Weekend warriors edition!
>Why is it so hot already it's only may?!
Weekend warriors edition!
>Why is it so hot already it's only may?!
Grimwyrd after action report!
Alright bros! Lets game!
...3 hours later...
>debating how to press an army from refugees
>provisioning math
>"If we feed them for free, they may come to expect it. This is not charity. We are not offering them a peaceful, easy meal. We are offering them the chance to fight for a place at the table."
>"It's not about the free meal. It's about showing you can provide for them. It's about showing that if they follow you and do what you ask you can make food happen.
If they follow you then you will have the resources of a thousand able bodied people at your disposal. Command them wisely and you will have little trouble keeping the people fed"
Truth be told, they did eventually decide to just head into the refugee village and go straight to the leadership, but this was after they had lunch, recruited 20 militiamen, and convinced themselves not to arm the populace until after the formal arrangements were made
So of course the moment they're on the wrong side of the wall, they're confronted by the estranged half elf Rover brother of their old ally Aachen! And he's sporting a new rune encrusted scar over his heart and big old fangs!
Are there better rules for the slam action?
This week on Grimwyld:
We got paid, in a way. With the noblemen dead his majordomo provided us with a box of portable valuables, candlesticks, silverware and china. Also threw in a cart and horse.
So fortified, the group had a long talk about the best way to try and recruit the strong and hale among the desperate refugees from when we accidentally blew up the south. We thought of bringing food or collecting weapons but deiced it was best to check out the lay of the land first and went to go search for the leaders at the camp.
Then we met with an elf we'd run into before. Kind of a fuckup asshole that we'd nearly killed last time we met, but he said he could take us to a leader, a "witch queen".
Better in what way? Less complicated or better for damage?
Less complicated, damage is fine.
The easiest rule switch is to just have Slams deal Thrust CR damage and whoever deals less damage rolls vx DX or gets knocked down.
For more in keeping with the other rules, just calculate slam damage as if the person had performed their full move and and use that every time, so you don't have to recalculate in the field.
>Combat Reflexes
>+1 to all active defenses, and some other benefits
>15 points, a mundane advantage
>Enhanced Dodge + Enhanced Parry (All) + Enhanced Block
>+1 to all active defenses and no other benefits, making the three strictly worse than Combat Reflexes
>30 points total, all are cinematic advantages
Being a hardened killer with the instincts to match is super useful, and under-costed to make Player Character's more survivable and set them apart from most people. Combat reflexes is, in GURPS, sort of the advantage that sets common people apart from the really dangerous.
Enhanced Defenses are all priced with two assumptions:
1) You already took Combat Reflexes and can't pick that low hanging fruit twice.
2) You are stacking them on your best defense and the one you will be using almost all the time.
An intentionally cheap advantage used to make new players better.
I feel like that and Luck go a long way to making Player Character's just enough better then monsters and lesser men to make the game fun without them feeling overpowered.
Here's a 100 points GURPS character for GURPS 4e. I think 100 points is a fair baseline for an adventurer.
ST 10, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 10
Don't even bother with advantages and disadvantages for now.
Set aside 20 points for side skills. This gives you 80 points to put into the guns skill of your choice. Pick rifles because they deal the most damage: you can just use defaults for the others, it won't matter because your skill will be so fucking high anyway. Guns is an Easy skill, so you can get it to 15 for 16 points. Another 16 will get it to 19, another 16 will get it to 23, another 16 will get it to 27, another 16 will get it to 31. There. You have put 80 points into your Rifles skill and now have a 31.
Now you can spread those other 20 points around into minor skills such as Armoury, First Aid, Stealth, et cetera. Sure you won't be good at them, but you're not the skill monkey. So who cares? You can headshot motorcycle gangs with lateral speed of 20 m/s from a half-mile. Oh, and if really want, take just 20 points of disadvantages and you can bump that rifles skill up to 36.
So what can you do with a 36 in Rifles? Well, lets take a look at the range / movement table. This is without taking a 1-second round to aim, by the way.
> you can easily score a headshot (-7) on a running target (-2) at 100 yards (-10). You're rolling against a 17 there, so you've got a 99% chance of success.
>If we extrapolate the range table, you could reliably hit someone at 1 mile distant who is running (-2) and be rolling against like a 17 or something.
>God forbid someone arms you with a Gauss rifle or even a .338. The former has Acc7+2, so with three seconds of aiming you could have an effective Rifle skill of 45.
GURPS 4e is broken.
That's wrong, stop posting that.
Did you know you can hide post? The little triangle to the right of the post number allows you to hide post that are shit. It's a useful trick that allows you to easily ignore bait posting faggots.
>hiding posts
>That's wrong
Explain how a single thing I said was wrong.
>a single level advantage
>multi-level advantages
Almost like there's a difference there.
Back to the Dual Weapon technique and Extra Arms question. Since Kromm himself said that you can use DWA with each of your arms, doesn't that make it better than Extra Attack in most cases? Extra Arms is worth [10], Ambidexterity is [5] and DWA costs [5] making it a total of [20] for the first additional attack and [10] for every consecutive additional attack beyond that (Since you only need extra arm). This doesn't allow you to use Innate Attacks more often, though. Also the more limbs you have of one type, the more easily cripled are they. Are there any other drawbacks to this? Lets not forget the bonuses to Grappling you get from having so many arms.
>GURPS 4e is broken.
It's working as intended for all purposes.
I know it's a troll, senpai.
Dual-Weapon Attack just gives -1 to the defense roll, but Extra Attack makes the target suffer the penalties for multiple parries or blocks, which are much harsher.
>In most cases
No, because in most cases you will be playing a biped with two manipulator limbs.
It's GURPS man. Clearly he was assuming arbitrary physical morphology.
Worst case, you can say it's a divide like Very Slow Regeneration vs Very Rapid Healing. The one anybody can buy is slightly worse then the one you can only get as an Exotic advantage.
You need a weapon for each hand, which can get expensive, while Extra Attack (Multistrike) lets you slice and dice with only one weapon.
Dual-Weapon Attack is worded as an additional attack though, which adds an ADDITIONAL -1 to the defense of the defender because he is attacked twice, at the same time. Dual-Weapin Attack seems even better in that case.
Funny guy. Clearly this assumes the cases when you do have 3+ arms.
Unarmed Attacks are actually allowed, but that is a nice catch, though probably not a huge issue unless you want/can get expensive gear. Multistrike does scale really well with extra powerful, unique weapons though (and Innate Attack)
On that note, totally independent from Exotic vs human advantages, you HAVE to buy all your Extra Arms with your starting points and can't save up to buy more later, which is something you totally can do with Extra Attack. Physiology rarely changes late in life, but if Extra Attack is something people can learn, they can probably learn it whenever.
Someone that spends 40 points on extra arms may not perform as well or last as long as a character than spent 40 points on other combat/survival traits and plans to pick up Extra Attack later.
Of course, now that I think about it, Extra Arm's biggest limitation is probably that it's not available at all unless the GM already included it in a racial template.
Not entirely true. Extra Arms by default might work that way, but you could allow them as mutations, magical or psionic effects for instance. You can always adjust things with GURPS to fit a more suitable view of it.
Extra Attack is also considered semi-cinematic, any more than 2 attacks per turn is definitely cinematic.
GM approval applies in both cases, though you are probably more likely to get away with Extra Attack over DWA and Extra Arms, whether they are mutations, magical or otherwise
Adding onto that, I was more looking for inherent drawbacks in having multiple arms vs extra attack, instead of GM approval. Assuming both are 100% allowed, which one is superior? That's the idea I'm going for.
Extra Attack (Multiattack) is [30] per attack. It allows you to attack several times using any limb, bite, natural weapon, innate attack or similar with no drawback.
Extra Arm [10], Ambidexterity [5] and DWA [5] allows you to make an attack with all your hands only, at no penalty. This costs [20] for the first attack and then [10] each extra attack. However, your arms are more easily crippled and I believe a crippled limb inflicts a knockdown roll to stay conscious, which is a heft drawback. They also add the benefit of improved grappling and a -1 to the enemy's defense when defending multiple attacks. Did I miss anything?
>Extra Arm [10], Ambidexterity [5] and DWA [5] allows you to make an attack with all your hands only, at no penalty. This costs [20] for the first attack and then [10] each extra attack.
Buying 3rd arm?
It is just [10] for human to attack with all two arms only at no penalty.
Nice catch. So [10] + [10] per attack after the initial two.
What people seem to forget/ignore is that DWA is specialized by skill.
Equivalent of that would be Extra Attack (Multi-attack, +20%; Single Skill, -20%) if you want direct comparison.
>DWA is specialized by skill
What book is that from?
I'd assume Martial Arts, if not Basic Set.
It's in neither, nor is it in the DF pyramid collection, Powers, or Supers. Not in AtE, Action!, or MH. Of course it's buried in DF. DF11:13.
So Extra Attack (Single Skill -20%) [20] functions roughly the same as DWA [5], although in this case both would require Ambidexterity. This makes me think that Single Skill at -20% for Extra Attack might be too tiny of a modifier. DWA wins out RAW by the additional -1 to defenses from the attacks being at the same time (though the GM can/should probably make the two equivalent, giving an additional -1 penalty to the defender's defenses if you choose to attack the same person with two different attacks at once.
I want to use garrote but can't find specifics. Damage seems to be counted as st+3, but I'm not sure how to roll for it. Any advice?
B, 405.
ST bonus works only for Choke Technique.
Except the second your Guns skill becomes higher than 18 for mundane character, GM slaps you on the face, violates your behind and kicks you out of his house for being a munchkin doofus.
I bet you're the guy who rolls up to 3.5e games with all Dragon magazines and ends up playing some god of destruction at level 3.
That post has been in the last four or five threads. It's been beaten to death. Stop replying to it. Filter it if you must.
Thank you!
Only thing I can think of is really niche; if you're using chambara rules from Martial Arts, I don't think the extra attack from DWA counts as a "true" attack, meaning you can't trade it for Steps.
I think DWA does count as an additional full attack for every other purpose, though, including replacing one with a Feint.
Stop giving the retard (You)s.
How does GURPS handle targetting components in vehicular/spaceship combat?
B, 554
I don't have the book yet and the pdfs don't have a page 554.
I just wanted a rough idea of how targeting g works and how component hit points work.
Do you have Basic Set: Campaigns open? You are using 4e, right?
>I don't have the book yet and the pdfs don't have a page 554.
>I just wanted a rough idea of how targeting g works and how component hit points work.
Same as for humanoids
Oh it's in Campaigns? I presumed it would be in characters. I thought the campaigns book is the Dungeon Masters Guide sort of thing.
I'll have a look cheers
>It's working as intended for all purposes.
Clearly not since it's meant to be ""realistic"" but an average 100 point adventurer can headshot a running target in darkness without issue.
>Except the second your Guns skill becomes higher than 18 for mundane character, GM slaps you on the face, violates your behind and kicks you out of his house for being a munchkin doofus.
That's not part of the rules. Butthurt GMs who can't deal with someone who knows to play the game better than they do, are not the issue here.
If you use Spaceships' rules, you target a hull section (front, central, or rear) and roll 1d6 to determine which system you hit in that section. Targeting a specific section can be done at a penalty.
Common misconception; the basic set pair of books work together. The majority of the character building stuff is in 1 and most of the setting stuff is in 2, but it's all mixed those two together in the end. Hence why they numbered them as a single volume
So don't play the game. Problem solved.
No no, I want to play the game. But I am going to be playing a character with Guns 31. And if you kick me out, you are breaking the rules. Just like a DM kicking out the Locate City Bomb or Pun Pun, both are completely within the rules, but GURPS is just as broken as 3.5 is.
>And if you kick me out, you are breaking the rules.
Basic Set, p. 486.
>The GM is the final authority.
>And if you kick me out, you are breaking the rules
Nothing in the rules against kicking a player out if they refuse to make a character that fits your game. In fact, it's in the rules that a GM can do that. BB486.
You see, you make good bait, but you're a shit troll. A good troll doesn't have to pretend to be retarded to get (You)s.
>better than they do
How do you explain being the equivalent of god in guns?
Hard counters to rifle-30+ guy:
Homogeneous injury tolerance
Chemistry puzzle
Sneak attack
3 guys with guns
Social Encounter
Magic user with homing projectile that can shoot from far beyond the rifle range.
Forgot airstrike with napalm.
Page 172
>the GM might wish to consider limiting the PCs to skill levels somewhere in the 20-25 range.
And of course page 34
>Players should develop the habit of reading (alien head) and (lightning bolt) as "requires GM permission."
What's a good capstone ability for a skill set focused on dual-wielding? Extra Attack is a bit too expensive, I was thinking around 15 points.
80p on guns.
But he said 15 points, not 80.
If you've already got combat reflexes (and you should) consider Danger Sense so you'll have a better chance at getting the first shot off. Or Enhanced Dodge so you can do John Wu dives while shooting.
Whoops, my bad, meant dual-wielding *swords*. This skill set for dual-wielding pistols is already done. It grants Peripheral Vision at level 1 and 360 Vision + Enhanced Tracking at level 2, along with Behind-the-Back Shot and Whirlwind Attack. Everyone has access to Combat Reflexes, but I like the idea of Danger Sense; if I can't think of a more specific appropriate capstone, I'll use that.
Oh, with swords go for Enhanced Parry if you can.
A guy with Guns-16 and Camoflage-10 would wreck him as well.
>How do you explain being the equivalent of god in guns?
A lot of practice.
>Nothing in the rules against kicking a player out if they refuse to make a character that fits your game.
No, but the simple fact of the matter is, if you can't make a game system that relies on the GM kicking out anyone who makes a character that is actually good, then your system is shit.
Never said it was impossible to counter, merely that you can make a standard 100 point adventurer that can easily headshot running opponents at 300 yards, in a """realistic""" system.
I will repeat.
You have 100p to make a character.
You have used 80% of those points in a single skill.
What excuse do you have for being the best human being in the universe at guns that isn't sue bullshit?
Stop replying to the faggot. He already admitted he's an idiot.
>Hurdurr, I can make a character in a system that brakes gaem if I ignore what the GM asks me to build for their campaign.
Fucking retarded.
Looking to do a game set 200 years after civilization ground to a halt as we ran out of resources like fossil fuels with no really useful alternatives. Its a fairly gritty and deadly game and Im curious what books I might make the best use of for it.
Hey man, he might have a genius backstory that makes sense.
-Basic Set, made up of two books (Characters and Campaigns).
-After the End, a two-book series that helps GMs run post-apoc games of all sorts.
I also recommend reading How to Be a GURPS GM.
sweet thanks user! Um any recommendation on things like points?
Except every fucking time his only backstory is 'hes rlly good guiz, honest' or 'there's no rules against it lol, gm/gurps suxx'
Stop feeding him.
AtE1 has character templates (essentially GURPS's version of classes) that clock in at 150, which is enough to survive outside of a bunker but not so much that you don't feel very very vulnerable. If you don't want to use those templates, I recommend maybe around 200 points; new players won't make very optimized characters, so higher point totals leaves them some wiggle room.
Anyone know what set of books to use for a Cowboy Bebop game?
If you've never seen it, it's a sci-fi Space Western with a lot of film noir aspects. Humanity is colonizing rocky planets and moons within the Solar System, and the setting can range anywhere from dusty frontier town on one of Venus's moons, to a bustling Tokyo-esque city on Mars.
The PCs would be bounty hunters, hunting dangerous criminals that the International Solar System Police (ISSP) places bounties on because space is big and the police sucks. They'd have their own space ship to act as sort of a hub, and travel from moon to moon, planet to planet though large Hyperspace gates similar to interstate highways.
Weapons tech is limited to modern ballistic firearms (pistols, submachine guns, etc.), and deadly martial arts. Even spacecraft use heavy machine guns and missiles.
The games would be fraught with criminal syndicates, rogue military technology, space fighter dogfights over crowded cities, intense bar room brawls and negotiations, and generally over-the-top action hijinks with loud jazz music, smoking, and punching.
Any suggestions for books?
After the End is a great resource for this though I'd note that it does kind of go to the more fun sci-fi end rather then grim and dirty. (I do love the rules for mutations)
>200 years after economic collapse following exhaustion of hydrocarbons.
You could go a lot of ways with this. With two centuries past however you'd pretty much just be looking at a stable and mature society. Are you going to have a mix of high tech enclaves and agricultural communities? Places with significant hydroelectric potential could maintain a solid post-hydrocarbon high tech society.
Spaceships and Ultratech anyhow just for the basic technologies to make and run ships. High Tech for weapons, and Martial Arts if you want.
Action. Action Action Action Action. I cannot recommend that series enough.
To supplement Action, get the (what else) Action issue of Pyramid, #3/53. "I've Got a Great Idea" is an awesome article for speeding up the PCs' planning sessions and keeping the game rolling, and theres also "Dogfight Action!" which introduces a streamlined system for aerial dogfighting. If you want a more in-depth approach to ship-to-ship combat, take a look at the Spaceships series, specifically Vol 7; I highly recommend Dogfight Action however.
>If you've never seen it,
Shit dawg, it's required watching for Veeky Forums
Anyone have sample 4th edition characters? I'm having a hard time making a character for a near future game.
Sure. You have GURPS Character Sheet? It's a free open source program. In it you can load up it has several example characters (the ones in the Basic Set) and more it has a bunch of templates. (Look under Classes) these allow you to quickly build characters and see what they look like.
I'd suggest GCS in any case, it's a very versatile and useful program.
Coss isn't really an example character, but she's someone I have laying around and provides a somewhat unexciting example of a GURPS character.
I would arcc that Coss if you what I mean.
How to handle building houses and facilities and resource harvest in fantasy colonization game?
>PC ordered to their 200 peasants to chop down some trees and then build couple of cheap temporary huts to place everyone, and this was made in one day.
Is there somewhere precalculated buildings?
>Houseing built in a day.
Eh, no. In a day you could have some lean-to for everyone, but not a proper longhouse, much less huts.
You'd need to clear wood and process it. With hand tools and saw pits you could do it in a few days, and have ground leveled and prepared. By the end of the week you could have basic walls up on a single big house with a tarp roof, and by the end of the month you could have a roof, fireplace and sleeping platforms inside.
Low Tech companion 3 covers a lot of stuff like this.
How do you make a cold based Innate Attack deal HP damage? None of the options seem to fit well enough for an attack that's just flash freezing, since I don't need cutting, impaling, blunt or toxic damage for a cold based attack. It's not hitting people with stuff made of ice, and I'd prefer the fatigue damage to be secondary even though GURPS only seems to allow cold to deal FP damage.
All I want is to have a cold based HP damage option which may or may not instantly frostbite somebody's face.
Burning with No Incendiary Effect, -10%
The strangest part is that thing where my poor peasants make just $0.44 of labor per hour, so it takes 12.2 16-workhour days for 200 of them to make 30x40x8 ft. [unskilled, cheap] wooden box with 6 in. wall on edge of thick forest.
But if they aren't poor, but average they do this in 2.5 16-workhour days.
What actual skill is used for Binding?
You get what you pay for. Stats -2 farmers with little useful construction skills build things a hell of a lot more slowly then status 0 carpenters and masons.
>With Rope
Rope Use
>With handcuffs
None, unless they fight you
>With magic
>With a court order
As they refugees, drifters and ex-slaves who goes to colonize new world, how can they have status and high monthly pays? From whom? They are really not even poor, but dead broke. Doesn't that means they never can build crappy hut, as they can't had any payments for work from their wealth level, when wealthy merchant will build such house solitary 70 days?
Well, y'see, the difference between poor peasants and average peasants is gonna be the availability of tools. Having a good iron axe, adz, and saw available because your wealth was high enough to afford carpentry tools really is gonna speed things up.
A little there's two main developed powers duking it out in the northeast its a smaller focus than most games but what high-tech is around is stuff like exoskeleton frames cobbled together from various parts that barely run and more or less modern guns, the handful of hydro electric dams and wind turbines provide power but, more were destroyed thanks to neglect and a pretty nasty series of wars at the tail end of the United States falling apart. The only other weirdness are certain gmo organisms like a 'coral' that uses bioplastic instead of carbonate Thsts growing all over the Hudson delta and some species of innocuous roses that emit calming and sedative compounds around the ruins of old government buildings as a form,of passive anti protestor defense.
He can't. You can only employ people with the RIGHT SKILLS to work as builders.
You need to find/hire status +0 carpenters. They are able to perform $700 a month of labor with TL 3 skills and tools, or $800 with TL 4.
A Status +2 Merchant might make 5 times that much money, but he can't do 5 times the work because you can't build a house with the Merchant skill.
So that Merchant can't build shit.
The only job your desperate boys can do is going to be fit to provide you with $350 or so of labor a month because it's status -1 laborers. A gang of laborers can, given time, build a simple structure. They can't make a grand palace, but a simple longhouse is well within what you can expect of them, especially if you've got a trained foremen among them to help direct their work.
So break your tired, poor and desperate into groups.
Group 1: No useful skills, but at least HT and ST 10. These guys do about $12 worth of work per day. Most of your free slaves and refugees are going to be this.
Group 2: People with Carpentry, Masonry, ect at SL 12+. These guys do about $24 worth of work per day.
Group 3: People with serious physical flaws, low attributes from being too young or old and with jobs that can't be interrupted to work on the construction gang.
If all 200 if your dudes fall into group one then you can do $2,400 per day.
Let's say that you want a wooden bunkhouse 15' wide by 50' long, with 10' ceilings and pick 2" wood walls as a good balance of durability and labor. Running bunk beds along the walls you could easily fit in 50 people into each bunkhouse.
This gives your building a base cost of $15,525 with zero internal partions. CF is -0.2 for Unskilled Labor, so $12,420 is the final value of these wooden buildings. Wood buildings are 80% materials cost and 20% labor cost, so the labor cost is $2,484.
So your crews will need to prepare $9,936 worth of wood, taken from the local forest..