How the fuck do people in Warhammer survive if there are this many beastmen everywhere?
How the fuck do people in Warhammer survive if there are this many beastmen everywhere?
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They fuck a lot to shore up the numbers when needed.
They didn't. The setting was destroyed and Sigmar led us to a glorious new age where humanity lives happily protected by sacred golden warriors who keep Chaos in line. Haven't you been keeping up with the evolution of (superior) fluff and the (superior) game?
So do beastmen. They seem to occupy more space and can eat anything too.
The setting wasn't destroyed by beastmen, though.
Even a large concentration has nothing on the numbers that humans or whoever can pack into a city.
You're comparing small bands that roam over wide areas to settled civilisation with farming and industry to support them.
Outside of the chaos wastes, beastmen are a minority.
It was destroyed by Chaos, which Beastmen are a faction and consistent influence (probably the most consistent influence in the Empire) of.
don't even play warhammer but that sounds like shit
For the most part, Beastmen are spergy tards and while they can fuck up undefended villages and shit, they probably flounder against well guarded cities and proper armies by themselves. But they're in dense, fuck off crazy woods that they're home in, and humans/most elves aren't. So they're safe there.
They didn't survive...
Does every WHFB thread need to turn into bitching about Age of Sigmar?
Cuz they're dumb shits
It only sounds like shit if you're a masturbatory neckbeard who worships outdated fluff because it lets you sound superior. Age of Sigmar is a thousand times more accessible than stuff like Realms of Chaos or Slaves to Darkness. The setting making a pivot to that kind of familiar fantasy setting and narrative, which is accessible, is much preferable to it trying to be a watered-down kid-friendly version of fluff written in 80s which was constantly being chipped away at.
The exact same thing is happening in 40k right now too. A rebranding of the whole line to a more conventional narrative which is easier to sell and for people to get behind. There's some corporate and miniature politics here (coming from the court case where GW realised they could not in fact trademark "elf" etc) but overall I think we should all be glad about where the changes are going. We get better rules, better models and more people coming into stores.
they didn't
they all died
WHFB was literally destroyed by Age of Sigmar so yes, most likely.
OP asked how did they survive, well they didn't
They survived for thousands of year before the end, so the question can be applied to that meantime.
Then the answer is
>They gradually lost ground and the problem grew, with occasional fight backs, until it overwhelmed them and the world was destroyed
Not everybody is going to blindly swallow low quality shit because its 'accessible'. Nor is AoS 'familiar' in any real sense.
They threw away a fantastic settings for a jumble of high fantasy nonsense for the sole reason that they thought it would make them more money. That is indefensible.
Only corporate cares about numbers more than they do setting.
>a corporation wanting to make more money is indefensible
So that means we should all pretend it was a good idea?
GW did a shitty thing, pretending otherwise is just fanboyism.
Considering the map give no measure of concentration, we can't even know if there are actually many beastmen around.
We just know where we can find beastmen with no indication of their numbers.
If you wanted to map criminality, but your only key was "concentration of crimes", you will end up with a crappy map that serve no purpose beside some cheap sensationalism.
And that's exactly the point of that map, giving a "oh shit" moment to the reader. Which is fine but quite uninformative.
Though I wonder why there is no beastmen in the dark lands, doesn't make much sense.
What's even Age of Sigmar? Did it really go from medieval grim darkness there is only war and chaos to all happiness and pretty flowers?
Less happy flowers, more extremely-high fantasy with dragon-mounts and steampunk dwarfs.
It's so divorced from Warhammer, that you're honestly better off thinking of them as entirely unrelated games.
Didn't always use to have dragon mounts and steampunk dwarfs?
Dark Lands doesn't have humans.
>destroying your creative property to pander to normies is a good thing
This is why comics are shit now.
>Age of Sigmar
>making more money
40k is still what makes GW alive, AoS sales are litteraly the same as FB, and only has tiny peaks thanks to new releases, that fade away immediatly
And I'm not even counting the fact that half the AoS figures are from FB
They wear top hats and collect unobtanium while riding entire FLEETS of airships while living in magical cloud cities.
It's weird, it's like took the corpses of everything I loved about Warhammer Fantasy, put them in funny costumes and makeup; and then proceed to dance around with them singing praises about much better a different they are. It's almost surreal.
it's pretty clear that fantasy is beyond GW's grasp now.
WHFB is now full digital
fuck dude, save some of the koolaid for the rest of us
>Age of Sigmar
FB : you like dwarfs? Here's dwarfs. You like elfs? Here's elfs, smug elfs and edgy elfs
AoS : You like dwarfs? Well, we have steampunk, top-hat wearing Duardins(tm) or Fyreglaeves Duardok or whatever the fuck is their copyrighted names
Thing is, while there are loads of beastie boys out there in the woods, most of them aren't in large herds that can be a serious threat to the Empire. Also, there are good techniques peasants in a small village can use to keep them away like paying them in beer and food. Beastmen can't attack you If they're stinking drunk!
False. The fact that AoS is selling at all makes it so it sells infinitely better than FB
I've never actually seen the WHF map. I never realised that it was THAT unsubtle.
>It's weird, it's like took the corpses of everything I loved about Warhammer Fantasy,
You would have jizzed yourself if you could have played neckbeard le ebin steampunk dorfs in WHFB and all the Nu-dwarf stuff had existed back then, along with (Fyre)Slayers in plastic, the massive Orc models, etc.
Be honest, it's the round bases and "Not Space marine" Stormcast that triggers you
Dunno why fantasyfags feel the need to pretend otherwise. I was one and can admit this.
yes accurate
Faith, steel, gunpowder and brass fucking balls.
>steampunk dorfs
Among many of the mistakes to come out of AoS. No Thanks I'd rather have a coherent world, lore and interesting characters.
You guys are all ignoring the fact, which I addressed, that AoS is only the culmination of a trend that has being going in Fantasy for a long time and that your much-treasured fluff and theme had already been PG-13 castrated for years before the switch. Did you really want more of that?
If you got into Fantasy on or past like, 4th or 5th edition you were already drinking the watered-down stuff.
user I want gay luxury space communism as much as the next faggot but it's not gonna happen, like, tomorrow.
Yes, it does. That level of retardation to be called out.
>posts Age of Sigmar art
They don't always attack with the intention to kill.
shit troll/10
that's sparrow, right?
Not really, I enjoyed the culture of the Dwarves and the fact that their tech still took a back seat to tradition.I enjoyed the Runesmithing and the way it meshed into the gameplay, I loved the Troll Slayers, Rangers and Ironbreakers. I loved it all. And now it's mangled and mutilated, once unique features twisted into unrecognizable messes in a poorly written and muddled setting.
Pretty sure they retconned all the rape a long time ago.
And old Beastmen raped to kill, basically. They didn't fuck a village and leave it to shit out abominations from their tainted wombs forevermore, they brought them back to the camp after killing anything they didn't want to fuck, raped them pregnant, raped them some more, and then the women died during birth or got sacrificed afterwards. So it had the same effect as just killing everyone.
Aren't dark lands just ogres, dorfs and c.dorfs, and greenskins with the occasional undead? Beasties hate civilization and there's none to be found there.
They wear a disguise
>using "normies" unironically
I hope you find happiness someday, user.
I want you to tell me just how affected the Empire will be by losing a few woodsmen or hell, an entire hamlet to beasties. Concentration doesn't mean shit if they don't get organized and actually form a warherd capable of threatening the larger scale towns.
That fucking top hat is unreal.
Fun fact: the camera used to film Manos could only record about 20 seconds at a time.
In part because Beastmen fight each other as much as they fight humans, not to mention the ever present greenskins (forest gobbos got them giant spiders).
They also, by nature, are not organised into anything more complicated than a pack system and actively destroy anything more technological than a pointy stick.
Not to say humans have it easy. The Empire itself is more series of fortified outposts strung together with roads. But, they are fortified and Beastmen don't have much in the way of siege equipment other than giant boars, minotaurs, cygors and other big beasties.
When a more organised chaos force can whip them into compliance and cover their technological weaknesses, then they become a huge problem.
there is nothing really to substain them. In the Old World and Naggaroth, they have large forests that cover them, while the dark lands are just deserts and mountains full of other monsters. The Southern Beastmen are another issue entirely, but Archaon said in End TImes that they are different from the Old World Beastmen.
>That masterpiece
>AoS art
They didn't survive. They were all killed.
I'm more surprised they didn't put any in not-Australia. Seems like that would be a prime place for the most brutal, poisonous, horrifying specimens of Beastmen to live.
Yeah this. The world is filled with giant, ancient forests the size of countries. The beasties are adept at ambushing and know the land well, so they can get the jump on invaders, but as a standing army, they are inferior to the empire's forces. They also have no concept of a siege engine, so walled cities are a significant obstacle to them.