingdoms for loot and slaughter every spring until the end of summer, so they're hated far and wide because of all the damage and woe they cause. Half-orcs are despised for their orcish blood; in most cases they're born into orc tribes, and they're a rare sight in the kingdoms. Anyway, most of the half-orcs present in the civilized regions are adopted by religious orders and raised to become paladins and clerics, giving them the chance to earn their place in the world.
From the opposite point of view, orcs are regarded as useful brutes that come in great numbers, with a simple code of "law" and easy to manipulate, so many villains powerful enough to use the superstitious nature of orcs into their own benefit get themselves a good handful of orcish minions.
I used them as Norse equivalents. That they had been far-roaming sea-faring traders, who eventually got it in their heads to stop giving something for something and simply TAKING what they wanted.
Eventually they were beaten and the southernmost Norse Orc kingdom has started trading again. Other tribes and petty kingdoms still launch raiding parties, so an Orc longship on the horizon is a 50-50 chance of being either laden with rare pelts and skins, like frost wyrm hides, or loaded with battle-hungry and hardened warriors looking to laden their ships with your stuff and you if you're unlucky enough to survive your encounter.
Aside from being a bit weirded out by how buddy-buddy they are with everyone, it depends on how close one lives to them. Far off, they're considered upstanding and honest folk, if a bit naive. Anyone up close complains about their workshops exploding every now and then, and always in the dead of night so everyone within hearing range can't sleep for a while.
As for half-orcs, they're allright. Bit more wandering, but allright.
4e states they can, and have been doing so long enough that people question if they even came about naturally or were an attempt by the gods to make a better version of orcs
I use them as Celtic tribes in my modern fantasy setting.
Basically war mongering slave owning assholes that loves to raid the ever-loving shit out of any settlements that even remotely show any weakness. Loves to utilize suicidal naked charges to demoralize enemies.
In my campaign, they play as useful and double-edged cunning mercenaries used by schemers to devastate countries.
In my Norse setting, orcs are half trolls. Thus, half orcs are one quarter troll.
In 2/3 of the major kingdoms they're pretty much treated as normal folk, with the thuggish ones being outliers as much as any bandits of any race would be.
The third kingdom is a nation of islands that was more or less established by them, so they're the majority.
I really like ork/cs so I prefer to characterize them as being honor-dtiven and militaristic rather than outright monstrous and warmongering.
Orcs are KoS, no exceptions.
Hybrids do not exist
My orcs act like these guys.
In mine, they're displaced refugees.
Basically, eons ago, Orcs used to reside in mountains and be master craftsman.
Dwarves came in, and utilizing underground combat tactics, routed them down into the Northern Tundras below. Only the dwarves history recalls this, and it's a closely guarded secret.
The dwarves discovered Warforged, which the Orcs created. They have no idea how they did it, and are keeping their discovery a secret until they can monetize/weaponize it.
Orcs now live a cycle of Tribal life, then getting to a population or leadership threshold that causes the tribe to schism, then getting captured by Giants. Then they live a couple generations in slavery, reach a threshold, revolt, and form a tribe. Wash rinse repeat.
Other races call them dumb, and they are seen mostly as brutes, they get the PF +2 to any stat, so they are just as verstile as humans, just at a cultural disadvantage.
I allow the option of having a +2 to Craft check, as their blood carries the talents of their ancestors past.
Overall, an orc mercenary is worth more than any other. Orc's loyalty is up there with Dwarven stubbornness, or Gnome's tomfuckery.
Orcs were once a slave race from a continent full of dark jungles and harsh deserts that were mainly used for menial work. Compassion from humanity and converting some of them to their religion lead to a civil war over the orc issue, which ended in the abolishment of slavery and granting orcs their freedom. As Orcs are dumb and violent creatures by nature, this ended badly, with violent orc gangs controling several parts of the country and exhorting and exploiting the human population, while humanity is again divided how to deal with that problem. Some, mainly younger humans, even imitate the "orc"-style, thinking it cool. They call themselves "half-orcs"
/pol/ pls.
Used as NPC's in various movies,games,videogames,music,stories,etc.
Orcs are a common sight in major cities and troubled areas in my setting, because young Orcs go looking for trouble, whichever side of it they wind up on. They're known to be violent, crude, and brutish, and the upper classes dislike them, but they're also friendly towards people they respect, and fun to be around, so they make good drinking buddies. They are seen as similar to adventurers, really.
They come from the western islands. Invading elves broke their already splintered civilization and led to a mass migration east, where they've been plaguing the other races for 500 years, raiding and slowly pushing inland to start up their own city-states.
Every so often they're born with weird deformities like extra eyes or limbs or other vaguely demonic qualities, which they attribute to a dead god's curse that will one day drive bring about the apocalypse. Some of them worship a sea monster they think can prevent this by imprisoning their souls for eternity. Most worship the dead god's killer whose motto is more or less "only pussies are afraid of curses"
Nobody quite knows what they are but they can make half-breeds with the "earthen" races (humans, dwarves, halflings, giants) easily enough, which lead some to think they're just some corrupted variant.
So generally, they're not popular, but are widespread and they've been around long enough that people will talk to them assuming they aren't currently attempting to murder anyone.
actually its a cool setting
Give? I wanna play that so bad.
Before the end of the year.
In the final stages of exterminating and enslaving the remaining orcs in the surrounding lands, and we're making sure what slaves that we do take are gelded so there's no chance they'll reproduce.
My home-brew is overwhelmingly human so orcs seem like a legend made by barbarian tribes. Until the end of course when they kill everyone.