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Welcome to the intricacies of AI and the human mind part 2, Electric Boogaloo.
>inb4 "muh ship of Theseus"
WHOA this is MASSIVE! When did this happen?
does anonymous dream of shitposting sheep
Shit guys, he inb4'd it. Guess we have to call off academics.
Not sure, I think some user combined several of the existing galleries a few months ago
Is this a required class for my degree in 'Applied Autism'?
We've got a fairy thread open right now, so might as well bring the CYOA into this.
That's a pretty old version.
Fuck they're back to that retarded "argument" where they say the same things again and again for two hundred posts?
Memory death guy needs to shut up.
No one is arguing autismo, we're making jokes
Didn't realize that, if you have the newer version that'd be great.
>tfw no gf to play CYOAs with
The thing is, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if robots will have "true sapience" or not, it will matter if they will be good waifus.
But user, you're not supposed to play cyoas with your girlfriend, you're supposed to play girlfriend with your cyoas!
>tfw no one would play gf with my CYOAs
Reactive Armor (4)
Bulletproof Glass (7)
Flamethrower (16)
Improved Scope(18)
Mounted MG (22)
Electric Netting(34)
Advanced Optics(37)
Extra Fuel(40)
Escape Hatch(50)
I'll hit as much as I can as fast as I can trying to cause as much destruction until I start to run out of fuel or my vehicle is too damaged. This isn't a suicide mission, I plan on escaping.
No problem, there are a lot of versions.
Extra Tiny
Tiny Tools
Iron Grip
Giant Strength
Good Luck Charm
Play at Sharla's Gaming Center
>tfw I will never find a magical wish granting grail that gives me my waifu
Its not necessarily a problem, but it feels a little odd having dragons along with a bunch of basically humanoid options.
>Motherly Face
>Cat Ears
Additional Outfits:
>Dancer Armor
Mundane Skills:
Vessel Exterior:
>Brass Lamp
Vessel Interior:
>Pocket Dimension (with upgrade)
>Rank: Amateur (+4)
>Magical Realm
>No misunderstandings
>Mischievous Mind
>Turbulent Mood
>Short Circuit
>Magical Realm
>Terminal Battery
>Endless Inlaws
Basically a genie that has no power outside of her pocket dimension (that I visit quite often) but is embarrassingly weak outside of it. She hates how weak she is as a genie and so tries to act dominant to make up for it. Also she's giant, cause fetishes.
Can I make the angry manjew a saber?
I thought it might be a bit weird, but there's going to be a shapeshifting option and I figured people could always just say they're dragonborn if they really want to. Plus dragons are cool.
Thank you.
Yeah, just take avenger class skill
Whilst sober, I'm working on a small cyoa to sort of accompany Alcohol CYOA, here's a wip for it.Work on Alcohol CYOA is fine, should be done whenever I start drinking again.
Don't forget to include unending hops, corn, sugar cane, or potatoes.
You know why.
>making CYOA while sober
I thought this sort of power was a myth?!
The Village CYOA:
Architectural Style:
>Rural Japan
Geographical Features: (+5)
>Rolling Hills
Living Accommodations:
>Old Mansion
Residence Location:
>Village Border
Special Artifact: (+3)
>Shiny Marble
>Inviting Pendant
>Soft Blanket
>Pale Ring
>Rusty Dagger
>Fur Mantle
>Bronze Bracelets
>Raged Doll
>Yellowed Book
>Sorrowful Mask
Village Borders:
>All Roads Lead
Village Highlights: (+4)
>Fairy Grove
>Floating Islands
>The Old Castle
>Cloud Tower
>Blossom Meadow
>Primeval Forest
>Crystal Cavern
>Healing Spring
>Siren Overlook
>Galaxy Lake
Village Guides:
>Nostalgic Chief
>Christmas Cake
>Smug Little Girl
>Dapper Gentleman
>Lonely Monster
Uneasy Partculiarities:
>Catacomb Depths (+2)
>Nighttime Shades (+2)
>Mystery Festival (+2)
>Ruined Cathedral (+2)
>Wandering God (+2)
>The Old Guard (+2)
>Endless Abyss (+2)
>Otherworldly Mist (+2)
>Nature Sprite (+2)
>Decay City Ruins (+2)
Most of the worlds you can get forced into suck so much that it's basically a coin tax. Bad design.
No Zodiac Brides user or Zodiac user are better.
Thank you for anwering so many questions by the way, it makes playing your CYOA even better and more engaging.
My god someone's an angry autist. Just looking at the descriptions of the waifus, they're thick as a brick too.
Requesting zodiac brides!! Did he do a mystery bix by the way?
10/10 had a good chuckle throughout the entire read
Thanks for uploading the new version; I only had 1.0.
Species: Ifrit
History: Voluntary
Attitude: Happy to Be Here
Body: Medium
Accessories: Tattoos, Wrist Bangles, Veil
Additional Outfits: Modern, Dancer Armour, Wedding Dress
Mundane Skills: Warrior, Nurse, Scheherazade, Businesswoman
Vessel Exterior: Ring
Vessel Interior: Single Room
Powerlevel: Patron Haint (Masks, both literal and metaphorical)
- Loving Heart
- Minor Psychic Link
- Guardian Spirit
- No Misunderstandings
- Cursebane
- Magical Realm
- Spare Changes (+1 Mundane Skill)
- Mischievous Mind
Life Goal: Companionship and a little bit of Power
>My god someone's an angry autist
Given you can't see obvious parody for what it is, perhaps you shouldn't throw that particular stone in your glass house
Couple of questions about this one, is the elemental unaging? And does the Naga also have unlimited lifespan if they do their shedding skin every 20 years?
I have no idea if you're joking about not getting the joke, or you actually don't get the joke.
Either way, you're fucking dumb.
Yes and yes.
But follow your heart. You can houserule it if you prefer it another way.
I need IDEAS! Spoonfeed me options, please.
Nope, sounds good to me
>Enhanced Int
>Ten Million
>Illusion Magic
Thought about the portal, but honestly with the ten mil and enhanced int there's really not much reason to just invest wisely and live forever in luxury.
Though if instead of getting a new partner, I can use the last boon to make my RL partner a naga (or elf or whatever she wants I guess) I'll drop illusion for that in a heartbeat
When was the alcohol cyoa finished?
I guess object creation would make sense.
Maybe editing not people, but properties, such as changing gravity the power of gravity, or editing out laws of thermodynamics.
Creating mini universes to give you an approximate idea and calling it virtual machines might work
I'm curious which of my CYOAs are the most popular. Vote on your favorite TokHaar Gol CYOA in this straw poll, the results will bring me some insights in what people like and help me create even better CYOAs in the future.
I don't know Enslaved, can you post it? Or a drive with your cyoas on it?
For the option "Your CYOA" does that mean mine? Or did you name one your cyoa?
wtf i thought enslaved is more popular than its author
Move_Object: Lets you relocate a single object (such as a person, building or landmark). Good synergy with cheat engine.
loadsamone: Obligatory money option.
noclip: Standard.
Toggle AI: Prove solipsist theory right and become the only sapient being in all of creation.
>Or a drive with your cyoas on it?
His Google Drive is listed in the pastebin.
>loadsamone: Obligatory money option.
Explicitly stated to be something you can edit with the character editor.
>noclip: Standard.
Might also be doable with the character editor.
You mean the narrator, not the author right?
It's not, I'm reworking it slightly before releasing it and I only work on it while at least buzzed, so it'll be released soonish. Since I'm sober, and I got a decent idea I'm just doing this as well.
If I could not see that for the obvious parody it is, I literally would not mind getting hit by a truck; I would deserve it.
Well duh. Probably should have made that clearer.
Something like terraform but with the laws of the world like physics and those things
What are some nice scenic locals user would like to visit one day?
Applies a different art filter to the world. Not only does it change the way everything looks, but it also changes the 'theme' of the world. For example, a monotone filter might change the world to a grittier noir-type one, or an increased saturation filter might make everything just a bit happier and more saccharin.
also I agree with
but user you're already here
sky cities like the one from bioshock 3
White supremacist detected.
Here are Tok's CYOAS:
lodsemone could be option that if something is possible to get with money/human effort, you can just snap your fingers and it appears.
If it's something that might be possible in future, it will become focus of worldwide research efforts.
Yeah, you could just use character editor to give yourself enough money but to get your dream mansion, you would still need to get blueprints drawn, the place built and all your stuff moved in. Whereas lodsemony would just let you snap your fingers and the mansion would appear, filled with catgirl maids (headbands until research gets there).
>catgirl maids
It's like you read my mind
I second this one. The filter one sounds like a lot of fun
>futa catgirl maids
Even better!
Anyone got that comfy CYOA where Comfei, god of comfy let's you build your own pocket dimension?
Nope, no, too far now, back it up. Fluffy ear are about as degenerate as I get, thank you very much.
From the results so far the poll seems to indicate people like my longer CYOAs more (with the exception of Sex Magic and Nemesis). I guess I will try to stick to making 2-4 page CYOAs.
Futa might be hard and take time, however there's an easier and quicker option
>catgirl(male) maids
Well, given choice, I think it's natural that people want a big huge cyoas. Since it's no work for them, why not.
Better yet, giant maids.
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that vag.
The more aspects they can make up/change the more entertaining it is.
The longer the CYOA the more they can immerse themselves in that short amount of time before they return to their pathetic lives.
It was fucking amazing.