How could you make a magical/fantasy grocery store work as a campaign?
Magical Grocery Store
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That weird herb that's only used in one obscure cuisine (and by an equally obscure branch of necromancy) is always freshly stocked.
There are flavours of ice-cream that involve substances from other planes of existence.
The external dimensions of the store don't match the internal ones.
The staff know that they must take supplies and leave a trail when trying to help customers find items on the shelves.
The stockroom staff can somehow shrink the distances when restocking...
What would some classes be for it?
Didn't Ewen Cleuny make a MAID splat book for something like this?
I always thought health potions would make good hipster healthy drinks. Haste potions would mke great energy drinks, too.
Capitalism ho!
Barbary Cashier
You can draw inspiration from Japanese ¥100 shops, they truly sell some bizarre stuff.
The store is so large that you must go on a quest to find what you are looking for. Monsters roam some of the darker and deeper aisles, escaped from the packages of summons-in-a-box.
Carts are actually massive mining carts and they have to send trained teams if mercenaries to retrieve them in the monster infested store.
I actually had an idea for a sci fi grocery store which is just a giant space station. The employees are the citizens of the station and are owned by the "Company" and firing involves being vented from an air lock. You have the lowest class the baggers which are tasked with driving the Company Armed Retrieval Transports which are shuttles that customers use to get merchandise throughout the stations and provide security and prepare products to leave the station. The Checkers are in charge of making sure the baggers do their jobs and make sure all the products are in order. And so on,basically i like the idea of a grimdark space grocery store.
That's all weird discount shops.
But what does it mean?
Where the magic items they sell come from, third world wizard sweatshops?
Fantasy Costco, where all your dreams come true! Got a deal for you!
and the quality control is sometimes not as good as it should be...
Cashiers are the least numerate class, and have a habit of vanishing to avoid confrontation.
Stackers are the only ones that can translate for the stockroom people, also great climbing skills to reach high shelving.
Janitors only ever appear after a fight is over, to perform the ritual cleansing of the aisle.
Customer services are the only ones that can speak a language intelligible to outsiders.
There's a couple of these in the front of the store.
welcome to QUEST BUY!
Came here to post this but Garfield the Schrodenger's cat-man beat me to it.
>millenia ago, the first and only wizard in the world decided to actually do something good for the rest of humanity instead of the usual wizard shenanigans
>started creating small stores with a magical supply of food that would never end
>this lead to great prosperity, huge improvement in life quality and a boost to worlds population
>as more and more people inhabited the world, it turned out that just because the food supply is limitless, the access to it isn't
>thus, the wizard had to create bigger stores with more points of supply
>bigger stores meant it took too long to traverse then, so he put magical portals as shortcuts between sections
>but the world population kept on the rise, and for some reason people started fighting for the right to decide who eats and who doesn't
>thus, the wizard had to create creatures under his will to control the influx and movement of food to guarantee everybody had enough
>after enough time, the stores where so big that there was a bigger part of the world surface covered in them than not
>the whole world now depends on getting food and living in the magic stores
>it's been really long since the wizard was last seen, some say he got tired of trying to make things better for everybody and failing
>now all we got is this massive labyrinth of aisles and weird creatures that have been unchecked for too long
>modern societies have been born and died inside the store-labyrinth, without knowing about their world's past
>at some points the food has stopped appearing, the portals act funny and the aisle guardians attack anyone on sight
>this is a world of chaos
>chaos and bad customer service
I always describe potions of haste to be dark and bitter, like magic coffee
Get a copy of "Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue", and go from there.
Ooo, now my creative juices are flowing.
I like this store across my urbàn unease apartament
You need a member card / gift card to shop, but that card is not purchased with something as simple as gold.
What is it purchased with?
Aw, heck.
Scps are a great idea.
There are a lot of food and object ones that would fit.
Shouldn't be too hard, customers think "the back" is some kind of magical wonderland where you can find anything your heart desires, when in fact it's just 1 guy texting, 4 pallets full of old unsellable items no one wants to buy the store got sent by corporate to sell at a discount and like 3 half pallets of cola.
As a grocery store employee i can say this is true. After wondering what's in "the back" it's very underwhelming.
What would some store names be?
>cornered by horde of coupon golems in obvious plothook
>registermancer casts Summon Manager and party runs away
>DM grabs stack of deli menus from his binder and dumps them in the trash
Reminds me of the setting set entirely in a gigantic walmart store.
Speaking of making modern businesses in fantasy settings, I've been trying to figure out a way to incorporate a magical mall for a while. I even came up with a lot of shop names for it too.
>Bloodbath & Beyond
>ACpenny (armor shop)
>Maim Stop
>rot topic (Only necromancers and warlocks shop here)
>gnolls (kohls)
>Moss - dress for-est (Ross - dress for less)
>Fencer's (spencers)
>splint mobile (medical store based off of sprint mobile)
>weejas secret (victoria's secret)
>oak leaves (oakley's)
>fey jewelers (kay jewelers)
>Garl's gallaria of jewelery
>Kord's sporting goods
>Best bard
>Pelor express
>Orc navy (old navy)
>the I-gnome store
>Dread-Ex (lich owned fed-ex)
>Yandalla store/family Yandalla/Yandalla tree
>Boccob's a million (books a million)
>burn the nobles
>bank of Asmodeus
>urbanis outfitters
Like this.
That movie was shit.
>googled said establishments
What the fuck... These are basically the same as dollar stores in the US with one major difference: they seem to be clean, well ordered and the merchandise seems to not all be pure shit
"I had a thing for this thread I wanted to post this morning when I couldn't and now it's about to fall off the board and I only have my phone." Bump
>Reminds me of the setting set entirely in a gigantic walmart store.
I did not know this was already a thing
What starts off as a simple complaint request escalates into an epic crusade as you battle through low level employees, shift leads, assistant Managers, GMs, area managers, regional managers, the CEO, and then finally the board of directors in a quest to get your money back for some subpar produce.
Post-apocalyptic Walmart was big on Veeky Forums threeish years ago if my memory isn't failing.
Are there any archived threads of it?
Blowjobs, the only currency accepted across all planes of existence.
Covered marketplaces were not that rare in medieval times. Neither were multi-story, covered, marketplaces.
Where the term mall came from is kind of interesting, but you can short-circuit the authenticity fags by calling it a marketplace.