Faction Focus; Genestealer Cults
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Well those are some interesting ally rules.
And if genecults have the tyranid keyword, does that means you can throw a genecult leman russ into any tyranid list?
So the rumour about some vehicle weapons only being able to be fired if units were embarked IS true, just awfully specific. I expect we'll see other vehicles with similar rulings too, chimera lasgun arrays are an obvious choice.
>You can take one Astra Militarum Detachment for each Genestealer Cults Detachment in your Battle-forged army. They each need to be entirely comprised of units with their respective keyword, but this allows incredible amounts of diversity in your army that is also quite characterful.
So does this mean that we'll be able to use the new Heavy Support detachment to take Goliath trucks in our Imperial Guard armies now? We'd just need to take at least three of them along with one of the GSC HQ choices.
I have to wonder if this includes auxiliary attachments as well. Hope we don't see one min unit of genestealers and an entire army of IG in a "genestealers army".
Nah, the Russ is still guard - a genecult army can just be made of multiple detachments, one of which is guard.
They each need to be entirely comprised of units with their respective keyword.
Interestingly, at the start of that paragraph he mentions using units from Nids as well -
>"One of my favourite aspects of the Genestealer Cults, though, is their ability to form their army using both their own faction, Tyranids and Astra Militarum"
I don't know how many restrictions there'd be on that, but it sounds cool - lictors would be pretty awesome in a GC list
But if you did that you would forfeit command points and the only benefit you would get would be to call your IG army "genestealers"?
That'd be a pretty neat option
That would mean that there are cult leman russes no more! I don't think so - the article mentions that a rockgrinder is just one of their native heavy vehicles. So they probably keep leman russes, chimeras and sentinels as their own units.
I actually thought of doing something like that not too long ago - I love the big trucks and the re-purposed mining equipment weapons, so I thought about using GSC as "inducted civilians" - they'd probably be "too good" at close combat, but the army would mainly be neophytes, trucks and I'd use the Acolyte Iconward as a priest or something leading them - the biggest conversions would be Acolytes with the mining weapons, who would be considerable conversions into 1 or 2 guys using the tools, but it looked doable.
The cult ambush stuff would be miners just doing what miners do best.
In a dream scenario this would be alongside DKoK engineers with Hades drills and things, and possibly a Sentinel Powerlifter if I could find one or a chinaman that does them
Uwe them as arbites instead, strong coach, civilian like/industrial vehicles (seems like a very imperial way of crowd control) and a powerful hq to support the bunch.
Just run them as the local law enforcers that have drafted the local garrison into their little peacekeeping operation.
>I actually thought of doing something like that not too long ago - I love the big trucks and the re-purposed mining equipment weapons, so I thought about using GSC as "inducted civilians"
Why not just say "A guard regiment from a mining world, using the weapons that the locals are experienced with"? It's not like the Imperial Guard is terribly concerned with things like "conforming to a uniform standard", after all. Compare Cadians to Valhallans to Catachans.
My genestealer cult is squats, with a warlord in exo armor (patriarch) and a banner bearer (iconward) leading a mining contingent into battle.
Mainly because they didn't have things like officers and commisars and shit - but it would end up being like that from a practical point of view - guard and miners working together, lots of flamers and demo charges, with the models being heavy on "gear" - every truck would have equipment piled on to it.
Maybe a few Enginseers for the IG section's elites
Pic related coming out got me thinking about it again - as did that Dave Taylor Trukk un-looting, if you've seen that
source on the unlooting?
This thing.
Just search Dave Taylor Minatures and find the Truck stuff on his site
>Power Lifter
Wait they got rid of them?
I have one. I was wanting to make a Imperial Navy boarding-repelling force long ago using Vets with Shotguns.
Fuck if power lifter sentinels have good rules suddenly then who gives a shit if they've got models? I'll convert the shit out of them for my I dream of Genecults.
They might not.. I asked them on FB and they said "All current models for sale will have rules" - hence my panic of them not having the PL...
You're just supposed to skip those ones. But yeah, new Captcha is complete dogshit. Have you gotten the ones where you have to race a fucking circle around a street sign? I swear asian moot is making money from our free labour.
And some select classic, so who knows.
I sincerely hope so.
>Datasheets for all of Forge World’s Warhammer 40,000 Astra Militarum range, including Death Korps of Krieg and Elysian models, and Renegade Imperial Guard forces as well as the immense war machines of the Titan Legions and Knight Houses.
Renegades sharing IG... I may have to just hijack my power loader for chaos... if it does have rules.
They don't know how to break the news of our 3 inch movement yet user. Give then time to soften the blow
Looks mostly unchanged. The loss of our never failing look out sirs hurts, but the mass hypnosis and rockgrinder buffs look sweet. Plus, it seems like there will be a lot more charging out of reserves with the ambush table, potentially making it even deadlier.
>The loss of our never failing look out sirs hurts
To be fair that was a little bullshit, and also Characters are now getting a lot harder to target in the first place so we don't need it to be quite as strong
Lost the ability to regain models when arriving from the shadows
Also new summoning rules hurt us more than any other faction (if we still have summoning that is)
Oh, my. With a bit more plasticard, this could be a perfect partyvagon for my arbites.
>Hurts GSC more than any other faction
Tzeentch got reamed though, GSC summoning was something you'd get lucky and roll and wasn't consistent.
We don't know that though?
Well the first thing was a formation rule and they're out. The second one we do know, you now have to pay for your summoned units and the flexibility 'benefit' we already had!
Fair enough
Maybe I'm just crazy, but the Cult feels like it has potential to be cheese.
Haven't your heard?
This is nu40k where every single unit is viable now, but nothing is broken at all
The cult had that same potential last edition, and they weren't that ridiculous.
Sure they CAN pop up right in front of you and charge right away, but since it's LOLRANDOM they're just as likely to walk onto their own board edge and stand around.
They always had strong psychic powers too, but they were held back by the units in their codex not being tough or strong enough (with a few exceptions) to really take advantage of their amazing powers and army rules.
Fair point I suppose. Never actually played against them, no one in my area has them. I've just seen battle reports but they seemed pretty damn good in those.
>This is nu40k where every single unit is viable now, but nothing is broken at all
People actually believe this will be the case.
Man the PR department at GW has really picked up their game.
The hype will never live up, you should know this by now people.
GSC occupy a weird spot. They're not top meta, but are anti-meta. They wreck Tau and Eldar but struggle against Orks and Tyranids.
well the Rock Grindsrnis terrifying.
can we take that as an indication of roughly what a deffrolla will be like on a battlewagon.
I'm just happy that it's fixing most of the problems that were there. As a Chaos Daemons player, I will no longer need a flow chart to be able to play my army.
REALLY sad to see summoning get neutered and armor facings to be removed, but I'm sure summoning will change again in 3 years.
Yeah, I looked on the FW shop a while back, no more Sentinel Power Lifter
They didn't use to be too bad, seeing as they had Servo-arms, they were like a massively discount dread iirc - no grorious muhreen pilot, but high strength and low AP
I think I heard a chinaman does them, but I don't know
Incidentally I think IN Voidsmen have stats in one of the versions of ZM
Aside from Space Marines and Tau, Forgeworld seems to have been abandoning 40k for the last 6 years.
Not only has he gone out of their way to talk about balance, something they've never done before, but they've even talked about future proofing the game by making the points costs easy to change in the event something is too cost effective. They've effectively admitted that balance is hard to achieve and that they aren't perfect, which is another first for them.
Honestly, I'm giving them a chance, since this is probably the most honest and open they've been with the fan base ever.
He = gw.
Fucking autocorrect bullshit
Here - fortunately, they do have shotguns
I am hoping so! I am doing full drive by lootas and having the vehicles do the krumpin.
About taking an AM detachment for every GSC detachment. Couldn't you already do that? What am I not comprehending?
Those were allied detachments, these are full sized detachments of any variety.
Fuck i don't wanna buy the Imperial book too
i was quite happy knowing my Tyranids, GSC Orkz, and even the small tau force i have were in one book.
i only use 2 Chimeras and one russ anyway, personally don't even like the other IG tanks
You could just wait until the separate IG codex though that might be a while.
Hopefully we will get warscroll treatment. I have 2 AM start collecting boxes. I don't want to shell out for a book for 3 units. I only plan to play open with some other extremely casual (play style) friends.
*cough*BETTER THAN TAUROX*sneeze*
Oh no so sad you can't just get free units for doing some magic. Though I don't like getting rid of facings, they could at least make each facing a different toughness if they didn't want to do AV.
the indexs are at least going to be like half the price of a current codexs.
Wait. Are you referring to 7th ed or 8th? Does 8th have an "allied detachment" rule?
Genuine question. Not 100% caught up on rumors.
nothing has specificly mentioned.
so far it appears to be much the same as 7e.you take a whole extra detatchment and it can be a different faction.
Damn that's cool. Why oh why couldn't the turox have looked like this? Even with tracks it still would have looked epic
We don't even know for sure if we still have return to the shadows, do we?