Get in here nid bros, I'm considering suicide as our faction is a fucking joke and will never amount to anything other than Jobbing to chaos and the space marines. What's the point of living anymore when the future of 40k is nothing but Chadmarines and Chaoswank?
Tyranids eternally BTFO
Nids are the Natural Disater faction. All their big conflicts: Iyanden, Macragge, Baal are basically treated that way and probably will continue to be unless at some point they give them a "Queen of Blades" face. At least in this case you can say it took the combined forces of all the Blood Angels and successors, Necrons, Chaos, and Mr. Protagonist at the head of a Crusade to beat them. Plus there's still Octarius.
>I have not seen the army stats, therefore they suck
Yeah you might as well burn your army to save yourself from the impending pain 40k will bring to you. In fact, burn yourself too to save the human race from your idiocy.
That would be great.
Are you kidding? Turn one gaunt charges. No scatter nid tunneling, and who knows what else.
This is time for nids to shine. I need nids, you wanna sell yours?
but they already have a face: the Swarmlord, he's smarter than all of the hivemind
I believe he's talking about the fact that nids got BTFO again in the fluff.
He's a Hive Tyrant with four swords.
> he's smarter than all of the hivemind
The Swarmlord is dumb as fuck though.
You mean the war that will end with Guilliman leading the indominus crusade into the system and wiping out all the Orks while the tyranids get sucked up in a warp storm and casually shaped into some giant tzeentchian museum or some shit? It's all chaos and chadmarines now, nothing else matters
This, it doesn't matter how good the nids are on the tabletop if they continue to be a joke in the lore.
You do know most of the times the Nids lost they gave as good as they got and none of those victories ended up with the victor wanting more.
I'm calling it right now, if Girlyman's crusade meets a serious setback it'll be because Tyranids, not Chaos, gave it to him
Can we hold it for a minute? The nids killed 5 chapter masters and almost killed all the Blood Angels. More is still coming!
and yet the nids can't win battles without his help
>our faction is a fucking joke
y'know, except for when they're not
Acshully the nids have a much better win ration when the Swarmlord isn't there. But why does it matter anyways? 40k is just HUEG SPAEC MANGZ vs EBUL SPACE MANGZ now. The Eldar are fucking eternally BTFO, the Orks got jobbed to hell by the fucking Imperial Guard, Nids are eradicated, the Tau are about to get WARPED, and the Necrons are irrelevant as ever.
I wouldn't be worried about them. Chaos can simply invite them to the Warp whenever it desires.
>Chaos is that easy to control
It will be more likely that the nids fuck off since over half the galaxy is warp shit now.
Not to mention nearly wiping out the Ultramarines and straight-up obliterating Malan'tai
Both of those were retconned to be much less severe.
i don't understand one thing, BAs and all others got super severe losses and the planets got btfo(and when you get btfo by tyranids it means your planet is devoid of life), but the ending just says something which amounts to" and everythin was rebuilt no consequences at all", it takes a very long time to rebuild a chapter right? Let alone a world which was digested, i seriously hope they don't just forget this and let BA come back as normal.
weren't the BA isolated form guilly by the great rift? How come he can just come to save the day?
Baal was already a post apocalyptic wasteland before the Tyranids came to it. The Tyranids are just pissing an ocean of piss.
Girlyman came with geneseed, arms, and whatever he gathered from Mars to deliver to the angels. Really geneseed is all they need to revuild the chapter.
The spiritual liege will not be denied.
No need for new geneseed is necessary when he can just hand out a bunch of chadmarines to every Tom, Dick and Harry.
mfw Lamenters missed the firesale.
did they actually not make lamenters come to the party just so they could miss guillysupplemments?
There are routes through the rift marked on the map.
Yeah someone has a real hardon for messing with them. Probably just as planned by Tzeentch.
ah, thank you
Seconding this. The Tyranids have now dealt the Blood Angels (and their successors) a blow rivalling, and probably exceeding, the one the Thousands Sons dealt to the Space Wolves. They were stopped from completely wiping them out by a combination of several exceptional interventions and even then, Hive Fleet Leviathan remains. One system has won itself a pyrrhic victory and the swarm continues to advance on every other front.
>lol girlyman just showed up out of nowhere and BTFO th entirety of hive fleet leviathan
>all this buildup ended in just a couple of paragraphs.
>Khorne demon using tyranid skulls, retconning shadowbrink.
I am not okay with this.
>"Queen of Blades" face
please no
Kerrigans redemption arc made the zerg shit, the only wortwhile zerg character 2 was Zagara.
>Khorne demon using tyranid skulls, retconning shadowbrink
Khorne fucking loves skulls and tyranids have skulls. What's wrong with that?
The issue was the Tyranid ichor not the skulls, dweeps.
>too retarded to google the keyword he doesn't understand
>Khorne demon using tyranid skulls, retconning shadowbrink.
just because he used their skulls doesn't mean khorne likes them, surely tyr skulls are more interesting to khorne then rocks and he needed something to make a pillar so it makes sense i would say
>lol girlyman just showed up out of nowhere and BTFO the entirety of hive fleet leviathan
the story doesn't talk about any encounter at all between girly and the fleet, actually it says it seems like the daemon did it.
(since i am defending it, i feel the need to state i hated the story too, stupid stereotyped and chaos vs imperium only as usual)
... Kek
Only now?
dont worry, we'll get corrupted by chaos soon and get used as frontline grunts to bolster their forces.
whats that?
Shadow in the warp?
Never heard of it and anything the contradictics my "chaos are the ultimate big threat to everything" is dumb and should die.
member when Necrons were a massive threat to the galaxy and going to fuck everyone up including Chaos?
member when Ward turned Necrons into just another generic alien race?
member when reddi/tg/s fav Newcron Trazyn was helping the Imperium against Chaos?
member when Veeky Forums defended all of this?
They got their rightful vengance stolen by Ultramarines, they basically became their bitches
Everyone and everything is ultra's bitch, it can't be helped.
And chaos too. And Necrons. Every time BAngels go up against Tyanids they get fucked over until someone comes to save them.
No shit, they're even more one-note than Orks. They can't save a planet, defeat a hated rival, discover an ancient artifact or do anything except eat everything in front of them. When your only win condition would literally end the franchise you're doomed to a life of jobbery. Play stupid factions, get stupid lore.
>Tyranids eternally BTFO
good, they are boring.
Got my shotgun all ready loaded. Hopefully I don't fuck up and end as a vegetable in the hospital. See you guys in hell.
What the FUCK did you expect, you fucking retard?
You're playing EVIL LIZARDMEN. Of course you'll get the shit stick and will spend all time jobbing, you fucking dumbass.
Not dork angels, at least not yet. I'm just waiting for them to be revealed as being legion and only pretending to be chapters.
>40K is only about space marines now
I'd like to point out to you useless fruits that this game literally started as just the Space Marines, that the story has always been about just the Space Marines, and the only reason any of the NPC factions were fluffed out was to convinced people to buy models and paints.
You can now go back to trying to create reasons why your NPC faction is lore important despite the fact that it never has been and never will be lore important.
The Swarmlord is nowhere near interesting enough to carry the faction on his own. You can't relate to him as a hero, or a villain, or anything. He's a smarter than normal monster.
Why do you think the Necrons got turned into Tomb Kings? So they would have personalities people would be interested in.
>hundreds of splinter fleets were thus defeated...
ONE!!! FUCKING ONE splinter fleet has the potential to devestate a system, then grow into a segmentum-threatening cancer that multiplies terrifyingly.
Luckily Dante killed all 6 gorillion of them.
>retconning shadowbrink
This is what makes me mad. The Fall of Shadowbrink was one of the few total Tyranid victories in the fluff. They got to BTFO Grey Knights and Greater Daemons in one battle.
You are an autist and also american.
Tyranids don't need Queen of blades. They just need Hive Mind to take interest in action sometimes. With it assuming direct control over some cute monstrosity and proceeding to fuck over the opposition while commenting on their inability to do anything in perfect High Gothic with posh Terran accent.
The ability of Hive Mind to mess with its enemies heads by using proxies should be almost unlimited. Just imagine that it is a top level pro RTS player with a troll streak.
Serious question, why did they reconned it. Are the spessh marine and ebil speesh marine fans that great in number that they have recon every failure to make them happy?
People seem to forget, that all the Tyranids don't seem to be joined in a single hivemind, not completely. They're all divided up per Norn Queen, which as I remember, used to be described as capable of bickering with one another.
It's very easy to turn those Norn Queens into individual characters, and considering they either are the originator of or epicenter of the MULTIPLE Hive Minds, your suggestion would essentially be the same thing. But they would still need characterization.
This isn't even the first time the Blood Angels have been nearly wiped out by Tyranids. Genestealers in the Sin of Damnation whittled them down to just 50 marines. They walked it off. Ultramarines walked off similar losses also inflicted by the 'nids. There's no such thing as a Pyrrhic victory in 40k, because the writers pay no attention at all to how long it's taken to rebuild a space marine chapter in the past and certainly aren't putting any thought into logistics chains.
This certainly isn't the first time the setting has suffered from this problem, but for a couple of editions there it seems like they were getting better about it.
Multiple Personalities Disorder.
It's very boring to be a lone sapient creature in a whole galaxy after you eat everyone, so Hive Mind creates imaginary friends and gives them command over Hive Fleets.
user, that's just your own fanwank based on what you'd prefer, without any real basis in the lore.
I know. But after what they did to Necrons it would not be as bad as what GW could do to Tyranids.
Honestly I love the Orks. Even since their inception you can clearly tell, from both the opponents and Ork players view, its all about having a bit of fun. Win or lose, Orks always "win" and their unique character by itself is always more than enough to keep Ork fans happy, if not new ones flocking.
For example, Gorgutz has lost every engagement he has encountered in Dawn of War and while many other factions were seething over their races depiction, I think Ork fans loved every single part of it.
Yeah, ork just want a good scrap. If they win it's a boon, if not they gonna get ready for the next round.
Well, they ARE based on football hooligans.
Doesn't matter if they get beaten up by the riot police. They still got to riot.
Thanks Abaddon you fucking moron you've saved the Imperium.
Enjoy your crusade as you get forced back up the Galaxy's asshole.
The Warhammer Fantasy and 40k narratives have always been about Man vs Chaos(y men).
The other factions exist to sell models and provide opponents to the main two factions.
If the army is even semi-competitive on the tabletop you shouldn't give two shits about the fluff desu.
You are no bro of mine, OP. Get out of there with that defeatist attitude of yours, while I will keep on enjoying my nids just fine.
Orks are actually amazing and good natured though.
Genocidal and Aggressive but they love what they do and the means is the end.
Ork players just love being mentioned because a foight is a foight and powerlevels are for pussies. Win and they Waaagh, Lose and they get ready to Waagh again.
Orks are the only faction living their win condition in 40k.
Is Ka'Banter tsundere for the Blood Angels now? Since when?
Isn't eternal bad luck their entire thing?
Entirely fluffy that they'd miss the chance to reinforce
You need to stop inciting stuff.
It is not your 'duty' to do so. People will not just devolve into wanking without your oh-so-merciful intervention.
>ka'banter actually works for sanguinius
>sanguinius fell to chaos when his back was broken
>sanguinius vs horus was actually just an atutistic dick waving fight over who would get the right to kill the emperor
>this is just a setting up for a sanguinius return leading into heresy 2.0
Not to mention the Orks wrecked and killed every Nid on the planet at Octarius :D
fucking embarrassing
Oh ffs not this shit again.
We had half a thread derailed by wild speculation about the Swarmlord just the other say
Suddenly I want zen styled orks.
>After many more battles, Baal was finally cleared of the xenos threat.
Was this written by a child? Like a child under the age of 8?
Honest and serious question
>There's no such thing as a Pyrrhic victory in 40k
There is for Iyanden. It's informed their character for twenty plus years.
>he chose to play an NPC faction
Well, going by the new edition's rules, the 8-12 year old bracket is GW's main target audience these days.
Would be cool.
>prime marines arrive just in time to supply the empire with reinforcements as a new heresy begins
We need a new chaos god just for the occasion or better yet a new human faction.
I'm tired of these soulless stooges standing in the way to greatness, it doesn't make for great stories.
>waaah waaah we do everything we need to win but still get btfo by some bullshit deus ex machina
Welcome to the club, nidfag.
Did you tyranid faggots seriously think they would delete the blood angels? What the fuck? Blood angels sell as much as nids probably more actually, so imagine if Gw did the reverse. The blood angels find and kill every tyranid in the universe. You're all dead. Think that sounds dumb? Well it is, but that's how absurd your idea is. Holy fuck.
No. We expected to get beaten by the Blood Angels and their successors, not by dual deus ex machinas.
OP is some faggot who thinks all nid players think the way he depicts them thus he must make absolutely sure everyone else thinks nid players are like that.
And The tyranids wiped out all the Orks on Orrok and Ghorala during that war. Ghorala is pretty fucking embarrassing for the Orks considering they initially outnumbered the Nids millions to one
>Welcome to the club
Nids literally founded the club chaosfag, tyranids by necesity of DELETING any planet they conqour cannot win any major battle ever.
Chaos can atleast steal stuff or get to do their chaos ooga-booga and get away with it because the imperium can always take revenge.
Do people not understand that tyranids winning means the planet gets destroyed and everyone dies? Literally anything else happening is technically a loss for the tyranids
You better step up your post quality and proof read because this shit is unreadable.
Its literally like bad childrens story where it ends and they lived happily ever after, when you don't want the brats to question what happened or want a continuation to the story.
Iyanden had a Pyrrhic victory as their backstory. It's not a thing that actually happened to them in the meta-plot, it's the premise of the craftworld.
>The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.
-Uthan the perverse
Wait, I thought the whole shadow in the warp thing was supposed to protect us from Chaos
What the fuck
Get with the times man. When warp is cut off Chaos is actually stronger and even Imperium forces start to suck.
What can some Nids do against such power?
>When warp is cut off Chaos is actually stronger
Are you retarded? The warp is the epitome of chaos and if the materium was cut from the warp then the chaos gods would lose all of there influence. Sure all psychers would lose their powers but chaos would wither and die with nothing to feed it.
>For example, Gorgutz has lost every engagement he has encountered in Dawn of War and while many other factions were seething over their races depiction, I think Ork fans loved every single part of it.
I have some news for you.