Nurgle SOON
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE (dead)
>army builder
Previous thread: We need a new link for the GHB
Nurgle SOON
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE (dead)
>army builder
Previous thread: We need a new link for the GHB
First for painting gold should be illegal
have the new skirmish rules been scanned yet?
Probably not. My shop opens in an hour and I'll be tjere grabbing my book and playin'
Oh UK stores have been open for a good while, i guess brit bros are busy playing
what are you working on /aosg/?
been painting some blood warriors for my warband
Im not the best painter but im working on my Anvils of the Heldenhammer, i got the starter box and the start collecting box for my birthday last weekend
ive done a lot more detailing and shading since this picture was taken i need to update
Trying to get my tournament list painted before 40k drops and I start on a Tau force
How good is Archaon in a Tzeentch army? I heard he is pretty good when combined with the lore of fate and destiny dice, but I'm talking about 2000 points armies. The big guy can definitely pack a mean punch, but for his cost I can bring a Lord of Change, two other wizards and a vortex to abuse that sweet-ass Tzeentch spellcasting.
Does anyone play/played against a Tzeentch Archaon list? What are your experiences?
I'm thinking about getting him, but I'd like to know more about how will he fit in my Tzeentch army before I spend that many shekels
He's pretty gimmicky, but good
Most common use is saving two 6 destiny dice and using his special ability to instant kill any model in the game
AOSGs seem to be pretty dead lately. That's unexpected - I thought that skirmish release will bring back life to these threads.
Also a question.
My friend has bought two Spire of Dawn boxes to run an aelven army (like probably 90% of newbies these times). I decided to share the cost with him so I ended up with two skaven halves. The question is - should I stick up with rats or sell them and buy a Nurgle army?
Now I see that skavens are actually squated and I'm worried that I will end up with a played-out army. I like their aesthetic same as nurgle one so I can't really decide. On the one hand I already have a lot of skaven minis so maybe it is possible to expand them cheaply (like buying a single start collecting for the machines and call it a day) but on the other hand Nurgle seems to be really easy to run and collect and 40k releases raise hopes that we will see a Nurgle battletome and stuff (unlike Skavens probably).
I have only assembled a one half (didn't paint any of SoD models yet) to play demo games with my friend and had not enough time to play any full scale games with my rats but I like the game itself - played few times with LGS army. I think that at best I can sell them for the money equivalent of 1 and 1/2 of a Start Collecting so with my small own contribution I will be able to buy two Nurgle start collecting boxes.
So tell me Anons - it there a hope for Rats? Is there any way to put my current models together into a playable army and upgrade it cheaply or should I meet the Papa Nurgle - I see that he has a lot of love here
I sure hope so.
Yeah, I figured, but that's not very reliable since it depends on a decent destiny dice roll.
My main issue is that his command ability is gonna be useless since I can't bring any more commanders
It's not hope.
It's real.
I would sell up the rats and just go nurgle, like you said theres going to be some more love for them in 40k so if you wanted to play both you can, and they have at least some rules
I'm to lazy to verify this but it's enough to masturbate
So who's gonna give us scans of the skirmish game first? Or have they already been posted
Please let this be real
Well that's all the work spent on my savage worlds RPG wasted.
Hoping it lets us play members from all the alliances, though focus on just Order adventurers in a recently colonised region would be cool too.
That or a Stormcast focus would be cool.
It's 8€, dude
If I don't get to play a raptor or Venator it won't be worth looking at. Kidding, of course.
>Well that's all the work spent on my savage worlds RPG wasted.
It will came out in 2018.
It's a long way, your game will be good for 8+ months.
Fuck off
I went on their website, it's true. So much for it being "classic Warhammer" like grogs wanted.
True, I don't mind though since this news is like a dream come true.
If the official thing is more focused there will always be room for my stuff.
The nearest place that sells it is 45 minutes away by car and I currently don't have one
Im going to buy the skirmish book tomorrow but i want to read up some of the rules and such before me and my roommate play some tomorrow
Because some of the brighter ones (Auric Armour Gold especially) are a blobby, blotchy mess that takes 5 minutes of getting it usable for every 2 minutes of actually using it.
That being said, Retributor Armour is pretty damn fucking good.
Try vallejo game colour gold and bronze, they work surprisingly well.
I don't really want to jump into 40k but I hope we will see something like Tzeentch release for Nurgle
I have the book, but no scanner.
It is more or less what we already knew (no summoning, rule of one still applies, unit champions are allowed, as are special weapons but no more than the number requirements let you have).
On a quick flick through I noticed the Black Ark Fleetmaster is only 8 points, which I am pretty sure is the lowest point cost for a hero in the entire book.
It's the point costs that matter
Also, Dispossessed seem to be pretty competitively pointed. 2 points for either a Warrior or Longbeard - the same price as a Skeleton Warrior which is worse in every single way. Most expensive units (other than heroes) are Hammerers and Longbeards at 4 points each. Same price as a Stormcast Liberator.
>are a blobby, blotchy mess that takes 5 minutes of getting it usable for every 2 minutes of actually using it
>skeleton warriors cost same points a dwarf warrior
so what you're trying to say is the points balance is skirmish is utter garbage just like the GHB points for matched play?
>Black Ark Fleetmaster down to 40 pt in the GH2
It's okay I guess
I think im finished with my list, very happy with it, too bad i had to drop out some skullcrushers to facilitate a bloodseractor and some more bloodreavers. Plan is to buff the shit out of bloodreavers to 4 additional attacks, and tie up enemy units with them while my cavalry flanks, varanguards take on big enemies.
Mortals of Khorne - 1980pts
Archaon, The Everchosen [320pts]
Aspiring Deathbringer [80pts]
Goreaxe & Skullhammer
Bloodsecrator [120pts]
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut [140pts]
Bloodreavers [60pts]
10x Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axe
Bloodreavers [60pts]
10x Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axe
Bloodreavers [60pts]
10x Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axe
Bloodreavers [60pts]
10x Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axe
Mighty Skullcrushers [320pts]
Bloodglaive, Hornblowers, 6x Mighty Skullcrushers, Standard Bearers
Mighty Skullcrushers [160pts]
Bloodglaive, Hornblowers, 3x Mighty Skullcrushers, Standard Bearers
Mighty Skullcrushers [160pts]
Bloodglaive, Hornblowers, 3x Mighty Skullcrushers, Standard Bearers
Varanguard [360pts]
3 Varanguard, Enscrolled Weapons
Battalion: Brass Stampede [80pts]
>implying black ark fleetmaster is even worth 40 points.
it isn't
>2 points for either a Warrior or Longbeard
Daemonettes are 2 points too.
So good.
>implying anything will ever fix Auric Armour Gold
Some armies seem weirdly overpriced, and Deathrattle are one of them.
Skeleton Warriors: 2 Renown
Wight King: 24 Renown (pretty standard for a hero)
Black Knights: 5 Renown
Grave Guard: 3 Renown
The Black Knights and Skeleton Warriors are both overpriced for some odd reason, since they can't really take advantage of their normal buffs in Skirmish.
It is clearly because they balanced Death as a single faction where you will use bits from every category, since it is the smallest. Stormcast have more available units and heroes on their own than the entire Death roster. (20 Death vs 25 Stormcast Eternals)
For a game themed in the Realm of Death, they sure got the shaft.
What about beastmen? What points do they cost?
Gors - 2 Renown (Max 10 models)
Ungors - 1 Renown (Max 20 models)
Great Bray Shaman - 18 Renown
Bestigors - 3 Renown per Model (Max 10 models)
Ungor Raiders - 2 Renown (Max 20 models)
Bullgors - 12 Renown (Max 3 models)
They're making wfrp4e too though, they announced it a few days ago.
Part of me wishes they'd done it the other way around just to see the chaos.
I said last night that I would post a picture of my Warherds when they were done so I tried to get the best picture I could (sorry I only have a shitty phone camera).
Overall, I like how they turned out. I might end up going back and touching up some of the fuck ups eventually. I think it's a pretty good effort for someone who has been painting for only a couple months.
Does Warherds not include the Doombull? I would love to bring him and a couple bulls to a 50 point game.
Unfortunately not. No monsters in Skirmish I'm afraid.
It would be neat if they release renown for some monsters for special battleplans.
Seraphon 1000 points list, for a casual tournament, maybe doubles, depends on Numbers.
Slann Starmaster (General)--260
Oxyotl -------------------------------100
Eternity Warden------------------100
5 Saurus Guard-------------------100
5 Saurus Guard-------------------100
10 Saurus Guard------------------100
Eternal Starhost-------------------80
Plan is for Slann and Starhost to bunker down on an objective and force opponents to close to melee, due to 2+ saves and rerolling shooting saves. Oxyotl hangs on the max range, and snipes objectives or lone characters.
think he'll be big enough (for me) to make a new doombull?
very intimidating banner and udders you have there
Could you post Free Peoples? (freeguild) I'd really appreciate it.
End yourself.
>buying paint in a pot
>painting models
I'm so happy we are having an RPG. Now we just need a vidya game and I'll be in heaven.
Hm... anyone know programing here?
Not him but i do have the book
Archers/Crossbow/Guard/handgunners - 2pts
Freeguild General - 20pts
Demigryphs - 11pts
Greatsword - 3pts
Pistol/Outriders - 5pts
So it's been confirmed on Cubicle 7's Facebook page that they're making two role playing games, one for the Age of Sigmar and one for the Old World.
Fast-quick you take-secure blessed scriptures! Glory to the Horned One!
Here we go you lazy poorfags
I scurry-flee with this most humble gift, use it wisely...
Thanks, they're an intimidating bunch.
Where the FUCK is slaanesh?
I know right. AoS using the DoW engine would be awesome.
However I don't see it happening. Because the way these video games work, is GW doesn't approach game companies to have them make stuff, those companies approach GW and buy the licence. All GW does is accept or deny proposed projects. GW may have confidence in AoS, but vidya game companies may not yet, and find spending so many resources on a relatively new game and setting to be a risk. WHFB and 40k is much older and more established so has a greater chance of return.
AoS is growing, but it's still too young for game companies willing to buy the license from GW.
Degenerates BTFO
>i can't read! the post
I think he would be fine with a couple changes. If you're just looking for a substitute model for a Doombull you could also look at the Ogroid Thaurmaturge with a replaced staff head.
The last one. Plz don't call GW. Also I hope that some good user will upload a pdf version
still working on this, hardest part is actually finding the time.
just needs some abs and thick muscle thighs
sorry for stupid question but for this new skirmish game do units use the same warscrolls and rules as they would in the regular matched play games?
I only ask because looking over those points for things there are some glaring imbalances.
>25 points to start skirmish campaign, 3 model minimun
StormCast BTFO
Gold with Fleshshade on is my fetish.
they do
I also noticed a theme with the destruction models, in that NONE of the legal models are finecast. Same for death too
>Skirmish came our
>FW has no point lists for their range to use in Skirmish
Can you mix units from various factions within an alliance, like for example can I take some freeguild handgunners along with some stormcast?
Yes, you can - both in skirmish and "normal" games
Ok good to know!
Plastic models only, boi.
Why do they hate resin?
Better question is why the fuck they hate Forge World when it brings in stupid amounts of money?
Because resin is shit
yes, yes it is. I've got Tamurkhan and loads of nurgle toys just sat in a box because I can't be bothered to clean/assemble them
if it's not 30k it's really not making them much money, AoS FW stuff really does seem like an afterthough
Horus Heresy gets the big meal, Blood Bowl gets the left overs and then AoS gets the Khorne flavoured crumbs
At least Chaos Dwarfs got a really cool centaur hero guy, that's something right?
Yeah, and the rest of FW's releases, bar the new verminlord, have been khorne: the fuekhuge dragon, the prince, the great khorgorath, etc.
Got Nagash Undying King and Shadows Overhammerhal's book?
You sexy beast thank you
No worries
I know it's going to replaced with a pdf soon, but at least the files out there now so other people can do that for us
thanks buddy