For me it was the way card rarity is handled. The cost aside, it is fucking annoying to have to go to bazillion places to get the fucking card you want, And the fact booster have nothing of value in them, to make a good and consistent deck you need a crap load of uncommons and rares whom are hard to get because everyone wants them. Most of commons are rubbish, 3/4 of uncommons suck ass, and 7/8 of rares can only be used for toilet paper. The community is a sect of losers whom peer pressure you to spend more money and get a better deck so you would be accepted by them into the community. The fact someone can outbuy you to victory is retarded and forces you to buy more and more and more if you want compeditive play at all. They say is makes you more smart? Untrue, nothing smart about remembering rulings and following the game to know what to do. But what about skill? Only skill you need is to know the meta game, and that is no fucking skill.
What made you realise MtG is cancer ?
Other urls found in this thread:
When I played a game at the LGS.
I lost hope in humanity that night.
Also, you fuckers need to learn to shower. Please.
For me it was when I realized I could shift the cards in a The Dark booster pack to see what the Uncommons were without opening the booster. A cursory examination showed that they had either been picked clean or that WoTC wasn't being honest about rarities.
For me this was Stage 1. Stage 2 was when I saw that the wider community mtg on Veeky Forums was exactly like /v/.
Sorin getting walled for shit that wasn't even his own fault while Nahiri actively, intentionally ruined everything and got away with it.
That it stopped being a hobby for me and more like a job/chore. I wasn't having fun, people treated me like shit and I was just keep playing because I invested money and time learning how to play.
>Only skill you need is to know the meta game, and that is no fucking skill.
Confirmed for being a drooling retard with no clue what you're talking about.
So you are one of those retards who have hard time playing TCG games and are tripping they are very intelligent for managing to play them. You are a fucking loser with no honesty or critical thinking.
When I was being shunned for not having a collection going back to it's first introduction in the early-mid 90s, and noticing that the only matches I could get was a bunch of middle-school kids.
Luckily, I got out of the hobby about a half a year in. Mirrodin, Kamigawa, and Ravnica seemed like interesting takes on fantasy, but lore means bupkis in the game, and since the whole reason I bought in was to always be able to get matches, only to have difficulty in getting matches, I got out. Sold it all for 5% of what I paid for it on e-bay as a lot.
I might do deckbuilding games, but if I buy any more CCG cards, they're going to be long-OOP battletech boosters for collecting's sake.
Take a player who has been playing for a long time and have him play someone who just learned that day, using the same decks. I guarantee, barring extreme variance like mana screw, the more experienced player will win every time. And you say there is no skill? Incredible.
>TCG games
>trading card game games
>and are tripping they are very intelligent
Slow down and parse your sentence a bit before you hit that enter button.
I bought $30 worth of boosters earlier and got; Heart of Kiran, Relentless Dead, Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Collective Brutality, and a split land, so I don't know what you're talking about boosters not having shit in 'em. Maybe you should stop being such a poorfag?
Huh, sounds like you shouldn't be playing standard.
That's not why I stopped playing, I stopped because I moved and didn't have anyone to play with. But bar none, the most cancerous part of MtG is standard.
Modern and standard are both pretty toxic, I play a sealed league with friends and coworkers.
This is the person people hate Magic the Gathering, because of you people calling everyone a poorfag.
Eh, I don't even know the competitive scene anymore. It was always full of fags. I'm mostly worried to see what has happened to EDH since it was "adopted" as an "official format". Nabbed a few cards that looked good from it, but I'm more worried about how many fags have infiltrated it.
You can barely string together a coherent sentence, this is why no one takes you seriously. You must be a malnourished poorfag.
Not sorry for butchering your retarded language.
I have the start of a few EDH decks, but haven't really gone full bore into anything, I did just get the Breed Lethality deck for a decent deal the other day however. Considering Atraxa is going for almost $20 by herself, I'm pretty psyched.
the first mirroden block
I'd been through urza's, but quit mtg cold turkey right there.
Play limited, you stupid shits. You know, draft? The objective best format?
This. It's fun, fast, decently cheap, and a great way to meet new people.
Banlist they made is bad, some commanders are very cool to play with. But the problem is they treat is as 1 on 1, not as a multiplayer game. EDH was meant to play like a boardgame.
Standard brings together all the worst aspects of Magic. You've the wannabe pros who throw fits when they lose because they don't understand the deck and the meta very well, the meta almost always gets solved which is super boring, and the cards are only good for a short time so you're always having to chase the new hotness.
Don't forget all the tumblretta posters going
>"Oh wow, Nahiri is so strong!"
>"That bastard Sorin finally got what was coming to him!"
>"Nahiri is such a great rolemodel, teehee"
I mean really? That cunt tried to exterminate the population of an entire plane because of a grudge. Fuck her.
>They say is makes you more smart?
This was a thing that happened?
I mean I don't know why I'm surprised, with Tumblr being the festering shithole it is, but FUCK THIS GAY EARTH ANYWAY.
Don't rage at hypothetical assholes. Rage at real assholes.
When I realized that way too many people take this game WAY TOO FUCKING SERIOUSLY.
It is a card game marketed at teenagers and young adults that people are supposed to play for -fun-. But god forbid you show up to a LGS with a casual deck in any format but Commander, lest you get smashed into the table turn 4 by hyper-competitive decks people build based on shit they hear online from "pros" and spend hundreds of dollars on. There should never be such a thing as a "professional Magic player". It is a hobby, not a way of life, and I have seen some of the most petty and downright disrespectful shit done by "professional" players because all they care about is winning. And then the less skilled or just outright lazy players look up the decks these people use, watch these people do this petty shit and then perpetuate it in their LGS because hey, that's what a pro did.
Besides that fact it is also impossible to stay current. New sets release at a fairly quick rate, often making your cards obsolete, not to mention that many older good cards are so hard to find that it might as well be a hunt for actual treasure. Wizards could reprint as many cards as they like but the secondary market always cries "muh value!" every single time they reprint anything worth more than a couple dollars. The whole fucking system is a mess, and at this point I'm just waiting to see how long it takes before it collapses under it's own weight.
Draft is actually one of the few formats that I find fun, but what do you do with your cards afterwards if you're not going to play anything else? Sell them for less than you paid most times? Consider it a wasted investment and then just toss them in a box to collect dust?
Probably don't think of money you spend on entertainment as an "investment"
The no reprint list will at some point collapse magic. If they truly do intend to increase growth consistently, they'll only further the gap between cards and players who will never be able to access older cards like dual lands.
This points to Wizards shifting their entire model to digital ala MTGO where a black lotus is practically pennies.
When a dude from my flgs was murdered over them.
Maybe it's because I started playing this game with Standard ages ago, but I seriously dislike buying cards only to basically throw them away when I'm done. It feels like a waste to have spent money on something tangible only to use it once. Going to a movie or a concert is one thing, but why waste something you can use over and over again? Except you really can't because most cards are completely useless outside of specific formats and the only people I know who have ever shown any interest in the damn things are the other players at the LGS.
>whom are
>using an oblique noun in a nominative clause
>referring to paper cards as if they were sapient lifeforms
Given your current level of education, I'm not sure you should be playing MtG in the first place.
Have you considered Pokemon?
EDH is pretty awesome, assuming you're doing a nice big multiplayer game. Shit gets crazy with token and board wipe decks.
Draft is alright. Not such a fan of how random it can be. I'd rather play the more casual formats with some deck I built for shits and giggles.
Save them for another draft later. Heck if I can remember the name, but there is another casual format where you just grab a bunch of random cards and then pass them around as though you're doing a fresh draft. I want to say the name involved a cube.
Worst decision ever. I too await the collapse. Then we can get someone competent at the reigns, even if it's only for a few years.
That is literally the only promise that Wizards has made to the FLGS and to get rid of the reserve list would sink most local stores, who rely on constant stock and investment to hold value. There is no way the reserve list is going away, and the only time something on the Reserve list is going to get reprinted is in ultra-limited edition things, like judge promos.
You're still going on about that? What's it been, two years at this point? You're almost ACfag at this point.
I first had my suspicions when Legacy was pushed to the side in favor of Modern. But hey, Legacy was getting pricey and Modern was brought in as an answer to that, so it was understandable.
Once Modern became as expensive as Legacy, and in some cases even more expensive than Legacy, my suspicions were confirmed.
When I learned about Standard.
I always apparently just played casual with my friends, and I showed up for a FNM. Learned that my deck was a few years out of date. Someone explained Standard (Modern? Whatever the fuck it's called) to me, and I decided right then to sell all my cards.
When I stopped being able to get in some matches because people are more worried about speccing and reselling than about the game.
>*tips fedora
>"i have noticed several *snort* grammar mistakes in your post, and hehehe, how may I say it? You are nowhere near my level of intellegence and expertise. Magic is a game meant for intellectuals and if you dont get every grammar piece right *snort* you dont deserve to play."
Honestly my local store everyone played magic, then slowly everyone moved to 40k
So peer pressure I guess
When I realized that I can sell my deck to pay my rent for three months. This game cost way too fucking much for what it's worth. If I really wanted to play competitively I would be travelling abroad to play in tournaments. Why the fuck would I fly to another country to play with sweaty assholes for 2 days?
So yeah, sold all the cards, bought better games, printed proxies to play with friends when I occasionally feel like it.
>The cost aside, it is fucking annoying to have to go to bazillion places to get the fucking card you want
what is online stores.
>Take a player who has been playing for a long time and have him play someone who just learned that day, using the same decks. I guarantee, barring extreme variance like mana screw, the more experienced player will win every time. And you say there is no skill? Incredible.
If you give both players two hours to read the cards win rate will end up like 50/50 provided the noob doesn't make dumb mistakes like forgetting triggers or misinterpreting stuff.
Poorfags are the absolute worst though. They bitch about their lot in life as if its worse then a starving African child because they cant afford vidya/TCGs. Its actually kind of sad.
People bitch not because they are poor, but because you are boasting at how stupidly
you spend your money to everyone.
I would say it depends on the deck. Something like Death and Taxes, 43 Lands or Aluren, which have lots of different lines of play, and tutors, is going to be a lot harder than something like burn, Merfolk, or Show and Tell.
The more options the deck has, the harder it is going to be to decide the correct play based on the current game state.
That's not the problem though; take the best player in the world, clone him, and give the first one 50$ to make a deck, and the other 250$ to make a deck. The 2nd one with 250$ will win 4 out of 5 times.
The problem is, that between two equal players, the one who spends more, is more likely to win more
The fact of how much fun you get out of it literally only depends on your playgroup.
Kitchen table with close friends? Absolute blast.
Commander with the newer guys and our stupid janky decks? Absolute blast.
Any game of any sort with waacfaggots who have invested hundreds into a single deck of cards just so they can play solitare when everyone else wants to play commander? Not my idea of a fun evening.
I periodically stop playing every few years when my meta is invaded by the third type. I then start doing the former a few years later, have some fun for a while, but the cycle always repeats itself as people start taking it too seriously.
And it's not like a wargame or something, where you just buy a $100-$200 box that gives you a high level waac army, in magic if you want to be able to counter people who have spent hundreds on one deck you also need to spend hundreds on one deck, and then they'll just spend more. It's a shit cycle that can only be perpetuated by people who care far too much about winning.
Plus the fact that the entire fundamentals of building a deck is built of the scamping market. When people buy up concert tickets by the hundreds and sell them off for ten times their original cost, they're regarded as the lowest level of asshole. When people buy up so much stock in a corporation, and buy and sell it to themselves at high prices to actually make that stock artificially valuable, to sell it at far higher prices than its worth, that's fraud and insider trading and will have you behind bars. When people apply the same logic to magic cards it's fully accepted as the only way to really buy mtg, meaning you just have to get used to paying $80 for a piece of cardboard. I mean, when I buy shittily overpriced minis from GW at least I get sever hours of painting and a nice thing to sit on the shelf. When I buy a fetchland I literally only get a piece of cardboard.
In your same experiment, if the same two players are given actual amounts of money instead of teenager savings (say: 500 vs 2000€) and purchase modern decks, the win% will depend only on the matchup. There's a ceiling to how much you can improve a deck by putting money into it.
just play pauper. it literally solves every grievance listed here.
No ones boasting poorfag. Also dont you have a limit on the amount of internet you can use at the homeless shelter? Better not use it all up poorfag
I don't know what's worse: People actually believing that the reserved list will "collapse" Magic, or people claiming that there is no significant skill in the game.
To the former: The RL isn't doing dicks to Magic, because it only affects Vintage and Legacy, two formats that are by definition irrelevant for WotC. The RL only exists as a shitty, anti-consumer agreement with the vendors to protect their stock of Legacy Staples. This is necessary because they shift like tectonic plates, thanks to the fact that the formats are practically dead and everyone still playing already owns most staples. At worst it'll eventually bury Legacy, which would be a boon to WotC.
To the latter: You sound like the salty fags claiming that Smash Bros has no skill involved, but that also cry when they get their shit pushed out by chaingrabs, spikes and other basic shit. You soubd ridiculous, get a hold of yourself
>t. someone that stopped playing years ago because casual wasn't fun anymore and Legacy had a shot to shit pricing even back then
Somebody confused Vintage and Legacy.
Vintage needs to be two bearded old farts having a staredown with no cards involved.
Literally just play casually with friends and if someone builds a retarded pubstomp deck just say you arent interested in playing anymore the first time they win on turns 2 or 3. Or play budget commander or pauper. Not everything is Modern or Standard.
However if you go to FNM and get your shit pushed in because you're playing a casual deck you have no one to blame but yourself.
Fucking this. A Pauper revolution would unironically be the best for all parties involved. Except for the vendors, I guess.
Its honestly the best solution to these issues. The ban list is extremely small, the cards arent expensive, decks can be brewed with moderate success and still compete with the best decks and the best decks are all under $50
You sound dumb. Stop your shit posting.
>actual amounts of money instead of teenager savings
>Only fuckin college students aren't willing to spend two fucking grand on a single deck of cards
Do you honestly believe spending enough money to buy a car on a deck of cards is a sign of your maturity and good financial sense?
It'd also incentivise WotC to print good bit not degenerate commons, which would absolve Limited from the Mythic Bomb->Scoop shitfest it has degenerated into
Just get your friends into it. Tell them to brew up some sweet commons only decks. Hell CardKingdom has these amazing Battledecks for $10 each that are balanced for play with each other, for $80 you could make a gauntlet of them and battle with a pod of 8 friends
When my high school buds would rather play a card game then...'go to the fair, head to a con, play a group table top roleplay, play in our mini shitty sports team *vollyball*, Work on group projects *not school but nerdy stuff*, and the fact they stopped being human beings.'
every time
Nah this is all horse shit. Your game is ok but hard to get into.
That being said the vast majority that actually play are autistic shitheads who are terrible to be around. I'm not sure how you get past that fact.
And the way an lgs has to carry and cater to your shit crowd is really the problem.
Miniatures master race, all you card faggots can suck a dick.
Card games in general are way superior to the autistic extreme rules heavy garbage that is mini wargaming.
>This was a thing that happened?
And not by tumblr, great majority of female population of mtg and even some devs sided with Nahiri because reasons
Even after they retconned Sorin into somekind of forgetful dickwad the dude was still billion times better than the genocidal cunt
Stop lumping in wargaming as a whole with 40k or Warmahordes.
Ultimately what matters is having people to play with. It doesn't matter how good your niche tabletop game is, what's important is that people have some way of getting in at the entry-level into your hobby overall.
It's fucking tragic that those entry-level games have to include 40K but while you've been sitting back with your pet "good" game you and all your fellow players let the entry-level shit dominate and poison the player base that could've been used to populate your own game.
That's not your fault personally but collectively with any hobby/interest that's why the superior quality product fucking goes to die while the casuallized bullshit takes over - it's because your community as a whole spent all its time circle jerking over the product and refusing to sacrifice some personal time promoting it to ensure you'll have a new generation of people who will help pay to continue your hobby. People consider Jazz and Classical music to be much better technical art-forms than what we got today but those same people for some fucking reason didn't teach their children to value it as they do.
Unfortunately 40K and Warmachines is what you got and will be in the future, and if you aren't doing it already you should be insisting those players demand more from those companies making those games because your game is almost certainly not going to be around in 20-30 years and if it will be you're certainly not going to be playing with any 20-30 year olds in that time.
Wargaming is dying hard. I used to see huge groups of tables playing it at comicon and other conventions, but its dwindled in recent years and many people will tell you this.
I don't necessarily disagree about rarity and boosters (especially in recent sets) the skill comes in piloting the deck. even if you know the meta do you know when its correct to use your removal? or should you not let something resolve and counter it instead? should you swing out assuming since he used his trick last turn he probably doesn't have another? and that's just assuming you're playing standard. if you draft or play some other format things can get way more wild. sure its not literally 4d chess its just a card game, but saying "if you know the meta you know everything" indicates a lack of understanding.
I dunno what your lgs, and that sucks if its all slugs and douches. I've found one that's pretty chill and sure the people are into magic but no one is a dick to noobs and everyone there at least seems to have concepts of basic hygiene down.
TLDR stop being a tryhard and play for fun.
I felt the same way when I started, but once I found that commander can be more than jerking off to how OP your combos are or how expensive the five Avacyns were for your different decks, and instead how crazy you a game can get with all the different card interactions, I started to enjoy myself a lot more.
Magic (and other paper card games) are only going to follow wargaming to death.
They're fucking expensive and if you want to play a card game there are vastly easier to access programs like Hearthstone and online Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh.
I keep track of about 6 stores in a large area and Magic is fucking eating shit (and some years back tabletop entirely went to zero players). They went from a reliable 20-30 people every Friday to struggling to fire with 8 people playing the Standard entry level format. Why? Because it's fucking too expensive. These companies just bloated the fuck up with a bunch of useless expenses printing fucking cardboard like wargaming tried to pass off fucking plastic garbage thinking they can charge $20 for a piece that isn't even sculpted well or has good art and it's killing the stores on the ground.
Long gone is the age of nerds spending their entire allowance on physical toys - your phone is going to wake you up and remind you you need to buy digital shit not to mention you need TEN times the allowance and a ride to play at stores. Why the fuck do children have any reason to leave home anymore; especially when parents don't want to drive them anywhere that isn't sports or an actual extra curricular.
The funny thing is that like wargaming, all the Magic players refuse to talk about their sustainability problem. They just bitch and moan about the game itself when in reality there is nobody below the age of 20 playing this game.
I'd disagree that wargamers don't talk about sustainability. Hell, I'd say that's the biggest thing on their minds. But to be fair, I haven't played for a few years. Just not enough time.
Well they're talking about sustainability NOW. They sure as fuck weren't talking about it when the going was good or in the initial state of decline. Only when shit is struggling do people give a fuck about sustainability; but it's only logical that you can only invest in sustainability when everything is on an upswing and you can implement procedures to ensure the current state continues as opposed to implementing desperate fucking procedures when shit is going downhill. Free events, demonstrations, cheaper product - you should be offering that shit when the going is good and there's attention, not when you're desperate to get people through the door. See "Free Comic Book Day", who gives a fuck; the medium has been dragged through the fucking dirt for decades and comics were dying when the program was implemented in 2001. I would dare say that you would have difficulty finding ten kids in any elementary school that reads comic books or trade paperbacks.
The thing is, if the store is hurting, that's the first symptom, but for some fucking reason the store is an antagonist in many transactions.
Storm never getting any love.
Lighting Bolt being to strong for standard.
Color pie being completely forgotten.
Jacetice Leauge
I just dont buy this. The local game stores I go to are populated by 18-late 20's/early 30's people who all have Modern, Standard, and even some Legacy decks. Its a strong community and FNMs fire at many stores throughout the area with 30+ players. People are constantly buying cards from the store I go to and pimping decks with foils and when theres not FNM you can generally find Commander players playing at the store. Magic really isnt that expensive barring Legacy. Modern decks are $600-1200 or so for a deck that never rotates and can be played every Friday.
I realized magic was cancer when shitters like you became the norm. Quit your bitching and either build a deck and adapt or quit.
Also its pretty obvious that no one below the age of 20 is playing the game competitively because you need a car/ride from a friend to be able to even attend and then a lot of money to purchase a deck but thats not an issue. Plenty of young adults play and thats the best for the game as they tend to have a lot of disposable income and free time. LGS's make money off of the regulars, not kids coming in to buy a few boosters and never coming back because they just play at home.
When Kamigawa set was released. Fuck that set, art and everything about it. MTG only got worse since then and I mean significantly worse.