This is it boyos!

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"Now you see the power of the Primaris Marines™ Sons of Sanguinus™. They can be yours, for only $60 for five available at your local Games Workshop™ hobby center."
-Guilliman following the Devastation of Baal.





>'Sup Bitches

Tyranid Fans BTFO. Chaos turns out to be the real threat again!

also all hail Papa Smurf and his Primaris Marines!

Eat shit nids, but never mind that shit, here comes Ka'Bandha!

>The Nids thought they were actually going to be a threat in 8e
Bunch-a stoopid bugz.

>Nothing personnel, 'nid

We really are an NPC race :^(

>this tendril of Leviathan hyped up for years as being the scariest Tyranid threat yet
>BTFO Cryptus system and Baal Systems
>BA down to their last reserves
>warp rift casually removes entire fleet
>khorne BTFO nids

Well, no point in even trying to defend nids anymore, this is the new direction of the fluff, only imperium and chaos matter.

>mfw warp rift casually wipes out all the Orks and tyranids in Octaria
>mfw Flayer curse revealed as Nurgle plague and half the Necrons get wiped out by it
>mfw tzeentch sneezes and the entire Tau empire is wiped out
>mfw ynnead revealed to just be slaanesh daemon and all eldar get wiped out or corrupted
>mfw khorne daemons BTFO Orks from Armageddon
>mfw Indominus crusade wipes out all the Necron tomb worlds
>mfw guilliman breaks Ghazz over his knee

Xenos will never amount to anything meaningful in the setting, I have finally learned.

>Xenos will never amount to anything meaningful in the setting, I have finally learned.
I would have thought you'd have figured that out when GW revealed they actually thought Chaos was underrepresented pre-8e.

>Ultramarines and Khorne team up to save the Blood Angels
Hot damn. Picking the basic bitch factions to be my favorite sure paid off for the new edition.

>expecting 40k lore to not be shit

Y'all set yourselves up for that one, friends.

Guys, the Tyrannids were never going to be able to win. If they do, the game is over: there wouldn't be any living forces in the galaxy to play against.

I don't think anyone actually expect nameless tyranid Leviathan horde #345 to beat the Blood Angels, but has it right. It was unbelievably shitty how they did it, doubly so given all the build up. And it's par for the course for modern GW.

>Ultramarines and Khorne team up to save the Blood Angels
The Knights of Blood are Chaos Marines, right? They were probably the ones who summoned Ka'Bandha in the first place.


>all save the Lamenters
Did they get killed off?


Up in the air but more likely than not unless fluff prevails.

I mean hasn't one of the writers already said something about how Chaos is "destined" to win the setting or some shit?

Yeah, after seeing how anticlimactic the fall of Cadia itself was, this really doesn't surprise me at all. For so long I tried to defend GW fluff, but this is the final straw for me. If I wanted everything to just be chaos vs chadmarines inwoumd have just stuck with AoS

Why are people getting so upset ? Isn't it implied the rest of the hivefleet was relocated by the warpstorm or something ? It will probably pop up on the other side of the rift so there can be battles against the nids on both sides of it.

Huh, I'm actually a tad disappointed. I play Blood Angels and my friend plays 'nids. I was kinda hoping for a good ol' grudge match but nah, we both just got ULTRAMARINE'D outta nowhere.

I actually like the fluff bitz about Chaos fucking up the Tyranids though. It strikes a nice "FUCK OFF NEW KID, I CALLED DIBS ON 'EM FIRST" kinda feel.

I wonder if we'll still get something new out of this. I was hoping it'd be one of the first new campaign series for 8e, something kinda like a two-book set we got with Fenris, Deathstorm, or the two Tau books.

>Five Chapter Masters fell in bitter fighting
Well, Dante seems to be still kicking at the end of things. I wonder if Seth is fine too.
The only other BA Chapter Master I can think of who's had rules is Malakim Phoros and the Lamenters were explicitly stated to have not arrived.
Hope my boy is okay.

>Isn't it implied the rest of the hivefleet was relocated

Yeah, to Khorne's skull throne.

Not surprised. Everyone knew GW would sweep away the Nids for Chaosh

No. They're renegades who still consider themselves loyal to the Imperium, but got on the Inquisition's shit list.

The novel comes out November I believe. Hope our boys are all good. I actually like this fluff, and I realize it is short because they want to expand with more novels. So much salt just because of Gorillaman and an ENTIRE crusade? Veeky Forums feels like /v/ somedays

If Seth is dead you can stick a fork in the Flesh Tearers. Then again, maybe this is how they'd want to go out anyway.

I just figured it'd be metaphorical and gradual. More nid defeats, less nid fluff, more Imperial/chaos fluff oversaturation.
Not Chaos literally running up in the Nid's shit

They got corrupted and join the Red Corsairs in Gathering Storm part 3.

>ultramarines wiped out an entire hive fleet
>Blood angels absolutely BTFO by a single tendril of Leviathan
>5 chapter masters dead
>needed chaos to intervene to even have a chance
>asses saved by Ultramarines

Blood angels a shit. Sanguinius didn't die for this shit

Just for you, the nids' new theme song!

>If Seth is dead you can stick a fork in the Flesh Tearers.

IIRC Baal is covered in wastelands and virtually worthless for the Hive Fleet. Why would they go there?

Seth is pretty much the only thing that saved them from being declared traitors in the first place.

>As big as Leviathan
>Ultras and especially Calgar not getting torn a new asshole

The Crusade isn't just Ultras, it is an IMPERIAL crusade, and Leviathan required that plus everything a first founding chapter and its allies could throw at it, plus the galaxy's newest asscrack unleashing a devastating psychic fart in order to stop them. If anything, it's not ultramarines plot stealing, or chaos, it's a punch of plot devices.

Sanguinius' remains might have been drawing them there due to the psychic presence left behind by the dead Primarch.

Remember battle bruvas. 5 Chapter Masters were killed and the Blood Angels were almost wiped out.

You forgot the part where he breaks the 4tb wall and makes it clear he's talking to codex: Blood Angel players

Primaris blood angels coming soon!

Didnt they murder a bunch of Guardsmen? They deserve to be declared traitors.

Wow, careful not to be sued there man, you forgot some. Let me correct that for you.

>"Now™ you™ see the power™ of the Primaris™ Marines™ Sons™ of Sanguinus™. They™ can be yours™, for only $60 for five™ available at your local™ Games™ Workshop™ hobby™ center™."™
> -Guilliman™ following the Devastation™ of Baal™.

So you're telling me that Guilliman brought what is currently the single greatest armada of ships in the Imperium, from Ultramar to Terra to Baal. On this map?

There are two passages across the rift on the map. The "Temporary Rift Corridor" in the southeast and the Nachmund Gauntlet in the northwest. No idea how he dealt with the whole astronomicon issue though.

Yeap that's exactly what we're being told along with the entire hive fleet getting abducted.

>Xenos skulls piled impossibly high
Given that Khorne despises sorcery, do you think Ka'Bandha took the time to arrange each skull and make sure they don't fall down?

Plus Necrons too. Basically Leviathan did everything except wipe the bangles to the man.

poor nids

>Leviathan requires literally Khorne and Girlyman to stop
>Tyranid players still get butthurt.

Blood Angels will forever be a decimated chapter in fluff now like the Space Wolves and people still cry their asses off

"Why didn't we wipe out another faction in the game!"


>Deus Ex Machinas are a fine way to wrap up an event that's been built up for a long time
Fuck off.


Every time, without fail, Nid players cry their asses off when they don't wipe out a faction.

Don't forget time has no meaning for warp travel. It could be Gulli from 10 years in the future.

>implying I play Space Bugs
Baal should have been destroyed with only a couple characters making it out. This would fit the new theme of devasted chapters being renewed by Primaris marines but no
>lol Gillyman shows up to save the day
What a fucking joke.

>Faction should be basically removed because MUH NIDS

Like I said, every fucking time.

Who hasn't butchered guardsmen at this point?

All I wanted was for them to keep the two sections of the Imperium, which they clearly divided and explained had a different feel, separate.
When you tell me that there's a Crusade, and there's a Dark Imperium, and there's a big fucking gap between them, I expect you to play by the rules you just set.
(To be fair, if we get a decent Campaign Guide of some sort out of this, I'll feel a bit better.)

>Faction should be removed
That's not what I said at all you shiteating nonce. The Bangles would eventually be fine they'd just lose their homeworld. When the Blood Angels were reduced to less than 50 Astartes on a space hulk was the faction removed? Dramatically it deserved to fall. I don't even play BA or tyranids. Explain to me how the existing story was compelling.

how the fuck did Guilliman even get there on time? Tyranids were right next to Baal while Guilliman was still in statis

Actual loyalists. Flesh Tearers deserve to get lined up against a wall for their crimes.

Having them lose is fine. Having them lose to a team-up of Ultramarines and Khorne Daemons is just dumb.

I would have rather they had fucking Sanguinius poof into existance and bitch-slap every nid single-handidly, because at least then it would have been an actual victory for the Blood Angels and probably would have made more sense.

I think the implication was that the Tyranids and Blood angels got time-locked by the warp rift. Basically a few days pass inside while a couple years go by outside. That's why when the stars vanish and reappear the Imperial fleet is suddenly there. Presumably the rest of the Hive Fleet might have just moved on after their prey got swallowed by a warp storm.

So Sanguinius was a genestealer?

couldn't they have made it anymore convoluted? throw the 4th tau expansion there as well and why not have Eldrad poking around there too

>Blood Angels get their Prime marines
>Leviathan takes out all Blood Angel chapter masters but Dante
>It takes the Galaxy fucking itself over plus the Supreme commander of the Imperium PLUS the strongest Bloodthirster ever to finally halt the Hive fleet.

The hive fleet was utterly unstoppable, swatting aside the entire might of the Blood Angels and was stopped mere seconds before total destruction by like 3 huge events. Leviathan was more effective than Magnus the Red.

We didn't even hear about the Swarmlord being used.

Nid players would be crying even more if Sanguinus showed up and soloed the fleet.

Laying waste to tyranids for the glory of the Imperium in one last GODDAMN FUCKING METAL LAST STAND is definitely how the Flesh Tearers would go if given the choice, as long as it was hopeless and savage as possible, and they got to carve their name into the veey genetic memory of said enemy forever

Because we should be wiping factions. Dont build it up to be "DA BIGGERST FRET EVAR11!1! And then just crack slam them via plot devices. Tyranids should be a threat not a saturday morning cartoon villain

jesus fuck


So you should be there, forcing other peoples armies into total uselessness because MUH NIDS.

>Blood Angels get their Prime marines

This presumably doesn't happen until Guilliman shows up to hand-deliver them. Which again, is really weird that he'd risk himself through the great rift like that.

I actually haven't seen any whining from Nid players, apart from them complaining how stupid the whole thing is. After all, how can you be upset when a fucking tendril of tyranids requires ALL the blood angels, Ultramarines plus their living primarch, all the new blood angels Primaris marines, a time-delaying warp-rift so they all arrive on time, Daemonic reinforcements to kill the rest of it, AND a special Daemons character to solo all the ones on the moon?

It's such blatant plot armor for a fight we obviously weren't going to win anyway. It's just amazing that they had to do that huge of a poorly written asspull to pull it off.

it doesn't matter what it took, what matters it that it was resolved so simply instead of having campaign for it or something. anything more than couple of lines of text.
and Tyranids losing one of their biggest armies they have at the moment with no losses for imperium(unless one of those 5 chapter masters is Dante or Seth) is just fucking lame.

>mfw Lamenters were the only ones not there to get their chadmarines.

>strongest Bloodthirster ever

Ka'pandaman isn't the strongest thirster. He is a third host BT.

winning a battle and annihilating a faction is not a same thing

I'm not actually sure the Tyranids lost their army. Looking it over, there were 3 forces of Nids.

>The ones on Baal
>The ones on the moon
>The fleet in space

Baal and its moon got sucked up by Daemons, but I think the main fleet was outside of the rift, based on the fact that the Imperial fleet appears where that one once was, and presumably they didn't sail into a warp storm.

So the one's on the moon got killed by Daemons, the ones on Baal got killed by Imperial reinforcements, and the Hive fleet presumably fucked off since everyone was caught in a time bubble that it didn't want to deal with.

>Blood Angels confirmed for secret BFFs with Khorne

It makes sense when you think about it. Y'know, blood.

I was looking forward to all the warzones but if they keep on ending up like this, cadia, and ultramarr idk what to think anymore.

The Fleet was sucked up by the Great Rift.

>yfw this inexplicably leads to something retarded like Tyranid Daemon Princes or Caos Genestealer Marines

Baal is already on the back side of the rift.
The Octarian War is on the front side.
The nids were ALREADY on both sides.
Now the only thing left on the back side are maybe some splinters here and there. Maybe. Though the way they wrote it it sounds like it was all the local Leviathan ships that got fucked.

They could certainly have it appear somewhere unexpected on the Rift if they wanted.

Doesn't say that. Just says it opened, they got blasted with storms, and the Fleet didn't do anything else.

The Tyranids who were on the planet and moon were clearly cut off from the fleet, which shouldn't have been the case if they were all in the storm.

So one of the biggest hive fleets this far, with all the shadow in the warp that entails, gets sucked into the warp. What happens then? Can they move in there???


>The Tyranids infest the Warp.

They go back in time, become Hive Fleet Ouroboros, and get beaten by a third wave of plot armor in the form of the Emperor.

>tfw play Blood Angels and Tyranids

Fluff is dead to me. I'm done.

No, read .

It says the clue about the disappearance of Leviathan is on the moon where Khornates placed their crap.

It clearly shows that Chaos kidnapped the fleet.

No, that clue is talking about the fact that Chaos Daemons killed all the ones that were on the moon.

Unless mystery equals 'my headcanon is the only correct one' now

No, it literally says that the clue for the DISAPPEARANCE OF LEVIATHAN lays in moon where Tyranid skulls were stacked up on high as a symbol of a Khornate dude.

Why is something chaotic is used as a clue to the sudden disappearance of a Nid fleet? Because Chaos kidnapped them.

>Why is something chaotic is used as a clue to the sudden disappearance of a Nid fleet?

>Oh man, there's Daemonic stuff on this moon! We must have been trapped in some sort of warp anomoly
>Aha, and since the Tyranids on the planet were not able to contact the Hive fleet, that means they were not in the anomaly
>And, with the arrival of Lord Guilliman, it's possible that an extended period of time may have passed for those outside of the warp storm
>Which of course, would include our missing Hive Fleet

What a mystery!

It should've been the Blood Angels who took us out. Not TWO miraculous interventions at the same time.
A defiant resistance full of desperate last stands and overwhelming odds. The valor of mankind to defy an implacable, utterly alien foe, only winning because of the actions of their courageous heroes.
THAT is why we are the NPC race. To give others such moments. But they didn't even let the Blood Angels have that. They got fucked, and Guilliman and a fucking Khornate daemon saved their asses.
It's insulting to both sides. It denies them a hard-fought victory and it denies us our purpose.

>sort of warp anomoly

That's headcanon.

>since the Tyranids on the planet were not able to contact the Hive fleet, that means they were not in the anomaly


All we know is that the Tyranid fleet disappeared when the Great Rift appeared. The only clue to where they went is a Khornate symbol on a moon.

This user gets it.

>>sort of warp anomoly
>That's headcanon.

It's headcanon that the Great Rift is a warp anomaly and that the Blood Angels were clearly trapped in either it or one caused by it?

>>since the Tyranids on the planet were not able to contact the Hive fleet, that means they were not in the anomaly

Then why else were the Tyranids on the planet 'surprised' for lack of a better term when the anomaly faded and the hive fleet wasn't there?

>All we know is that the Tyranid fleet disappeared when the Great Rift appeared. The only clue to where they went is a Khornate symbol on a moon.

Yes, which could just as easily mean that they decided to just go away once Chaos nonsense started happening.

So, what, the Shadow in the Warp just doesn't exist anymore?