What caused this crash? Serious thread please.
Someone should have an answer, why is everything going down, it started happening after btcash got added to coinbase or was it before?
What caused this crash? Serious thread please.
Someone should have an answer, why is everything going down, it started happening after btcash got added to coinbase or was it before?
Other urls found in this thread:
what were you thinking buying this shit?
Everyone moving to bchash
Bitcoin as the monolithic coin it once was is a thing of the past, and BCH is going to play a major role in that. And BCH will be resented for that role. Bitcoin has to learn how to be part of a multi-coin marketplace. And BCH will be resented for their leading role in that transformation. It's a major transformation.
mass media attention spooked the market and burst the bubble
insider trading before coinbase announcement
Roger Ver shilling on NBC's twitter didn't help things
btc was going for a dip then fuckbase releases bch at the worst possible moment...
Bcrash faggots felt cocky, Bitcoin price fell and normies are panic selling now
>hehehe bcore fags btfo
Well they crashed whole crypto for now
Everyone is selling for xmas.
It's literally just a dip