Tabletop will be undergoing its own GamerGate in the coming weeks.
Are you ready?
Tabletop will be undergoing its own GamerGate in the coming weeks
You guys have no idea what's coming.
Not this shit again
I don't know what that is, other than it's a /v/ thing so I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you to fuck off
Or kill yourself!
Shallow normalfags who bring politics to the game discussion forum instead of games are ALWAYS free to fuck off and die
Good thing I have a full library of TTRPG books and a bunch of old friends and close family members to play with.
It's not me or any elegan/tg/entleman that will bring this shitstorm.
I'm just giving a warning.
So the satanism scare but with lefties?
>I'm just shitposting
PLEASE kill yourself
>I gave a view to Smarmgon
Well played.
Veeky Forums won't care, and the horrible sjw hordes will suck a cock without getting the attention they crave.
Naw. I love the Veeky Forums and tabletop community and I don't want to see it flooded with those who have crazy race and gender quota politics.
I'm sure it will come true if you post this enough.
Hang yourself OP.
I'm hearing a lot of laboured sarcasm but not a lot of actual substance.
Much as I dislike illiberal postmodernism, I have no interest in signing up with a load of shrill ragebeards to create TableGate.
Personally I'd like to see some White pride come back into tabletop games. I'm tired of being told I have to be ashamed of myself just because Blacks don't like seeing my prosperity. We need more White Heroes who get shit done.
I'm afraid of getting cancer from the video, anyone want to elaborate a bit?
CNN is looking for things to get upset about when it comes to tabletop gaming (specifically Magic) and their advertisements.
Maybe it'll drive some of the normies that are infesting the hobby out then. I'm okay with this.
>tfw radcentrist
lmao they had it coming
meanwhile GW tells SJWs to spin on it and CB keeps putting out sci-fi waifus while Kingdom Death makes literally millions with thicc plastic tits and hips.
We'll survive.
I'm skeptical of OP but I wouldn't be surprised if he was right. The time's about right for it, but I tabletop is a lot more fragmented in some ways than vidya because vidya is inherently connected to the internet at this time, whereas tabletops aren't.
I watched the video, how the fuck is tabletop connected to this? Fuck off OP.
You sound like an enormous cunt. Please kill yourself.
t. /v/irgin subhuman.
His source is MTG Headquarters. That's enough for me to completely dismiss it.
Rather, I think this is more about you seeing what you want to see, OP. Unfortunately, you have a terminal case of eye cancer.
/v/ should kill itself and so should you.
Hello all! You may know me as Wayne, the annoying namefag who posts shitty opinions. You may not.
Anyway, I'm here because as moronic as what I do is, it's still not as idiotic as what OP is trying to do.
Even more stupid is people who respond to him.
Anyway, just blame me for everything wrong with this thread and this board, as always. The fault is not yours, but mine.
Remember Chanology? It was like that, only more retarded and nobody had the balls to go out and do something in person at risk of whatever the Scientologists did to some of the folks they followed.
Fuck you for making this thread, Wayne.
It's connected because it's WotC ads, which means it targets DnD,
wow what a twist, you sure told him huh?
wow what a post, you sure told me huh?
yes. yes he did. Now go away to /pol/ or reddit or wherever you came from
>Implying I'm /pol/ or reddit
OP can die for all I care, but the person in this thread that needs to kill themselves the most is this faggot here. I couldn't care less about gamergate and all that shit.
nigga this already happened 30 years ago shut the fuck up my dude.