>Be sculpture at forgeworld
>Get the job to make some mini's of characters from DOWIII
>Huge Blood Raven's fan
>Pour's heart and souls into what is probably the "best" character in DOW
>Chaptermaster Gabriel Angelos
>After weeks of work, you're finally done.
>He's beautiful, probably the best model you've ever scultped
>And it better be too, you're the schmuk responsible for the Malcador Infernus
>You thought it was dope
>Corprate didn't
>But now its your time to shine, with this mew mini your status shall be restored
>Turn around to take a congratulatory sip of water.
>Hear something outside, sounds like a tank.
>Huh thats odd.
>Brush it off, probably nothing.
>All that matters now is Gabriel, and the fact that you need to shit, bad.
>While you run off to the loo, the tank gets louder and louder. Suddenly it stops and you can hear the heavy clanking of metal boots.
>You think nothing of it, more concerned with the matter at hand.
>You quickly clean up once you're done, and you head back to your office.
>You go to open the door, but when you look down the handel is a lump of crushed metal.
>"Ah shit how'd thid happen-" you start, gingerly opening the door when your jaw drops.
>Garbiel Angelos is not on your desk.
>Instead some big dude is stuffing him in a bag, held by another dude in red, alongside the prototype plastic thunderbird model and some
other notable loot.
>It takes you a second to realize, they're real space marines, in the flesh.
>The one holding the bag looks up, its a blood raven sgt.
>The other one turns to face you.
>Its motherfucking Gabriel Angelos
>You stare at each other in silence, before he manages to stammer out.
>"Thank you for the marvelous gift," followed by a quite pause. "It looks just like me." He brings the model to his face and gives an awkward smile.
>Its actually pretty spot on.
>But you don't give a shit, you're fucking livid.
>You dive for the mini.
>Jumps out of the way, and koolaid man's his way through your office wall
Blood Magpies
That fucking face though.
Holy shit.
I don't know what is worse, the head or the right leg ornaments. The raven on it looks terrible.
put me in the screencap lads
>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Gabriel so much, I had all the minis and vidya gaems
>I pray to Gabriel every night before bed, thanking him for the life I’ve been given
>"Knowledge is power" I say; “Use it well”
>My dad hears me and calls me a loyalist
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for the Bluhd Raeyvens
>I called him Abaddon's bitchboy
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Gabriel Angelos
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear “None shall find us wanting.”
>He grabs me with his powerful Chaper Master hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Gabriel
>He inserts his hammer my butt-hole and cleanses me of heresy
>It hurts so much but I do it for the Emperor
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Gabriel
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with the God-Emperor's love
>My dad walks in
>Gabriel looks him straight in the eyes and says “Thank you for this marvellous gift.”
>He leaves through my window, taking me with him to serve as a son of [REDACTED]
>Knowledge is power. Use it well.
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Shrek
>No image copy on google.
Where the fuck do I get one of these?
Future Forge World
Thank you, I'll actually buy one from FW if they put it up.
-Blood Ravens player
I seriously hope there's a helmeted version.
It was today on their semminar. It was mentioned he will be for sale next month.
>blood ravens actually got models
Youre fucking joking, i never thought id see the day
Malcador Infernus a cute.
>"TO THE RHINO BATTLE BROTHER!" He's off, and runs straight into the open rear hatch of a space wolves rhino.
>All the iconography has been sloppily painted over with spray paint.
>The space marine with the bag goes to escape, but trips right onto the bag.
>Theres a disgusting crunch as he falls flat on his face.
>You pick yourself up off the floor just in time to see the sergeant scramble off his ass and into the rhino.
>You try and give chase, but the rhino manahes to outpace you at a blistering 20kph.
>Ah fuck.
One week later.
>Packing up you things.
>Waddle out of your office since you twisted your ankle chasing Gabriel and co.
>Megerly make your way to the parking lot.
>Youd go through the Gari-hole, but its been patched up with surplus Malcador Infernuses.
>On your way out, you pass by your bosses office.
>Give on last glance in, and you see that hes hiring two new employees.
>Already been replaced, feels ba-
>Wait a tick.
>Look through the window.
>Its Gabriel Angelos and that Sergent from a week earlier.
>Their presenting their work to your boss.
>In front of the sergeant sits the remains of the plastic thunderhawk.
>But in front of Gabriel Angelos, is Gabriel Angelos.
>That piece of shit just stole your job.
>Fumming you storm out to the parking lot.
>You drive around for awhile, blowing off steam by driving through the countryside.
>After awhile the anger subsides into sadness.
>Head to your favorite bar.
>Your a loyal patron, and theirs a seat with your name on it.
>Takes about 45 minutes to get there, and its getting dark.
>You stumble in, but your seats taken.
>Its Gabriel Angelos. Chatting it up with your friends.
>The bar goes silent, as everyone finally notices you exist.
>Run out sobbing.
>Drive around some more.
>Get home, its late now, bout an hour before midnight.
>Walk into your apartment.
>You may not have your job.
>You may not have your friends.
>But at least you have your wife.
Did people got excited when they showed him?
Not a fan of the ornament on his right legg and of his face...
With how much GW is pushing DOWIII I kinda hope we get more Blood Ravens stuff in the future, I do like them.
>You hear someone rumadging through the fridge.
Wife must have been out working late.
>"Honey I'm home..." but you trail off.
>It is not your wife.
>Its sergent thunderfuck, and hes raiding your fridge.
>Oh no.
>Look around, its not just him. Several crownies are hanging out in your house.
>Their watching the Batimore Ravens
>Oh No.
>Your pomeranian happily runs up.
>Hes besn decked out ina tiny doggy-power armor suit.
>Not him too.
>Your about to break down, but then it hits you.
>Oh no.
>You run past them, barreling up the stairs.
>No no no no no.
>You can hear it from hear, the dread sinking in.
>You pray to whoevers listening that this isn't happening.
>You storm down the hallway and burst through your bedroom door.
>And you see your wife.
>Your wife who is getting fucking by Gabriel Aneglos.
>You exchange a stone cold glare.
>Sweat pools on his forehead.
>Your too brooken to be mad, instead you just start sobbing.
>"Y-you- you stole my job, my friends, my barstool, my wife, and even my lifes work," you manage to meagerly force out between sobs.
>"I just want to know.. I just to know why?"
>Your crying enough to be declared a national wonder.
>"Garbiel Angelos- Your my role model, my idol. How could I do this to me?"
>He says nothing, but is visible moved.
>Gets out of bed, and walks over to comfort you.
>Brohugs you.
>All is right in the world.
>His face when he nicks your wallet out of your back pocket.
Bloody Magpies.
It just hit me who the head reminds me of
It's fucking Polnareff from Jojo
Oh my goD!
He's a fucking manlet.
Sanava beeech!
Yeah... to bad DOWIII is shit, they should have do it with both first games
I'd laugh pretty fucking hard if they have chapter tactics in 8th to go with this. Now maybe they'll give Titus a real model instead of a head.
Its a fucking match
Titus was just a sternguard veteran given the rank of captain for the ultra honor conpany that operates in the western side of the galaxy user.
Be content with what you have.
If anyone from the games deserves a model its motherfucking General Stern
That and a Cain and Jergen model would be neat
Titus got a head? I want this where can I get it?
>poxwalkers move 4"
Fucking resident sleeper.
Vanilla sterngaurd boxset
the one good thing about that is the hammer
also that face is fucking atrocious!
Its because of how long it is. They wanted it to connect properly and it probably just looked over the brin. So to take up space they elongated it
So now he looks as if he was gifted an extra chromosome
Everything about the model is great but the face is bad.
Will get it but will green stuff the face or replace it.
As a blood ravens player I'm definitely going to buy this model, but holy shit is that face bad. I'm not sure it's even going to be salvageable, probably going to be better to use a FW cataphrachtii helmet and some greenstuff
Honestly I personally think I'm going to "gift" the helmet of the minotaurs chapter master
Gotta look good you know
I hope people bring this up to the FW staff, maybe they can still fix it?
Maybe, the rest of the model is great, it's just that face as that looks like it has been rushed.
A lot of the time a bad face is just a result of the paintjob, cause with the face even if you paint it technically well if the coloration is even slightly off it'll look like shit.
No. It isn't a Jojo reference. Every goddamn thread with this. Nobody likes your stupid show.
Blood Bowl and this (and any future) DoW minis are probably what they let their newbie sculptors practice on.
>Face looks hideous
>Blood pigeon on the leg
>WorstAngelos not even one handing his hammer like the game
Someone HAS to make an army like this.
I mean, with some few actual Blud Revens and the rest poorly painted "gifts" and other crazy shit.
Like this pic related
To be fair, he still looks better than that ogryn-sized abomination we got in the game.
Have they swapped sculptors? GW's shit is way better than FW these days. Unless it's HH it's dodgy as fuck.
That's an expensive hunk of dog shit.
An oldie but a goldie.
I actually like it, but the face though...
Would still buy it and just put in a cool heml or something. The armour and the hammer are pretty neat.
FW has done some dodgy sculpting lately, some of the blood bowl stuff didn't look right and that new sisters of silence upgrade set has gorilla arms.
The Joke
Your head
Still amazed how much they charge for their Hobbit shit. I know you pay for quality with forgeworld (Sculpts anyway, not actual resin) but that Hobbit shit is priced through the roof.
Whys he look like an ape?
When it finally gets put onto the Forgeworld store page, would it show the bare resin model as well?
Thats usually a much better tell of how good a model it is, since FW painting is pretty dire.
Found a better image, I honestly it's the painting and the lighting that has made his face look stupid.
No, his face still looks malformed. Just because you can hide it better doesn't make it less of a godawful travesty for what will probably amount to a $50 USD model.
Heres a proper comparison of a static pose. FW squeezed his head for whatever reason.
I said "a better image". Still not perfect but it's a bit better.
At least everything else is about him is good.
Its because his ingame propoertions are just wrong, and while it looks fine in game itd be noticeable on the model.
So they adpated the armor to fit a more proportional body, resulting in a clash of desing