Fat skaven is the best skaven
Blood Bowl General /bbg/
It shoulda been "EXTRA THICC" edition
>the fat and the rat
You are right
Damn my brain!!
Also Monday just bought some blitzers from eBay and now GW announces booster pack
Damn you brain!!
I laughed when I saw him the first time in DZ 2. His art makes him look like a giant hamster, so cute!
Definitely going to buy him to make him look as fluffy and adorable as possible.
Tell me more about Glart
That's one great model, it's tempting me to start a Skaven army.
Why does that fat Skaven look so fucking cute holy hell. Usually I only play BB2 on PC but this fucking model is so good I'm tempted to start playing at my local LGS and do a skaven team because this qt 3.14
I meant team, I've been playing Fantasy too long.
Is this fat, fluffy king o' the Brood Bitches going to be forgeworld only? I mean, if he is, I'll still buy him, just gonna be pricy.
>Family man
>Can eat a troll
>10/10 chubby cheeks
>fucking ripped
>No longer a Ratlet
Can he be my husband
at last Elves!!!does anybody got his hands on Season 2??
Beat PunchBeef
Big McLargeHuge
Blast HardCheese
Blast ThickNeck
Bob Johnson
Bold BigFlank
Bulk VanderHuge
Brick HardMeat
Buck PlankChest
Buff DrinkLots
Buff HardBack
Butch DeadLift
Crud BoneMeal
Crunch ButtSteak
Dirk HardPec
Fist RockBone
Flint IronStag
Fridge LargeMeat
Hack BlowFist
Hunk BeefBroth
Punch RockGroin
Punch Side-Iron Punt
Beef BlastBody
Roll Fizzlebeef
Rip SteakFace
Slab BulkHead
Slab SquatThrust
Slate Fistcrunch
Slate SlabRock
Smash LampJaw
Smoke ManMuscle
Splint ChestHair
Stump BeefKnob
Stump Chunkman
Thick McRunFast
Touch RustRod
Trunk SlamChest
Whip SlagCheek
Zap Rowsdower
if you don't mind being crushed in loving skaven mating presses and cooking for him; then by all means
Do the stripes, chevrons and other markings have any meaning or are they purely ornamental?
The only thing that means anything is how high the crest on their helmet goes
I'm gonna either paint is as panda or use as Peter Pettigriew in incomming HP game.
More like MEGA THICC.
>Family man
That's...extremely unusual for a Skaven.
He looks cuddly
The size of the crest doesn't even matter as much, as the blitzer pose is distinct from the lineman poses, having an open hand rather than a second weapon. Personally, I just snipped the things off since they looked dumb.
All in all, the only thing that really matters on a BB paint scheme is the number on the model, and you can do just about anything for that, so long as it matches the numbers on your roster.
If you're painting a new team, don't sweat the small stuff.
More like Fat Ogre, amiright?
where's the git gud option
Thanks, guys.
I was really confused about that because I couldn't make out a pattern.
Would be neat to use that kind of stuff to differentiate between unit types.
I wonder what FW plans to do about making conversion packs for those boosters, like the Bright Crusaders pack they did for the core team.
I wasn't expecting new poses, I was just imagining they'd parcel out the original sculpts individually.
(Also, what's the point of adding a thrower in the booster when the core team already comes with the max number of throwers?)
>would have won rookies if not for logics team having a 200 tv advantage pulling off a bullshit 6+6+ 2 die against bullshit play
>gut gud
I think it is retarded as fuck too. IMO the linos shouldn't have spikes. I can understand the block players having the spikes (I like my willy minis ones better with no one having spikes and the blitzers having wings on their helmets). But imo random linos shouldn't have weapons.
Maybe for more varitaion of models in team instead for using "clones" in the team.
Should've got good.
I still can't wrap my head around someone trying to git gud so hard and playing so much and still sucking so much, like how are you still this shit senpai
Pizza, Mad, and Dasher have just as shit records as me. If you want I can go play like 100 ranked games in a row and win 90 of them
but as far as I know they don't really care about gitting gud
All three of them managed to win at least one game last season, though.
>he can't even beat logics
Hello blood bowl fans. As we impatiently wait for sign ups I've decided to start posting the power charts. 2 tonight and 2 tomorrow.
The first power list and least relevant/autistic is the Main league Vets only chart. With two points awarded to the top two rookie season winners and a point going toward the rookie finals winner.
But first please give a moment of silence for the fallen.
"Special" EddyDantes
TactyHacky, DarthPhysicist, thehetrick, Gosunkgugi [forever Tier 5 in our hearts]
AzraelEVA(RIP) [forever Tier 4 in our hearts]
Quinze(RIP) [forever Tier 3 in our hearts]
avantar [forever Tier lizard in our hearts]
Ayylol3 [forever Tier 2 and 1 in our hearts]
You will forever be in our hearts and our memes.
Please tell me if I missed anyone.
Vets League Power list, enjoy. This is the Listing for all the rookie league nay-saying nazis.
Tier 5
Tier 4
Tier 3
Only The Dead Know Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
Top 5
missed mauled.... Let's say Tier 2!
Bought the newer Troll for my Underworld team. Though planning on eventually branching out between Skaven and Goblins (since I have a lot of the stuff already).
What would be a good looking second troll to buy? As far as I can tell the new one is static to tossing a goblin without cutting some stuff up.
The one from Willy Miniatures is fairly consistent with the GW design and sports a rat tail.
Would work for a skaven team I think.
You can still get the regular and stone trolls from GW though. The ones with a more open pose or with two handed weapons that are not molded across the body should be easy enough to convert too.
Looked into the rat-tailed one, certainly enjoy the hat.
First was wanting to shop around dedicated BB trolls, otherwise I'll just grab any ol' troll and make him play football.
Oh you bet your ass he is.
I just noticed, doesn't the ball on Glart's base have a bite taken out of it?
And he's drooling the green warpstone. nice
How's this for a starting roster for the Skaven Pestilent Team? No rat ogre but with 13 players to sub in for the secret weapons / losses because bombs are more fun than a rat ogre.
Moldy Cheese Puns
1. Novitiates
2. Novitiates
3. Novitiates
4. Novitiates
5. Novitiates
6. Novitiates
7. Novitiates
8. Novitiates
9. Poison-keepers
10. Cardinals
11. Cardinals
12. Pox-Flingers
13. Pox-Flingers
3 RR
With 30k left for an apothecary after the first game.
I had 2 level ups this week, what should I give my saurus one has block, the other has block and mighty blow. I'm playing Wood Elves in the play-offs next week
What's the cost on rerolls for that team?
I think you really want both Poison-keepers.
Tackle and break tackle
Better than gaurd?
if you're in a bash heavy league guard might be good, but being able to hit dodge pieces and being able to free up your saurus is nice
Why do you need guard, you are playing wood elves? The only argument for guard vs wood elves is to force them to throw worse dice against a skink in a cage, but I assume they have strip ball and you don't have sure hands.
Like if you were undead I'd say surehand on the ghoul plus 2 guard mummies means he has to throw a 2 die up hill and needs something better than a pow, but unless you have 4 guard players, best you can do is force a 1 die, and he still has block and strip ball,
Skaven Pestilent Vermin, 70k rerolls
0-16 Novitiates 50k
MA: 6 ST: 3 AG: 3 AV: 7
Disturbing Presence
0-4 Pox-Flingers 50k
MA: 6 ST: 3 AG: 3 AV: 7
Bombardier, Pass, Secret Weapon
0-2 Poison-keepers 100k
MA: 8 ST: 3 AG: 3 AV: 7
Dodge, Stab
0-2 Cardinals 80k
MA: 6 ST: 3 AG: 3 AV: 8
Block, Horns
0-1 Rat Ogre 150k
MA: 6 ST: 5 AG: 2 AV: 8
Frenzy, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal
I aint dead nigga just don't have time to meme up the field.
good double
Special eddy is dead?
>creating a formula specifically to fuck me
OKay, so:
1. Novitiates 950
2. Novitiates 900
3. Novitiates 850
4. Novitiates 800
5. Novitiates 750
6. Novitiates 700
7. Poison-keepers 600
8. Poison-keepers 500
9. Cardinals 420
10. Cardinals 340
11. Pox-Flingers 290
12. Pox-Flingers 240
3 RR 210k
30k still left over, smaller bench but all positionals (except rat ogre).
>>creating a formula specifically to fuck me
EddyDantes Last seen 19 weeks ago
Also, you very well know that no ones fucks you but you.
Then get your ass in gear, it's 1 game a week. Though with quints like that I'll remove you from the list.
Now for the Main League power ranking as Nuffle intended.
What's this? A Top 5, wholly deserved, upset?!?
Tier 5
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
Top 5
5) MauledByTheTigers
4) roflcopter
3) Tooby
2) LogicsFate
1) Tendril
>Mauled in top 5
Nice try faker
Yea, one pox-flinger per drive and ideally you'll be at 11 players both halves.
literally just fucked 2 chicks today off tinder
Consider me signed up with rookie skaven or full on WWE Commentary elves
Ideally, yes. 12 players and only two with more than 7 AV.
Well, if the Novitiates live GM access is interesting.
Is there a reason to play pro elves other than the catchers? Isn't that a lame reason anyway since they become spp hogs?
Is there a reason to play wood elves other than the wardancers? Isn't that a lame reason anyway since they become spp hogs?
Complete collection and season 2 is here.
Any chance of the ebooks someday?
Oh, I see Deathzone is the ebook.
Does anyone have the rules ebook?
god bless you
Does anyone have a handy team roster PDF?
Preview of the new comic.
Will dump it when scans show up unless someone beats me to it.
A saint
>playing at your home stadium gives the away team 50k extra in inducements
God damn the drawbacks for all these optional rules are insane.
I assume there's a tradeoff for having your own stadium. Though knowing GW it's likely something conditional or luck reliant.
Recently bought a bunch of dwarf giants, this is the first one, how is he looking ?
This is the ideal skaven body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
your NMM is a little weak on the dward face bits, but pretty good on the punchy thing
he looks pretty good, face needs a bit more definition imo, and i'm not sold on the beard highlights
What's the point of making Piling On both optional and nerfed into uselessness? You'd think one or the other would be sufficient.
Because elf players gotta be bitches
Dem manly fucking eyebrows
Would spawn a litter with
Been trying Norse lately and while I know they are meant to be really good at lower TVs, I am generally finding them to be much better "fighters" than Chaos. Whats up there?
My Chaos team which I've put on hiatus, are stuck in journeymen status for ages due to constant maiming and death of my Chaos Warriors. I'm still on two journeymen with a -1 MV Chaos Warrior and two niggled beastmen. I also lost my Minotaur who had claw. Their treasury is also below 100k.
My Norse on the other hand have 14 players and I have had little trouble keeping the roster at the least 11 points.
Is this just really bad luck or are Chaos meant to be this hard to develop?
I can say as someone from the other side of the table to chaos I try to take out a warrior or two each game, but in my limited against norse games I generally take out whoever can handle the ball the best. Or those werewolf guys.
Thank you so much!
The chance of getting injured with an av 8-9 without block is slightly less than an av 7 with block, so long as you're generally throwing/receiving 2 dice blocks, and av 8 without is about as good as av 7 with when receiving 1d blocks.
So you're having bad luck, you take more risks when playing chaos, including but not limited to more/riskier blocks, and/or people are trying harder to kill some/all of your players.
Fair enough but my Warriors would be badly hurt, dying or get seriously injured frequently from a regular scrum, not specifically from sniping sans one brutal gang foul. Replacing them killed my treasury from 300k to 10k in like 3 games.
I know they arent meant to be invincible, no one is but their armour gets cracked a lot.
Interesting observation. But as with above but by contrast, my norse av 7 feels almost sturdier than my brastmen av8. The only time I got utterly trashed was ironically a chaos team highly developed. Received 7 injuries including one dead.
I will try the chaos again so.
use models in your skaven army....win more
It really just sounds like an old-fashioned stretch of bad luck. How many games would you say you've been seeing this trend?
Still no necro/vamp/lizard model teases...
Just buy 3rd party. Thats how I got my lizards, plus you don't have to buy boosters
I bet they won't since Kroxigors can only be used by Lizzies, but seriously GW. Give me a decent Kroxigor.
I just repurposed Snapjaw from my cryx army, he fits on a terminator base so its all good.
Isn't it horrendously over sized though? Especially that tail?
Its not that bad. Most of the people in my league don't have big guys, plus I can just turn him diagonally and it usually resolves any issues. I dont like to knock him over tho so I use a token
None of those teams have been seen a full rules release, just the Teams of Legend errata. Don't expect model ranges for them until then.
Meanwhile we got Goblins from DZ2 and there's still 3 other Elf teams from DZ1 to even get a teaser of models
Yea I saw a third party one that looked pretty nice. 1 Krox, 6 Sauri, 6 skinks, Helmut Wulf, Silly Billy, and Hemlock