How Popular are Space Marines with the Ladies?
Are Space marine fangirls a thing?
How Popular are Space Marines with the Ladies?
Are Space marine fangirls a thing?
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Depends on the chapter, but they do tend to be big and strong and mysterious, so I'd say pretty popular overall.
Unfortunately that affection is never requited.
They prefer the term "chapter serfs."
If life in the 41st millennium is anything like life in the 3rd millennium then there is probably lots of gay space marine fanfiction.
I guess women like ABD's stuff because of all the marine descriptions.
Women don't like wargames though. :^)
sounds heretical desu
>implying 90% of it isn't written by the Adeptus Sororitas
Do christian women ever fantasize about angels of death?
well since 40k is written by dudes you can't really gauge popularity with females well. The writers seem to have kept marines in a "divine" position so there aren't many instances of girls grovelling over them, but there are a few.
>gay space marine fanfiction
Offtopic, but if erotic fanfiction for men is called fapfic, are erotic fanfictions for women called schlickfics?
I believe the term used is "steamy romance novels"
Your average Imperial citizen thinks of Space Marines like most Christians think of God's Angels.
So there might be some very cringy teens that write horrid fanfiction about them before getting their genitals mutilated and flogged until the can only speak in prayers.
Well yes. The Adeptus Astartes are the "angels of the Emperor" meaning that many common and religiously devout people hold them in the highest regard. For example there could be an entire cult, possibly composed entirely of females for because reasons, who have a chapel or something at a place where a Space Marine died or even just walked for whatever reason, even if petty.
I vaguely remember a BL book where some woman tried to jump on some Space Wolf's dick, but he was too busy thinking about war and killing.
>Going to war for women
Is there something lowlier and more pathetic a man can do?
The answer is no. No they cannot.
>Dating a girl who can only speak in prayers
I'd do it just for the novelty.
>projecting this hard
Maybe the woman just wants the soldiers to be safe, edgelord
>Going to war for women
Now I want to write fanfiction about a sororitas who writes homoerotic space marine fanfiction.
>Cheerfully offering a flower to a guy marching to his grave
I imagine the Lamenters have some shrines for them about
>Tfw no qt chapter serf to polish my boltgun
Flowers go on graves, she's just being efficient
A true Krieger.
But being the Lamenters it kinda guarantees that any shrine will either be demolished or overshadowed by either a larger, more impressive shrine to the White Scars or Ultramarines
>going to war for women
is there any other good reason?
They canonically have huge penises so probably very. Not that they would ever.
The real question is, how long have people been writing steamy erotica about space marines? Is there a chapter of the Soroitas with a relic hall filled with romance novels featuring primarchs? Is there a greatly hidden trove of pre-heresy smut, secreted away from the prying eyes of the inquisition? Are inter-chapter combat training exercises really just shipping wars?
yeah going to war for traps
>Is there a chapter of the Soroitas with a relic hall filled with romance novels featuring primarchs?
>Bobby G comes to visit Our Martured Lady with Celestine
>Canoness Superior starts super spilling her spaghetti
>she and a couple of senior officers try to distract Roboute while the rest of the order frantically scrambles to hide all of their smut
>There's a Lost and Damned regiment mostly consistent of Sisters who fell entirely because they found the pre-heresy primarch smut and want to ship/fuck Fulgrim and Angron.
They fantasize about qt Lucifer!
That bitch is gonna krieged if she doesnt remove that flower from his face in the next 2 seconds
A good portion of the Imperial citizens don't even know that Space Marines are a thing or may view them as legends. Unless they're present in your sector or a nearby one you'll likely only hear about or possibly see them when you're in deep shit.
Blood Angels. They have quite a few vocal female fans.
Isn't it canon that Space Wolves have sexual relations with the women of Fenris?
They have relations with the women of Fenris. And the men of Fenris. And the wolves of Fenris.
They have alcohol that affects space marines, they'll fuck anything.
One of the most popular youtube batrep channels in North America is hosted by a woman*.
Whats this from and who's Khatan?
>Sisters of Battle Practice their Hydroblaster tactics
Its 40k, So the Answer is basically Yes, No, It depends.
Its a vast universe and their is no one single answer. Most space marine chapters tend to be somewhat Idealize be the general imperial public as noble Champions of the emperor that are Semi-holy figures in their own right. There Gene seed stems from the Primarchs, and the primarchs come from the emperor himself after all. Its likely they have a few fangirls amonst such populations, Ranging from Regilous adoration on a fuedal world, to odd rockstar like status on certain advance worlds with nearby chapters. Each planet is different.
On other planets though, typical ones that have been on the reviving end a good old fashion Codex sanctioned purge... the tend to view the Astartes as symbols of Imperial Oppression.
Its all sort of compounded by different chapters fostering different images and relations with the public and the Imperium.
Space wolves are pretty bro and cut lose. They make warriors, not soldiers. Heroism is more important to them than disciplen and as a result the chapter isnt exactly to big on enforcing rules. Tl:dr, they get drunk and party harty just about every moment their not training or fighting.
Salamanders tend to be more sentimental
The Ultramarines try to be Stoic hero figures and keep others at a distance, and they sort of set the standard for most marines.
Then you have chapters like the Minotaurs or the Soul Drinkers.... Their still working for the imperium, but god damn does nobody else like their methods. Could really use a better PR guy.
Tl;dr Depends on the chapter, Planet, and timeline.
he's been castrated as part of the transition to space marines
>get btfo by tyranids
all women now want the BUC [big ultramarine cock]
Space marine's are supposedly celebate. He has a big dick, thus it being a shame he's a knight. He had to have this explained to him.
You have actual autism.
Emporer's Gift.
This is one of the archetypal 40K short stories for me. If only we could have more stories like this, instead of ultramarines wanking each other off while heroically saving the day time and time again.
Space Marines are now inferior , disgusting manlets denigrated to the role of weak, supplicant beta cucks. Women can feel nothing but revulsion for this sub-species.
Superior Primaris Chadmarines are now the alpha warriors, make women wet and receive the appropriate pump and dump rights.
Not in lore really. But if 40k was even a tiny bit realistic? There are trilliins of humans in the galaxy, and it's human nature to sexualize anything and everything. The level of sexual deviancy found in a galactic-size civilization would make /d/ look normal.
Girls getting hot and heavy over 9ft tall super soldier cock is the most vanilla kink a galactic civilization could have.
You're a funny guy.
As popular as the guys who play them.
It's kind of a good point though, how many people have even ever seen one?
I mean, I know there are statues and probably some kinds of media about them, but they're all probably sanitized and one-dimensional, showing them as just "Sons of the Emperor" and little else.
I know people are depraved nympho's, but is there really enough info out there in the general population to get that kind of fetish off the ground?
>I know people are depraved nympho's, but is there really enough info out there in the general population to get that kind of fetish off the ground?
depends on the planet
The whole ultramar system would probably have a lot of it.
Please stop trying to force this in literally every single thread
Lore wise space marines are literally so rare that they're more like folktales to most of the imperium
Also I feel like having sexual cults based around space marines is a good way to get corrupted/executed very very quickly
>A chapter of space marines that are basically popstars
Sure, why not.
Space Marines aren't celibate.
They just think about war and killing all the time, and they're off to fight wars all the time, so basically the only time they have spare time and the mindset to have sex is when they just fucking wrecked a Black Crusade, or a Hivefleet, or a Waaagh.
The little lore we actually have on the subject seems to say that they can't even register sex as a thing.
>A sister of Battle and Space Marine get stranded on an uninhabited world without any means of escape
What happens?
A lot of prayer and combat training.
No, it's not an inuendo
Exactly what you think will happen.
A Space Marine that can't go to war for the Emperor becomes a really buff normal guy.
Angel fetishists are a thing, so yes.
Now they are, how would something like that have gone over in 13th-century Europe though?
Seems to me like there are a lot of groups who would find that sort of thing pretty murder-worthy.
Trashy romance novels. I've opened one before and was met with a vivid description of a woman taking a man into her mouth and gagging on his length.
Guard that work with them a lot would probably be chill with them. But for the average citizen they're figures of myth. Tribal Shamans would speak of the legendary mountain fortress of the sky warriors across the wastes, that sort of thing. Look at Space Wolf recruitment and how it basically mirrors the Norse ascension to Valhalla, a warrior almost dies in battle and is taken to fight a war unending in the sky.
Man, I really want to make a SM chapter based on that picture.
>"Marine, could we take a photograph with you?"
>"Very well, guardsman. What is on that paper?"
>"Oh, it's says "For The Emperor!". We're going to send it to the lads back home."
>"A fine idea! Their hearts will be comforted by your noble sacrifices out here, guardsman."
>"Thanks, Marine."
Fucking this. Based Dan Abnett, his stuff for 2000AD is pretty great too. More stories about the little guys, please.
Perhaps youd understand why men do it if youd ever had a woman.
Depends on the space marine, I don't think a blood angel would have a good time not in a war scenario.
oh sweet jesus you're right.
although it depends on the marine, an assault marine would eat the girl alive the second her red rage began, a devastator would probably eat her even sooner, what with him attempting to learn how to supress the thirst and all.
she'd be fine with a tac marine unless something awful happened though, and a vet could keep his cool even then.
but if the rage started beckoning... he'd probably find somewhere high to throw himself off of
Salamanders a
Goddamn you fucking disgusting fucks, now I'm imagining a Blood Angel giving a girl on the rag some cunny lickin'.
Yeah man, send a small blood angels detachment along with every SoB unit for maintenance purposes.
Everybody wins
top fucking kek
user, when someone gives a Krieger something, it's like a resupply. No Krieger would ever think to disobey an order, even to take a flower. He will dutifully make a note of the item received and check in with his quartermaster for the flower's ammunition type.
Krieg must not fail again.
>Chapter serfs gossiping over whose Lord is way the cutest
They're quite inhuman, I can't imagine a normal woman could be sexually attracted to them.
unfortunatly, there is a high chance, that they would come back, cause you know how Orks are born in the 40k universe
>Space Marines aren't celibate.
Yeah, nah, they're basically chemically castrated. They're not just busy with other stuff, they practically do not register these things at all.
Technically, that might not register as celibate, because celibate implies a conscious choice, but honestly, the distinction is pretty moot.
>What happens?
They try to stay alive for as long as possible. For the Space Marine, that's a really, really, really long time. The Sister does a lot of praying and, I dunno, probably masturbating, too, when she fancies it.
Not sure what else you'd expect would happen. Space Marines are sterile, and even if they weren't, they'd just be two people.
I like to imagine that Space Marines all have fan girls and women hitting on them all the time but because the marines are completely asexual it all just goes right over their head.
>Yeah, nah, they're basically chemically castrated.
That's a meme buddy.
All references to Space Marines and sex in official lore imply that all the plumbing works. Space Marines just have their sex drive replaced with a war drive. They no longer care about sharing their genetic information all day, instead they care about sharing their bullets with the universe all day.
Judging by the amount of naked Space Marines you can find on Tumblr and /aco/, I'd say Space Marines are VERY popular with the (real life) ladies.
>ladies are the ones posting those
No, user. They're not.
I fucking love this image. Projecting modern military shenanigans onto the grim future fits better than it should.
Oh come on.
Actual pipesmokers don't go on tumblr, only womynz pretending to be.